Samurai Shodown just cut its input lag in half, just 2 weeks after the complaint was brought up

Samurai Shodown just cut its input lag in half, just 2 weeks after the complaint was brought up

>BTFO of Epic
>BTFO of Smelee players
>Improved the graphics tremendously since KoFXIV
>Cute and Funny pilled
>Doing a free season pass
No reason to pass up on SamSho

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Other urls found in this thread:

I feel like if I were to get this on PC 6 months after it releases on console it's gonna get like 1000 peak players and then die off after 2 weeks

That is being extremely generous.

jubei trailer

Yeah I know it's just I don't understand why they're releasing it so late when there actually seems to be some hype surrounding this game. Don't know if people are gonna wait to play it on PC, especially if it costs full price

I'm glad to see that, but the lag was really egregious. It shouldn't have been as bad as it was to begin with, not that it matters much now. I'm still going to get the game in all likelihood anyway, and it was just a demo where the lag was really bad.

I like Jubei, but I'm shit with counters and I've never really figured out how to use his DP well

>No reason to pass up on SamSho
gook netcode

Tremendously is strong word also

Pre ordered a few days ago on PS4. A demo would have been nice but never mind.

I hate how the game looks
There is something ugly about it

Must look like you then.

didn't sfv and tekken take years to get this fixed?

not years but it sure took them a long ass time

It was linked to a glitch in UE4 that they only fixed because of Fortnite

They don't have enough people to work on four platforms at the same time user.

its sad that even with all that it will bomb hard


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Didn’t they make back their budget on pre orders alone?

>Everything about this game is going right, basically every new story about it is a good thing
>Can't bring myself to get it Day 1 because it doesn't seem to have enough content to warrant $60
I was hoping the Season Pass would be the kicker but Rimururu was just about the most boring pick they could've used to bring me in. If it was Seiger, Gaira, or Yoshimitsu as a guest character, I'd have already pre-ordered.

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The only thing it doesn't have is a cinematic story mode. Survival, Time Attack and Trials are on the trophy list

SNK is incredibly based, it's just a shame the game will still die in the West.

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It is true though, the jump has been huge

Ghost battle stuff sounds fun

How does that work in a samsho game?

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Too bad it'll be dead af on PC.

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I want Nakoruru in smash.

I want to smash Nakoruru

>Nak nearly always shit in her own games
>Always busted when she is a guest
Make it happen, she could so easily be broken in smash.

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They found out what shading is

If SNK got a rep into Smash but it was Nakoruru of all characters I'd be pissed. Terry, Iori, Kyo, Geese, or Haohmaru would all be better, with Terry being the ideal.

I'm just as annoyed with the idea that one of the DoA girls would get in over Hayabusa for a Tecmo-Koei rep.

She is already taken

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Would this bird let me hug her?


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>XIV tier Nako

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Good on SNK... 4 frames of input lag is still unacceptable however.

Please kill yoruself

>4 frames of input lag is still unacceptable however
4 frames is actually really good. That is where SF4 and Xrd are at.

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Because I'm probably not getting it Day 1 or because I don't like Rimururu?

Considering that most of the SamSho fanbase on west are Fightcade using boomers?

>SF4 and Xrd
Neither of these games are good.

4 frames is NOT "actually really good"

Western players have shit taste

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How do you cut the input lag in half that fast?

Great attitude from SNK, a shame i'm not interested in samsho

I assume that there will be no cross-platform play either.

Nig, UE4 automatically adds 3.

Standing A+B, counter hit

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Then they need to stop using UE4

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Exactly, Mamahaha. Exactly.

They weren't initially, but people bitched and moaned for them to use it.

>only have one friend who plays fightans
>ask him if he is getting samsho
>gives some poorfag response about "why would I pay $60 just for a fighting game I already played"
Yeah it's doomed.

I think this will save the game on pc desu. I know i am sick as fuck of emulating the old Sam Sho games.

The problem is that not only is it a fighting game, which is already problematic enough when you're not trekken or street fighter but it's fucking samsho, and even among fightan enthousiast not a lot of them have played a samsho game before.
And on top of that samsho is a really special fighting game in the sense that it almost purely revolves around footsies with slow big damaging moves.

it'll be dead on console too

Steam version when?

I don't like paying for online.

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This particular friend has played Samsho before (he's a fucking spic). He just happens to be a poorfag who is throwing out dumb excuses. But I'm sure he's going to get vanilla wow because, again, he's a fucking spic.

when's Iroha

>BTFO melee

Fuck you, I'm gonna enjoy both and you can't stop me.

