Was it right decision to dumb down the combat to arkhamcreed shit in the sequels so you can spam one button without thinking and win?
Was it right decision to dumb down the combat to arkhamcreed shit in the sequels so you can spam one button without thinking and win?
>sold a gazillion copies and got several awards and 10/10 ratings
Yeah, I'd say so.
First game had the best combat system out f the 3 games.
Whenever you see someone complain about the combat while calling it "cluncky" and saying 2 and 3 is better, this is exactly the type of poster.
Brain vacuum.
no, i think it would've been better to implement an actual combat system instead of bamham combat or a rhythm game
Combat in all Witchers is not very good, though first Witcher is best Witcher.
I remember side quests(and to some extent, main quests) in W1 being way better than quests in W3. More involving, more options, etc. Am I right? I haven't played it in a long time.
It’s called The witcher because you won’t know witch game you’re this Dragon Age or Fable? You won’t know witch because it’s not as good as either.
>Witcher 2 is Bamham combat
Witcher 1 is the one that lets you mindlessly mash your way through the default difficulty though
this makes me angry but I bet a lot of players do the same thing
Witcher 1 has really shit awkward combat though. What's so exciting about clicking whenever you see an orange flash?
Thank you for laughing, my friend.
the combat in the Witcher was never important and should never be. the less obtrusive it is the better.
>That clip
Every single witcher game has peabrain easy nigger shit combat and anyone who tries to insinuate otherwise is a casual fucking moron that I would rape in any videogame.
you're retarded
this is correct
Its incorrect and you're a moron.
Nice ad hominem.
Prove me wrong
You're remembering wrong. Sidequests in W1 were pretty bare bones. There was like one sidequest that had an important choice (whether to help Sigfried or Scoiatel in the swamp, or ignore them all together, locking you into Order/Scoiatel/Neutral path).
However, I think the sidequests in W1 where somewhat better in the environmental impotance (like activating stones with your signs).
Nothing to prove wrong as you didn't make an argument.
Witcher 2 has the best combat and best mix of potions. 3 is dumbed down. 1 is good, but 2 is the best one in terms of mechanics.
consolized bullshit ui and worst way to drink and make potions
>could fuck a succubi in Witcher 1
>could fuck a succubi in Witcher 2
>literally only options in Witcher 3 are annoying mage girls
>clicker simulator
>good combat
I made the argument that anyone that thinks Witcher combat is acceptable is bad at videogames. You can prove me wrong by besting me in 1v1 combat in a videogame.
2 and 3 are consolized bullshit. Look how popular it became, fucking insane all the normies became fans. Disgusting.
So what exactly changed from TW1? LMB and RBM was all you needed to play too.
>Every single witcher game has peabrain easy nigger shit combat
As proven by the clip, not the case
>that clip
It makes me angry that people that cant comprehend basic tutorial that teaches you 3 combat stances still have opinions on games and vocalize them to others.
Dumb colorblind bimbo can't into a computer game, in other news water is wet.
The Witcher series is like playing a rhythm game without music.
>mindlessly mash your way through the default difficulty
doesnt seem to be the way according to the op video clip. first witcher best story, 2nd best cast of characters, 3rd has uhhh best open world busywork I guess.
>click as fast as you can
>game keeps saying TOO FAST on the screen
>clicks even faster
I hate people
I mashed all the way through Witcher 1 and the only time I had to change up that strategy was the first boss fight with the dog that I had to chug a potion before I mashed my way through and the third to final boss where I had to chug a stun resistant potion before I mashed my way through
the first games combat is literally quicktime events. you just press mouse 1 when the thing on the screen lights up.
that might have been passable for it's time but it's extremely shallow and boring by todays standards.
it's shallow because witcher 1 is an rpg. geralts stats and gear matter more than your bamham ballet minigame.
>Was it right decision to dumb down the combat to arkhamcreed shit in the sequels
Neither was it OK to dumb down and consolize the whole fucking gameplay just to appeal to both AssCreed and DeS fags.
Are you literally an idiot, or just pretending?
You action fags also clearly can't stand games where killing is not the main course. The combat is way more satisfying and even complex than in both of its sequels though.
First of all, nothing lights up on the only difficulty that matters, you have to look at the actual sword animations and attack after you land one.
Spamming attack like a brain damaged mongo will cancel combos and make you lose the game within a couple of seconds.
It is neither a rythm game nor a QTE, it's sequenced combos and positioning and enemy prioritization are a must.
You can't roll around and spam attack like in 2 and 3, which will get you killed very fast.
Every game post dark souls has to have a dodge button or else brainlets will call it too simplistic.
Combat in Witcher games:
No you wouldn't you casual piece of shit
2's "The Dark Souls of Witcher" combat was great and the dumbing down of it in 3 ended up making it more of a chore than the auto battling of 1 since at least 1 was pretty to watch Geralt spun around in
>he first games combat is literally quicktime events..
So is any combat in any game
>you just press mouse 1 when the thing on the screen lights up
What? You looked for some faggoty prompts rather than learning the timing? I haven't even noticed the game indicates the time, I only learned about that on Yea Forums 2 years after completing the game
>First of all, nothing lights up on the only difficulty that matters, you have to look at the actual sword animations and attack after you land one.
Ah so that's why I never noticed it. I never known what the fuck people were talking about, I never looked out for any lights nor have I ever seen them, I just learnt to time my attacks.
So the people complaining that combat is simple are fucking easy/medium mode plebs?
>casuals complain that casual mode they've chosen is casual
Checks out.
guess what should have played on hard, bitch
>Rythm game combat good
>hitting button when you actually want to swing bad
you CDPR cock suckers are so predictable