What's your favorite Final Fantasy job?

What's your favorite Final Fantasy job?
Me I've always like the White Mage aesthetic

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Roster fagging good, FFXIV BAAAAAD

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For me it's Gunbreaker

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For me, it's Blue Mage.

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Quina is the best blue mage

For me it's black mage. Summons meteors and doesn't afraid of anything.

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Is Blue Mage the FF equivalent to a Druid?

I can't even really say Black Mage because in all the games I've played so far besides 14 (1-5) they're just outclassed by Summoner. They had it good in 1 but 2 is open enough that everyone can do it.
What games are the Black Mage good, lads?

I can't believe they put Big Chungus in 14

Black mage is great in 14, a game that's definitely a video game able to be discussed up on on Yea Forums a board about video games, He's probably the funnest Magical DPS class in that game because Summoner is brain dead ez and Red Mage is boring.

Ive always really liked the Knight from FFT.
I like Red mage and Fusiler from FFTA2 as well though.

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Oh no, I was saying I fucking love BLM in 14, it's my main and since i'm a 14bab I've been trying to use Black Mages in every party in the games I play through.
But.. besides 1, and 4 happening to have Black Mage and Summoner on the same character, it just doesn't seem as powerful as just Summoner.

Bard no doubt but machinist has a sick aesthetic

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FF1 (No summoner)
FF2 (No summoner)
FF5 (Summoners can't x-spell)
FF7 (Summons take too long)
FF8 (Summons take even longer)
FFX (Summons are weak and useless you level up Yuna, and Yuna is better as a black mage than Lulu)
FFXI (Summoners are weaker than Black Mages, only their 2H is better)
FF12HD (With the magic priority removed, they're better than attacking, and summons in FF12 suck)

Ditto. Still mad about XIV's portrayal of BLU.

Synth Perform for machinist WHEN

DRK, because I'm still a fucking edgy loser

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Bravely Does Black Mage well enough Early to mid game because the severally under power summoners in that game. Either way all the mage classes are shit compared to the others you can get in both games.

lul, janny is such a fag

>XIV Machinist getting air anchor, drill, auto crossbow and bio blaster
>even gets a fucking mech
all we need is chainsaw and MCH is fucking perfect
don't let me down yoshi, please let ShB MCH be fun

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Less wow, shitposting seriously who give a fuck?

No, its whole gimmick is that it uses normally enemy-exclusive stuff. It tends to have more gimmick spells like one that always does exactly 1000 damage, one that deals huge damage and kills the user, or one that deals damage equal to how many HP they are missing. Traditionnally, it takes on a damage dealing role early on, and transitions into a support role as the other mages catch them back and surpass them damage-wise.

>bob, do sumthin XD

10 days, 13 hours and 14 minutes until Shadowniggas!

every thread

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>enjoyed DPS
>enjoyed healing
>hated tanking
What's the appeal?


Who here hasn't resubbed and hasn't fallen for "Heavensward/Stormblood:Violet Edition"? Recommend a better use of $40 Yea Forums.

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There is something intrinsically satisfying about surviving a tank buster. Not some pussy dungeon shit but like Neo's aero III.

$40 steak.

I'm still impressed at how XIV managed to somehow do the coolest looking, but most useless version of BLU. It's like they got everything right except the gameplay part.

go doomsay somewhere else, we're trying to talk about video games

Dank Knight

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Probably less than $40, but you can get one of these and a chair pretty cheap.

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I want to fucking destroy blu-chan in bed, I will never forgive Yoshida for massacring this job.

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Guess they're saving chainsaw for 6.0.


You like or you don't, simple as that and works for literally everything.

It hurts me every time I think about it.

WoW Classic, we going home.

or Bard/Blue Mage, level manipulation is absolute power

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Seriously shut up dude, it's posts like this that get us deleted right now.

Is there any fanart of the xiv blu girl

Final Fantasy Tactics, female black mage with math or samurai as her secondary

Did she do anything wrong?

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This thread is now safe

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Very few

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Tempting user, good suggestion
Didn't say the game was dying did I now. Merely said it was a repeat of the last 2 expansions or is that comparison enough to make you consider that the game could die cause of it? Not really secure about the game's future are we now.
No need user, I finally quit the game why would I need such a thing. Maybe this should listen to you given they're recommending more Theme Park trash.


Dark Knight

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Literally who thought this aether current bullshit was a good idea?

A few.

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This count?

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not enough of her fucking monster

I want corsair back

Why aren't you playing mahjong right now? It's not like you have anything better to do

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There were some made before release, but when BLU died, it took her with it.

What job should I main in ShB?
I am an ISFJ, my favorite non VN vidya series are Ys, Dragon Quest and Monster Hunter and my favorite animu is Monogatari and Girls und Panzer, if this personal info helps decide.

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They can't give you flight right away, it would ruin how people experience zones on a first-visit

Blu-chan is too cute.

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I don't know how.

How long untill this thread is pruned?

XI's BLU has a better aesthetic.

Although they usually do get the highest tier elemental spells that other classes lack, like Aqualung/Tsunami or Quake

This. Flying was a mistake.

And I didn't say you were saying the game was dying, I was saying you're a doomsaying shitposter.
Fuck off already.

too bad, i wanted to fap to her thighs
is pretty good tho

I do but I have a bad problem with dealing in too much or folding too much and usually end up in third a lot.

The alternative is needing riding maps in order to fly, and you already know they'd be gated behind stupid shit like clan marks or special tokens dropped by the new FATEs.

main noose

Honestly the class i've been most exicited about since launch. I'm ready to trade my Dragoon jumping boots in for some bad ass gunblades. I'm ready bros!

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>game getting popular now means spamming and flooding

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Tanking is dead boring except in the harder content imo

I maxed literally all my jobs and are offering free healer/tank ques to 70 for any my friends playing the game for the first time. It's actually pretty fun since I have to help them waddle through it.

