You suddenly know Japanese

>you walk over the street and get hit by a car
>you suddenly understand Japanese
What would be the first Japanese game you would play?

For it would be the Idolm@ster games.

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Other urls found in this thread:,祝詞

Yakuza Ishin.

Pokemon mystery dungeon blazing adventure squad
Then Porn Factory

translate all of the hentai i could never read

starting with Anal Kaihatsu Appli ch2 and 3

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Devil Summoner.

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catch up with GCCX first
then Twilight and Moonlight Syndrome

how the fuck these niggas talk?

shisa kokegama ra pipupepo?

how do they translate that into English at all


Fire Emblem: Monshou no Nazo

But I already understand Japanese. I've been reading Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, nearing the end of Onikakushi hen.
this, any game that lets you fart on command as a cute girl is at the top of my playlist.

This sounds like an isekai scenario more than anything.
I would just read a bunch of unscanlated manga like 99% of Kumeta's works than go play Sigma Awamori's porn game

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>What would be the first Japanese game you would play?
I'd download all the eroges

I don't even play that many games but I'd be spending all my time translating every kind of doujin I could find and going to every doujin convention in japan to buy as many doujins that never get uploaded as possible
all those non-h doujins from comiket that never get the time of day, no longer!

One of the Ultima games on the FM Towns. To be honest I've been sitting on JRPGs forever, I keep wanting to try and play them but I can never muster the strength.

Literally replay every Square RPG I've ever played.

I started playing a Future Card Buddyfight game in Japanese a while ago. Trying to piece together a card deck with N5 level Japanese skills wasn't easy but it was very rewarding once I started winning. Are there any other fun card games like that? I'd rather stay away from Yugioh since their card effects read like small essays.


But then you realize what a pain in the ass scanlation is, that you can simply read them at your leisure, and that you have no obligation to
>do it for free
for a bunch of ungrateful cunts that will nitpick your work despite having knowledge inferior to your own.

have you been playing the original or any of the remakes, because /jp/ told me the remakes are cucked as fuck but I really can't stand the OG artwork.

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I proxy fag onto 2ch and start "U mad riceboi" posting on their version of /pol/ like what niggers do on our /pol/

no you won't, because literally nobody will thank you, nobody will pay you, people will even barely comment about your galleries, and you won't even find an editor that typesets for you so you'll have to do all that yourself too.

you get literally nothing out of it and it's not even decent japanese pratice when you spend hours editing 20 pages. you can read through 1/4th of a VN in that time and those have actual literature in them

I've just been reading what I assume are the mangagamer remakes on Steam with the original Japanese text. It allows you to switch between original + new artwork, and it's not like the writing has been edited in any way, so I dunno what could go so drastically wrong.

I'll finally be able to play those mommy eroge games that never got translated.

why would 2chan even need a pol. there's nothing to be mad about in jap society.

>translating for free

Baka gaijin?

they use kanji on top of kana
kanji are the japanese equivalent of words: if you break a kanji down to little bits that make it, you'll understand all the meaning behind it 90% of the time, just like if you break a word (in a good language) down to it's most basic parts, you'll understand what it means
for example, 木 is tree, 林 is woods, 森 is forest. paste the symbols into a more readable font and you'll see that woods and forest use the same symbol as tree, but repeated multiple times. similar rules apply to all kanji. (reading them is a different problem though, and i don't know enough to be able to tell you anything about that)
however, even with this cool tech, the japanese really love loaning words from english, then shortening them down to three syllables at most, which is double retarded since a) you already have the word in your language, you don't need to use the word from a different language all the fucking time; and b) if you're gonna use a different language word anyway, at least have the human decency to use all of it and not some random chunk.

>he thinks people will be lining up to pay

I learned "ni" and "co" because of the BEST girl from Love Live!: N I C O

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>learns japanese
>lol what game you play?
Pathetic. Read japanese literature instead retard.

I've been playing Japanese games since before a lot of you zoom-zooms were born, my first was TWW or "Kaze no Takt" as I knew it at the time

Are you two translators?

Translation is a pretty fucking saturated market, good luck finding any commissions except for the most obscure bullshit.

All the dirtiest otome ever made

女 = Woman
姦 = Noisy

funny shitposts I guess

There aren’t any games I want to play that are region locked.

The most I’d do is get into translation since at that point I’d be better than treehouse at it


Came here to post this.

