Make a nice mod for a game you like

>make a nice mod for a game you like
>get ripped off by multiple AAA devs that smell profits

damn, ever since MOBAs, Survival walking simulators and Battle Royale big companies really try to copy every new mod-fad they can find.

Attached: dota-auto-chess.png (800x494, 428K)

Other urls found in this thread:,

epic probably paid them atleast 2 million bucks. I have no idea how big their team is, but 500k will get you very far in china.

There's a lot of money to be made.

1) is positioning important. what should I think when i position my units

2) Should i prioritize stars or alliances

3) Should i reroll hero selection often?

Did they make Pokemon Defense for WC3 though? Otherwise they are ripping them off just like Valve and Riot jumping the Auto Chess train.

>Make a nice mod
>Big company asks permission to copy your mod
>You explicitely give them that permission
>Sell out to the Chinese
>Some other company, also run by the Chinese starts making a clone

Attached: 1484966990277.png (372x508, 239K)

i just looked at footage of whatever this is. How are you supposed to monetize this? Sell skins for heroes? Gatcha roll better heroes?

different evolution stages, different victory animations for the characters, obviously different jingles/sound effects, maybe the board?

i also have a feeling they might go Heartstone with this and sell adventures

Somehow Riot's TFT looks even more awful than underlords. And underlords is already trash.

user even pong could be monetized with different backgrounds, some anime girl screaming yatta when you score and shit like that

The modding community is more innovative than real devs, so why not

>New game is called the underlords
>My boy pitlord ain't even in
but why?

>Only one that looks decent is Epic exclusive

Haha that blows

1- Yes. Pieces with better armor and higher HP in front, weaklings covered. Invert position in case of facing multiple assassins, since they jump behind your team.

2- Try focusing on both, since stronger pieces alone won't ensure a victory in late game. Just don't try to force to evolve costly pieces to level 3, just make a quick math and you'll realize you're going to be broke for it, and they're strong enough on level 2.

3- Only reroll till you're near factors of 10, to ensure you a bonus profit. Example: you have 27 golds? You can safely reroll 3 times and mantain the same amount of golds in the next round, even if you lose. If your team is winning with your pieces, save money for the next factor of 10.

You can't patent an idea. They should have solidified their brand and monetization sooner.

They took huge advantage by using dota2 assets anyway, you can't give them complete credit.

>You can't patent an idea
It's cute you believe this

Attached: downloadfile2.jpg (876x958, 88K)

Wait, there's the mod, there's a valve game, and a chinese game? This shit is confusing.

Attached: 1560443170496.png (827x720, 313K)

for now, only cosmetic
>Drodo Auto chess: chessboard, minor damage effect, season pass (that give gacha currency). avatars...?
>lol TFT: (most definitely) chessboard, the lil "playable characters) fuckers, maybe skin integration, i dunno
>Dota Underlord: now idea for now. Most likely skin integration and chessboard
honestly there're not that many way to monetize this aside from season pass

Its a ripoff a Pokemon Defence WC3 mod.
Drodo, the mod makers, are a small Chinese team who partnered with Dragonest and now Epic for their game
Supercell is likely working on one
Blizzard probably copying again
Expect a Marvel and DC version

Not what happened. The dev of the mod took money from Epic to make a stand alone game for them. Only then did Valve develop one in reaction

> Pokemon Defence
I hope Nintendo will jump on this train too.

1. Very. and it depend on if the other teams has Assassins or not (most of the time, yes). so you should position in a way that just 1-2 of your tanky hero + 1 dmg dealer are at the front, while there's at least 1 tanky one defending your backline dmg dealers
2. It depend on your lineup, really. A druid set can star up very quickly, but the dmg is rather lackluster, so you increase your lvl. A mecha + goblin set is VERY tanky, with some of them dealing great dmg, so star-up is a priority
3. You have "interest" ala for every 10 coin you save, you get an additional coin next turn. focus on maintaining ~20-30 coin early game, dont worry too much about losing (infact, losing streak gives you a boost of gold too) and cash in when needed. Ofc try to power yourself up regularly for the item drop phases

The chink auto chess has ridiculous levels of engrish in it. It's like they didn't consult a single native english speaker.

