Why do they keep making the same type of game over and over again? Are they even able to make something that ISN'T yet another Dark Souls clone?
Why do they keep making the same type of game over and over again...
>Why do they keep making the same type of game over and over again?
Because it works.
>Are they even able to make something that ISN'T yet another Dark Souls clone?
Probably not.
This thread already exists.
Didn't Fromsoft make this before they fell into the Souls trap?
Lost Kingdoms 3 never ever ;_; even if it honestly has potential
Mario's been clones of 64 for years now, same with Zelda and OoT, Halo with CE, etc.
People want more of the same if it's done well. You really want a Metroid Federation Force situation?
because i like it a lot
>why does Game Freak keep making the same games?
>its like they hate money
that's not CDPR
As a fan of From, I don't mind the reuse of the formula, because sadly other games haven't been able to capture the same feel. Nioh was good, but not as good as a Souls game in my opinion. I missed multiplayer in Sekiro, Elden Ring has coop and PvP which is what lets me spend thousands of hours in these games so I am pretty excited for it. From is a bigger company now though, I wouldn't mind if one of their teams (like the one that worked on Sekiro) keeps making games with further departures, but I won't complain for Souls "clones". They all have a very distinct feel anyways, the basic formula is the same but I don't feel they are interchangeable, we wouldn't have so much game ranking autism if that were the case.
Sekiro wasn't a souls clone. It was shitty action with broken 'leveling' and kinda nice traversal mechanics.
Also, sci-fi BLAME!-based Souls with Nihei as art director fucking when?
Because it's what people want from them
So? We both know you'll buy them either way.
Just like I do.
Nihei has changed too much since BLAME! days, nowadays he's much more generic sadly and his art suffered greatly. I miss BLAME!.
But I want this Why don't they fucking just do it? I fucking hate every From game that gets announced cause it's fantasy again or, even worse, fucking weeb shit sekiro niggers shot twice
Why do you keep making the same thread over and over again?
who is this angel?
People don't remember, but they were spamming Armored Core for a while before their success with Dark Souls. I still prefer Armored Core.
Because that's what we want and like, cope
I know, man, I know. I just re-read everything made before Sidonia every year, including Blame Gakuen and Abara.
Their formula is good and fun, more enjoyable than most games these days. That’s why
>hundreds upon hundreds of generic FPS shooters, generic open world asscreed clones, etc
>nobody bats an eye
>a single niche company has a style of game it creates that nobody else does, and they release similar games of this style once every few years
Because it's a sterile, boring idea of a setting that only sounds cool.
Some thot from a fighting game
Why change a winning formula? Don't fix what ain't broke.
Yeah, and 'lovecraftian themes and dudes in trenchcoats with blood-based lore' wasn't a boring idea
because you are a minority. Fantasy western genre is much more popular than your sci-fi weeb shit.
I really like souls shit and I can’t wait for Elden Ring, but I miss Fromjank.
they've only made 4 souls games
5 if you count bloodborne
why arent you complaining about games like pokemon, mario, zelda, etc which have hundreds of the same rehashed games
They made an interesting connection shacking up Victorian horror with Lovecraftian horror, which immediately saw duplication from several other companies due to how well it meshed together.
Where do I sign up to being an opressed minority? I want to bully From into making me a sci-fi dystopian souls
>I wouldn't mind if one of their teams (like the one that worked on Sekiro) keeps making games with further departures
Same, Sekiro was my first FromSoft title completed and I enjoyed it much more than when I slogged through DaS up till the Goyles
In particular I'd like to see Wuxia or Roman Sekiro, particularly the latter; just imagine being an unkillable notSpartacus facing a giant slave Juzou with a scimitar in a colosseum
I like how nobody gave a shit about Deracine. I don't think From really gave a shit about Deracine. Not that I've played it, but not like anybody else has either.
Each mainline Mario is way different from the other and there is more spaces between each release. Zelda is more formulaic, but there is way more diversity in the series than there is in souls games. Pokemon is just shit.