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Payday 2 so I can finally understand what Jiro is saying

>a lot of girls in a small space tend to bicker, and that often times gets very loud
the logic checks out

>translate highly in demand VN, manga, LN
>horde it while giving teasers
>only release it when i get paid
>if faggots decide to translate it themselves, release it while in the middle of their translation
>move on to the next obscure and in demand shit
This will force those faggots to step up instead of taking their time translating.

From what I’ve read, Japanese society is pretty restrictive and every company is basically EA. I mean, there’s probably a reason why their suicide rate is so high.

You can't believe how based they are

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I'm a chemist, and I have translated stuff before as a hobby, but it's not an occupation. Unless it's at Nintendo or similar, fuck that.

The first thing I'd do is make sure I'm not fucking crazy or brain-damaged. Then, I'd probably go play some of those Digimon games that weren't released in English because the person trying to translate them is slower than a comatose sloth.

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And that's not all...

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do you have any fucking idea how long translating shit takes

I thought it was rape?

there's plenty of obscure material people want translated. if you just put up a small bit of work you'll tempt them into paying. just hold your work hostage while giving people glances of it

If I knew Japanese then I'd be wanting to learn English because that's just the way life is

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獣 = animal, beast
姦 = wicked, mischief, seduce, rape, noisy
獣姦 = ???

I wish kanji were piss easy like hiragana

It can mean noisy or rape, as well as mischief or seduction. It's a very versatile kanji

It works for both

Dumbest post I have ever read.

Once I learn how to fix your broken roms or know someone who knows how to fix them, I will properly translate all your stuff without your fucking bias.

I would produce fanlations of English comic books and games I want Japanese people to play or read


I'd go on the untranslated VN thread on /jp/ and shit up every single thread by telling beginners to fuck off back to /djt/ bacause I probably have brain damage now. If you're reading this, you faggot, kill yourself, nobody likes you. Also I'd help translate yugioh tag force 6.

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too long if you're incompetent. translators like js06 can complete a novel in under a week. manga chapters gets translated the moment they're released by anons. meanwhile scanlator groups spends their time arguing, begging for money, and doing the same thing like what i posted, and more often a shit translation, than doing actual work


only way to get money out of h-manga is doing commissions. they shit they commissions always has horrible fucking art and writing and is probably cuckshit too. unless they're really horny you get a few hundred bucks out of gigantic project at best, it's literally not worth it.

easiest way to make money as a translator is doing all ages manga and opening a patreon. this is why 85% of current manga get translated. all ages manga is a giant pile of garbage nowadays that I don't want to waste my life on either.

not to mention the fact that english readers literally won't know that your translation is good and accurate, they're used to eating up trash and the only thing they really want is something that reads like native english. it doesn't fucking matter if the "translator" even understands what the japanese means.

It's a cucked job.

The highest margins per line easily come from eromanga, which features relatively little dialogue. But all the good artists are basically on lock. It'd be a pittance compared to my salary anyway and time wasted on something I don't care about.

>tfw learned n5 japanese via duolingo, wanikani, bunpro and other shit
>applied and succesfuly got working holidays visa
>faked my bank statement though
>I only have money for one way ticket and like 7 days of living there

>just hold your work hostage
In that case
>people who cared declare attempts to translate the work dead
>someone else pops up declaring they'll do it
>they give up at some point and it remains unfinished
>the ten people left who give a shit contemplate paying the first person but don't

Became a male prostitute.

but I already understand Japanese

anyway I'm playing:

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>get hit by a car
> understand Japanese

pretty accurate

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for me it would be "manatsu no yoru no inmu"

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>but I already know japanese
>learned kana and first 100 words
Fuck off already, you can't learn Japanese.

I unironically want to learn now.
How do I go about it? My ability to memorize vocab borders on autistic so I feel good about my chances.

Thanks for your work, user. Hope that cheers you up a bit.



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Did you mean おやこどん?

It's mostly entirely rape in modern japanese, the noisy part comes from it's chinese origin.

安 = cheap
奻 = argue
嫌 = dislike
妨 = Interfere

Japanse kanji is pretty red-pilled.

that word is considered offensive though. there are a million other ways to say wife, most of which are used more frequently.

Follow this guide, get the Genki pdf's and the one that has all the kanji, check out the learnjapanese reddit. Basically spend at least an hour a day and you'll be able to read childrens books in a few years.

