Gamer Fuel thread?

Gamer Fuel thread?

These are 8% alc/vol and 0.89USD in my area
Yes, 89 cents

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Nattys taste like shit and somehow cost less than bottled water. Steer clear.

$20.32 from my local booze store. Step up your game, OP.

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Is this one of those alcoholic energy drinks? Why the hell do people drink shit like that?

it feels good and will make me die sooner, win win

Its in the OP
Because it's cheap as dirt and will get you ripped

>These are 8% alc/vol
>Says 6% on the can

why are you lying

>Is this one of those alcoholic energy drinks?
no, its just really, really crappy beer

i drank like 10 of these once and my poop the next morning looked like it had a giant layer of alcohol on the top. also taste weird


$3.99 for six pints of what may as well be alcoholic water

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For me it's WATER.

so far i haven't found anything that replaces the cheapness and least shitty taste that is steel reserve.

Im used to PBR and Yuengling, how is Steel Reserve compared to those?

I've never had those but i'll say Steel is something you get used to. it may disgust you at first but after a couple and some tasty junk food it'll become a staple. probably not as bad as the OP's Natty.

addicted to the sugar and alcohol jew

no wonder they're fat nobodies

I'm 160 :[

How have you never heard of malt liquor?

PBR and Yuengling taste like cheap beer, Steel Reserve and all similar "malt beverages" taste like literal shit.

You "get used to it" the same way you get used to sitting in a room with all its windows open next to a manure-covered field. Its still shit.

I don't speak burger

Again, that's not an alcoholic energy drink, its just piss-awful cheap beer

based PBR

OP has the absolute worst taste and this is coming from someone who drinks Four Loko

steelies taste good as fuck, i dont care what anyone says. i didnt even have to get used to them and i drink them warm all the time.

>this is coming from someone who drinks Four Loko
No dude you're far worse. Four Loko is disgusting. At least Natty Daddy isn't overloaded with sugar.

Again, I can sniff cow shit all day and say it doesn't bother me, and it legitimately may not, but I'm still sniffing cow shit. If you're going to buy that shitty stuff at least go for LaBatt Ice or something that doesn't taste like it should be polishing your shoes.

Opinion discarded

>Warm beer

Energy drinks are bad for you, and yes that includes all 8323892389 types of energy drinks on the market. I even saw a new energy drink that just came out that labelled itself as an "organic" natural energy drink.

It's still bad for you. Stop drinking Monster. Stop drinking Bang. Stop drinking NOS. Stop drinking Rockstar. Stop drinking Venom. You fucking degenerates.

>Malt alcohol often contains corn, added sugar, or other substances that increase the alcohol content
Four Loko obviously has more but all those higher ABV "malt beverages" have tons of added shit to crank that alcohol content, including sugar.

Assuming you don't live in a dry state where Costco can't sell it, buy one of their knockoff boozes. Kirkland french vodka is $20 a handle and virtually indistinguishable from Grey Goose.

this isn't vidya, though.

not him but the appeal of Steel Reserve for me is the ABV. without that its just cheap. Labatt is only 5% vs Steel's 8.

>malt liquor
>shitty malt liquor
I've stomached warm Milwaukee Best better than a cold Natty. You might as well pick up cheap hundred proof vodka by the liter if you want to get wasted on a budget.

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how are alcohol snobs even a thing? like you're downing literal poison to feel good, get over yourself

Costco is definitely the best place to buy your booze. Fucking hell even buying the namebrand shit isn't bad. I can't complain about $30 for 1.5 Liters.

Maybe because not everyone who drinks alcohol, gets drunk every time they drink a beer. Sometimes it's nice just to have one or two beers and talk with your buddies

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i never said anything about getting drunk. you are still just consuming literal (literal) poison to feel better. that isn't something to be a snob about.

>implying people don't judge you by the way you take your life
Get a grip

if "taking your life" means consuming approved poisons, you really should re-evaluate your life. like right the fuck now.


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>tfw 1.25
>tfw 2.00 at the indian store


You do know drinking one or two beers doesn't hurt your body... correct? and it can be medically good for you to do so every once in awhile.

So ya, you were referring to getting drunk because that's the only way you can hurt you body

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quote where i said "hurt your body" because i'm not seeing it.

>social benefit
>perfecting an art of making poison appetizing or enjoyable
>unhealthy self-medication for first world disorders like anxiety or stress
>the ability to look down on others for enjoying a thing you don't like, like every board on Yea Forums
Pick a couple, teetotaler-san.

Different social situations call for different events.

I'm having a Dinner Party you better believe I'm buying $60 bottles of wine. I'm hosting a BBQ then its Jack Daniels and Light Beer. Etc.

And yes better alcohol does go down nicer. If you can't tell the difference between Evan Williams and Knob Creek you're man with no taste.


Yuck. The real drugs to use while playing videogames are LSD, DXM, and weed.

It's funny because most anthropologists agree that most ancient civilizations came about from beer empires including Babylon and Mesopatamia

I don't know how to legally get those and i'm extremely scared of having any kind of criminal record even minor.
>accidently runs a red light and gets pulled over
>weeps like its the fucking end

Plus a baked chicken, steamed broccoli, and mashed potatoes. Literally only takes 15 minutes to prepare and in set for the rest of night.

