Which mmo is good to get into these days? I've heard good thing about FFXIV and WoW...

Which mmo is good to get into these days? I've heard good thing about FFXIV and WoW, but some of my friends also reccomend Maplestory.
I only have time to invest in one mmo.

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Depends on what you looking for in a game. Also LaTale is better than maple story.

Well I like a good mmo that emphasizes on social aspects, like having to communicate to get through content. But also something more newcomer friendly, since most mmos have cliques that are hard to get into

Final Fantasy 14 is good for that then. It’s sickening nice to newcomers

Maplestory is a solo game now, unfortunately.

Can literally get to level 140 in a few hours

Maple Story hasn't been good in awhile FFXIV is pretty comfy though so I recommend that. MapleStory is free though so that's a plus.

XIV is only good if you can understand japanese
WoW is garbage, classic will be disappointing too
Runescape is okay

XIV is the only MMO on the market that's actually growing.

I'll have to check it out. Will there be time before the next expac to catch up?
Is it? That's a shame, I kinda liked the 2d platformer mmo concept. Even if it was overly chibi

Should wait on classic wow. Comes out in a couple months.

FFXIV is doing better than WoW

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Shroud of the Avatar it has more cowbell it's also free to play

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I have heard plenty of good things about Final Fantasy XIV, fellow anonymous poster. Perhaps you would like to discuss it, as it has a new expansion titles "Shadowbringers" releasing soon?

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>Will there be time before the next expac to catch up?

11 days until the next expac. But thanks to the roulette system people are always doing old content. You don't really have to "catch up".

Just be warned, it IS a Final Fantasy game as much as it is an MMO. Hope you're in for a 60-80 hour story.

Does Wakfu still exist?

I miss open beta wakfu. It was so fun and they had to kill it with stupid p2p.

i dont see why not its a videogame after all

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if ffxiv had those numbers consistently they'd need to invest a ton more in their server architecture otherwise they'd crumble under the players

Play Secret World.

got anything that's not subscription based?

The game is already at the point where you can't create a character most of the time on most servers because there are too many people on at the moment. You pretty much have to create your character in the early morning on anything but the deadest servers.

What class you rolling with for msq? I'm going back to smn personally

I'm going to get into GTA SAMP.

The numbers quoted at the bottom are from the middle of a fucking content drought. There is literally no reason to be subbed right now, because there hasn't been any new content in several months.

Also LuckyBancho only counts characters over level 36 which means gold seller bots are excluded.

yes and if we had any more players the servers would set on fire because they refuse to optimise their netcode and database systems thanks to the spaghetti code from 1.0

thought about going DRK but its not looking too good now so probably SAM

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They literally just added two brand new server clusters, a third for NA and a second for EU. EU is also getting two new worlds (Spriggan and Twintania) again at Shadowbringers launch when it already got two more at Stormblood launch (Louisoix and Omega).

Dark Knight, though playing tank feels weird after only using Bard for like five years. Felt better than WHM at least.

ESO is fun, new xpac just came out and it's been very decent. Former WoWtard here can confirm the grass is greener on the other side.

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Was the other thread pruned? It doesn't update for me nor does it say it's pruned.

>They literally just added two brand new server clusters
yes because that's what the game needs more division between players, literally every MMO has mega servers by now yet ffxiv goes backwards and splits communities up because they refuse to or can't optimise anything.

What do you do in ESO? I heard levels don't really matter and you can go to any region at any time, and you don't even need the expansion to reach max level.

MMOs with mega servers are MMOs with too low pop to warrant multiple servers. It's a bad thing, not good. MMOs with a LOT of players such as WoW and XIV can't possibly have mega servers. There isn't tech in the world that would allow that.

I switch between eso/ffxiv when I have an mmo itch. Eso has more replayability for me but ffxiv has more style.

Megaservers are fucking awful and universally considered shit because you have to phase/shard players or the game just fucking breaks. Server merges are also the sign of a dying game - you don't invest in server clusters unless you're expecting an increase in players and vice versa.

FFXIV is barely a MMORPG; you just queue for instanced maps and scripted battles with no character customization. It's actually more akin to games such as Overwatch

megaservers aren't some technological feat they're a cost/immersion-saving feature
MMOs create megaservers when certain servers are too dead to bother playing on

Pretty sure it's more akin to a Final Fantasy game than a normal MMO.

I'd say a better comparison is Phantasy Star Online but you're right aside from some overworld content like FATES.

>no character customization

Dude probably meant character creation. It's pretty funny to see same faced characters all the time.
Glamour system is pretty good tho. But I wish there were some more silders in ffxiv.

ffxiv isn't that popular, WoW is able to allow players to play together within their regions and that was when their sub counts were a magnitude above ffxiv
I don't care about phasing and any of that shit but they need to work on letting people play duties with other clusters in their region.
it's like you guys fine one word and latch onto it, megaservers doesn't have to mean all the bad shit, there is no reason why the instance servers have to be confined to separate clusters, it's not like these things are in completely different buildings within regions.

