how can one company be so fucking based?
How can one company be so fucking based?
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picture unrelated i guess
meh, I wish they made games more frequently like old days, but it's always fun hearing about a new R* game
They literally have the worst controls in the industry
I was disappointed but not surprised to find out it's run by a bunch of frat boys
I like that they take their time with shit and able to add unmatched level of detail in their games
yeah, RDR2 had autistic amounts of detail and actually balanced a decent story between. i just hope they translate both into GTA6 with more replayability/fun self-dependent gameplay
>hasn't made a good game in years
next R* game will be knights ;)
if you mean a new IP, god I hope so. sick of R* being associated with the same franchises desu they have more potential
Rock* wont update their game play. They see it as their "trademark" style and it is perfect the way it is. so much so that they outright punish/fire/ridicule people who dare even suggest the game play needs work.
I call them based when they make Bully 2.
fuck off jim sterling
>literally made the highest-grossing videogame of all time
>not based
i did not say anything about furries and/or Sargon.
b-but muh realism!!
>money = quality
By not giving a fuck
>multiple historical inaccuracies in RDR2
>absurd fear of the word "nigger"
That's onions, not based.
I fucking love Housers
>they avoid spotlight because they hate celebrity shit
>they hate E3, saying that its just a dumb weiner measuring contest
>they make based, centrist games that don't force their political views upon you
>someone is always angry, because they don't pander to their views
>every aspect of their games is perfected, always striving to improve even further
>year later still enthusiasts about making their games, sleeping in the office and working 24/7
>video games need to be 100% realistic and historically accurate!
kill self faggot.
>>they make based, centrist games that don't force their political views upon you
i see you have not actually played their games
>working non stop is a good thing
how to spot someone who does not actually work but loves to talk about the stories they've been told.
so why did it sell so much then?
Except the game tried its hardest to be realistic, from its graphics, the fucking hunger system, to the weight gain, and all the other tedious and pointless features in the game.
They genuinely have the best comedy in games
thats like asking why fifa makes so much money
fucking microtransactions
>game has you able to shoot dynamite out of mid air
fuck off jim
ah yes.
i forgot i could shovel endless amounts of food in my mouth and only gain about 20lbs.
my hair and beard grow an inch every time i go to sleep and wake up, every day
i could be shot multiple times and just walk it off.
i also can slow down time for better aiming.
very realistic.
I still haven't played RDR2 because the main appeal of that game is the graphics, so I'm holding out for a PC port. If they weren't such technical wizards in terms of what they're able to achieve in terms of graphics and physics on outdated hardware, they'd actually be a pretty shitty company.
>the game isn't 100% realistic
>therefore they didn't go for realism at all, and they can subtly revise history as much as they want
Kill yourselves
>asked EA to get rid of the GTA parody in the Simpsons game
Yeah stop copy us with your hit and run shit faggots
>revise history
nigga it is fiction. NO ONE thinks this shit is real besides autistic fucks that dont understand what "Historical Fiction" is.
It sold so much because GTAO is a great game, but Yea Forums hate it because it's a social game.
gtao is mediocre especially the gameplay loop
once you get enough of cash there's literally nothing to do
Cockstar is finished, The Benz is about to take over and theres nothing the houser jews can do about it
Literal vaporware
They make like 1 game a generation
Too slow desu
their games are fucking boring
i think i only finished vice city and san andreas and i did so because open world used to be a huge novelty to me, and fucking with NPCs was hilarious, but the plots were fucking stupid, i don't even remember who i was fighting and why, the plot always overwhelm me with lots of meaningless lines that could be generated by a chat bot, i just can't give a shit