奻 = argue
this one doesn't see use in Japanese

Muramasa, the biggest NEVER EVER of all time

All the most degenerate rape games would be mine... hehehehehe....

do for a while then read yotsuba&(or any shonen jump comics) with a grammar handbook in hand. that shit is literally written so schoolchildren who don't know the full language could read along

Kimi ga nozomu eien
Honestly I'd cum buckets

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Man the more I learn japsense the more I realize this language was written by teenagers


Thanks senpais

what would really cheer me up is an eroge industry that isn't fucking dying a horrible death while being replaced by an endless wave of gacha games. I swear to god the 2008 financial crash ruined the whole world by reminding every single industry on earth how easy it is to lose fucking everything.

You homies that post animal reactions for porn related stuff/threads

You're the real ones

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light novels are literally for braindead babies

but the other ways still work, albeit kinda differently
夫人 - wife
夫 - husband
人 - person
wife = husband's (special) person
do you see the truth of modern japanese now, gaijin-kun?

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Good for reading practice if you're learning the language though. As long as they're not super chuuni and use way too many obscure kanji to seem deep/cool

literally just learn japanese.
an english translation would ruin the flavour of the setting anyway.

okay, I picked up my genki book
what do I do next

>What would be the first Japanese game you would play?
Probably a bunch of PC-8801 and PC-9801 adventure games.

that's not much worse than woman being a derivative of "man"

I'd fine a bunch of obscure mecha games and go full Newtype, the amount of good untranslated /m/ games is astounding

look at the words you just used lmao

>make alphabet-based writing system
>everyone still uses the old one with 10000 separate characters


But hiragana is basically the alphabet version

Are the workbooks any good? I was thinking about buying them to actually write in. PDFs aren't really good for that.

woman derivates from
worse + man

that's exactly my point

whoops, I'm retarded
sorry friend

Either the Killer Queen remake or Paradise Lost

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grind kanji in anki for like 8 months or more

read tae kim, stop when you get bored.

start reading low level shit like moe games and return to steps 1 and 2 as needed.

nobody learns a language by only grinding it's rules forever. this is what DJT doesn't realize and why you should never go there.

I would watch anime without subs

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but subway taste great.

I can't wait until all languages are romanized.


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i can't wait until an advanced computer system autotranslates anything into anything else as good or better than the best human translators so there isn't even a need for learning another language unless you directly want to speak to someone.

Now that you mentioned, it seems like every new doujin uploaded to panda is from fgo shit, or other gacha. I stopped checking, but the most recent eroge that I know of is pic related, and it's sales numbers weren't good.

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japanese would require a massive rework to make sense in romaji only. It would be an entirely different language.

It's fucking torture to read hiragana only children shit after you've become fluid. It takes more effort than a normal version would.

Japanese is already romanized basically

Learned this shitty language just to fuck Japanese girls

Too bad it ain’t give me shit because I’m chink as fuck

Zanma Taisei, my NEVER EVER JP only game.

If you learned the language you can basically move/work/live in Japan. or just marry the ugliest bitch you can fine and you are now a citizen. there's a lot to be gotten out of learning jap.

shining wind

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What about chicken and eggs bowl?

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安 = cheap
the buddhist Nips were onto something

pic related

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generations born past 1999 or something don't have the attention span to give a shit about eroge because they grew up with smartphones.

old people are dying and have a harder time getting boners. If you're 40 years old and still need to buy eroge because you have no wife and family you'll probably kill yourself before you hit 45. you're literally living in the last generation that producing eroge will be even remotely financially viable. It was already a weird fucking genre that pretty much only existed in one single country on the planet and now it's vanishing from there too.

please respond

Dragon ball Z super botuden 2

SaGa games.

>after you've become fluid.
learning Japanese turns you into a goo girl confirmed

>after you've become fluid.

Attached: gooigi___alternate_costume___transparent_by_pavlovs_walrus_dd1wj2y-pre.png (894x894, 961K)

did you mean fluent?

Seems you're not fluid in English yourself

>you walk over the street and get hit by a car
>you suddenly understand Japanese
Did I just get isekai-ed from earth to earth?

>the japanese really love loaning words from english
hebrew also has a lot of loaned words from english, and some of these words do have more native alternatives but they're relatively new and no one actually uses them, so it's kind of a hybrid language
and then jews wonder why people think they steal

all of rance


>japanese would require a massive rework to make sense in romaji only
Nope it wouldn't, add spaces and perhaps capitalization of nouns like in German and its fucking readable.

Got a 5yr work visa here already. Meeting people in Japan is a pain in the ass because it takes like 3-4 weeks just to set things up with them and they most likely end up flaking out on you. Can’t imagine how much worse it is for English teachers

>a tactical speed increase should deter the beast

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English teachers are slaves who have to wear suits, baka gaijin salarymen

They say you can become a citizen after living in the country for at least 5 years. does this mean you already have a golden ticket? i'm jealous.

