Time to confess
How many times were you scammed by kickstarter?
Time to confess
Just once: Starbound.
Learned my lesson.
None because I dont throw money down the drain.
Never backed a game. If it turn out good I buy the released version
I backed Superhot. It had an enjoyable playable demo as a proof of concept. I ended up not getting the shirt I wanted because I forgot my password the years after the fact, but I got the game via email, and it was fun as hell. The plot was sort of silly, but the gameplay was incredibly tight.
paid 50 bucks for a t shirt and lots of exclusive shit for an upcoming carpenter brut music video, think that was 5 years ago? first it was a 5 minute video and now its turned into a 50 minute movie
Only give my money charities so I can get my tax deduction.
You have to be an idiot to just throw your money away without any benefits in return.
I only backed banner saga, it ended up alright but I haven't backed anything else after hearing about all of the other shady kickstarters
>You have to be an idiot to just throw your money away without any benefits in return.
So Fig.co then?
I'm only here to point and laugh at the inevitable post of
>star citizen
None, I pirate the living shit of everything.
Star Citizen
and still backing
Huh I haven’t heard of this before.
Interesting, I’ll have to look around later today and see what it has to offer.
fucking lel
Hopefully, none.
I've only backed Pixel Noir, Visage and Anonymous Agony. All of them seem to be progressing.
I never backed a game that were way past their goalpost so most of them never got funded so I got the money back, the ones i remember were shadowrun and shantae...both pretty good
i use torrents for video games
It's a shame that Kickstarter was too easily abused by assholes. Nowadays the only way to get proper funding for vidya on Kickstarter is to already have something you could easily show actual investors to help out. Something like Hollow Knight would've easily found investors to help, for example.
you want me to invest, you pay dividends, you want to sell me something, fucking make it first
absolutely never
get fucked idiots
I considered backing one because I really liked the first game but I ended up not doing it.
It got stuck on kikestarter hell for 5 years. Ended up releasing though and it was fantastic.
>Something like Hollow Knight would've easily found investors to help, for example.
Back then, no one knew or cared about this game when their Kickstarter was a thing. Heck when the game was released, it was easily overshadowed by Cuphead.
Only way to have investors (publishers) is to have millions in Kickstarter funding.
>mfw never backed a kickscammer
So far none. Only thing I’ve ever crowdfunded was indivisible and only because I got so much out of skullgirls for 15 bucks and they were extremely transparent/consistent with their SG DLC campaign. If the game fails to deliver quality then I guess that’d be the first and last time
Only backed Hat in Time because MechaTheChad know how to make a game that his fun
Had lot's of fun with Hat in time and I have no regrets
>Too cost conscious to even think about donating because of being a poorfag
Ouya and an ocarina book.
so how were you scammed?
I have never fallen for a Kickstarter.
While I can understand people falling for it once or twice during Kickstarter's infancy, I cannot possibly imagine the sort of person who in this day and age would fall for them now.
My first reaction was to ridicule you for backing the ouya but there's no point you know what you did
Sure but the level of quality they were already showing early on was much more than the average game on kickstarter that might need that funding earlier in development.
Obviously hindsight is 20/20 and all that but it's the kind of game they could've gone to Microsoft to get funded, in a similar way the Cuphead devs did.
Everything I've backed in the past has been completed. Quality is debatable though.
>Hyped and want to support many games
>Afraid to spend money on something that barely have a trailer
>decide to buy it when it fully launched even if it costs more
>everything I wanted has been turned to shit or got canceled
Surely, I'm not the only one.
I gave Chris Roberts $50, only thing I've ever kickstarted
literally 0
I donated to two kickstarters and refunded one of them. Amplitude wasn't worth it.
A couple of indie racing games that either vanished or are in perpetual limbo. Not a lot of money but i learned my lesson.
I didn't get my shirt. I didn't want to bad-mouth the game too bad though
Zero. All of my kickstarter games came out and were at least decent.
Backed a hat in time, one of my best investments, name is in the credits.
Backing Subverse, name will also be in credits, we will see if scam ahoy.
>game store closing down
Now its super dead
>Obviously hindsight is 20/20 and all that but it's the kind of game they could've gone to Microsoft to get funded, in a similar way the Cuphead devs did.
I dont know about that though. I mean at first glance, yes the game looked nice but I think it was overlooked only because people it looked like one your typical side scrolling game. Cuphead had a sort of unique artstyle that caught people's attention more. Also there was already Ori being a thing in 2015.
>got drunk
>got on Kickstarter for some reason
>saw Hollow Knight
>threw in couple of bucks
>forgot about it for 2 years
tfw no regrets
wow they put your name in the credits amazing
Does being hyped about product that turns out to be shit, but not funding it count as being scammed?
>2 158 backers
Prove it.
I disagree. Their initial page does make the metroid influence clear so it wasn't just a typical side scroller, and while it wasn't doing anything revolutionary or anything, what it did have was polish. The average Kickstarter game, maybe outside of concept art and even that it's rare, they were already showing a level of detail and polish you don't often see. The small glimpses of gameplay were miles ahead of the average KS project, which I think is what made people more confident in investing in it.
