This is Mint Blancmanche, the official Best Girl of the Galaxy Angel franchise

This is Mint Blancmanche, the official Best Girl of the Galaxy Angel franchise.
She is very smol and very cute, and she has 4 ears.
Say something nice to her!

Attached: MintIsn'tEatingHerBurger.jpg (806x644, 92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Stop reading my mind

Vanilla is better

Good man

Attached: 1558713.jpg (709x1000, 515K)

So the human ears are fake?
That's kind of disgusting.

good taste

Attached: 156393579.png (759x569, 394K)

This guy right here

>Implying her ability to read your thoughts and transmit hers to you during sex isn't the best thing ever

Attached: Nu-uh-uh you didn't say the magic word.gif (250x173, 596K)

Came here to post this.


Attached: MintIsInvincible.gif (361x365, 690K)

Too old. She needs to eat more meat and less candy, seriously what kind of sixteen year old looks like that?

Based oldfag.

What's the gameplay like?

3D RTS with pause, only 5-6 units tho.

Here, the xbox version probably has the cleanest looking gameplay.
If they ever have the sense to do some kind of remastering (ahahahahaha) for the pc, I hope they have the sense to incorporate it.

The best kind.

Attached: MintBox.gif (240x180, 459K)

No, she has 4 ears.

and a sociopath that would kill everyone before they knew about her Kigurumi-wearing hobby

>only 5-6 units tho
Don't forget the usual 3-4 cruisers that you get in most missions.

Something about Mint always put me off, and I think it's the attitude displayed in that gif there
Her being both cutesy and a smug little shit at the same time makes me want to punch her

>Her being both cutesy and a smug little shit at the same time
That's her charm.


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I just bought the box set for this recently. What's with the sudden Galaxy Angel threads anyways?

I almost agree, but she's the most popular GA and I'm a contrarian, so I'd stick to Mint.

It's called being incredibly rich.
You should try it sometime.
Oh wait.

Attached: MintWhip.png (1600x1200, 1.36M)

>Is rich
>Is cute
>Has superpowers

Sometimes, the best girl simply won the lottery of life. Mint is such a case.

something nice

>Check out the animu
>starts off with them stealing every cat, and a car, then some Road Runner physics happens
I take it the protagonist doesn't show up in this?

this looks really old, why people played this

Because the world was a better place before you born.


>not Forte
you are all children

Attached: __forte_stollen_galaxy_angel_drawn_by_gureko_rouman__sample-6e17165eef438c829b67db682066a1e2.jpg (850x1097, 190K)

Vanilla is love

the anime is just them taking the piss with the characters. disregard that though, it's a riot.

The episode that stands out most for me is the one where Mint is worried her friends might find out about her cosplaying hobby so she decides the best course of action is to lead them to their deaths.

sure boomer

The animu is shitposting, nothing in it is canon at all but it's pretty hilarious.

He does show up as a side character in one episode of season 2.

What the fuck? I own the complete series, I don't remember this.

The unfortunate thing about Forte is that her regular costume is ugly. She's fucking hot when she wears literally anything else.

It was the ship inspection episode. He was one of the inspectors.

they're honestly all really good and we need a revival
have they at least appeared in a shitty gatcha game?