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Just play SAM

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Nah, pretty much anything is better than sandnigger aestethics

I... I don't know but all the jobs look cool for ShB

Actually surprised tifa tits threads aren't being moved to /ffg/

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I thought it was the autistic child for a second.

Post lala tummies

fuck off cuck

>didn't say the game was dying
>you're a Doomposter
Are you sure you're not the shitposter user?

Because it's an incel jannie that likes tits.

True, but it was a completely different approach to the job (although the monstruous abomination on the brink of madness angle is very nice), whereas XIV managed to recapture the original image of the job.

Dragoons have been pretty cool across the series when they're not rat people.

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>"My favorite Final Fantasy job? Why, Dark Knight of course."

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I'm gonna be playing SCH first to level with friends and then MNK

Well, you see, reeeeeing about da libruls ruining muh vidya is perfectly fine to do on Yea Forums

I dont get the appeal of FFXIV. The leveling was incredibly painful, content comes very sparsely and every expansion is literally the same

>feel like leveling DRK first for the kino story experience
>don’t want to be lumped in with all the FotM fags rolling DRK too
>fear overabundance of DRKs at 80
Guess I’m sticking with WAR again...

>announced he was taking a couple of weeks break right before XIV patched 4.58

>ywn BE a lala gal
why live bros

I've wanted SAM since I started in 2.4. Cuckshed memes be damned, this is my main til the servers die

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Levelling in this game is fucking easy what are you talking about

She was too cute for this world.

does CNJ/WHM ever get less boring? I've been spamming stone for 30 levels now

Remember to ignore shitposters at all times.

These threads are garbage anyways.
There was a time when xi/v/fags were self-conscious enough to stop making threads when they became too shitty/samey. Now they’re full of redditors and /vg/ trannies who circlejerk the same shit over and over again.

>XIV managed to recapture the original image of the job.
I can't argue that, you're right. However I think the scimitar melee caster approach gave it a very interesting twist. The embroidery on its AF's was also very nice, especially the Dynamis set.

Nope just now it'll turn into spamming glare (read stone V) for shadow bringers.

Where does the "he actually plays it guise, it's not just marketing" come from? I'm yet to see actual evidence.

painful equals slow to you? is your brain suffering from a stroke you fucking retard? why the hell do you think they made a story skip potion? the leveling was the #1 complaint right after the GCD babbies

You get Holy at 45 which is pretty fun but you're a healer, don't expect much variety in attack spells.

thanks for reminding me to filter "trannies"

>started in 2.4
Heh, casual. I started in 2.3. Don't come near me.

Making death look that good.

Play AST, MCH, and MRD.

Reminder that Yoshida himself said many players drop off around the Lvl 20-30 mark and they have no plans to fix the MSQ or abilities to remedy this drop off.
>current character high will end up back down to 450-610k range once 5.1 hits

>Skip potion

They'll never stop playing the Heavensward leitmotif as long as I'm playing in it, are they?

He said easy, not fast.
Are you the braindead child here? Skip potions are for retards.

For me, it's Dragoon.
Summoner's pretty cool too.
Honorable mention towards Dark Knight.
I'm actually not much of a FFIV-fag at all but man did I love the atmosphere. Also Rydia opened me to hentai.

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Very nice meme yes. How about you main MCH and shoot yourself.

but they said they will lmao

>However I think the scimitar melee caster approach gave it a very interesting twist.
I feel like it is kind of encroaching on Mystic Knight's thing though. I know XI had RUN, but it was somewhat different from Mystic Knight.

>intentionally depriving yourself of something that you would enjoy so you can make a favorable impression on random strangers that you will never meet again
you must have a fun life, user

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No, and they'll never stop the Stormblood or Shad ones either

>started in 2.3
Disgusting ARR-babs, you're not better than him. Alright my 1.0 vets, what server was your character made on before the merge into the current legacy servers?

It annoys me that I need to enter an instance to play with other humans and I can only play against bots from Gold Saucer.

>Gramps failed to summon the twelve because they were already summoned
What would be yfw?

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How is GBR looking, metafags? Does it look like a good MT or are we forever cursed with WAR/PLD until we die?

I have to find as much personal shit as I can and this personality meme is something Yea Forums likes since there is a thread on it up once every couple days.

What does alisaie see in him lads?

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She tries to win a war by any means in a world of idealistic pacifists.

I love Blue Mage in FFXI, but other iterations have been very weak.

In FFXIV I am a (soon) Gunbreaker main and I also play Red Mage.

I was playing Dark Knight, but SE fucking hates that job and I have been waiting for SE to put a gunblade in my hands for over a fucking decade now.

>being proud of playing 1.0
Ouch. It wasn't nuked for nothing my man.

Everyone should be dead from lack of aether and tempering if so

>caring about what other retards level up because it might become too popular
You're a fucking faggot, dude.

Fucked if I remember my dude, I know I ended up on balmung. But I sure as hell transferred off once I really restarted playing the game.

You get 2 of the most fun AoE's in the game

fucking NA fans need to be shot jesus christ

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Fuck imagine all the girls in this game but chubby/fat.
my dick is hard.

He's just like you

Yoshida literally just stated they started working on changes to the A Realm Reborn story progression, all the way up until HW.
They are probably just going to cut out a lot of the filler that was really only there to pad playtime and give a more gradual exp progression and make it into optional side quests.

I'm just bullshitting since I'm bored

Why do you assume she is from NA?

what's a good job for someone who's bad at mechanics
>died 4 times on Royal Menagerie

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What if they're locked up like the warring triad?

Shut up Gaius

GNB's damage looked weak on the tour build, but it's gotten some significant buffs already, like Sonic Break being upped to 300 potency on the initial hit, or Superbolide having its CD lowered by a minute.