I can never properly get into an MMO, maybe it interests me for like a month or two max before I feel like it's just a daily grind that feels like it's just wasting time for the sake of wasting time.
Usually friends start dropping off around that timeframe too.

Maplestory is extremely grind heavy like it always has been, but now it's much more solo orientated instead of being focused around the economy.
The amount of dailies and the time it takes to do them all pisses me off since their rewards are so important. If you don't do them every day you are literally incapable of doing anything in the level 200+ areas. There's some actually great content in there, arcane river is the 200+ area and it actually has a decent story that concludes with the black mage fight, but the areas are locked behind the huge grind.
To finish the story you need to reach level 255 which takes so much fucking time when around 240 it takes like 10 hours of constant grinding to level up once.

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I too would welcome a cunny slider for lalas

>ffxiv isn't that popular
Should be at about WoW's right now. Do you remember the weakauras leak saying 1.7? I was playing WoW at the time that happened. I've quit since then. Plenty of people did. If it was 1.7 then, I imagine it's 1.3 or 1.5 right now. That's about XIV's.

>they believe character customization only means changing clothes, preset faces and hairstyles

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Yeah I apologize our game isn't technologically advanced enough so you can make the ugliest fucking landwhales ever known to man in it

yes it's probably matching or very close to WoW at this point but that's partly because WoW has shed a fuck ton of subs and xiv has picked up some of the scraps it's not like xiv has magically gotten even close to over 3 million subs, lets not forget lucky bancho includes alts which people are rushing to get ready for a new expansion with nothing to do on their mains and twitch bringing in new people who might not even stick around

>FFXIV isn't that popular
Literally over a million current subs retard, the negative margin of error caused by alts is canceled out by the positive one caused by players under LB's level gate.
>duties with other clusters
Why? There are more than enough players on all of the data centers. The only time when Party Finder isn't constantly churning out shit is if you're playing at 5 AM on Crystal on a weeknight and even then we haven't had a major content patch since the server split so it's impossible to get a solid gauge for that.

Yes, maplestory is horrible now. However, classic private servers are very popular. The server MapleRoyals probably has more active players than any server in official, and it has a real, social community. Maplestory has a lot of flaws, but you'll still enjoy your experience. The community is the biggest of any server, averaging 1k-1.5k concurrent players which is a fair bit considering the size of the game.

Croosade (specifically their v110 server, not their v92) is a non-classic server that you can play if you're an MMO dps min max junkie, as it's more about solo buildup but not complete irredeemable trash like official. Still, I'd recommend royals over it any day for your first maplestory experience. The community for croosade is smaller and more antisocial, and there's less reason for people to talk to each other.

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WoW declined this much? I thought that their lowest was like 3 mil. I guess BFA fucked shit up.
Also isn't there classic now?
That's not what I said? It has character customization in hair, clothes and preset faces.
But it doesn't have sliders, personal backstory, ect.
If you really want great character customization then play pso2.

Wow isn’t good or even playable right now. With ff14 around there is objectively no reason to play WoW except for nostalgia. Ff14 does everything wow does better than it does it, it delivers more better and faster content patches, the only thing wow has is better pvp maps and modes.

But there are better pvp mmos so if that’s your reason for choosing wow then you’re still playing tye wrong game. It’s ridiculous but activision stated in a meeting that WoW is projected to only lose players going forward, but it’s only losing players because of their incompetence. Imagine how much of a fuckup you have to be as a manager of an IP that you lost around 11 million addicted nerds with failed get rich quick schemes. It’s unbelievable.

Has more character customization than WoW does, WoW literally only has preset faces. XIV at least lets you customize features independent of the face.

And then canceled out again by the sheer number of bots. I know you need to validate your existence on the amount of subs your WoW clone has but get a grip on reality.

You do know alt jobs are all done in the same character in XIV, right? You don't create one character for each class (or more, I remember having 3 or so rogues) like in WoW.

Most bots are level 1 and thus not included in LuckyBancho. LuckyBancho starts at level 36.

>Literally over a million current subs retard
never take lucky bancho as fact, it's impressive sure but it's not an accurate metric it's just the best we have.
>the negative margin of error caused by alts is canceled out by the positive one caused by players under LB's level gate.
I have played on 4 alts all in the level gate this month if not to just check they're ready and catch them up to the story I will most definitely not be the only one.

but i digress when i say "ffxiv isn't that popular" i mean it's not leagues above everything else, it is close to WoW now sure but only because WoW is suffering, I also wouldn't say GW2 and ESO is doing that poorly either at least not abysmally.

I am talking about alt characters user, people do have them and they do inflate the numbers slightly.

>I am talking about alt characters user
Well hold on then. You said "includes alts which people are rushing to get ready for a new expansion". I can understand that if you mean alt jobs. But characters? As a general rule, I very much doubt that people are rushing "alt CHARACTERS" to get them ready before SHB. In a game where all jobs are in the same character.