I just wanna know the story, the porn is a bonus

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>inb4 they terminate his contract after 4.9 years


I haven't used them personally but I hear they are helpful. I just used a bunch of sheet paper and wrote out everything I was learning to get a feel for it. Just try a little bit of everything and keep doing what sticks for you.

that would be an extremely dick move but i don't think the japs are that cold.

There are an incredible number of homophones in Japanese owing to the very small number of phonemes. It would render certain texts, especially technical and religious texts, essentially illegible.


But you can't learn Japanese really, can you?

Attached: YOU_CANT_LEARN_JAPANESE.png (620x539, 213K)

not all kanji are pictographs, retard.

Mizzurna Falls

i was trying to illustrate a different point, but thanks for your help anyways

>start learning hiragana
>make it, smooth sailing
>reach katakana
>so far so good
>make it to the katakana sounds TSU, SHI as well as N with SO
>spend 2 hours looking for a difference in writing between these two pairs
>see literally none
>give up

This shit literally looks the same to me, am I retarded or should I see eye specialist?

That's really depressing, it hurts to think of art dying. I just played my first VN this week, I'm really excited to get into it. I know there is a ton of good stuff already made but that kind of hurts to think that there won't be much of anything new to look forward to.

I have no interest in getting a PR or naturalizing. The visa will still let me work in the same field if I leave my current employer.

Untranslated loli games.

Wait till you get to kanji. カ力

Tell me that in 4.9 years

As in Ha ha?

Yeah I am giving up, sorry user I failed you

you should see one, but more like a tard specialist.

No, as in the sound Ka and the kanji for Power

He's exaggerating, it's not as good as it was before but there are still like 10 or so new eroge releasing every month and there's always at least one worth playing, not to mention all of the dlsite doujin games releasing every week, eroge won't die anytime soon.

Haha no, one is katakana "ka" the other one is a kanji "chikara" for power or force.

do you need glasses user?

What in the fuck those are two different symbols?



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SRT: OG Saga: Endless Frontier EXCEED


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Welcome to learning Japanese. I actually put my browser at 120% zoom because I can't see the difference between some characters otherwise

Not him but Chrome renders both in a way they are exactly the same.

violated heroine followed by the entire black lilith library

Attached: vh.png (443x483, 253K)

Look up some detailed font and note the directions of the strokes to understand how it works. Or use some writing app. Most standard fonts just suck at showing the difference.

what you posted is essentially Chinese, not Japanese.

Attached: 2utgu8o.jpg (337x478, 39K)

How do I read combos as one syllable and not two?

Wtf kind of question is that? Only the good Japanese games get dubbed. If it's not in American, it's not worth playing

I use chrome myself and chikara is clearly bigger.

Not him but does Japanese have a lot of this shit or are these examples rare exceptions?

Shitsu son

You see them from time to time, ロ口 is another one. Their use never overlap so you can't confuse them, people just like to scare learners

You're getting better, nice. Might want to use ガチホモ.

They have a few hundred of these fuckers.


Don't shit me the top pair is literally the same thing

It's more about the journey than the destination, seeing myself gradually improve feels really good. All the stuff worth playing is translated anyways, although playing VNs and JRPGs in their original language probably is slightly better in the end.

The カ力 thing isn't really much of an issue in practice. Since one is katakana and you'll rarely ever find it on its own, it'll be paired with other katakana. For example, there's a very obvious difference between カット and 超能力, they're different character sets entirely.

boy this is terribly wrong.

I am trying to be open minded and not insult other cultures but this is honestly stupid. It looks so similar.

Stroke lengths are different on the horizontal strokes

I hear that there is no separation of words or punctuation in japanese, how does that even work? How do you understand an unending stream of characters?

>if you break a kanji down to little bits that make it, you'll understand all the meaning behind it 90% of the time

That's more than optimistic; over time a lot of kanji stopped making sense in that regard. Most of the time you'll only get the general gist of what does a given kanji mean but good luck figuring out a precise meaning from its looks alone.

We have the same problem with I and l.


By not being a 出来ない.

mi, matsu
ta, yuu

>Japanese literally has made up kanji in the unicode set

Attached: yuureimoji.png (1546x443, 38K)

It always comes back to context, that's why we will probably never have a universal translator in our time. :(

Unless you're reading texts from the 16th century Japanese has a lot of punctuation

Grammar particles denoting each element of the sentence. The whole thing is broken up into chunks, essentially.

