Why are smash-babies so triggered by Fire Emblem?
Why are smash-babies so triggered by Fire Emblem?
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Because every single Fire Emblem character plays the literal exact same besides Robin.
Fire Emblem's the only Nintendo franchise that doesn't pander primarily to kids, so it doesn't resonate as well with Yea Forums.
They aren't they love FE.
>c-cherry picking!!!
Okay, here's a negative reaction(the only one I can find)
Notice the dislike bar and comments.
Four Marths are too many
I can't stand looking at thit ugly green fatass. Jesus fuck
Nostaliga faggots should KYS asap. No one gives two shits or knows about some faggot gator from 1935 when your parents weren't divorced.
Literally should have never got in smash. Bayonetta got in because she was relevant and a recent game release, not some literal who green shit.
Because fireemblemfags would never buy smash if there were no fe characters
Losing those 100 copies would be devastating.
Fuck you.
DK needed a rival from his series and Nintendo wants to reuse old characters to save money
Imagine if the Pokémon characters were Pikachu, Ash Hat Pikachu, Surf Pikachu, Pichu, Raichu and Incineroar. That's what Fire Emblem does in Smash.
Keep Marth, Ike, Corrin, and Robin.
>FE is the biased recipient of shilling by getting new shit every game like Pokemon does and has ballooned a boring series to ridiculous roster representation, whereas many series with larger fanbases and/or more diverse major characters rarely get attention now
>characters all use a fucking sword and almost all of them have counters
>half the fanbase in Smash are entitled babies that feel they don't have enough and beg for irrelevant meme GBA characters
>the other half of the fanbase in Smash are bandwagoner ironic weebs, who also are largely responsible for bringing the world's "le epic salt xd" faggot mentality to Smash discussions
Rukina is my sex slave
Keep them all, this isn't gamefreak.
Incorrect, only I own her.
Inferiority complex
Not inferiority. I'd rather they had more varied gameplay.
>Trusting the Japanese with Metroid again.
No thanks, let them keep making anime swordsmen.
I like how no one even addresses FE fans WANT to be hated and have a huge victim complex.
How does Ike and Marth play the same?
This wasn't a big issue until Corrin, to be fair. She was the last straw and turned FE's Smash representation from a cute joke to a legitimate griping point.
I still can't believe people unironically thought that FE deserved the same number of characters as Pokemon.
Even as an FE fan, this. Corrin was a stupid addition.
Femui is cute so she gets a free pass.
as a fire emblem fan, FUCK SWORD USERS
Because it's obviously the FE characters are only in smash because they wanted to promote their games, not because anyone actually cares about the characters.
>Series representation is an overload of samey characters, as well as generic boring stages. They all use the same weapon and two of those characters are literally "what if we took these other characters and removed any sort of technical nuance from them".
>save for maybe Ike their portrayed personalities tend to be generic and forgettable and fail to stand out among the over the top remaining portion of the cast
>their source material in the 3DS era has been shit, kept afloat by waifus
>they have a tendency to shove in a "relevant" character from their latest game, which is perceived as "stealing" a slot from fan favorite characters. However, the character lack any sort of significance or legacy to justify their presence in Smash and often turns out to be hated by FE's own fanbase.
>the fanbase is horrid and their interaction with the Smash community is only second to Steveoids in how annoying it can be.
Not all of us are braindead weebs, so no it doesn't pass.
It was so fucking obnoxious. I guess I like fe but corrin getting in the game, and being an obvious top tier character with the most broken counter was pathetic
The only represenation FE should get in is Marth, Ike, and Robin, no more than that
certainly not SEVEN fucking characters
Marth and Roy were cool in Melee
Ike was a cool addition in Brawl
Robin was great, Lucina was a superfluous clone
Corrin and Chrom are the straws that broke the camel's back
they have a sword and my based chadnondorf main keeps losing (unfairly) to them because they're unskilled scrub tranny dilate cuck yikes nihher soi shiy
>tranny answer: your not making sense
>chads will reply: lol so true fuck fetrannys
Even when you reduce it down to non-clones, FE still has more non-clones than any series except for Pokémon and Mario. That is beyond fucking retarded.
Nah, let him speak. People who "like" Corrin expose themselves as Smash bandwagoners at best and disgusting footfags at worst. Actual FE fans despise Corrin as a character.
