What are your thoughts on this character from Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus?
What are your thoughts on this character from Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus?
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The hero we need more desperately than ever.
probably a zionist like every world leader, but his heart was in the right place.
Bless him
He looks like the kind of asshole who would start a war with every European country that results in 60 million people being killed, half of Europe being enslaved by communism, and nationalism forever being an evil taboo subject, all because his daddy never loved him.
you soubd like a butthurt kike.
I'm glad he turned your shitty kin into fertilizer.
That moustache looks weird as fuck.
Reminds me of this.
Why would I be butthurt if I was a kike? Hitler is directly responsible for the creation of Israel and the antisemitism laws that prevent even looking at a Jew the wrong way
I liked him better I the purse owner games
So did he or did he not have jews killed?
Indirectly responsible
Would have been better if they did that scene without him being sick and insane.
They had to smear his image in every way possible
He was a big guy
Objectively incorrect. Israel was created in direct response to the Holocaust. No Final Solution, no Israel.
He did, but he also killed a bunch other kinds of people he didn’t like too. It’s not all about the Jews like some push, even though he did hate them a lot.
No idea who that is, but he looks extremely attractive.
Wait, why did they add charlie Chaplin to a ww2 action game?
He's in.
Can someone post that story about him beta orbiting some girl who never even knew he existed? I'm so conflicted, I hate beta orbiters but I also hate Israel.
he did nothing wrong
>literally worse incel in human history
>Hitler is directly responsible for the creation of Israel and the antisemitism laws that prevent even looking at a Jew the wrong way
This was hilarious until I the ramifications hit me.
Literally Hitler
best husbando
>Dr. Mengele, I'm NSDAP
he's based and redpilled
Erry time.
Man, isn't it convenient that the most prolific jew hater in history was a manlet with a poop fetish and ED who fucked his cousin and also he was part jew and he wasn't even a real german etc etc etc?
Tell me about the Jew, why does he wear the Kippah?
No, because literally everyone hates Jews. Hitler being a manlet incel who is into scat doesn't make Jews any less evil than they already are.
>nazis getting their feefees hurt over wolfenstein
god i love this series
That's about right.
Man I can't believe you missed my point.
>t. seething jewcel
Hitler was 5'9 (average height in the US). The other stuff you mentioned is bullshit too.
And here you are shitposting on a message board for kids toys all because your dad loved your ass too much.
Imagine being unable to detect sarcasm.
Good guess, but I never had a dad.
Still more love than you deserved, Tyrone.
I know, one of these days I'll get around to killing myself. Just be patient.
He's pretty based, reminds me of pic related.
i love him
A disappointment. Threw away a chance to have a modern mecha Hitler fight for a lame "haha funny retard" joke
Hitler : Dr. Mengele I'm NSDAP. Uh, you don't get to bring friends.
Mengele : (sternly) They're not my friends.
SS Officer : Don't worry, I'll charge you for them.
Hitler : And why I would I want them?
SS Officer : They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the banker. The hook-nosed man.
Hitler : Jude? Get them on board I'll call it in.
(On the Train)
Hitler : The train ride I just filed with the Party lists me, my men, Dr. Mengele here and only ONE of YOU. (opens side door) First one to talk gets to stay in my train car.
Hitler : (hanging someone out the side door) Who paid you to grab Dr. Mengele!?
(fires Luger into the air)
Hitler : He'd didn't ride so good! Who wants to try next? (hangs another person out the side door) Tell me about Jude, why does he wear the Yamaka!? A lot of loyalty for a hired goyim!
Masked Man : Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man, before throwing him out of a train.
Hitler : At least you can talk! Who are you?
Masked Man : Doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan. (has mask taken off) No one cared who I was until they owed me money.
Hitler : If I took that away will you die?
Jude : It would be extremely painful...
Hitler : You're a rich guy.
Jude : ...for you.
Hitler : Was getting caught part of your plan?
