Game tries to be funny

>Game tries to be funny
>It actually is
What are some other examples of this?

Attached: Psychonauts.jpg (616x353, 48K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Kid Icarus Uprising

lisa the painful

Deadpool falls flat on it's face many times, but the toilet scene was bretty funny.

San Andreas.

Yakuza 0

Got quite a few laughs outta this

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>le epic 4th wall jokes

nope, go back to le reddit


>le, epic and reddit in one post
no room for "muhs"?

The Mario and Luigi and Paper Mario series
Luigiā€™s Mansion
No More Heroes made me laugh sometimes
Enter the Gungeon has a lot of fun gun based puns and I appreciate them

I liked a lot of Jack's voicelines in Borderlands 2 but from what I understand it is an opinion not allowed in here.

The Secret of Monkey Island

Grandia 2

Every interaction in the Milkman level was solid gold.

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That's pretty much the only game with genuinely good humor in it.

I enjoyed BK's humor, especially Grunty and Kazooie. I also liked Handsome Jack in the BL series. Psychonauts is good too, but you posted that. I had a good laugh in the drinking quest with Lenny in RDR2 as well.

Portal and to a lesser extent Portal 2 were pretty funni

>"When my husband drinks excessively, I may threaten him with this rolling pin, although we are still very much in love."
>"Although over time my husband will desire me less sexually, he will always enjoy my pies."

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Roundabout was pretty charming.

>play Psychonauts for the first time last week
>All of a sudden a bunch of Psychonauts threads star popping up every day
Which one of you fucks is stalking me?

It's me, the Milkman. My milk is delicious.

Everyone saw the new P2 videos retard.


P2 = Psychonauts 2
You absolute brainlet.

Psychonauts 2, user. Everyone's heard about it.

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I think I may be absolutely fucking retarded. I am sorry.

It's okay user. It's okay.

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(assumes faux German shrink accent)
You're just suffering from increditus gauditus, the medical condition common among jaded gamers in which something pleasant occurs, but you are so accustomed to disappointment and letdowns that you no longer retain the ability to believe that something you wanted could possibly come to fruition.

It is literally the fear to hope, because the industry is mostly shit at this point, and you try to focus on days that games were actually good, solid, finished products that didn't rely on DLC.

Rick and Morty the video game.

S'arright, user, everyone misses something now and again. I missed that there was a Luigi's Mansion game coming out. I saw all these pictures of a cute woman in glasses making funny poses, and I hadn't the foggiest why she was important.


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I'm actually surprised how good Psychonauts 2 look so far. There must be a catch.

I thought that was that one VR game with the dude with dude eyeballs.

Yeah it is.

Correct. user's just (You) baiting.

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Borderlands 2 with the french voices

I am still excited for P2, even if I am a bit nervous about it.
The trailer was real good though. I am glad Loboto stayed relevant, he's good.

Whoops, didn't mean to reply.
My point stands.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2

I know memes killed it to the point we're not even allowed to acknowledge this fact anymore, but both Portal games were fantastic comedies before just about every single piece of dialogue has been diluted into obnoxious levels.

TF2 also has some of the greatest banter in any vidya.

I could listen to the Team shit-talk each other and the bosses for ages.

I played undertale with very little prior knowledge and basically no engagement with the fanbase. Funny and enjoyable experience. Has enough time gone by that we can admit that again?

Yeah, it's a nice little game.

Still looking forward to more Deltarune. Someday.

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