I hate anime
where's Crash and Sans and Steve
Because every single one of them are probably the least interesting in their respective games and because they're all derivatives of marth. Ike and robin, (even corrin, despite being the camel-breaking straw point of contention) are at least mildly more fun to play but fuck the quadlords.
Oh I care little about her feet.
Her tail on the other hand...
lol so true fuck fetrannys
>mfw we get anothe rep for DLC
choke on those gacha orbs
I'm just gonna post this here
>know about dem orbs in the first place
didnt get the latest tiki alt, boy?
>this isn't gamefreak.
Maybe it should be, Smash could do away with some Pokemon too
What if Fire Emblem was nothing but Mario characters
Reminder: Corrinfags don't get to walk away from their embarrassing as fuck reveal trailer or splash screen pun.
>Corrin chooses to Smash!
>"Big brother is now big sister!!!!"
Nothing can fucking top this as the worst Smash character reveal. As much as I hate Incineroar, his disappointing reveal can't hold a candle to this bullshit.
Veemo when?
Just imagine if Corrin never had a female option
>being a footfag
big yikes
You act all haughty but bet you are one of the people that seethed when A FUCKING PLANT was announced (likely because you're a vergefag and plant btfo your trannyera god)
>King Boo
>4 others
Only want the top three really.
Everyone seething in this thread needs to cope and dilate. I'd tell you to have sex but that's not really possible.
The point is, the 7 FE reps are here to stay, and there's likely to be an 8th one in the wings. They are all in unlike your meme picks like Steve, Sans or Goku.
How do the smash tier lists of FE characters compare to the characters' power levels in their home games? I've heard Roy is bad in his own game, like really REALLY bad.
>there's likely to be an 8th one in the wings
Enjoy your FETH Spirit Board event.
It gets way too much preferential treatment considering how little the franchise means compared to similarly represented franchises like Mario and Pokemon.
Almost all the characters are boring both gameplay and personality wise, they're low risk high reward generic anime protagonists that swing around a sword for all their attacks. In a game where the Dark Lord of Evil can get beaten up by a sentient pink blob, having all these bland blue haired anime characters that talk about destiny feels so tonally different from the rest of the game.
If it were up to me, I'd cut the Awakening echoes and Corrin. Roy can stay solely due to Smash legacy cred similarly to characters like Jigglypuff, Falcon, and Shiek
>b-b-b-b-b-but sales don't matter muh heroes!
After in 2016 FEtards were spamming Fates sales(before they knew that it still wasn't impressive by nintendo standards) and before Heroes was even announced.
Piranha plant, a generic enemy, is orders of magnitude more interesting and fun to play than any of the four clone lords. It also has way more love for a series put into a single character's moveset than probably all of them combined.
Luigi shouldn't be that low. Esam is retarded.
Lucina is the only good thing about Fire Emblem
I know it has respectable gameplay, but the ONLY thing I hear talked about it are over its women characters. Smash represents a franchise partially to advertise, partially to appease fans. Ergo, to represent a series where fans seem to only care about the attractive women in it seems to be a waste of time and effort to those outside of the fanbase. That combined with the fact its characters are visually typical humans with anime artstyles contrast with the other styles of Nintendo characters, who look more cartoonish or at least unqiue in other regards. By introducing several characters of this aesthetic makes several feel as if Smash has gone the way of Otaku culture in Japan, where only cute anime girls seem to print money and therefor get effort put into.
Notice how I didn't even address anything regarding the male characters, gameplay of the franchise, the representation it plays to Nintendo's profits, etc. We are arguing fanbases after all, so there's only so much involvement a fan or an outsider to the fanbase
as an individual will have in those factors.
Not correct, obviously.
Ike, Lucina, Chrom and Marth should be roughly equal, Roy just under, Corrin just over since she is a dragon and Robin it depends if he has the power of the fell dragon within him.
But I also wouldn't say Pichu is a stronger pokemon than Incineror either.
Enjoy 7 FE reps in the roster that aren't going away any time soon.
I will, I guess?
I just don't see the justification for cutting anyone, wouldn't it be better to add rather than subtract?