0 cuz im not retarded
I was considering giving some shekels to Midair devs, ended up just buying early access on Steam. The most miserable game I've ever played.
Fuck, I forgot I actually backed that. Thought for a moment I was lucky and the couple times I'd backed something were actually worth it. Now I'm even more pissed off at chucklefuck.
0 times because I am poor pole and I can't waste money for that kind of shit so I don't pay to Kickstarter
Surprise nobody brought this up yet
That one made me sad. Couldn't even get past the people spamming "awesome" with that female voice. Why the fuck did they add that, kickstarter backer input? It sounded retarded.
ZERO. I'm basically retired due to my investments. Kickstarter does not meet my standards. I try to be smart with my money.
I wouldn't go so far as to call it a scam but the only one I've been unsatisfied with is Mighty No. 9's massive clusterfuck. Bloodstained just showed up today and I'm enjoying it.
The fan art and its downfall was my personal highlight. Seeing everyone go HAHA FUCK CAPCOM, those drawings of Megaman passing the torch and all, then seeing it all come crashing down.
>Better than nothing
0, becuase I'm not a NEETball cuck that gives free money to corporations.
Project Phoenix, Legend of Iya, and Sealark are things I backed that are never coming out. Everything else either came out or is on track with regular updates. But I haven't backed anything new in years.
do you actually feel some kind of dopamine rush when you see your name in the credits (and for giving money, not for something creative)?
that sounds pretty sad desu
Strafe turned out pretty shitty. The only other stuff I've funded was action figures. That stuff turned out really nice but it took longer than expected. I would only recommend funding physical things.
Bloodstained. And I haven't got my code yet.
No one has. But you can preload if you bought it on Steam!
Obviously. Physical stuffs are way easier to produce (as long as we're not talking about technology) than software like video games which is a much more complex process. No wonder board games are much more successful than video games in Kickstarter.
what the fuck happened to starbound anyways? why did they remove all the good content and replace it with scanning missions? starbound beta was genuinely great, and now the game is utter shit.
Unlike everyone else here, I'm not a liar. I can admit I've lost thousands on undelivered games and goods.
None, but I seriously considered it for Yooka-Laylee
Just two. I backed the Skullgirls port to PC because I was a big fan of fighting games and wanted more to get ported to my platform of choice. Very happy with that one, it's a ton of fun and I still play it to this day on occasion. A few years later I saw the same studio made another kickstarter for Indivisible. I liked the concept and the gameplay it was promising, and I trusted them enough after Skullgirls to deliver another good game. Had a lot of fun with the backer demo and I hope the rest of the game is just as good.
I think the key to a successful kickstarter is two core elements; A team of actual professionals who have a realistic goal in mind. Just one of these elements isn't enough, both have to be present. Stuff like Star Citizen is doomed to fail because no matter how good Chris Roberts is at making space games, there was no chance he was going to realize a fully simulated galaxy with all the features he wanted. The same goes for a lot of these ersatz, "We're gonna make a legally distinct version of Mega Man/Banjo Kazooie/Castlevania". Those types of games were made with entire teams of experienced developers and the financial backing of a massive corporation. Just because the original director or whoever got a million dollars in crowd funding doesn't mean they can recreate a project that likely had 10x that funding. There's just no way they can achieve the same level of polish, depth, and complexity. Not to say that it can't be good, just that's never gonna be the same. So if you have to back a kickstarter, be realistic. Playable demos are a huge plus. Established teams (Not just directors) are a huge plus. Achievable goals aren't sexy, but they're possible. Too many kickstarters promise the moon and the stars, but that's impossible. Back what's possible.
0, im broke jobless neet who will eventually end up homeless when parents finally kick me out
Agree with everything you said. I've seen a lot of small titles fail because very early on they're trying to act like everything they want is achievable. Even something like porting the game to multiple consoles. It's usually best to make that into a goal past the initial money their asking for or just say that they'll consider it if the game is a hit. Very often you see a team of no names already saying how they're going to use the money for the PS4/Xbox/Switch dev kits and it's just a terrible decision. Either focus on one or just start with PC only, and grow from there.
>yfw you never fell for Mighty Scam 9
>sidescroller game featuring playable kaijuu girls and evil minion
admittedly, being made by a core team of 6 members whose only experience are mobile shits don't look good on profile at least they delivered a demo, unlike Mansion Lord
Once with Project Phoenix
Armikrog, wasn't a total bust but definitely could have been better
Only one I backed was Yooka Laylee.
Turned out shit.
Never. I've backed a bunch of games, they all came out, they were all at least worth the ~$10 I plunked down on them. Some were wildly better than what I paid for(Shovel Knight, for example).
Never. I'll buy your game when it's complete and when I know I'll like it.
I hope SWERY doesn't let me down, I'd be happy even if its Deadly Premonition-tier jank.
Is this meant to be a metroidvania or just an action game?