Chinese devs deserve this more than anyone.

Are you retarded?
The EGS version looks like every chink mobile game rip-off ever.

chinks can only steal, even the logo looks like it's ripped from overwatch

this game is just Yahtzee with heroes right?
i love yahtzee

Crazy. I feel bad for the modders, their game most likely won't be as popular as Valve one.

Riot's one will be the most popular, purely because how massive, and blue-eyed, their following is. And they know how to attract the casual market. Valve doesn't know shit and their luck has ran out.

So I played this autochess game on my phone. It's somehow amusing, but I dont want to keep playing it.
Still rooting for original creator of this mod, shameless ripoff by valve and riot is not cool.

coorporations are the niggers of soul

> rip-off
Made by original creator.

Attached: 1560802047779.jpg (600x766, 117K)

Riot won't be on mobile for quite awhile, they will likely be months after others.

Valve is going mobile though. Which is pretty big considering DAC is really their only competition there besides all the other literal who clones.

>rip of overwatch logo design
>use assets from Dota 2
>use the Dota 2 launcher to gain a following then switch to another Chink company
How isn't this chink making a rip off?

not him, but aside from the "new" models (which animations are still pretty much the same as Dota 2), even the particles look ripped off
its pretty understandable too. they are a bunch of programmers/modders. but hell the artists at Dragonest are just unimaginative and lazy
>Kunka boat is exactly the same
>Enigma midnight pulse is just a bit lighter
>Tide's ravage look the same, even stifter
>Lina's blade is still white, and they can literally choose any other color
even the fucking sladar's mark look exactly the same.
im just disappointed, if anything

maybe something will happen and a Marvel vs DC thing will happen like in the good ol' 90's and a "Teamfight Tactics vs Underlords" game is allowed

That's been a thing since doom, though.

> use assets from Dota 2
Nah, all ingame models have been remade.

The modders are fine, they already have a mobile app with over a million downloads thats monetized and has the chinese audience

You probably didnt know, but Valve has done literally the same (even worse) when they were making dota2 using concepts from Warcraft.

Is it fun? I want a game that I can play from time to time when I'm traveling or going to work. Probably gonna wait for Riot's or Valve's version, though.

>rip off chess but give it a fantasy skin, or something
>autistic assfaggots go apeshit because they've never played actual chess but discovered chess appeals to their autism
>chinks rip off ripped off ripoffs
Some japanese developer should make AutoShogi. that'll be the dark souls of dota2 mods

Riot Games is making a clone with LoL champions

>create a completely original game idea
>use an already existing game to bring it to life
>decide to make it an original game to flesh out the game more and avoid the limitations of the base game
>according to valve cucks, your new version of your original idea is a rip off
>valves version of your original idea is not
It wasnt even like 10 years ago when Valve Cucks got asshurt that Blizzard was coming after them for straight up stealing characters in their shitty Dota "sequel"

I like chess but this is 0% chess except the board and using 'pieces'

I've been trying and failing to understand what people find so fun about this game. The game just feels like pissing in the wind to me, almost as much as when I played slots for the first time. Is it the same kind of addictive thrill or something?

>create a completely original game idea
Did they create the warcraft 3 mod that was doing this like 2 years ago?

Original devs were chinese

Keyword here is "looks".

battle pass like fortnite does

At least they gave them more than 4 voice lines on repeat.

How about you go and find out?

Mate your the one calling it original idea when it clear was ported to dota2 at best if not them ripping off some else from warcraft in a more popular library for their own profit.

Feel free to provide any proof of this Warcraft 3 map existing.

>fortnite invented battlepass

>the same as auto chess

>implying my comment says fortnite invented it

imo this fad will die much faster than BR

>Has specific pieces with special abilities
>Piece have bonuses for fighting other pieces or being on the same team as others
>Legendaries have passive buffs that effect you team

Its pretty fucking similar and you are moving that goal post pretty far.

