While New Leaf has the best gameplay and New Horizons looks good and has potential...

While New Leaf has the best gameplay and New Horizons looks good and has potential, how come the Gamecube Animal Crossing game has a special something to it the other games never came close to having?

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It's the camera angle.

It has soul.

nostalgia faggot


>odd camer angle
>low poly everything
>energetic soundtrack
>different sound effects
>lots of features that have yet to return

I could go on and on. Though I myself love all the games in the series, including City Folk which I feel like is hated by everyone.

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Didn't have classic NES games because gamecube was the last nintendo console before they went full yellow jew

I find Animal Crossing games too much of a chore desu

Best Soundtrack
Best Villager Interactions
Best Town Layout

AC peaked with its first game

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The cut features that never came back.

No Animal Crossing has been able to top GC's town generation. There are so many little details that the newer games just don't have. The terrain gen should have improved upon, but instead it regressed. Looks like New Horizons is going to be flat and boring just like New Leaf was. Also the lighting and environments in GC were peak comfy.

>best soundtrack

The newer games have gone for a more streamlined approach. While it’s understandable why this decision was made, it does mean that the first installment has a certain charm that the new games don’t exactly match. There’s also the features from the first game that were cut and the more negative reactions that could be shown by your animal neighbors.

Didn't it also have like a bunch of old ROMs in the form of like Nes games?

>There are so many little details that the newer games just don't have
Such as?

Yeah, some were only available through cheat codes

Nostalgia boomer

All the cliffs, the various ramps you can get, the unique ways the river generates, river basins, docks, even sometimes an island will generate in the basin with two bridges connecting it. By comparison, New Leaf has a river, a few ponds, and a cliff at the beach. It's just flat and boring.

What are you talking about? This looks great

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The world was on a flat plane.

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The best part of AC is Resetty

New Horizons has auto save so he's gone
Or he might be a normal villager, thats unconfirmed.

Nah, they said he has a new job so he's still in the game.

I'm probably the only person who loved WW. nobody ever talks about it.

Like what?

WW feels like a spinoff but isnt. i guess becuse the original DS was kind of like a gimmick but the 3DS is more of a legitimate platform

Camera angle
Quirkier than the other ones, with more personality

Wild World was all the rage on ACC. People only shit on City Folk because it's more or less a glorified port of WW on the Wii.

It's tough to go back to that game since New Leaf's release. I don't miss sharing one giant mansion with three other players, especially with how small the village is.

>low poly
>no ugly log world
>objectively better music
Seriously, fuck your gay little "so kawaii xDc" piano.

it had nes games in it
main resident quests
more events

Honestly, I really wish animal crossing was less about customization and more about having things to do besides fishing, catching fish, and doing fetch quests for villagers

I really don't like their stance on how animal is a game that you play for 15-30 mins and then go do something else

I already know how the new one is going to be, more village customization and not much else

I love WW too, started with that game in 2018 since I didn't have a 3ds. Planning on playing PG after I'm done with WW.

>trailer literally shows how you have to harvest materials to make anything now
>have to traverse parts of the island with shit like polevaults
Yeah no it's totally just gonna be New Leaf 2, dipshit.

this desu, acers > rolling world

Wild World was incredible for the time, especially with how they crammed the experience onto a DS cartridge, but its just one of those games thats easy to forget now.


Harvest Moon > Animal Crossing

Music and the animals' dialogue are the best in the series. It still looks amazing, too.

I forgot to add that the town layouts are better in the first game as well.

this. Rolling log makes me wanna puke.

While the art style, music, atmosphere and dialogue all play a huge part in this, there's also the fact that it has objectively the best world generator in the entire series.

Wild World dropped all of this for a much simpler world generator designed to fit on a 2004 handheld. Which is fine. What isn't fine is how every game that came after based its terrain generator on that instead of expanding on the first game's. From what we've seen of New Horizons, that hasn't changed at all.

City Folk really was a mistake. At least the new characters like Labelle and Kicks were good.

>Tfw the original design of Villager will never be a costume option in later titles

You've been able to wear viking hats and princess caps in every game after the original, but only as custom designs. Which means if you want to make a hat that matches an already existing shirt but the limited palette of the design maker doesn't permit you to make an accurate recreation, you're fucked.

Is it really a viking hat? Because that would suck. To me its just some cuck horns on my hat

City Folk is my favorite. If my Wii disk drive didn't break I would still play my town.

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The cliffs were really neat. Knowing nintendo they probably got rid of them so the player wouldn’t be inconvenienced by having to find slopes.

I'm not sure what you're asking. It looks exactly like the hats that male characters wear in the first game if that's what you're wondering.

The towns were bigger
The villagers had more lines
The OST was kino

It has soul. Translation: nostalgia.

