CTR Nitro Fueled

The leaks are flooding in edition

Attached: electron avenue.jpg (1280x720, 183K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What's there to even leak?

What if Switch has a smaller version of Hyper Spaceway?

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twitch.tv/ouicartz stream

Games: drive.google.com/open?id=16iPp4VeowlGULMaCTnCUM7COfilzbdnJ

(No NF yet, sorry)

Unrevealed Track Intros: drive.google.com/open?id=1MmDaWuEaRHs3evGG0PIg--kw3wupThK8

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nice youtube vid

find a new one, this chink is being annoying

Slide Coliseum is dead

Wowie zowie, right in my Infinity Gems

Conan plays CTR:

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Well if there's one thing this release proves it's that you faggots will literally complain about anything

Can two players on the same console go online together? Just like Mario Kart Wii/8, you know

Is this going to be like the nsane trilogy where the only people who have the game early absolutely suck at video games?

zem mains report

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Every game that happens for. Never forget the 14 game overs in Sonic Mania Oil Ocean

Anyone else wondering why they kept some old SFX (the warp when you go into an Adventure Mode race, the menu sounds) but changed others (engine sounds, starting lights)

nope absolutely not that feature is unavailable
it was a ruse my friend you have been duped

zem mains are brapfags

I miss the old Ripper Roo's laugh

NF XCI/NSP + the update are up for switch now

looks better than Cyberpunk 2077


thumbs up, but be aware it's a convert of the nsp anyways. Might want to move in on it fast too, it probably won't last too long.