Whatever you say, retard

Did you ever saw DOTA pre 5.xx versions? Like DOTA 3.xx? I bet you will never recognise that this is actually DOTA.

This shit is perfect for phones. You're underestimating the zoomer retardation.

Anyways, is made for the chink market, the west is just a bonus.

>Gets proven wrong
>You have to give proof
>Gets shown
>Gets told off
>You're just a retard

Attached: arguments.jpg (679x516, 59K)

Keep backliners in corners, surround them with bulky people.

Whatever you say, retard

games take way too long, its normal for match to last 30+ minutes i cant imagine people want to play that long on their phones at that point why not just use PC

I doubt valve would use a battle pass. They would want something they can shove in their steam market place.

okay but what's the problem?

>Yea Forums now unironically defends the copyright meme
>noooo, we already made a game like that so you shouldn't do it!!!!
this board is the worst place to discuss video games

Underlords has some legit great improvements over normal mod.
>Loot rng is much less make or break
>Passive options for loot rewards offer ways to fix shitty classes/racials
>Better pathing so melee and assassin don't fuck themselves jumping 3 times to get to ranged unit two tiles from them

any opportunity to shit on the chinese should be taken

Is Dota underlords better? Played autochess while it was a mod in dota and it felt too much as an rng fest so i quit.

So, cosmetic integration + battlepass?
The thing is, making sets for this game means making 3 set for each star lvl, so i dunno how
How can lol chess even do cosmetic anyway? Their skin system is even less roburst

how did autochess EVER gain any popularity at all?

my friends just keep telling me to "just keep playing" but I'm like why would I try to learn this game when its hardly a game? and it seems like the game is designed to be unlearnable via just playing. they all tell me you can learn from playing but they also *all* watched youtube tutorials

>Chinks, for once in the history of bug people, create something original
>Valve offers to give them a job and to have full control over it, since it uses Valves stuff
>Chinks go full Chink, steal Valve assets and then go sell their idea to their Chink Hivemind
>Valve is forced to make their own version
>everyone else sees money and copies the idea
>because of the Chinks own greed and insect nature, their idea is quickly defiled by everyone

okay, so, what's the problem?

It has something to do with lots of rng and low key gambling. I personally cant stand rng so i got literally angry and uninstalled it.

Pretty much meme'd into popularity by hearthstone streamers once they realized hearthstone has gone completely stale and their skillset has next to zero cross over to other games even most online card games.

>how did autochess EVER gain any popularity at all?
Involves a lot of RNG, so baddies can win against baddies half of the time. They can't win in other games.

nobody actually plays games anymore they just want something to fill the time while they listen to podcasts.

They low the rng a bit with a guaranteed item, out of a choice of three, every time you beat a neutral instead of completely random drops. But chess piece RNG still exists.

as opposed to what, being figuratively angry?
jokes aside thats exactly why its so popular, it resonates with peoples gambling tendencies
same reason slots gacha and pachinko all make the big bucks

It pretty much goes down to rng, but it's rng like poker or mahjong

its fun and takes just enough amount of skill and rng to make it easy even for casual players to have chance vs pros, its similar to heartstone in that matter but its brand new so it still feels fresh also theres no established meta so people still have fun playing and testing stuff.

What do we think of tft? All in all i think the most interesting thing Riot did is actually have players fight each other.

But beyond that it seems real rough. The carousel gimmick looked good on paper but looks so fucking awkward ingame.

I'm waiting for the league autochess, looks better than the valve one

>The carousel gimmick looked good on paper but looks so fucking awkward ingame
I think it's good, it helps a bit if you're in a bad spot

When's Dota Underlords open beta coming again? Still this week? Any new info?

Attached: 1487343024525.png (700x700, 362K)

Sure the catch up mechanic is good but I just don't like the tedium they introduced of that boring phase where you're all in the middle.

