Name a better villain

Name a better villain.

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Cruella de'Vil.

I went in thinking the story was gonna be shit like the last few games, but this one was good, if it wasnt open world shit it would be even better.


Holy fuck i thought this game is going to be about le bad white christian people but it took a turn and it came out to be fucking based

The cults message is based how we depend on technology and how we lust for meaningless items that we don't even need and how older civilizations collapsed because their men became weak and how we became sheeps from wolves
Theres a lot of redpills in this game and i ended up hating the people who try to fight back at the cult

And Joseph was a decent villain but then New Dawn came and fucked everything up


>use the Scientology symbol
did they just not do any research or are the villains scientologists instead of Christians? I don't play shit western games

>villain redeems himself on second game
any vidya with this feel?

Gaunter O'Dim.

Fuck off.

And this guy.

The open world in fc5 wans't all that bad, though. The setting was fucking fantastic, and the small shit like meeting Faith out in the grass when you're minding your own was pretty fucking cool.

they're a cult, just like scientology is a cult. they use modified religious symbols

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who's fellow?

And this eargasm OST

It's sad that there's no difference in a way you take regions.

Handsome Jack
I will admit I think Joseph was a better villain then Vaas in terms of motives

Don't forget the best radio in the game

Oh yessss
Hope County Choir sings /k/'s national anthem

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It's hella comfy. Hella atmospheric to stealth kill an entire outpost in Faith's region with brutal violent takedowns while everyone else hums along to Faith singing on the PA

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>mouthbreathers who unironically think the cult was right

yeah that's why they were executing so many peaceful good white Christians in a quiet mountain town and using drugs and whores to recruit young men. They're literally just white people ISIS, retards.

How's Gaunter O'Dimm is a villain? Olgierd was the antagonist of HoS


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Fuck off the cult is right about a lot of things that apply to our real world as well
And the reason they got based as 'white people isis' is because you need a reason to kill them in a gameplay perspective otherwise there wouldn't be anything wrong with them
Go dilate

>Fuck off the cult is right about a lot of things that apply to our real world as well
such as?

You could say the same thing about them being "right" purely necessitated from the plot perspective. There's a reason so many people were surprised and annoyed by the ending.


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literally anyone fucking else

Pagan Min

>tfw no Faith gf

Not a villain

The cult is validated by literally being right about everything. Even in the sequel Joseph is on point with everything.

Pagan Min

>Even in the sequel Joseph is on point with everything.
you mean the sequel where he says he was wrong, cries and begs for you to kill him?
The sequel where it's revealed he tortured the protag of the previous game for years inside a bunker?

That sequel?

Honestly, I liked a lot of the FC5 cast, which is why the ending was so dissapointing. Even worse, everything about New Dawn sucked

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Mary May is a better Best Girl
God rest her soul

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Strasse is quite one-dimensional villain.

That's why he was so good, that and the casting for him was perfect.

Isn't it said that the best villains are the ones you have a hard time seeing fault in?

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Gruntilda, but in tooie.

Deathshead just came off as goofy
>hahaha, I vill dissect your organs, Allied Schweinhund!

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I liked the twist

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Was she confirmed dead in New Dawn?

>main villain is future you
>main villain is past you
>main villain is dark you
>main villains is you but from other dimension
any more?

Literally every other villian ever.

I think you find her tombstone or something.

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Pagan min

>main villain is a clone of you from other space


uhhh.. have you SEEN jared leto in blade runner 2049???? .............idiots............



>receive vision about the end of the world and a mission to save humanity
>start stealing, dealing drugs, kidnapping, torturing and murdering people

The cult is insane, but it does have a veneer of agreeable values
which is actually how real life cults work, they crazy doesn't start until you're already deep enough in there's no way back

gay and false prophetpilled

or just trekking into the mountains going hunting with your trusty dog
open world worked for this game dammit

what if the New Dawn villain instead was the FC3 protagonist turned violent warlord due to the apocalypse happening?

Found something that says she contracted radiation poisoning after the bombs dropped, died before New Dawn happened.

He was the good guy, did you not play the game?

The Junior Deputy becomes a hired gun in New Dawn. He/she is behind a Jack Skellington mask and carries a bow.

The two previous times that Farcry had the same villain?

Truly, you either die a hero...

Show a example first

Yes and no.
Two blacks are the main villains in New Dawn.

there's anyone who didn't get who that was the minute the previewed the hirelings?
but I'm talking about the FC3 protagonist
even on the good ending he's already pretty damn unstable
add the world blowing up to that and there's a good chance he starts his own New Rakyat tribe from the ashes

From the other side of the world, without any equipment to survive a nuclear fallout for seventeen years?

At the end of the game he returns to the USA
Good ending is canon

He's fairly well broken by everything he did on the islands, and certainly wouldn't seem eager to start again.

> turned an old enemy into a trusted close friend after the Apocalypse
> forgave the one who killed all his siblings because that's what a good Reverend do
> sensed his son was being tempted by an apple so exiled himself in the mountains and let son in charge of his life's work, to push son to forge virtuous destiny as leader
> advocadoe'd for a greener, simpler life and warned the MC against the dangers of GMO in fruit
> has legions of weed smokers ready to spawn or lift a literal weed mist at his whim

He did nothing wrong either in "that" sequel.

what the fuck was this problem?

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craved apples but Daddy kept saying he was allergic.

Where the fuck did he come from, anyway? Joseph just kept his son out of the picture for all this time?
Also, he wanted to be just like Joseph, and Joseph didn't want any of that.

His (then) gf was away from Joseph.

>goofy villain

I think that's intended.

because it's done by different studios

it's just Jared Leto.