Roy < Marth < MASSIVE POWER GAP < Ike < Chrom < Canon Lucina < Corrin < Optimized Eugenics Lucina < Robin
Based dragon quest is taking the bullet for us fefags this time.
it’s a poor representation of the series opting only for easy to make sword lords with little reprieve when the entire draw of fire emblem is weapon variance and how each type matches up against the other. It’s like if pokémon was made up of nothing but pikaclones and Charizard and Lucario. 3 swordlords would already be too much, 6 is fucking ridiculous.
I was skeptical at first but them having all that magic makes them look fun though
>Fire Emblem
>a strategy game series known for colorful characters
>a strategy game series known for its weapon triangle of sword, lance, and axe on top of its multiple classes
>Super Smash Bros.
>almost every FE rep in predominantly blue
>every single FE rep uses a sword
>almost every FE rep is a Lord class
People are triggered by the lack of variety that comes from Nintendo being afraid to allow side characters or anyone NOT at the top of the Nu-Emblem popularity polls
Well, most of them are just some dude with a sword. Corrin is half dragon so that makes them more special, and Robin can potentially be the FE equivalent of Soma Cruz, so that would make Robin the canon most powerful FE rep
I may hate FE in general but this image is a 10/10
You can post this in any Smash thread you want, you can call him irrelevant, you can call him trash-tier, just remember that he's in forever and ever and your shitty spam won't change that.
Who the fuck is defending the FE character choices?
>Have 7 characters, 3 Unique and 4 clones copies of the same moveset
>Swords Only, No Lance or Axe Units despite the iconic Weapon Triangle, no bow or daggars
>Ike is the only character that uses a different type of sword than the other 6 that use the exact same basic bitch sword moves
Honestly at this point I just want a dedicated FE fighter since all hope is lost in Smash
The weapon triangle hasn't been present in a mainline fire emblem game for almost 5 years
Roy is a lord you better shouldn't use for 80% of the game. He has a rough start and very average growths (not much different than his father and Eirika I believe). Problem is, you can't promote him until one chapter before the first end. And even the true end only adds 2-3 more chapters, so he has like 4-5 chapters tops in his second class. He gets one of the most broken weapons in all of Fire Emblem though.
>weapon triangle got casualized out in fates and stayed gone for the game with no playable axe users so that makes the 6 marth archetypes in smash ok
>this also erases its existence from prior entries that featured the mechanic
>2 mainline FE games in the past 5 years
>the one that doesnt have weapon triangle is a remake of the second game in the series
After Roy smash fags have no right to complain
I don't care about all of the FE characters in the base roster, but if either of the last two DLC characters is from FE I will flip my shit.
>smashfags worst nightmares are deodorant and swords
Did anyone even have a problem when Roy returned in Sm4sh? The Corrin shillpick was a mistake, not even FE fans wanted her in.
Fire emblem is an okay series that has way too much representation for an okay series. Marth Ike and Robin are all unique and deserve a slot. Roy, Lucina, Chrom and Corrin are too derivitave of each other in design and gameplay. Since the gimmick of this game is the complete roster of the entire smash Bros series, I can't really complain about all of them coming back, but when cuts start for the next smash game and we start losing more important/interesting characters (probably wolf, potentially snake, some pokemon, etc) if all these fire emblem copy pastes stay I'll be pissed
You better prepare yourself, cause one of them is gonna promote Three Houses.
No one wanted her, because she's a shit character from a shit game. But to be fair, she's pretty interesting gameplay wise as an FE character in Smash.
I can't stand Roy. While Corrin is a shit character at least they came with a new moveset, meanwhile I'm presented with this garbage lord that I had to carry for 90% of the game and he doesn't even have the decency of being anything more than Fire Marth.
I take his return in Ultimate as a price worth paying for EVERYONE IS HERE though. Same with Corrin. My current anger is directed at Chrom.
>Three Houses around the corner
>Next DLC character is rumored to be female
I'm sorry, but it's likely gonna be Edelgard. I just hope the last slot is Phoenix Wright.
Roy being garbage and having to carry him is what made FE6 so much fun like defending a king piece in chess. Him getting that huge power boost at the end made it even more satisfying.
Everyone complains about Corrin, but honestly Chrom is the biggest slot waste, even as an echo, Hector would have been a pretty good Axe rep, and a heavy to rep all those knights.
I still found it funny how people pointed out how lazily put together Chrom was before the updates fixed it
it took them until 3.1.0 to give him that fucking awakening victory theme. hilarious how last minute this piece of shit is.