>You can't patent an idea. They should have solidified their brand and monetization sooner.
You can patent anything if you do it correctly, a civil war general was awarded a patent for the blue section of light on the visible spectrum.

im waiting for open beta Underlords too, cba to dowload 20gb dota2 just to try auto chess and mobile version on emulator works like shit cuz my pc is garbage

nothing about chess
play the game before talking

Underlords open beta might come out in at least three days. On mobile too.
Riot's TFT I think is going on the official client next week or something? I don't really know how their pbe servers work.

> not a separate game
stupid fucking mistakes

its better this way, you get rewards for the main game

Looks like garbage

Only played the autochess mod, but it's addictive as hell. Matches are quick and you can leave whenever you want so that's a bonus, but the concept is fun and it's a mix between skill and rng so there's always the thrill of getting good rolls.

>looks better
it doesn't really

> rewards for L OMEGALUL L
no thanks. i get enough of this cancer like 5 years ago
i just want separate lightweight client with more fitting interface for this kind of game

this definitely doesn't look better than underlords but you're free to believe whatever you want

dont forget hirez most likely is going to do one too

everytime there is a popular game or some shit well will try to copy that too

its not a shitty mobile UI and doesn't have the soulless character design from dota 2

Attached: file.png (724x619, 282K)

God I miss the one true chad.

i look forward to them making great game with good innovative ideas to destroy it later with retarded changes and lack of marketing

>its not a shitty mobile UI
yea you're right, League's the one that has that.


But it is, the characters are literally cheap knock off versions of the dota 2 characters

the Valve one is so shit you can literally leave the game if you don't get 2 level 2 the first 3 rounds.

You know they already updated the UI right
The league UI is also terrible, it looks like a mod instead of a proper game

>>get ripped off by multiple AAA devs that smell profits

Valve goddamn approached them for working with them on making an official version, and while they didn't decide to work with Valve they gave Valve their permission to move forward with Dota Underlords. The EGS Autochess is the extension of the original dev's game

>being such a newfag you don't know League of Legends was a rip off of a WC3 mod
>which was also the original Dota
Incredible. How will your anus ever recover?

If they manage to properly balance underlords, there'll be no need in other ones
TFT looks like a complete trash and it's not even out yet
Chink continuation could be decent, but the current client (on mobile, which will be then transferred to desktop) is miles behind the current DAC version and feels awful to play

Imagine when nintendo release auto chess with pokemons and national dex

Attached: 4(2).png (128x128, 25K)

>How are you supposed to monetize this

Attached: mockthefedora.gif (450x296, 499K)

its literally a mobile UI
even has the buttons on the right

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1920x1080, 919K)

because they gonna release Underlords on mobiles too?
Also they updated UI for PC.
But TFT looks like custom map for LoL, not separate game.

Drodo autochess is like the worst one definitely, you also have to deal with the whole chinese bullshit of it secretly matching you up with bots instead of real players.
The UI was designed for mobile because they where focusing on releasing it for mobile first to compete with autochess. Plans changed when riot announced their autochess and they decided to put it on PC asap. Still, this mobile based UI still gives far more information to the player than the league UI does.

>But TFT looks like custom map for LoL, not separate game.
if tft looks like a custom map, its the same for underlords

True you can patent ideas, but you can't patent game mechanics, only game "inventions" aka the GPS Arrow in Crazy Taxi or the Loading Screen Minigame some shitty company patented.

>TFT isn't doing unit upgrades being upgraded into skins because they want to use skins as a basis for Classes or Races later
Such a retarded reasoning. Seeing your tier 1 pleb being decked out at tier 3 is great, having the model get bigger is fucking lame.

Why is this a bad thing again?
Also you live in an era where 99% of the modern web design is "mobile first" and it's the only paradigm companies use right now.

More like UnderLUL.

Yeah looks like Valve is really hoping to kill Dota 2 off with another shitty DOA spin-off.

>old as hell leaked video running at 8fps when there's a pool of thousands of proper videos on youtube
you're just reaching right now, not even worth a (you)