So-so. Bad cd's and utility compared to WAR/PLD but good damage potential. There will definately be people that don't let them in raids but who cares I'm playing that job anyways, i hate meta shit


>tfw transferred TO balmung because I actually like seeing people around the game world and see them actually talking

After you are done with Ishgard, will you help rebuild Ala Mhigo too, Warrior of Light?
You wouldn't just abandon them, would you?

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RDM is very simple so you can divert more attention to mechanics

Don't forget that Gnashing Fang had the CD lowered to 30 instead of 35.

EU/JP whatever it's too hard to tell their ethnicity from the ugly

He said at e3 that they're ready to act, they just need to wait until the right time.

Instead, consider why you're so bad at them.

FFTA2 Blue Mage/Seer is peak Blue Mage
Magic Frenzy with Quake and dual Scimitars is ridiculous, and of course White Wind and Angel Whisper

Question how the fuck 12 fucking primal summonings could be hidden.

I think the city is relatively in tact but I see no reason why I wouldn't, I like them just like I like every city.

I will help and I will get my second dinner date with Aymeric but I sure as fuck isn't gonna sperg out and compete to get on some leaderboard.

God I wish I was a Lalafell in real life

And they said the same things about Egi glamours and such before with no info ever appearing again about them. Why is he suddenly so reputable now?

ugly like that only comes from NA trannies being fed positive reinforcement through discord and reddit

This will be our new singer

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Anyone else wish the BLU weapon was a fork instead of a silly stick?

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It won't be intact after they get Black Rose'd

Gotta help fix the First first, and don't forget the Thirteenth, and ooh seems like Linda's being raped by Leviathan again gotta help thm too

Me too!

Lads, do you like the new DRK AF sword, or would you prefer glamouring the Chronus Lux instead?

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Warrior/Paladin is a cool dude, covering his allies all day
>Though White Mage has always been ~aestethic

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Maybe in a similar way the warring triad did

I wonder if they're ever going to take Ala Mhigo out of dungeon-only status

>picked Lala because manlet irl
Anyone else do this?

Alright. What are some good stable crafters to make Specialists? I'm not planning on constantly switching them around.

I wish modfags would stop posting their ugly ass screenshots of their ugly ass characters.

how dead is EU in this game?

these games usually tend to be japan/NA only. EU population is always dead and has no community

No. They won't.

I guess I spend too much time trying to be efficient at DPS and not paying attention to what's being cast. NIN rotations make my head hurt. Should I just try to stay alive, and get the rotation down with practice?

God I wish I could get my dick stuck in a lalafell cunny

ALC and CUL ALWAYS have shit to sell

>can prevent debuffs
>can damage MP
>increases potions effects
>protects equipment
>can turn enemies into frog
It's a well rounded class with great damage.

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EU is so packed that they are adding two new servers in like a week.

Egi-Glamours are a thing though?
Also this is quite a bit different from a random vanity thing only a handful of people even care about in the sense that it would have a very direct effect on the player dropoff they are experiencing across the lower levels, so it's definitely much higher up on the priority list.

>can't wear a hat

I always liked the knight aesthetic. It’s a shame it’s ruined by all the holy/Paladin shit

ALC and CUL will always always have a place at the head of crafters for both statics and items being sold those are 2 no brainers.

How the fuck did the game which turned it into a fucking cat-based job still do it better than FFXIV?

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I'm on Odin and I have queues getting in on monday mornings

based and bluepilled

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Pretty good. They are increasing EU server capacity before the expansion.

Because he mentioned making changes to the gear given via MSQ to ease progression in older content as a 5.1 QoL effort after shb launch has settled. That's a lot more concise than 'egi glams coming soon prease rook forward to it'

>Not using the Baldur Blade
Sorry, I don't have bad taste.

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XIV's White Mages has the best lore since all of their AF sets has lewd mini skirts or underwear for pants slots.

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It was never knight in XIV it goes from Gladiator to Paladin

The new sword is very Dragonslayer-y. Kinda worried how the 5.0 Relics are going to turn out after Eureka, though

>finally leveled all crafters and gatherers to 70
Okay what now? How do I make lodsamone in ShB?

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And that's pretty much off the top of my head. I am a complete sucker for games that have job systems like Final Fantasy.

Muscle memory friend

Muscle memory will help a lot. Still there are jobs where you have to pay more attention to procs.

>In a week
Try tomorrow.

My goodness. Where has that beauty been?

Nah, the pimp cane is baller. I just wish we had more than 3

That sounds reasonable. The third just to my preference?

Don't gather anything, just buy everything that gatherers list and repost it at a higher price and do not relent.

I'm a Baldur Blade/Molybdenum Longblade man myself but AF4 for DRK's battle-worn look is too fucking good to pass up

Neverreap and Fractal Continuum. Go get it, tiger.

White mage is my top but summoner and blue mage are tied second.

The Japanese name for PLD in Knight


But he'll lose a lot of money if he does that. At the start of an expansion all prices are inflated. He'll buy things really high and likely never be able to sell for a profit.

i fucking hate retarded dark knights with their retarded big pulls and make you chase them for half the map to then die. lalafells and drks should be executed


I'm too lazy to run the dungeons that drop it, so I use the Molybdenum Longblade.

I'd say either WVR or LTW for when you wanna craft gear for your crafters in the future. You can change specialties anyways

Expert taste right here. This is the one part of my DRK glamour that never gets touched

I mean technically the job is called Knight in japan.

If you're doing it for your static talk to them but if it's for yourself depends on what you're trying to accomplish. Trying to make gil? For SB at least all the flavor of the month new clothing items that sold for millions of gil came from weavers so there is that.

>At the start of an expansion all prices are inflated.
That's why I said do not relent.
You understand how to corner the market yes?
It requires a lot of money to begin with but you will make incredible amounts.