I mean, I know it kinda looks like a viking hat, but I don't want to see it in the modern games with a viking "skin". Vikings suck. I mean, just don't make it like a steel helmet with horns. I don't even know, I guess I get triggered when people say its a viking hat because I don't like vikings

It is called "being 10 years old".
It never comes back.

Whats wrong with vikings?

New Leaf officially calls it a "horned cap".

It's a port of a 64 game. If you're going to start down this road don't half-ass it.

New Leaf is the most boring entry. It felt so lifeless.

It did add a lot of series staples though. The N64 game didn't even have the Museum or Able Sisters.

New Leaf is the most fun entry. It felt so full of life.

No where does OP claim gamecube is the original, tard boy. Go stir shit somewhere else.

I know this will never happen but I want New Horizon to have an option where you can wear a low poly model cape and viking hat.

are new wiis hard to get? just keep your SD card

I mean, what's not wrong with vikings? At least what they made the vikings stereotype look. Historically I can't say for sure because I've never really read much about them.
Nice. Thanks dude.

Has to be nostalgia. I never played the first one when it came out. Started with the series later. Tried to play it later on and just couldn't.

It was the first one you played so everything still felt new and fresh.

Also it had the best hourly music

I can't transfer the file to the SD card. It's one of those Wii games where you can't copy or move save data.

It was a game where I played for 15-30 minutes before getting back into my time machine

>that 2am music when it went from slow quiet sounds to party music

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I played the Gamecube one expecting something like Harvest Moon, but it was "grind for my museum, go and do something for me, pay me"

it was boring

>camera angles make the world more intimate while focusing what's important - the interactables on the ground - not the sky which is non-interactable
>acres, while based on hardware limitation, act as a navigation tool and an easy way to work on perfect town scores
>vibrant colors arguably more realistic than the newer games due to the flat colors as opposed to the shiny toy-like look of the future games
>music actually interesting and memorable, serving as a mood setter with tons of emotional punches during christmas, halloween, nighttimes, early mornings, inside villager houses and establishments
>villagers have actual personalities and act in a realistic way when you've been abscent or failed their errands, etc. Actually interesting dialogue with genuine life lessons and iconic quips
>actually can be difficult and time consuming to get bells which leads to near endless playability
>less focus on worthless customization and more focus on actually enjoying the world, as opposed to new leaf where the player has to be incentivized to even go fishing with daily quests
>immersive qualities grow their roots through the entire experience, the developer always asking themselves if a game mechanic serves to make the player and their character align.
>actual consequences for fucking up

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Well you said vikings suck so I'm asking why you don't like them.

I like City FOlk's night music. It sounded like it was actually nighttime and time to go to bed.

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Fun fact, this actually defined my outlook on late night hours. That music shift from 12 to 1am made my brain associate with some kind of adrenaline rush during that time at night because of it.

It's good, but GC has way better soundscape. Also CF is just the same as wild world.

WOW you can polevault AND craft?

Amazing...10/10...totally not new leaf 2...

It does look like NL2 with gimmick mechanics that take away from the original spirit of the game.

I was afraid that NL would push too far in the direction of farmtown type games, and now we've gone full facebook game with no emphasis on atmosphere. Also it's gonna have microtransactions up the ass, probably.

The dumb and violent european invasors that wear cuck hats to colonize or loot some dudes that are just chilling and playing some Gamecube. Again, that's the stereotype, may not be what they were from a historically accurate perspective.

I doubt the last part will happen but I agree with everything else. It's pretty sad how they completely abandoned Eguchi's vision for the series (Inspired by his experience of living on his own for the first time) once he left.

I think the new developers believe there's no way they can expand upon that theme (There is) and that this series can only advance with new gimmicks like being the mayor and building the entire town from scratch.


I never liked the nighttime music in the GC game. It sounded like they could be afternoon songs.

shut the fuck up doomer rofl

I think a lot of it, at least for me, has to do with now the game did legitmately feel like it was still playing while you aren't there. All the little mini-events, like the aerobics, that aren't linked to the holidays really sold that the villagers all active while you aren't playing. The hourly music and diverse character dialogue helped, plus the amount of villagers in town was fairly large.

I know a lot of people will play the change from acres to rolling log, and while I still prefer the acres at least the rolling log in NL didn't feel as disorienting as WW.

I think if New Horizons can take all the good from each game in the series, it has a lot of potential.

It had it's own unique vibe and feel to it while every other game afterwards felt kind of the same. It was lighthearted but at the same time macabre in a weird cutesy way is the best way I can describe it.

just homebrew your wii literal 3 year olds can do it

>"I came here to fuck bitches"

>cuck hats
>loot dudes that are just playing some gamecube
What are you even talking about?


It's not going to have microtransactions. They're not total idiots.
But it's sad to see the series go so far from its roots - this is ironic, considering the entire point of the series is about settling down in a cozy place. An island seems pretty damn far from this.