Jude : Of course! (pause) Germany refused our offer in favor of yours, we had to learn what they told you.
Mengele : Nothing, they said nothing! (Jude looks at him sternly)
Hitler : Well congratulations, you got yourselves caught! What's the next step of your *master* *plan*?
Jude : Crashing this Germany...
what the fuck
It's a horde of daddy long legs.
They tend to look like hairballs.
Fuckin saved
Can someone explain to me the following?
I was at my grandma's place today earlier, she's quite educated and we begun talking about WW2 for the first time, i asked her about the holocaust and she told me it was something recent, she couldn't recall clearly when people began talking about it, but she did take one history book of hers published on 1958, i glanced through the WW2 section of it and there was no mention of it or any photos, only concetration camps for the opposition and prisoners. It certainly raised concern on me how an history book of that time would miss something like the holocaust.
My question and point is: Did any of you make similar findings on old history books?
>just some larping old man
>not some angry kraut in a mech suit
What were they thinking, I get they are Swedes but shouldn't they have remembered defeating a difficult enemy is more satisfying then going after some old man who peed himself
He did but not for the reason you think. You see Hitler and Germans by extension are Jewish lapdogs who strike whenever the Jews need Europe destroyed to allow them more power. The holocaust was just one part of a long plan to purge the weak and stupid from the Jews ranks to make them better at subversion along with giving them more brownie points. They make up these "holohoax" conspiracy to wrangle in people who think they are free but are just falling for additional jew propaganda.
Incorrect. Israel was created out of kike terrorism. After ww2, not even the kike puppet fat lard drunkard Churchill and UK gov was willing to honor the (((balfour declaration))). So the kikes literally terrorist bombed a building in Israel filled with British nationals. That is what finally lead to the creation of (((Israel))). Try getting a real education next time, you fucking retarded nigger EOP.
I like Wolfenstein
Eh is a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything
Even the current (((king of the kikes))) said it wasn't Hitler's fault you dumb faggot.
Aww that pic is so fucking sad
How far we have fallen
will this user just kill himself this post is getting boring
what's with edgy teenager nazis on this thread
loser who didnt holocaust the jews
Quick, post cheeky vidya Adolf
>didn't included the perfect holocaust reference scene of the "fire rises"
still 9/10 though bruh
I wish I could find it again, (((jewtube))) probably took it down, but about a year or so ago, I came across a video where I think a guy from the UK found one of the original (IIRC Time magazines) that supposedly had some of those ""super famous""" holocaust pictures that people claim are forged, and sure enough the guy filmed the cover, him opening it and flipping through the pages and showing that the original pics didn't look like the edited version that are usually shown as ""proof""" of how terrible the holohoax was.
I didn't think it was very clever or funny or meaningful. They reintroduce Hitler into the series and... he's a one note "old people are gross, but also he's Hitler" joke. They didn't even get the accent right. You never interact with him in any meaningful way. The only funny part about that scene is that that one actor is implied to be Ronald Reagan.
This actually makes somewhat sense considering (((George Soros))) got immunity from being rounded up because of having a Romanian Nazi uncle or some shit like that. And then made his original money literally off """stolen""" money that was taken from the kikes that were rounded up and shipped out. Fucking dirty kikes are so fucking greedy they fuck their own people over for more shekels.
But saying Hitler + Germany were under ANY kind of control of the jews is retarded. They did it for their people and their believes (which given current society was clearly justified).
>Thinking the man who was appointed by Wiemar Jews was free
>thinking the man who was given power after a convenient fire and after the jew controlled president suddenly died wasn't planned
>thinking the Kraut leadership suddenly going full blown retard fighting the Soviet and providing American jews with a convenient excuse to go to war with them wasn't planned
>thinking that all the times the krauts took part in devastating Euro wars that just conveniently made kikes more powerful was just coincidence
Free yourself from Kraut worshipers and you will realize they are not these saviors that larpers make them out to be, but rather the tool for the jews end goals