Healer adjust

>Not her luring shotas into alleyways and casting bad breath on them.

will mch still have the retarded rng ammo system in shadowniggers?

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How is the community? are there servers similar to balmung or mateus?

male lalas should be executed, female lalas should be sent to my consensual sex dungeon

This desu.

do literally 3 seconds of research dumbshit frogposter

No, the cane fits the aesthetic perfectly. Now if we could actually get some choice, like every other fucking job, including crafters and gatherers, it would be good.

I'm staying with the deathbringer.

English folk range from alright to good
French are angry dumb shitters
Germans are memey dumb shitters
pick your posion

I went way to fucking autistic today. Only had botanist leveled before.

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No, it's a proper 123 now.

>not her luring monsters into alleyways and having her way with them

No. Theres 2 shitter groups, the frogs or the krauts so you get to choose your poison I guess. I'm sure you can find othe rlonely nerds to erp with if thats what you want

Are they dead?

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in my experience its the krauts who are angry, the french are just fucking clueless at all times

>no art of her getting overwhelmed by any of the primals she's trying to learn from

Speaking as someone who knows nothing about XI, I read up on their BLU a few weeks ago and holy shit the aesthetic and lore for it is so cool. I'm disappointed now that XIV just got masked carnival man now, as dapper as he is.

I use Lost Allagan, as I've gone full toku

Hell no, fuck off Mhiggers.

Alisaie is

>are there servers similar to balmung or mateus?
ERPers fags not welcome.

Really? for me the krauts are dumb but memey to "dude bro" dumb. Every single fucking time I meet a frenchie their bad and their screaming about how it isn't there fault, fucking hate it.

No, they just got new ugly outfits.

One of them will be.

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Sadly your stuck with Germans and Frogs.
I should know i rolled on Moogle when the game got released because my friends rolled on Moogle, sadly they stopped playing but i found a decent FC so i don't really have to deal with frogs.

Which one's the baguette server? I know Shiva are the krauts.

If they're gonna kill someone off then it's an old Scion.

Chronus Lux.

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When they do the zone revamp they've been talking about doing. All the monuments and highways in Ala Mhigo will be rebuilt, and the City will be an actual city. Please look forward to it.

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new sword looks fucking great, I myself swap between the Baldur Blade, Diamond Greatsword and Midan Greatsword frequently
I should really get around to getting the Cronus, I have all the mats there from start to finish, just need to be bothered to do dungeons and light farm

i stay on NA then. even if i dont do ERP myself, it brings a shitload of activity to the game. I take ERP and a community over no community and unwashed slavs with broken english

You should also be using the Valerian Terrorknight set.



Ignore CUL fags, you can do that shit no problem without specialist. Those are your top 3 money makers. WVR close 4th.


Yes, and he'll never sell.

Fateshitters get the rope 'round these parts.

I love being a beautiful blonde white mage that heals all my allies!

Can't believe Y'shtola is fucking dead.

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I'm going to stick with the new AF weapon until the end of the game.

Transferring out of Crystal, thinking of moving to Leviathan. Good idea?

>Guys look I drew a mix of my OC donut steal au ra and saber xD
>omg cronus is the best sword! :3

They don't put spoilers in the trailers.

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I love cronus lux as much as the next guy, but as soon as they put in another big sword with glowing runes on it, I'm switching.

If people want to craft anything they'll need to buy at your prices.

I played the F/SN VN, I am exempt from that day of the rope.

You now realize they all have new outfits because they were forced to the first naked.

TOO SOON you asshole!

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Thancred has death flags up the wazoo

moogle is prime baguette rest are spread about

Baldur Blade is kino, but I'm more of a Dainslaif man myself.

All fateshitters get the rope. No exceptions.

Who are you quotting?


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The only reason you'd want a mateus/balmung like server is to ERP, other servers even on NA have more players minus the fags and trannies running around trying to get you to touch their virtual dick.

>XI Raubahn is the leader of an army of Blue Mages
>XIV Raubahn has absolutely nothing to do with BLU
Goddamnit SE.

And who's going to be the trust tank to replace him?

>moogle is prime baguette
i like this sentence

Hit 71, check leves, buy off MB as people list shit cheap as nobody can see the recipes until level and they#re racing to the end of MSQ.
Level further on leves, sell excess. Repeat across 8 classes. Gathering can wait until you hit 80.

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No you're fucking not

Based as fuck.

The fateshitter

He is going to die after the last story dungeon.

I mean, yeah.
I just hope that means Alphinaud and Alksaie change back when we return to the Source because their new outfits are so bad.

Thancred can keep his new one.

Y'shtola I could go either way on.

is it just me or does she look like khloe

garbage fetish, blue is for monster cocks

WoW classic.

what the fuck

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There is only one job, the master of the battlefield.

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god i hope, i want to see more nude yshtola

>use Shin-Zantetsuken on SAM
>blade vanished and reappears when using Iaijutsu

Attached: Hoary_Boulder_(Mob).png (250x300, 201K)


it's just a copypasta

After the bullshit with Nanamo I don't trust for a second that they'll ever kill anyone off.

Count on seeing Papalymo in 6.0.

I've almost gotten all crafters to 60 from around lv15-25 in the three weeks since I've resubbed. Already had gatherers at 60 when I unsubbed before.
Hopefully I'll get caught up to 80 fast enough on gathering to still make some fat stacks again.


He does use Ifrit's attacks when you fight him in the grand melee.

The picture isn't.

>tfw PLD questline is more edgy than DRK

>hm well magic is OK
>get aero around the time you cross those desert platforms
>one shots fucking everything since they’re weak to aero
>start getting all aoes and shit, continue to 1 shot anything
>when will this let up?
>get scathe
>answer: never
gg ez

Attached: 1DF484EE-2843-4DF0-8946-C43F7426965C.jpg (173x222, 16K)

You're such a fucking faggot holy shit that's not an Au Ra OC that's a fucking fifteen year old character from FSN

Tsukihime remake never

>Count on seeing Papalymo in 6.0.
Didn't his ghost appear at some point? He's as dead as one can be.

