Why the shit do people use black bars in this game?

why the shit do people use black bars in this game?

Attached: black bars.png (1920x1080, 637K)

Valve is gay and refuses to let people choose their own fov like every other fps under the Sun so people have to do autistic shit to their resolutions to change it.

Pro and veteran players play black bars because it's what they were used to play back in their 1.6 or Source days.

The rest who play black bars are just pretentious tryhards

The game is shit and random when you kill if you kill no skill bullshit.

Attached: 25298-full.png (676x507, 336K)

I'm a veteran player and black bars are gay

some people actually win their games when they play black bars but you're probably better than any other REAL veteran player

u dum


despite releasing the remastered version of broodwar rain still plays with a tiny resolution

Attached: 1559989892065.png (1920x1080, 1.15M)

>needing to get BLACKED to win

thats different tho. you arent losing any screen realistate

despite being only 14% of the screen black bars...

u sexy

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Attached: 1559386721396.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

No, this makes sense. StarCraft is all about management, right? So it makes sense to have everything you manage all in the same place.


>Uber expensive meme weapon is a meme
thanks chief
there are a hundred things to shitpost about when it comes to CS:GO and you picked this

thats pretty damn funny

Your welcome.

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That's not true at all though.. They do it to manipulate the fov, makes everything fatter and easier to see.

Posted it because it's funny
also what the fuck are you talking about the negev is cheap now

Attached: 1552388016978s.jpg (125x125, 3K)

Attached: SCScrnShot_061719_144044.png (1920x1080, 3.06M)

Why aren't there tournaments where everyone plays with steering wheels and pedals?

Oh I thought this was a shitpost thread, never mind, sorry Jerry.

>the Negev is cheap now
oh yeah

unironically a good idea
maybe women could finally compete.

better ban de_parallel_parking then lmao


there's no benefit to playing on higher resolution, pretty sure one of the wc3 pros does the same thing (don't remember who thought)

the benefit is that you can see more

CS fags are autists. Some of them still use crt monitors.

It is true, just because the latter is a consequence of the former, doesn't make it not true. Black bars are what was standard in 1.6, it's hard to play CS without them

But it has a fov slider?

we only care about refresh rate these days what are you crying about

Thats exactly the point he made.

Easier to see the entire screen.

dunno i play 1.6 with 1024x768 resolution because that's what i'm used to. probably would use that in cs:go as well if i'd play it.

Prove it, I distinctly recall it never having fov settings, unless they added it recently.

Show me a CSGO pro that uses CRT for CSGO

>playing CSGO post 2013

Attached: 1371293033804.jpg (316x470, 27K)

Nah, you are right, googled. It has commands for it but cheats need to be turned on.

Autistic "it's unfair"n shit was the argument.