I can't beat her

I can't beat her.

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Hold shift for focused movement.

I hope you're ready for stage 5
I can just barely get past this bitch

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Rape her, it's not like if the fat nerd can beat the cock.

All that does is make me slower.

Masturbate to stuff related to her, eventually you will lose fear.

what difficulty?

How can you not beat a pudgy asthmatic

It's all about practice, learning your first touhou takes the longest because you build the hand eye coordination necessary to dodge, but eventually you will manage to get better and better. This will carry on to future games, just keep at it and consider watching a run of the difficulty you are going for to see what others are doing.

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take a deep breath
hold shift for focus
put on your favorite song, and imagine choking the life out of the womans paper bag lungs so you can advance

Who's the one between Reimu and Marisa supposed to be?

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>switch difficulty
>patchy busts out a whole new set of spell cards
Bitch, how do you have that many spells around and still not tackled your asthma?


How come Sakuya always does the cooking and never Meiling? Surely Meiling must be a decent cook.

It's the shapeshifting fox that likes to look like Marisa. She appeared few times.

who's gonna watch the gate when meiling is cooking

> Implying she watches the gate
She would make some great Chinese food too

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I want to taste Meiling's buns

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she'd probably put human or dog meat in it

sorry, she's taken

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Surely they wouldn't eat Sakuya even though she's the only human there!

Work is inconceivable when most enemies burn instantly

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speaking of wich, isn't she also the main chef in the Manor?
how many jobs does she has?
How can she do them all?

fairy maids

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God I wish that was me.

>this but with the Patchouli in

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