There is no excuse for eating like shit

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DXM is 100% legal over the counter in any first world and probably most third world nations. Just be careful, some brands will have the DXM, but also Guaf or acetaminophen. To be safe, just buy Robocough online. You can get a 24 pack for like 40 bucks, and starting off one bottle is more than enough for a fucking gnarly 8 hour trip.

LSD and weed will be hard to get without knowing dealers. DXM is honestly good enough that you won't need either of those though.

>Having one or two beers a night is healthy for you
I mean, it depends. Alcohol is a blood thinner so it prevents thrombosis in small amounts but a lot of people can't properly process alcohol so no matter what amount you drink it in it kills your liver. That's usually only among Asian and Amerindian populations though

>quote where i said "hurt your body" because i'm not seeing it.

>like you're downing literal poison to feel good, get over yourself

Huh? Drinking poison isn't hurting your body?

I couldn't agree more. Most civilizations only clean drinking water was beer. I wish people would study history more often

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One beer can not possibly hurt your body. I don't care if it's over 10%

>Don't drink alcohol abuse DXM instead
DXM is worse for your liver than alcohol, you really should not be abusing it.

Alcohol sucks and is nowhere near as clean of a high as DXM will give you. Safe doseage and infrequent usage will provide little if any lasting effects, while providing many major positive ones (dxm trips are very introspective and will help you learn more about yourself that you can take with you into the future, no one gets introspectively drunk)

No, there are people whose livers fundamentally cannot process alcohol without it leaving behind scar tissue (cirrhosis). You know how some people get rosy cheeks when they drink? That's because their liver can't process the booze and is reacting to alcohol as a minor poisoning. If you have that flushing not only does it kill your liver faster than the normal person but it makes you extremely hyper tensive, even more so than when a normal person drinks.

For the average person having a few beers isn't that bad for you at all, no but it's a case by case thing is all I'm saying.

>Alcohol sucks and is nowhere near as clean of a high as DXM will give you.
That's why it's a social drug...
>If you dose it properly
If your taking enough of it get high you're overdosing and it's killing your liver. Stop abusing cough medicine like an opioid fiend. If you take too much you'll go into respiratory arrest and die of hypoxia

>No, there are people whose livers fundamentally cannot process alcohol without it leaving behind scar tissue (cirrhosis)

While I understand that, it's extremely rare to be that extreme. I also know about the enzyme you are talking about and the Asian flush

>not only does it kill your liver faster than the normal person but it makes you extremely hyper tensive, even more so than when a normal person drinks.

I don't agree with this at all, since I have known many people who get this (and dated them). One or two beers will not hurt your liver that badly.

Steel Reserve is the best option, Natty Daddies taste way too bad and they're 10 cents more

steel reserve is the best tasting malt liquor out there. that doesn't make it "good"

>gamer fuel
>trash food and drinks that can be had for way cheaper without the meme gamer tax
>pc liquid cooling
>shittier than automotive AN lines and more expensive to boot, also more prone to leaking
>gaming chair
>literally a chinese bucket seat on a regular desk chair bottom end
holy kek why are gamers so gullible, it's quite literally free money

As far as the super cheap beers go they're alright, way better than Budlight or Michelob, Miller

>it's extremely rare to be that extreme.
Eh, depends on what population we're talking about

>1 or 2 beers won't hurt them
Depends how often they're having one or two beers. If it's once a week then nah, if it's every day of the week then it's a different story.
>I've dated people with flushing and they don't report liver problem
It takes a long time to accumulate desu, it's more something to think about once you're in your mind 30's but if you properly space out when you drink when you're younger you most likely won't have that serious of an issue.

Coors banquet is the kind of cheap beer. Prove me wrong


i just drink water but i'll get some carrot juice once in a while
how the fuck is a tall boy that cheap

as a german i feel utterly disgusted

>jose cuervo

Literally garbage, the traditional is the only good bottle they make

How do I stop drinking soda and become a waterfag? I can drink about three cans a day before I call it quits, and I REALLY want to cut down.

It's mainly water and only like 4% alcohol

Thanks for the /alch/ thread on Yea Forums, OP. This is a delight.

i used to drink these when i was broke cause they're $1. 4 of them will fuck you up but the hangover is fucking awful and it destroys everything in your stomach. your shit will smell worse than ever the next day. would not recommend even to the poorest homeless persons.

You need to find easy sources of sugar or caffeine from something else. I remember when I tried to quit drinking soda I decided to consistently eat an apple with some water instead.

Satisfied the craving for sugar and eventually got myself away from drinking cokes all the time

Who /banquet/ here?

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they also taste like death

bruh, stay clear of steel reserve. Nothing will fuck your world up harder than that shit and it tastes like pure ass. Just buy some cheap vodka or something.

thank you

You're actually retarded if you believe the nonsense you're spewing. I suggest you do more research on the effects of dxm. Abusing cough syrup will only lead to negative results if you buy brands with acetaminophen or guaifenesin.

Comparing dxm to opioids shows how ignorant you really are.

I dived head first into it and i feel fine. how fuck AM i actually?

DXM is an opioid you subhuman. I've had to treat retarded 16 year olds like you who OD'd on it before and gone into borderline respiratory arrest because their breathing was so slow.

>Abusing cough syrup is only negative if it had acetaminophen or guaifenesin.
Do you just not know about codeine or hydrocodone?