Nintendo knows from the Wii U that there is such thing as too much innovation, and I think this is a good example of them going too far. We need a game where you can become really intimate with the town by doing virtually whatever you want with it, not by excessive customization, but by excessive interaction, like opening drawers, climbing trees, spinning mailbox handles, jumping into pools from cliffs, and getting to know villagers.

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But thats almost exactly how he looks in new horizons.

Soul compounded
The original game was it's first game put the gate so the developers really had dedication to creating a great game that people would continue to come back to and tell friends, in a cheap rehash attempt they port it to the GameCube along with adding extras that they weren't able to originally.
Finally when it came to America the translation team took it to the next level when it came to the characters, so much so it got retranslated back for another revision.

>I think if New Horizons can take all the good from each game in the series, it has a lot of potential.
this for sure
they haven't shown much from the game and the things they did show look promising
there is no point getting upset over the game right now because we dont know anything about it
I guess Yea Forums gets upset at everything though

One thing that I have been considering, is using one character to build the town up to a level comparable to how it is upon the start of a new game in past titles, then retiring that character and using another to work from there. I don't know if that would be worth it or feasible in the first place, but I think it could be rewarding and a way to re-introduce the element of arrival to an established town.
pretty based opinion.

Same fag

Fuck, I just realised it makes no sense to call the horns a cuck thing to people who are not from my country. Well, that was dumb. I guess I may be a viking and that's the worst thing that could ever happen to me.

I dunno, dude. Fishing next to your tent and campfire seems pretty cozy to me.

youre fucking dumb

Get over yourself.

Exactly. The new devs are too focused on customization and making everything yours to your heart's content while the actual world hasn't advanced beyond Wild World. The terrain generator is still sparse and empty, the scale of the world is still tiny. The 2006 movie and Mario Kart 8 showed us what a true next generation Animal Crossing could look and feel like, but it seems that the developers aren't willing to make that big of a jump.

I think that NH is going to be the closest so far to the movie.

Maybe next time we'll see some true advancements in the terrain generator and overall world size. It is the very first HD mainline AC after all. (I realize people said the same about Pokémon but nobody at Nintendo is anywhere near as incompetent as GF)

In the E3 demo the world generation seemed almost identical to NL

Because they've literally copied the same game 5 times in a row, the actual original 1 is gonna stand out.

That's what I'm saying, the world generator in every game after WW is based on WW's and it sucks. () I hope next time they actually make something that surpasses the first game's but it doesn't seem likely.

Why do retards think that looks soulful? The textures look like vomit, and during the day you are standing in bright sun without a cloud in sight. Who wants to stand while fishing on a pier in the bright sun?

Must be the game made them feel good while playing it, so they come up with rationalizations after the fact why they think that look with those textures = good.

New Horizons obviously looks better.

what a horrible post

contrarian pls go

this basically, something about the scrolling in new AC takes away from the atmostphere. Original AC was also a brand new design at the time so the funky music, quirky characters, funny sound effects, and just laidback stranger setting really tied together. If you just remove scrolling and add back in some lower quality music the new AC games aren't bad. The new camera systems are just really poor decisions and could be done away with thanks to modern techniques. Now secondaries are used to that though so it's not going away

I'm new to the franchise, literally first played the original two months ago. And I'm absolutely in love with it, and surely sequels are pretty average in comparison. I'm already down to emulating an Animal Forest translation for my daily dose.

Still from the height of my two months experience, I think what makes the original so magical is the lack of purpose, and having to deal with shit. Sequels tried too hard to push "gameplay" as you mentioned, give it purpose, give you things to do. The original is way more relaxed, you do what you want, no stress, no pressure.

The other thing is you don't have much control over its world. I ironically expected a game where you could customize anything, change anything, have tons of possibilities, something entirely malleable like Terraria, Minecraft or Stardew Valley. Instead, I found a game with a personality, where shit happens, and you have to deal with it whether you like it or not. Want an extra green chair to complete your interior design? Fuck you, you won't find one, deal with it, use another chair. You don't like this annoying neighbor? He'll be fucking staying and making stupid requests over and over again. Despite not being what I expected, and giving me little to no control over it, forcing me to deal with it became a more interesting and relaxing experience than molding soulless worlds in the aformentioned games. And then, sequels gave you more power over it, until New Horizons, which looks like "hey you literally own the island it's better than beng the mayor!", and "look there's tons of shit to do, even crafting! don't you fucking dare relaxing!"

Another aspect is its profoundly Japanese identity. It looks like an average westernized Nintendo game, but it's still nip to the core. It's all in the little details, which gives it a touch of exotism the sequels lost.

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>tfw no official soundtrack CD releases of AC music

>This triggers the AC autist.

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took me a sec, heh
it really would be better if it was a smooth-tracking top-down camera, with a flat map though.