I'm half expecting to see a Moenbryda equivalent in the first to fucketh with urianger. Or maybe he'd fucketh with her, considering how chad he's become.

>tfw shitters in the novice network crying about how the fight against Raubahn in the grand melee is impossible

Attached: 1536739298830.jpg (572x548, 31K)

>DRK still 68
>ROG at lv9
>still dont know what job to play my Viera as

>Read the VN
You're cool with me bro.

Attached: Cool Mario.png (298x224, 40K)

Re-read the post you illiterate pavement ape.

the entire ARR and heavensward zones have literally no soul

they look even more bland than ESO zones

did square enix run out of funding for a shader engine? do they know that there are public libraries for that, even for C++? they dont have to do drawn on lighting.

>a mix
>and saber

>tfw people complained the zenos instance was too hard at the end of 4.55
I don't know how these people can breath or wake up in the morning.

Attached: 63545463.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

if you haven't cleared ultimate you're a casual, stupid dunning kruger poster

Yeah, assuming you control the entire market. Every single piece. In every single server. Or did you forget people can server visit at will? Try buying every single mat from your entire data center and you'll end up spending so much more than you'll ever make back.

Glad someone is.

Attached: Sasaki.jpg (1023x755, 85K)

When is BLU getting more content? I don't need more skills but we just need some more stuff to do.

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No, but it'll keep the unplayable unless JP ping and overshadowed by other ranged physical DPS from stormblood.

God, I forgot that. But desu, I don't think they intended for it to reference Ifrit. The whole "enemy is preparing a big attack, kill those immobile things to weaken it" is a recurring thing in an insane number of fights.
He also used to wield Tizona, but he gave it out to his son.

BLU is getting a level cap increase at some point during 5.X and more skills as a result. You are never getting more content beyond this.

I can't really recall anything that
in the PLD questline other than how close my fist got to the edge of my screen after how stupid the 50-60 quests were

5.1 so months after the expac drops, please look foreward to it

oh shit

Is there anything more chad than a FSH/CRP main?

Really? I just did that when I resubbed and it was easy even as MNK having to deal with never getting positionals



Fuck Fateniggers and fuck their shit franchise.

Shut up loser. Nobody cares about your fake artificial difficulty had bashing RNG trial and error MEME content.

It's okay dude, you dislike the game. Nobody's saying you have to.

this is probably the most wrong someone has been in the last ten minutes

I mean to be fair that's kinda the point of DRK, the whole point of the 58 is saying your powers come from your love and passion and shit not from being a complete brain dead edge lord.

My swordus are skofnung and diamond, deathbringer ultima to show off

why are people excited for GNB when it's literally just SB DRK

Yea Forums outing themselves as secondaries as always, it's not a mix that's what saber alter has always looked like

Attached: Alterfull.png (800x1523, 1.36M)

I see FFXIV threads need to be thinly veiled now

Black Shroud is comfy.

ARR and HW had to run on PS3 dude
Not that Stormblood looks a whole ton better

>has to trivialize it in his mind to feel better



lmao no

you dont notice the missing shadows, the bland ground textures, the missing or low resolution foliage? some areas of the game look like from a cheap 3D porn game, especially wooden and shore areas

what does ultimate have to do with my post? the grand melee fight is pathetic and people still struggle
am casual, I don't have the time or patience for ultimate


because shb drk is sb war and thats even worse

My description was spot on and widely accepted. Enjoy your fake time waster though.

Wait you can use other world's market boards?

you're not really allowed to make fun of other franchises when talking about final fantasy. FF might be one of few IPs managed more incompetently than fate

Stop playing this 2013 game on standard (laptop) then.

>and their shit franchise.
Man I feel like of all -fags, FinalFantasyfags have the least room to talk shit about fate.

Attached: 1499351637380.jpg (1920x1080, 286K)

They are gonna release what they have made already, so probably 10 more levels in 5.1, perhaps 10 more in 5.3/5.5 and then it's gonna get tossed in the pit of failed experiments unless they somehow knock it out of the park and it becomes extremely popular (which it won't).

yes they hammered this home so fucking hard you can go buy shit on other worlds when you use the world visit system


We had a small incident when the janny ran out of hot pockets earlier.

Same, and I'm still mad.

i dont get paid

Way to out YOURSELF, fateshitter. Fuck off.

That's bananas

FF has some of the greatest JRPGs of all time under its name.
Fate was just a shit, pandering VN and now is just a shit, pandering ironc weeb franchise.

oh come on now by refusing to criticize the game you are basically making the lives of the devs easier because they dont have to improve.

He hasn't appeared as a ghost or anything like that but his fake Archon tattoo on Lyse's neck vanished. If they whip him out of their asses they'll have to explain he wanted to be thought of as dead and ended the spell manually

Yoshi said they'll reexamine BLU based on feedback from the 5.1 content. If people absolutely hate it again, he'll probably trash it but there's always the tiny possibility that it gets reworked into a full job.

Yes, but THAT BGM on Coerthas Highlands. "Heavensward" is one of the best XIV songs.

Will it have the hockey mask?


I hope so. I don’t understand why it isn’t a proper city despite being a plot point since 2.0 but some random harbour in not-Japan (not even the actual capital city) is.

I unsubcribed, but I fell for the meme back when I was a new player, so I still have 100+ days of subscription time I can use.

Too bad, you're getting more spell grind, more piss easy Masked Carnivale, and nothing else.
BLU probably won't even be able to enter PotD, cause that would require SE to make two new weapons for it.

