A Man Played Video Games Nonstop For 73 Hours. This Is How His Organs Shut Down


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gimme a quick rundown on pic related?

I get high on 200mg of adderall during a 3 day binge and masturbate furiously to hentai during that time. Edging for over 70 hours. I'm still alive, but I reckon not for long. That's fine.

I wish I liked video games enough to play them for 73 hours straight

damn kojima we lost u too soon

never post Hideo again.

At least he died wallowing in dopamine. That's more than most of us can hope for.

>Gazillions of people get killed on their bicycles, get their bones smashed in ball sports, get their brains tackled out in football and roid themselves into oblivion in their gym
Why yes, sports is healthy
>Literally one guy dies from gaming

t. does both sports and games

>mfw video games are my favourite thing in the world
>mfw I don't want to play them most of the time

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If you set in one spot with little movement for more than 48 hours you're likely gonna fucking die. Pretty Impressive that he lasted 3 days.

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That's Kojima


is this true

Of course not, the USA still exist

If you go without eating or drinking much setting still for many hours will kill you. Cardiac arrest. Koreans do it all the time.

Quite regularly stay up for 50+ hrs didnt realise i was putting my health at risk

Actually just 3 people a year die from roids in USA. They are far safer than the media let's you believe.

Remember kids, every 45 min get up and take a break for 15 min.

>Cardiac arrest
is it painful?

lol fuck that.
Just work out in the morning and you can sit around and do nothing all day

only if you take your mask off


Lucky for me im a very habitual pacer

What happened to Hideo?

it was sitting down for 73hrs that fuck him up

But how many balls were shrunk? Thats worse than death.

>shitposting on Yea Forums actually saves lives

what's the guy on the video's race? He looks like an oblivion character

people have been doing this on runescape for a decade, nosleep/constant gaming being a detriment to your health is just a straight up fucking lie.

godjimbo, creator of metal gear

Hideous Kojima, kek

Have you watched the video, zoom zoom?

>dude just give yourself a load of heparin before gaming lmao

how much you cum after 70 fucking hours of edging? your balls must hurt like motherfucker

Absolutely. This is the same thing that can happen to people who are sitting on a plane for prolonged time.

Neets BTFO

Da Chink?