Can this game even fail sails wise?

Can this game even fail sails wise?

Attached: 1b9oi5s8sy431.png (960x540, 794K)

Yes and it will

Are you fucking stupid? That's not even a mistype, you are legitimately retarded.

To spell sales as sails, you had to move your fingers into completely different parts of the keyboard.

Don't worry about some videogame sales, worry about getting some English lessons in your local community college.

no, people are already jerking themselves off because CDPR earned so much good will from people with their current track record.

even if it sucks it will sell, and it won't be until their next release when people will be wary.

for similar history, look at either Bethesda or BioWare.

yeah ok retard

>no classes
>no joinable factions
>childhood hero option removed
>no jobs
>no apartment customization
>no multiple apartments
>no minigames
>no RPG

BUT KEANU REEVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do you space as if you are typing a haiku?

It better fucking does because I put shitton of money into CDPR. Me and my boys are gona set up bots to pirate Cyberpunk 2077 en masse and buy some cheap piece of shit on GOG/steam to fuck up the servers.

Third worlders need to stay on their own websites, most countries have their own imageboards so go find yours.

>no apartment customization
what kind of autistic cares about this? Never used it for Skyrim or Fallout.

I hope it flops. The game looks so bad

hopefully it's smooth sailing, op :)


Don't be too hard on his mistakes like that are diamond dozen.

Yikes! that was the most cringe post in the thread. So unbased.

Dime a dozen...

It's doggy dog world

According to CDPR's CEO the current pre-order numbers are way higher than Witcher 3's ever were, so no, it won't fail. It'll likely only grow nearing the release date.

Dont you mean "even if it sucks it will sail"?


Attached: b31492ea7c.png (1141x240, 35K)

these posters where person in the background is for some fucking reason much larger than the person in the foreground physically hurt
why are they ruining such nice artwork with such dogshit composition?

Attached: 1515840216772.gif (581x542, 1.86M)