I'm far more worried that reviewers/people that have never played SamSho will shit on this game hard

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EVO will make or break the game depending on how many "epic" moments the tourney will have

EVO probably

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is that SG number for consoles or something? I recall SG having 2.04f of input lag

Its a risky move. I think that being a game whitout heavy combos could help a lot with the casuals, and there is not really other game like Sqam Sho in the market, so it doesnt compete directly with SF, MK, Tekken or DBFZ. At least, if it bombs or not, we SNK fags will have a new game, so i am happy.

This is PS4, right?
I've heard Xrd on PC is 1F, which is why pros playing on pc usually set 3f training delay so playing on ps4 at tournaments doesn't throw them off

I think everything is tested on PS4, so it is a comparable chart.

Also SG has 3.5 on PC apparently, found it cause I remembered Fantasy Strike having """""0 input lag"""""

>there is not really other game like Sqam Sho in the market
Granblue is apparently super footsie-heavy with very short combos. It's definitely not the same but a game with way more money behind it is coming to take the "Neutral-focused cel-shaded anime-artstyle" spot from SamSho at EVO, when it already had little chance of coming back given KOFXV is around the corner.

>no PC release on launch
Ooof, thats a big yikes

Tired of buying fighting games with shit netcode, I'll buy it iff it's netcode isnt shit.

How much are you getting paid to shill this shovelware? Be honest.

Looked into it a bit, yeah that must be ps4.
What's actually impressive is that there are games that somehow manage under 4. I always thought 4f was just the ps4's native controller delay. goes into autistic detail

I don't think they really crossover. Granblue is trying to be SF, and honestly I think that game has way stronger pressure than people realise. Samsho is a unique beast, the flow of a match is very different from most games and how many things work are unconventional. I doubt it will get another main slot at evo though, too many games come out these days

>Worst lag ever recorded
Holy shit cancel you preorder
>2 weeks later better than SFV and T7 on ps4

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tbrh, if they actually didn't delayed the PC version and/or added crossplay this game would have a chance.
SNK just fucked up badly on this one.

n-n-no mina no buy!

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>want to show a game's input lag
>can't do it without showing your own game first
God, I fucking hate Mike "why isn't everyone else doing this" Z.

>$60 plus tip for Iroha and Shiki
It's extremely tempting. But SNK games are always dead and trash.

you don't even need to tip them

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So when's Cham Cham?

The games are good, but they are not 90s SNK tier yet.

I don't know how they did it, but Darli has blown the fuck out of almost every newcomer in established fighting game entries from the past decade. She's perfect, and I don't just mean her design.

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They don't want you to hurt her user so she's out.

I just want new porn of her.

It probably has the best set of newcomers we have seen in any game for a long time.

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>Rimururu trailer is titled "Season 1" on the official channel
It's happening isn't it

I believe when you use a camera to record screen for lag tests it actually increases the count by one since it doesnt capture response until the "reaction frame." Theres an explanation in this thread. The graphs being posted look like the ones this guy makes so they should all be accounted for an additional reaction frame.

To show a comparison. SG is an indie project just like fantasy strike. I dont know why you'd ever be mad about people demanding lower input lag.

press release also said "first" season pass when they added it to the pre-orders

I really like Darli. I hope she stays longer in the franchise

season pass is free if you buy it before the release.

so glad to see the series coming back

yeah its cool. I never played much samsho but this game looks excellent. I'm more excited for when they finally reveal kof15, i loved 13 and 14 and they said 15 is going to look even better than samsho.

rather play Guilty Gear for a weapons based anime fighter


>I dont know why you'd ever be mad about people demanding lower input lag.
Ok? I never said anything about that.
I'm complaining about MikeZ constantly jerking himself off over ever single thing he did in SkullGirls. That man's ego is bigger than the entire FGC.

how is he jerking himself off? He gave his games frame delay as comparison to a similar project. Fuck games having high input lag how are you taking offense to this

I played enough Guilty Gear to wait for the next one.
Also, I want to play my boy.

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I mean, GG looks way better. But SamSho has better gameplay (personal preference)


Everything this character does looks like fun

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4 frames huh? That's literally the fastest fighting game of the current generation. It's even faster than SFV that took like 3 years to reduce its 8 frames lag to 5.

Very different kind of games user. I love guilty gear, but the weapons in that game are basically all sticks

claim down woolie

there's only one set of bird legs I care about in this picture

hopefully they add the samsho team they considered for kof 95 in xv

>>Cute and Funny pilled
Please can you kys?

More interested about kof 15

>That's literally the fastest fighting game of the current generation
Tied with GG, but UNI is lower. I guess those both released last gen so it wins for lowest game only released this gen.