They really should make it a full job, it's not nearly as broken as they claimed. Hell, it could use being even stronger.

the areas look fine, playing on ps2 settings isn't the fault of anyone but yourself

Urianger was always the most chad scion.

Of course it should.

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>>reading fifteen year old visual novels somehow more embarrassing than playing tranny erp final fantasy mmo
loving every laugh

don't abandon lizards for vieras, noooo

Attached: 1534461163392.png (329x366, 95K)

>there's always the tiny possibility that it gets reworked into a full job
I really doubt it. They've been pretty clear about how they intended BLU to go since a long time, and I don't see them 180ing on it even in the face of backlash.

>one character whose survival was foreshadowed since 1.0 survived
>this means all the other characters that are permanently dead don't matter and nobody ever dies

>Alphinaud sees Y'shtola naked again


>Blatantly ignoring what your franchise has become

i wanna kill lizard players

Not going to, might go back to lala because of all the IMAGINE and cunnyposting

Do you think he faps to his HQ Drawing of Y'shtola from time to time?

What if they make it into a full job in 6.0 just so that they can add three jobs? (since one is already half made, it wouldn't be as much work as three full jobs)
After all, we need a fourth caster, healer and ranged.

Made Penelo a black mage in my current playthrough of TZA and now she's hitting for around 12k with -aga spells. Shit's crazy. Can't wait to get the better spells

christ that's my pipe dream at this rate
>BLU gets abilities and functions differently in every single game it's been featured in
>use "muh job identity" to shoe horn it into this shitty neutered beast
>even though no other job in the game has suffered or been changed
>ninja would be some shitty mini game because it's identity was just being fast and having the throw command
>but it's ok when they use it as an excuse for BLU
>got a weeks worth of content over the entire course of SB
>gearing up to get the same for ShB
god damn it Yoshida I know you won't do it but don't make us suffer like this.

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I dunno if Alphinaud is the fapping type, but he probably spends an inordinate amount of time staring at it.

lizards are my favorite though followed closely by lalafell.

So is it true Monks fucked next expac? I really enjoy the animations and punching things, but I hate how awkward and clunky it feels sometimes compared to my smooth as butter BLM.

After that line about how he can't forget seeing it he prob had a sexual awakening and beats off to it all the damn time.

Played on the lowest settings, the areas that were created between 2011 and 2015 for a massively multiplayer online role playing game, look kinda ass.

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Nice. I want to go lala for that reason but I'm expected to be the dom in my relationship and lalas can't do that.

you do realize that the most profitable Final Fantasy properties BY FAR are the many mobile games right?

He also sells calendars of lewd drawings of the Scions girls to make back the money he blew on Gosetsu’s sword.

lalas are evil...


I don't know if I am missing any side quests or not. I'm trying to get rid of all quest markers other than those repeatable ones such as beast tribe etc. What do I do?

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I beat off to Y'shtola too so I cant fault him.

>*Undercuts you*

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what was the point of this ad?

Attached: shadowniggers.jpg (835x477, 36K)

Lalas can definitely dom, I would love to be forced to reverse missionary deep creampie a lala

Go to each zone and press M

I'm legit mad I can't play heavensward and stormblood content without shelling out another 40 bucks unless I wait 2 more weeks. I want to be addicted and give you money SE. Why do you do this to me.

no you just have to predict when's the next server tick coming and use anatman
j-just predict the server ticks bro lmao

Fucking hate this
>Auron is a tank
>Sam is a tank in both tactics
>add it in as a DPS
But for some fucking reason BLU is the job that can't just be reworked to work with the current system it has to be different.

>If people absolutely hate it again
Well, unless they make something insane, that's what's already shaping to happen. Even something like Masked Carnivale (Savage) probably wouldn't save it, especially if PotD gets the Squadron treatment.

Those mobile games aren't glorified waifu simualtors

Alphinaud's been into tits since school, he learned to draw to pick up chicks, and they would come proposition him often enough for some of his floozies to do it to Alisaie by mistake
He just must really be into old kitty titties

I enjoyed Fate before it became shit, don't hate on F/SN because the rest is bad.

Normies love capeshit so you get a capeshit actor that plays your game to lure in more normies.

People love to parrot echo chamber 'theorycrafting' doomsday predictions from the april media tour build. Wait 2 weeks for the patch notes to form your opinion.

Me too bruh

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Yeah, but I mean legit futa dom and be the one giving it.
I'd be a lewd lala power bottom if I could, but my EB prefers gettin the dick.

>what was the point of this normalfag friendly ad?
Are you retarded?

Y'all niggas throwing shade at them FATE niggas but I'm sitting here like I've lost several generations worth of knuckle children to some seriously high quality porn.

I don't know why she was chosen over Alphinaud as the rep in crossovers like Dissidia, but I'm sure not complaining.

BLU could work as a regular job with the current concept, you pick the spells you need for the role you're covering.

Anyone mad about undercutting fundamentally fails in their understanding of supply and demand and deserves to get fucked

99% of the time they're whiny price gouging faggots, since if they were actually being undercut to a serious degree they could simply buy out the competition and re list for a profit

I doubt the way Anatman works will change between the tour build and live, and nothing short of reworking the spell can change the problem with it.

A optimal BLU in its current state, obviously without suicide strats, does about as much as a Lv50 BLM that only casts Blizzard
Their only real advantage is having the biggest and most spammable AoE and a bunch of debuffs that bosses nearly universally resist

Scathe is honestly ridiculous, I forget when you get it but it was waaay before the single tharget ones for some reason. The game was already easy, that just made it even more so. Versus (story) bosses ashe was chunking off their health in just a few casts. Even with the best melee weapons and combos out the ass Fran (monk) can barely keep up. And not in an AoE.

She sure looks perky for an old cat.

Don't worry, the second you stop competing is the second I know your profit line and can price you out completely.
That and you often forget things are only worth what people are willing to pay for them, not how much you want for them.