>you get literally nothing out of it and it's not even decent japanese pratice when you spend hours editing 20 pages. you can read through 1/4th of a VN in that time and those have actual literature in them

it's pure unadulterated Buddha nature though, so you can treat it as Zen meditation sort of thing

ackshually, if you would look at this visual demonstration, you will see that there is, in fact, ONE ENTIRE PIXEL of difference in height for the horizontal parts.
Clearly they are completely different things and you're just a baka gaijin that can't tell the difference.

Attached: totally different things.png (276x333, 25K)

pretend to be a Korean and shitpost on 2ch

Attached: plus tip.jpg (417x626, 66K)

In "One" its pronouced "won" but the w is hidden and the e is silent.

But then in "Two" the w is silent and another o is hidden.

What the fuck english people?

>same kanji as

Don't be retarded

This explained it to me better than this fucking book I am reading. Thank you, user.

The unicode standard is a shitpile as a whole though, not just japanese.

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>genuinely wanting to read the poorly-written dirty talk in hentai
sorry to say, my friend, but the dialogue in hentai is waaay worse than there is in english.

It's not the height of the branches, but their horizontal widths. Are you blind or just trolling?


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What a fucked up language Japanese is, I honestly admire people who actually make it through

It was just a joke. Chill. There is a recognizable difference but that doesn't mean they don't look extremely similar, I'm just making fun of that.

I hope you spanked this evil little succubi(?) for badmouthing you like htat.

what do I win

I'm not a native English speaker so hearing how Colonel was pronounced in Megaman X4 was super fucky for me as a kid

It helps if you know a little bit of chinese.

人= person
门 = door

person inside door = inside!

I'd love to actually replay old games I already finished in english to compare the versions.
Probably Dark Souls 2 since the translation team was so horrid and the first Pokemon games.

It's okay, I forgive you.




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I'd read the SciAdv games that don't have translations

Please don't troll anons into becoming afraid of learning Japanese

>How do you understand an unending stream of characters?
You can't understand Japanese.
Next question?

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okay you got me there


Good fucking lord what is this mess

These are all hanzi, aren't they

Random Kanji that nobody uses

nice Chinese祝詞
technically not wrong

That's just Chinese.

All natural languages are trash. Given that it's really hard to pass any meaningful language reforms you end up with a lot of rubbish that doesn't make sense, spelling/pronunciation inconsistencies etc.


If they removed Kanji, this language would at least be possible to learn and understand in a timely fashion. Why does Kanij event exist if everything in Kanji can be written in Kana is beyond me

No, it's not faster or more concise to use Kanji


Please remember that mean anons often post esoteric, archaic examples that look daunting but you will never run into in modern day usage.
Do not be dismayed by their intimidation tactics, they just want to horde JP media to themselves.

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Half of these isn't even readable Chinese even in traditional form what the fuck.

Attached: Annotation 2019-06-18 000348.jpg (1010x714, 60K)

Indeed, you'll never run into Kana

Time for some names, Yea Forums! You can read these can't you?

Attached: kirakiranames.png (269x769, 41K)


What? are you like 80 years old? The kanji is always larger than the hiragana or katakana. If you're ACTUALLY learning japanese and not casually looking at anki for 10 minutes a day you shouldn't be confusing any kanji character for any hiragana, just like you shouldn't be confusing つ for っ

I'll make every japanese person to get hit by a car so they are able to understand english instead so they all start doing their works on english

I don't even know where to start learning names honestly

It's about the plot not dirty talk
Hentai manga are better when read

It'll take you three months to learn the 2200 most common and necessary Kanji if you just put in the work.

Can japs read it?

Stop tricking people into learning Japanese.

Yes? Suru verbs are pretty common in Japanese

Kimi nozo

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What are you retarded? There's literally no way to read any of those names without knowing their context. There's the literal reading and then there's the intended reading.

Literal children are able to differentiate kana. That is a pebble in the road, and learning any language has hangups in the early stages.

First, homonyms. Second, kanji give some syntax highlighting effect which just ticks as long as you know their meanings. What's really inconvenient about kanji is kun/on reading stuff.

>Lucky Star
How old is this image?

What the fuck

>愛保 (らぶほ)
Hahahahaha holy shit

What are some easy to read games in Japanese?



You don't. Almost everytime someone's name is introduced in written text, it has Furigana to show how to read it. That image is no exception. The only time it isn't is when the name is blatantly obvious. For example: 花子.

In real life, the person's just gonna say their name, so obviously you'd know what reading to use.