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>fireball immune mid-swing
>punishes said fireballs for 25%
If you told me a year ago the character I was most looking forward to playing in a SS reboot was a black girl pirate wielding an oversized saw, I'd have called you a damn nutter

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Someone should edit that to say "stay funny".

Im a weeb for Japan culture and swords, but I cant stand anime characters

>punishes said fireballs for 25%
It is weird that for such a neutral focused game, zoning has never been super strong and focused aspect. It exists but you never get any Sagat level fireball wars, Mina can try but she is also mad shit. Wu is kind of a zoner, but she seems more focused on traps and set ups

without cross play this game is DOA on PC and Switch
it's pretty obvious that they don't give a single fuck about those versions when they release them half a year later, weird that they didn't accept Epic money

Jubei is so cool

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I'm really excited for this game. I've gotten kind of worn out from playing dbfz and GG so much, even Tekken can be kinda frantic. Slow paced games will be a nice change, never played samsho before

My only real worry about the game is the secret supers seem really strong despite no cost. Issen I'm fine with doing a load cause there are so many drawbacks and factors to if you do a load of damage. But the other super seems like a free round if you get a throw

> 4 frames of input lag is still unacceptable
So do you just not play any games at all, or what? Because the vast majority of them have 4+ frames of input lag.

budget of $1000

Not that guy but I mostly play fighting games from the 90s. There's hundreds of fighting games with less than 4 frames of lag.

Reminder even raster images have an 8ms lag

I thought the secret supers could only be done with full rage? Which you can only get from blocking or getting hit

SSMs cost nothing but they are just one try per match and aside from Shiki they are unsafe as fuck

You have the secret super at any time, normal super in rage and issen in rage explosion

I see, that clears up what I wasn't understanding. Isnt there a shit ton of scaling from throw though? And are the SSMs the ones that make you drop your weapon? In that case I could see why that would be game defining

>Isnt there a shit ton of scaling from throw though?
The SSM aren't scaled all that much. But only the WFT which is the normal super makes you drop your weapon. Both can be dodged after a throw with rage explosion though, but it is a high price to pay. Personally I think SSM should of 25% less and scale a lot of throws

I don't think you can connect the SSM from throws.

WFT are the ones you do with a full rage bar and make the opponent drop the weapon
SSM are the cost free ones where there's a sound cue and the background turns golden


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Now if only smash could do that

Hello Smelee. Please do us all a favor and hit the showers. :)

PC just pirates. No reason to release it simultaneously

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vast majority of fighting games have around 2 frames of input lag, its only really the shitty modern day nu-fighters that have input delay higher than that, and those games generally aren't worth playing to begin with.

I like this chink with big milkers

You sound like a God friend

Like I'm sure this is partly a PR stunt and the launch version was always going to have less. But it is kind of pathetic that SNK have achieved things that much more prominent games haven't on launch.

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I meant for ultimate

This game literally has nothing

>No brand power like SF, Tekken or DBZ
>No cult following like Guilty Gear
>No meme long combos or big e-celebs that normies can follow and understand
>Not even a many customization options for the waifufags to spend money on

What exactly are they hoping to accomplish by releasing this and how do they plan to sustain it?

>No cult following like Guilty Gear
Are you sure about that?

>No cult following like Guilty Gear
This is false, samsho has a cult following

>>No cult following like Guilty Gear
How fucking young are you?

>>No meme long combos
Doesn't need them. Samsho is amazing for clips, from the million ways for stupid damage, blade grabs and all the weird interactions you get. SNK in general has a cult following, and they are doing everything they can on the pr side to get people on board. EVO numbers speak for themselves.

Attached: 1554570195990.webm (1280x720, 2.55M)

Do not, under any circumstances, compare SamSho's fanbase and appeal to Guilty Gear or any mainline ArcSys game

You delusional shit for brains

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Every comment I see on YouTube is people complaining about no combos

nobody cares lol dead on arrival *dabs* Mortal Kombat wins again baby

You are a retard

What a convincing argument, upvoted

I literally have no idea what happened in the webm, what a shitty game lol

>Mortal Kombat wins again baby
I don't care about kusogemu

Underage arcsoy cuck sperging out because people would rather play based SS than his shitty dash n mash kusoge

>people would rather play based SS


Enjoy your soulless game


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100 isn't too different from 200

And SamSho numbers are.....oh wait it's so dead it didnt even have a true modern entry lol

LMAO arcsoy cucks on suicide watch

When will you steamfags learn no one plays fighting games on pc?