Easiest thing is just make multiple spells give the same effect and potency and it's merely a glamour for the spells you use.

But Blue mages need more content to use the spells they've gathered on. Not more spells to learn.

Blue mage in FFTA2 is crazy fun to use.

Don't be fooled, it's all glamours. She probably looks like Matoya without it.

All this time and people still don't understand why I'll crash the market if you undercut by 1 gil but won't do anything if you undercut by an amount that actually gives you a competitive advantage.

Your second point doesn't make any sense when directed at undercutters since they're the ones willing to actually move volume instead of listing at unrealistic prices people aren't willing to pay

>Afflatus Misery, Additional Effect: Bloodstained. Duration: Infinite. Renders the caster unable to cast Afflatus Misery. Requires Purification via the use of specific spells.
>Dia, Purification effect: the next Dia will gain an aoe effect, add the full damage over time amount to its initial damage, have no cast time, and cost no MP. Radius: 5y.
>Medica II, Purification effect: the next Medica II will add its full healing over time amount to its initial heal, have no cast time, and cost no MP.

Why doesn't Matoya use magic to stay young like Yshtola does?

>Their only real advantage
Nah, the real thing that makes them ""broken"" is how they can kinda fulfil any of the three roles almost semi-decently, but none of them perfectly, unlike every other job.

You doubt they will because there is no precedent, but the ones in control of that are the dev team. It's only two weeks away, you can survive without claiming the sky is falling.

>merely a glamour
You'd get people complaining that they butchered the job since all the spells would do the same.

Attached: IMG_20190617_105243.png (805x849, 386K)

So go run savage Coil or (later) Alex or something with an all BLU group. That was your intended purpose.

If each job was forced to be ported into XIV in its most broken state then BLU isn't even scratching the surface until it can permanantly corrupt your game data like Strago and Realm could in FF6
And MCH should be the most broken shit ever if it was FFT Gunner + Edgar's tools

Because Matoya gives zero shits what people think about her.

Also presumably the glamour only makes you LOOK younger.

Yes, but Yoshi-p thinks the spell collection is the most important part.

>since if they were actually being undercut to a serious degree they could simply buy out the competition and re list for a profit
That's the trap, I'll keep listing at that price until you start trying to undercut me with my own stock.
Glorious hate mail in spades.

That's because I'm the undercunter. 10% less profit for 300% more sales? Done every time.

She's not as vain

I straight can't believe they would make this kind of content in an MMO with that excuse. The best part is people fucking defend that like having a job that can't be used in relevant content is a good thing.

Matoya's cave's theme is the comfiest soundtrack in the game.

Attached: tumblr_o3jtnmjHRb1rsp3gio1_1280.jpg (1237x704, 175K)

Matoya doesn't need to glamour. She's a miqo'te so she stops aging

"Look" younger as in not changing internal organs and shit but magic extends lifespan anyways so that's a bit moot, but it's not like she's painted with a hologram her physical exterior really is that of a 23 year old thanks to magic

We also don't actually know what they did besides"Sharlayan techniques" but considering they're the most magically advanced fuckers in the modern era and considering the crazy shit we've seen magic do staying young is child's play

What's the best thing to undercut for for maximum hate

>see lists of solo items at say 300k
>list 2 together for 550k
>dumb fucks undercut it
I've missed my market shenanigans. Can't fucking wait.

And now they get people complaining they butchered the job by locking it away from most content. Also, people were somewhat pissed at RDM and DRK deviating from their roots, but the outrage never reached the levels of outrage limited BLU brought.

Haurchefant Alter.

Yup. They never should have tried at all desu.

FF9 fag here. I need to feel loved, what are references to my favorite game in 14?
>Gigi minion/questline
>Prima Vista is the ship in Ivalice quests
Any more?

hi ghost

Alexander as a whole.


People get REALLY pissed if you undercut high value items. Got some hate tells after doing it with some furniture.

because she can just hijack the bodies of younger thots?

Attached: matoya.png (1920x1080, 3.53M)

Soul Cage.

I remember another MMO that actually pulled a limited class thing off once. Thing is, said class was actually fun since it was hyper broken (you were playing as an endgame boss instead of a normal character) and it wasn't done to anything the fans wanted.
I can't remeber which MMO it was though.


for the record you can't get punished for undercutting but can be for harassing undercutters right


Do we have lyrics for the trailer yet?

Attached: shadowniggers.jpg (1500x1500, 771K)

Its always fun. Three times in this game I've spent or given away from > 200 million gil to zero just to see how long it would take me to build back up. I'd probably be gil capped but I start getting bored after the 200 million mark.

so what's the deal with the preorder? some people get to play the expansion content early?

Attached: 1555390523063.jpg (310x326, 39K)

any arguments discord cuck?

oh shit

"shadowniggas..." how did he get away with this

Well, had they done it as an adapted full job, they'd have gotten much less hate for it, especially since it looks like it could have been another great adaptation on the level of RDM. DRK bitching lasted for all of a week after people got their hands on it, BLU bitching only increased after people actually tried it.


>Matoya is in her body
>Their souls are on the first
which headcanon is it bigboys

Heavensward is literally free on the square enix store.

thats why you report them and then get them banned

Easy, Monk. Watching Sabin wrestle everything to death never gets old.

Nah, that was not it. Was another korean mmo iirc.

yeah but stormblood

>sam is a tank in tactics

Maplestory Pink Bean class

If you pre-order you get to play on the 28th instead of the 2nd. That's it.

What the fuck, Soken?

Urianger is present on the first though isn't he?

big items and big cuts
Those cunts that undercut by 1? Yeah go ahead and drop a few hundred K off it.
Listed for 50m?
Whoops, it just went to 40m, what a shame.

Gil is irrelevant and abundant. It's merely my bank roll to fuck with people since I can make/do anything for pennies. I've gone from capped gil to 483 gil total before, I'll happily do it again.