Has he finally been arrested? Not seen him in a while

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Idk why but for some reason I keep coming back to this video

It’s just so comfy and brings me back to a simpler time

I’d really rather have a free camera, even though it’d make bug catching a pain.

was chris chan the first lets player?

Unique villager personalities.
N64 aesthetic.
Proper holidays.
Events that were more than just a village gathering in the square.

So many reasons it's the best game.

depends on whether or not this counts as a lets play

City Folk is basically just an expansion pack for Wild World that made it tolerable. Wild World is the worst game in the series by far.

don't forget all the NES ROM carts

why do you hate grass user

Sure. I mean when old AC game nostalgia boomers start complaining about the look of NH, they mention stuff like not every square foot of grass being covered with that repetitive triangle pattern that is just obnoxious to look at. That pattern doesn't look like grass, and it doesn't look good. It's something that only nostalgia emotion can bias you towards.

Right now I have a bit of a headache, a very minor one, to where I have to squint my eyes some to mitigate the irritation of looking at my computer monitor. When I look at the screen in the OP I can literally feel my head pain tick up some relative to looking at anything else. NH is pleasant to look at.

I played that shit so much, my most played AC. I went back to it after I bought CF and found out that running would fuck up your town.
Rolling log. It made sense for WW, but they keep fucking bringing it back. It's SHIT. I'm actually considering skipping the new AC because of it, I just can't take it anymore.

Sorry to hear about your epilepsy

Wild World at least had good dialogue, CF is when that went to shit

>water pattern bears no resemblance to water
>grass pattern bears no resemblance to grass
>wood pattern bears o resemblance to wood
>villager is wearing green/orange/blue random pattern schizophrenic retard clothes
geez I wonder why would people not find this visually appealing.

this is some actual autism right here

>water pattern bears no resemblance to water
>grass pattern bears no resemblance to grass
>wood pattern bears o resemblance to wood
So you'd rather they had covered everything with dull "realistic" textures (On a 5th generation console no less, where they'd look shit and blurry) instead of using stylized graphics? Sounds like AC isn't for you. Did you also bitch about "Celda" when Wind Waker was revealed?

I hate how they removed the custom museum dialogues for each exhibit, it really made all the fishing and bug catching worth it
somehow, and you always learned something new.
It may be just a small thing, but I think it's a great example to demonstrate in which direction the series went: more content and customization, but the things which made it special were slowly being phased out with each new title.

They didn't know it was going to be a success and there was nothing it was based on. They were just making a new game they really wanted to make. Also it couldn't rely on graphical fidelity, so it relies wholly on art direction to look good.

Every bug, fish, fossil, and artwork have a encyclopedia entry you can read at the museum in NL

That, the music and the savage dialogue from the villagers. New Leaf is full of ass kissers but it does help with my insomnia I guess.

But they're just generic descriptions. Not the same as Blathers being freaked out about each bug for different reasons.

Future games went too far with streamlining everything. You should still have to send fossils end to get checked and wait a day for it to come back. Shops shouldn't all be bundled together in one single place. The "inconveniences" added to the experience.

That was a major loss for the game, missed it a lot. Guess they had to remove it to allow you to donate more than one thing at once, but I'd be willing to have a slower process for a chat with Blathers.

Disagree on the fossils but the rest of this is true. It was so bad in New Leaf that the special NPCs were practically devoid of personality. Blathers doesn't blather anymore. Resetti was made optional. Phyllis isn't a bitch anymore. Even getting Sable to open up to you was turned into an unlock, and the most important parts of her story involving her parents were cut out altogether.

The style of Wind Waker is total garbage so I never bothered with it. If you want to see autism go read this guy's articles about how WW is supposedly good: medium.com/@gordonnl/wind-waker-graphics-analysis-a0b575a31127

Stay made AC luddite contrarians, NH will be the greatest despite its woesome lack of hideous geometric patterns: youtube.com/watch?v=ZyN-yckkY14

I agree with this

I know that, I was not criticizing the lack of information on exhibits per se, just the way it is now conveyed to the player.

It lacks personality now. There was something ironic about an owl seeing the fish you tediously caught as mere food, talking about how to cook them correctly, while at the same time hating bugs. There was interaction with the player. You can still spend a few minutes reading all the descriptions in NL, but it will never leave you with the same experience, in my opinion.

Oh, so you ARE a "MUH REALISM" fag. Could've just said that from the start.

a magical hour full of joy.

Regular villagers also had their personalities nerfed as well. No one can genuinely get pissed at you enough to call you a steakhead anymore.

Right, I get you, and agree

Wild World was super disappointing. No Real Holidays, no NES games, the rolling log world meant they had to get rid of sports balls, so no gamefaqs organized soccer tournaments.

It did have the special NPCs at their best however

rip thread

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