>Galford approaches
>EQ guards
>does his shadowclone spin move
>kills Galford
>shifts to victory screen portraying EQ decapitating him because he confirmed a special as a kill move
At least I figure that's what happened, it looms like the Destructive Finishes from DBFZ

No face it people just dont play fighters on PC the switch probably pulls in higher numbers than pc

Well looks like /fgg/ is here regurgitating their normal shitpost on each other. Guess they got mad that SNK destroyed their shitposting material

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He did an invincible super.

Theres no decaps in this game, the best you'll get is bisects at the waist.

Did you not watch this webm of Galford getting his head popped off like a bottlecap? Look again, he gets Kill Bill'd at the end

Not true. Even street fighter 2 had 5 frames of lag. Actually something like 4.4, but there is no such thing as 4.4 it just comes out on the 5th frame. Unreal4 usually has 8f of input lag

Wait nvm he just tilts his head way back, still looks similar though

I just hope the characters are kinda balanced. If I see the same few fag characters at every tournament like in SF5 I will not even bother with it.

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That or Epicshills

You need glasses my dude lol

Sorry its a short clip and that's a lot of bloodspurt from his neck. Eh, brutal enough for me

She's cute.

Do you even go to tournaments? Can you even win a tournament? Why do you care? You're just gonna be at home playing single player all comfy like

SC6 is also pretty neutral heavy. I don't think either of those have combos as shirt as samsho though

>I just hope the characters are kinda balanced
You're probably playing the wrong genre if you expect the first iteration of a fighter not to be unbalanced. Actually extend that to competitive games in general, part of their nature will be strong stuff being fond and eventually countered or patched. There will always be something that is strongest and people lean towards.

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>You're just gonna be at home playing single player all comfy like
No, I'm not gay.

I beg you. Sauce pls

Earthquake anti-aired Galford with an issen

Melee has less input lag than this, he's talking about smush

Xrd actually has more players on PC than ps4. Same with tekken, and possibly calibur

>implying anyone who plays fighting games ever takes showers

I want to get it but I'm financially fucked at the moment. Hopefully it impresses at EVO and there are still players when I get it.

Attached: tamtam.jpg (670x1193, 137K)

>Melee has less input lag than this,
Melee has around 4 frames as well

Rimururu is garbage, who on earth aside from anime degenerates thinks a little anime girl is cool, they should've included gaira and/or sieger among others, its like they want to sabotage themselves

Can't believe my wife was added so quickly.

Attached: rimururusamuraishodown6tenkaartwork.jpg (800x1000, 83K)

Hope things get better tambro

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you dumb consolenigger SNK themselves announced that the PC port of KoF13 saved their ass.

Thanks man. Slowly but surely. Just happy there's a new Samsho.

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right before the webm the earthquake player did a rage burst, which gives him access to higher damage, a normal super and an anime dash super(issen) at the cost of everything being tied to that timer in the bottom right.
once that timer runs out he can't use those abilities for the rest of the match (all future rounds.)
think of it as giving yourself a free street fighter super but very costly.

galford player didn't respect that option and immediately got eaten by the anime slash super.(issen)

I really hope they also release the DLC for free on PC for a limited.
It would be extremely shitty to wait all this time and still have to buy the DLC

we'll probably have a season 2 by then and no one will care about the season 1 characters

He's in.

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>OG dress Rimururu
Yes! Hahaha, yes!

>now has half the lag of Smush
nice. This is how game devs should handle fighting games. Also nice mentioning melee when melee's input lag is still lower than this game lmao

>BTFO of Smelee players
Except Melee has lower input lag and will most certainly outlast Samsho

>Also nice mentioning melee when melee's input lag is still lower than this game lmao
No it isn't crab boy. In fact melee can fluctuate to 5 frames

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Melee is dead. Nobody outside of its bubble even cares about it anymore.

They got mega chink bux backing their studio. There’s absolutely no reason for that to be the case.

>look it up
>Melee actually has 3.6-5 frames
>Has horrendous stability

Trust smash players to talk shit without even looking up how much lag their game has.

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>Cute and Funny pilled
not until best girl gets announced

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>outside of its bubble
kek, most fighting games have no players left. Stay mad faggot.

Samsho looks sick but there's no reasonable way to call melee "dead", it will most likely continue to get more entrants than almost every other fighter, including samsho.

Yes,taken by death

Attached: �~�j�L�����A�N�V�����i�e���ہj.jpg (800x600, 447K)

That is fixed in mods already though

I haven't seen anything like that which significantly reduces the input lag or helps stability. And especially not anything saying it is now sub 4 frames.