I mean thats typical of preorders. Anyone who gives a shit about the game at all is preordering so it might as well just be called the launch date.

its pretty literal, early access
expansion is officially out on july 2nd but pre ordering lets you access it early

I'm pretty sure at this point that there's time fuckery going on and the Scions have all been on the First for a LOT longer than they've been gone. It sounds like Alphinaud's voice in the trailer who is saying "we've been fighting the sin eaters for 100 years".

hard to tell due to low quality

the one where alisaie is titania

Sup nigga

Yes. Basically, buy the expansion one day or more before early access, and get to play it five days before official release.

Absolutely, IDK if it actually did anything but I reported them too.
Not that I cared about the tells at all but if they also got suspended after getting mad I'll consider it a bigger victory.

I did it for the +30% exp earing

>Reminder that Yoshida himself said many players drop off around the Lvl 20-30 mark

Maybe it's because of the 'Let's send you to do menial tasks for a fucking feast when you want to fight Titan'

2nd worse part of the game right behind Post ARR

That's it, thanks!

I still get people asking me where I got mine. It's a beauty and I will never part with it.

you have every right to put an item onto the mb at whatever price you deem fit, depending on the wording of their harassment (like if they're being passive aggressive or straight up hostile) you can report them, gm might look into it whilst also telling you that you can blacklist the harasser.

>american hours
i'm out peace

How can they know who to tell? In marketboard it shows the retainer's name, not yours.


>IDK if it actually did anything but I reported them too
The GM team is kinda quick on the punish button, so I don't doubt he got at least warned if the hatetells were hot enough.

200 is a bit high to start getting bored imo.
I've gone from cap to 483, I've taken myself down below 5k a dozen times or more at least. I get bored and feel the need to fuck with people at like 30m.

I'm only walking into ShB with 25m, let's see how fast I can create fan mail this time round. My retainers need new names (they've been named after the best insults in my fan mail.)



>another 11 days
*picture of Ryan Gosling*

Certain items indicate the name of the crafter. Sometimes, you can tell which retainer belongs to whom.

>"Heavensward Violet Edition"
Cool, I loved Heavensward.

LOL, now that's some next level cope.


Borne upon our hands!
Cradled in our arms!
Swelling in our hearts!

>Heavensward/Stormblood:Violet Edition
TBF, them just doing more of the same is probably the main reason I am still playing. I like that they don't feel the need to reinvent the genre with every expac.


Which grand company should I pick, Yea Forums?

Xiv newfag here, just bought the game today. Please tell me, are there any characters that are:
1: Based
2: Redpilled

Attached: MapleStory_2017-09-01_13-39-32.png (532x112, 17K)

every male cat npc

Maelstrom has the best aesthetics but are furthest from their town's Aetheryte

>"and what's in there is a nigger"
What did they mean by this?


Ul'dah because it has the most screentime/story relevance of the three starting cities.

If you care about PVP, anyone but the Flames. So pick the Maelstrom because they aren't treefuckers or retards.

If you like winning PvP then Maelstrom.

That portion at least sort of kind of had a story. Most of 10-30 has fucking nothing going on at all. Proto-Heavensward (the slaughtering of the Waking Sands and run up into Coerthas) is the best part of ARR.


Attached: 1559764108528.png (901x664, 657K)

>Garuda says "NOW FALL"
>Shadowbringers says "WE FALL"
What did Soken mean by this?

The dude who owns the gold saucer. Godbert Manderville I think?
Also Gaius van Baelsar, who did nothing wrong.

>omega-m and f are both white
what did yoshi mean by this?


Attached: 1560316285506.gif (638x355, 2.37M)

Godbert "Kick out the Mhigger leeches" Manderville is pretty based when he's actually being serious about politics

Attached: 39210_20180104182117_1.png (322x381, 215K)

does that even matter anymore with the GC teleport tickets?

This is probably the single most conservative AAA video game around. Although I guess AAA is a stretch since MMOs are low budget.
Point is, there's a lot of "redpilled" characters and the game isn't shy about suggesting that maybe the kind option isn't the right one.

Pre-Heavensward is so fucking good. I wish I hadn't been spoiled before reaching it.

How long until I can join the Temple Knights GC?

Every character from Garlemald. Especially the emperor.

I like Dark Knight.

Attached: garland-final-fantasy-png.png (1092x1001, 1.07M)

Honestly probably Godbert Manderville. The few times you see him in main story and not comedy sideauests, anyway.

XIV needs the best FF job.

Attached: Ffta2-bangaacannoneer.jpg (280x314, 33K)

>Game treats Godbert as having a good point when he says that simply offering aide instead of teaching and providing infrastructure is pointless.
>Meanwhile it acts like Lyse is a good leader when all she does is make vague statements about how things will get better and they should fight.

>have to play eureka to get his armor

Yeah, it's weird that the same thing basically happens twice in ARR, isn't it? It's good both times, though.

Wow, this pic made me realize the Cid and Nero relationship is totally in the same vein as Amuro and Char.

Only evidence people have is a twitter post or something when he was wearing a Fat Chocobo hoodie.

I remember this anime.

for me it's Balisarde but Baldur Blade and Chronus with the golden glow are very nice as well

Attached: balisarde.jpg (1547x836, 340K)

I know that person and he's a creepy fuck. Decided to start playing the game and roleplaying Lolorito solely because he thought he was hot and wanted to fuck him.

>WoW refugee
>underestimate lalafells and think they're just comedy relief like gnomes
>Lolorito and Teledji proved me the fuck wrong
They're an entire race of rat bastards

>10 day til GUNBREAKA
I'm not going to make it bros


Never trust anyone dressed as an existing character unless they're going full hog on the crazy RP train with in character responses.

whats titanias mount going to be?
