ITT games that will NEVER work on Linux

ITT games that will NEVER work on Linux

Attached: 220px-Arx_Fatalis_cover.png (220x279, 99K)

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So I can just post any game?

Doesn't it work with wine?
At least I think it does.

No plenty of games work on linux this thread is for those that will never here is another one

Attached: morrowind.0.jpg (1200x800, 186K)

Why do people shit on Macs for gaming when Linux plays even less games than it?

Are you making a joke or do you really not know?

>Literally Who game
You don't deserve vidya because you insist on being such a massive hipster.

Attached: 1518717366083.jpg (445x445, 55K)

Unironically based.

op btfo

>He doesn't know arx fatalis
Get educated noob

>He doesn't know about arx libertatis
>Literally the best version.
Get a load of this pleb.

>Get educated noob
Have sex incel


Doesn't OpenMW work on linux?

>Using "best guess" engines

How about games that will NEVER be on Windows?

Attached: 51HxLfcPG9L._AC_SX215_.jpg (215x269, 13K)

you're retarded. i replayed it recently on wine.
works on wine, too.
>bu-bu-but wine isn't foss

He plays games on wind when better native versions exist

Idiots go and stay go. Go peddle your baitshit on /g/ .

>Too dumb to use Linux

Microcucks absolutely seething

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Any android games. Because linux doesn't have any emulator.

Does anyone here actually play games? I cant think of a single good game worthy of plying atm...