On FM Dolphin you can have around 3 frames of input lag with pretty good consistency.

nice filename

Just checked, it's about 2 frames

>FM Dolphin
So not console which is the tournament standard. I'd also like some sources cause meleefags sure do like to just throw out claims

>Every comment I see on YouTube is people complaining about no combos.

So. It's their own fault they can't adapt to the idea that fighting games can exist without combos.

On console it is on average 3.5 frames, on FM it's on average 2 frames. And yea usually it is still played on consoles, but there have been a few tournaments played on PCs.

The average youtube comment creator is an esl spic who has only ever played SFIV/V or Tekken

Attached: every snk thread.jpg (400x400, 77K)

>average 3.5 frames
What you posted shows it goes from 42 to 66 ms. This data really says it goes between 3 and 4 while my link says 3 to 5. So at best it is slightly better than Samsho some of the time but more unstable. 3.5 frames would usually be rounded up cause you will regularly be dealing with the higher end. PC is by far not the standard, even just normal emulation never mind mods. At best locals and really small events these days.

Youtube comments and twitch chat are even worse than Yea Forums when it comes to fightan. Still, I can't wait for the inevitable salt when newcomers to the series experience samsho damage.

>SonicFox got an early copy

With Dan's polling fix, which can be applied to consoles, the average delay is 43.9ms which is about 2.7 frames.

>which can be
But isn't tournament standard. That isn't the version most people are playing in general, but tournament are what matters and this will not be at anything but at best a random ass local. This is even worse than someone claiming stuff like well the PC version of a game has lower lag, at least that is occasional used for some games. We're actually comparing worse case scenario for Samsho (PS4 is always bad for lag, even vs xbone) to a mod that is not used in any setting which matters.

The Melee that is played competitively has unstable 3-5 frames of lag

That's not true, a lot of Melee tournaments use mods, this year most probably did.

But even on vanilla the graph clearly says 55.7 ms.

Actually most tournaments do run mods these days

>anime fighter
pick one

It says vanilla console has a max delay of 66.8ms.

66.8/16.6 = 4 frames

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>a lot of Melee tournaments use mods
Post proof that most important ones use this mod in particular.

>But even on vanilla the graph clearly says 55.7 ms.
And the one I posted shows it as higher. I have no reason to take yours over the other one.


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the chinks don't want to invest their mega bux into hiring more employees and training them in order to get the pc release out on time when it will die anyway cause playing fighting games on pc is a joke.

>BTFO of Smelee players

You mean Ultimate players; Smash ultimate has a bad Netcode, Melee doesn't even have online without emulation.

It's irrelevant what a random jabroni says, Kadano is the Melee tech guy that people listen to.

gaijin are infiltrating snk to make galnako a thing in main canon, the print was just the start

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>Still no Back Attack move

Attached: shiki-sit-alt.jpg (687x1000, 172K)

SamSho took Melee out of EVO

>giving their most popular waifu a canon love interest

The input lag stuff isn't about online. Also lol evo

Gonna be fun to watch him try and adapt honestly. Great execution and rushdown, but he's still an 80IQ driver behind the stick in a neutral heavy game

I wonder how much SNK/Nintendo had to pay McRib to do it. No other game has as many stubborn players refusing to move on, other than maybe Melty Blood but they actually have Soul

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Rimururu is cute.

>I wonder how much SNK/Nintendo had to pay McRib to do it.
>yfw Nintendo/SNK alliance to kill Melee, concluding with Nakoruru in Smash Bros

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I miss her old swords already but her new ones aren't terrible

Got a bumpin soundtrack.

mai has a canon love interest

Sure, that's great and all, but where's my umbrella girl? I mean, her friend Rimururu is in, why shouldn't she be?

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>superstrong hardcore drunkard pirate wench.

I wouldnt say she's my main, but i will say 'thank god people are trying different things for their waifus'.

Nako is still jealous she doesnt have an aidoru song, it seems.

Was Rimu really that popular?

Don't go looking under those shorts, you might find a surprise and if you try hard enough, a cream filling.

>no Saigado anymore to make ShizumaruxDarli and Wu

She was sixth place on the DLC character poll. Kinda surprised they're leading with her since Iroha and Basara were higher, but they both make for a great EVO reveal

>1st - Iroha - 383

2nd - Shizumaru - 178

3rd - Basara - 161

4th - Mina - 160

5th - Cham Cham - 146

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>no PC release
It is worthless


Never understood his appeal.

well, i meant overall, throught all the series, she must have been quite popular in the Samsho3 days if SNK bothered to give her an aidoru-like theme song as an extra for the NeoCD version of Samsho3, wasnt she?