I'm not confusing anything, I just use 46" tv screen as a monitor so some kanji can be hard to make out if I don't zoom in because they're too small

Gooks didn't have a written system until they borrowed the Chinese written system. Later they created their own written system to compliment it because their spoken system adapted to be more like chink written system. The Koreans were like this as well, but the Koreans recognized that characters did not serve their spoken language well and their people felt less of a connection with Chinese culture, so they developed an entirely new written system to fit their spoken system.

Those exist in Japanese 𠔻䨻𦧅𩇔龘𩙣𧢱𨰽䨺𩙡 I dunno about the others.

Towelket series. Corpse Party. All the Pokemon games. What you're really asking though is "what games will I not have to look shit up a bunch in" and the answer to that question is fucking none. Suck it up, faggot.

No. Kirakira names are like that one kid named "La-a" which is pronounced "Ladasha" that people like bringing up. The state even forbids some of these names for being too fucky and impossible to make read

they exist but they aren't written that way anymore, in the same way no one but old people write 綺麗. It's too difficult to remember and write properly.

>be me
>meet cute JP girl on the way to conbini
>we hit it off and exchange mail addresses
>next day
>go to send her a message
>realize she only said her name, but not the reading
>don't know which of the infinite homonyms to use
>kana would make me look like a child
>delete her info and give up

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Snatcher for sure


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>make read
Don't mind me I'm retarded
Dragon Quest games on the 3ds have furigana so they're pretty comfy to play

yeah and they're all fucking trash playing it save.

compare the 2000s with the 2010s and tell me eroge aren't fucking dying.

>stories that never happened
The literal first sentences you learn in japanese when you complete basic grammar and move on to conversation is asking how to write someone's name.

Japanese is retarded.
Indo-european languages are the only form of human communication.

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Just increase your fontsize.

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Patrician taste.

You're a gaijin, so it's not like she'd think anything of it if you added "by the way, how do you write your name" in the message.

wtf, just use the kana. Japanese people do the same thing. or ask her how to write her name as an icebreaker. I have a chuuni spelling of my name prepared for such purposes. 露羽斗。

to be fair you only see those together or in 魑魅/魍魎

So with shi and tsu (and so and n) you'll have easier time if you just understand the directions strokes go when you write them. With tsu the main stroke is more vertical and cuts down as a sword cut; with shi the main stroke is more horizontal and goes up as an upwards wave of a conductor's baton.

Just try writing these following the directional arrows and you'll understand more than by looking at them and comparing angles. Also, look for the fonts that demonstrate this difference more clearly.

Attached: stroke-shi-tsu.jpg (619x324, 36K)

based, I like the nips and their meme language but it's a big fucking meme, I'd rather read Russian and it's fucked up gramma all day than learn Nip, Even Binnish makes more sense and it's a finno-ugric language

Be careful, if you write these all together with the wrong stroke order you get cursed and haunted by ancient spirits.

That's some gay ass shit that no one writes unless their faggots.

So and n are pretty much the same; so is a vertical downward cut, n is a horizontal upward wave. Little double strokes just lean towards the orientation of the main stroke.

Attached: stroke-so-n-546x286.jpg (546x286, 14K)

No vidya that I can think of, but I would binge on watching this show.

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Hey I can actually recognize those, Hanako?


say that to 矢部野彦麿's face not online and see what happens

I don't need to since I already lived in Japan.

Super Robot Wars Orginal Generations

All the old Distance hentai from before scanlating was a thing.

I wouldn't play anything really, but I would binge watch Gaki no tsuki stuff

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Close, it's pronounced 'furawaa' (flower).

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>more kanji in the language than stars in the universe
>baka gaijin starts studying it
>becomes quite proficient at it, but nowhere close to learning everything
>grorious nipponese writers troll the fuck out of those gaijins by using kanji that literally nobody has used for centuries
Nice language, niggers.

jesus, you would need a 4k monitor just to be able to read those

hiragana is pretty easy to memorize

fuck kanjis though


There are no writers that use obsolete or obscure English words to show off before a reader, right?

You will one day as long as you believe in yourself N5-kun

based schizo destroyer

Read yuri seijin naoko san.

Also I guess I would play some eroge or whatever. Fuck videogames.

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Oh come on



Lion King one is the best

>have character
>actually I want you to read it like this instead
>this is our kid's name btw
What kind of asshole parent do you have to be to give your kid one of these names? Not to mention fucking Hoshinooujisama.

nice quads nigger

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>pleb filter

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