>huge power boost
And a sword that can only be swing 25 times. Fuck off with this chess piece argument, it was stupid the first time it's stupid every other time. Babying a shit 5 mov unit across the entire battlefield for every single map is not fun, it's annoying as fuck.
>Three Houses around the corner
Which is why it won't get a character, since the fourth DLC character is months away.
>Next DLC character is rumored to be female
With absolutely no proof whatsoever. Reliable leaks about Banjo only started popping up like a week before E3, while nobody knew about Joker. It's really hard to believe that someone would already know who the next character is.
I never had a problem defending Roy. Honestly, the little guy never got close to a dangerous situation until that one level with the almost infinite drake reinforcements. The game was a vacation for him, strolling down and finishing off poor suckers that my big dick units chewed up beforehand, up until I beat the level and had one of my cavalry units pick him up and give him a ride to do his fucking job.
I like Chrom a lot and he looks fucking ugly in Smash. It kills me.
There fault for bringing the series over here
This! Not to mention the most Three Houses would get is Spirits representation in Ultimate.
It's more aimed at Lucina(clone of marth), Roy(semi-clone) and Chrom(clone of a clone). Ike has his own play style while Robin is completely different. I could see keeping Roy cause of the Luigi theory but Chom/Lucina should go.
That and it has to do with how many reps compared to other series. You have Mario(8), FE(7) and Pokemon(9). Now if you want to count in clones Mario has 2/8, Pokemon has 3/9(Going to be picky with Mewtwo/Lucario) and FE has 4/7. Over half of FE are clones
Roy blows and Ike sucks until he promotes, then he can solo the game more or less.
>Pokemon has 3/9(Going to be picky with Mewtwo/Lucario)
Nigga what? Do you also think Squirtle is a clone of Mario because they can both shoot water or what? Pokemon has one clone. And even Mario only has one since Luigi is pretty distinct from his brother.
>k rool
Man, week 1 of Ultimate was such a simpler time.
Marth never not being high to top tier will never not be funny.
I don't even care about Fire Emblem and haven't played one since the GBA. Even so, I hope Byleth gets announced as one of the remaining two slots just for the salt and anger it would generate here.
I'm going to go based on how useful they are in-game, and not the actual canon story powerlevel (Roy is at the top of that, if you're wondering)
Marth has made 4 different appearances, and they vary wildly. He's great in 1 and 3, is the actual worst Lord in the series in 11, and is pretty okay in 12.
Sucks until the absolute very end of the game, where he is still kinda mediocre but gets carried by how broken the Binding Blade is, which only he can use.
Everything I said about Roy applies to Ike in 9 (except for the endgame part, Ike's stats are great at endgame), and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. In 10 he's consistently good the entire way through, though.
The strongest unit in the series. People might argue with me and say Sigurd/Seth are stronger, but they don't have Veteran and access to nearly every class in the game, including the broken messes called Nosferatu and Galeforce.
She's great, but the easiest way to play is to solo the game with Robin and Chrom, so why bother using her?
He's okay but not too great due to lack of access to Dark Magic and Galeforce. He piggybacks on Robin to give stat boosts in an optimal run.
One of the best units, no matter what route. Kind of like Robin, except way less broken.
Robin > Lucina > FE10 Ike > Corrin > Chrom > FE3 Marth > FE1 Marth > FE12 Marth > FE9 Ike > Roy > FE11 Marth
The issue is that for FE it's really easy to add great new characters, every game has at least one Lord leading it, they're all major characters with actual personality.
Meanwhile, for most other series anyone reasonable is already in and we're at the point where people will unironically try argue that Waluigi or Waddle Dee are worthwhile additions.
Because Smashfags just whine and want to take things away from people who have something and want to give it to someone else. In other words, they vote democrat.
What is she ordering?
Smash players don't like having characters cut from the roster, the original plan was probably to just have Marth because he's the first protagonist, and the most recent protagonist at the time in the roster.
does chrom dab every time after cucking/raping people on their first playthrough?
They got bullied as kids because they watched anime
Ok this is what I get for rushing a post due to a report deadline. Definitely Miscounted. Either way point I was trying to make was even if you count Luigi as a Mario clone FE still has more characters that play the same than different.
Correct, which means they less resources to make. Fire Emblem having so many reps is pretty logical as each had a reason to be in. Even if that's mainly just "let's promote this new game".