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I’m having a blast with Secret of Mana and haven’t even started Trials of Mana yet

Why? It's a reasonably priced collection of 3 very good games, at $13 each. Buying 1+2 used would cost you $61 and 3 has never even been released here before.

I agree
$40 bucks for 3 rims is too much

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>paying for this

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I mean, would you prefer they used the remake version instead?

wasn't the third game's rom already ripped from the collection? lol imagine paying $40 for this...

I'd much rather play the SNES version of Trial of Mana than that garbage generic animu remake.

$40 is too much for what it is

The GB game is shit. Can I skip it?

you bought a collection with three games for $40 and you dont want to play one of them?

That game is actually good though. Are you having trouble progressing?

it's fucking awesome and you're going to love it
Yeah sure, it's basically just a rough cut of what they'd make better in later games

>Final Fantasy Adventure
I see you haven't played Secret of Mana yet, to know what true shit is.

40 bucks is nothing honestly

But it has better gameplay than 3

they're good games. i would've paid 10 for the collection. 40 is a laughable price.

>square actually conned idiots into spending $40 for 3 fucking roms

I have some time shares in aspen to sell to you

I'm going to get the physical release.

>Paying for games on Switch

$40 for three roms that still have the same gamebreaking bugs from 20 years ago is a scam
even more when Sega/SNK/Konami collections are half the price

It's a bit shitty and I think they could have put so much more in it, like all the handheld games or PS1/2 ones.
I also wish it had Secret of Evermore, because that`s my favorite spin-off.

Shut your dirty whore mouth

It's the worst of the three games, the combat is atrocious with the retarded wait times, stacking damage and infinite stunlock that you AND the enemies can do, the camera that just scrolls when you're almost touching the border of the screen, rendering the dash function useless because you're obviously going to ram your face on a rock and waste the dash. And I didn't even get to the worst feature: circular menus.

You could play the faithful Vita/Mobile (Adventure of Mana) remake which obviously has better visuals, controls and framerate or the GBA reimagining (Sword of Mana) that rather drastically deviates from the original.

I recommend Secret of Mana Turbo to you, user.

What's the Yea Forumseredict on Sword of Mana?

It's aesthetically appealing if you can get over the character designs, but as a remake of FFA, it's kind of eh.

Any differences between Seiken Densetsu 3 fan translation and the rerelease?

Get in the right frame of mind and you will enjoy it. Think of it like a film noir and soak in the atmosphere and melancholic soundtrack.

A very unfaithful remake so it's not a replacement for the original, but very much worth playing as its own thing as long as you don't mind the shitty character artwork.
Personally I always recommend people to just play Adventure of Mana for their first playthrough aka the Vita remake.

The official translation is overall better and fixed many engine limitations of the fantranslation, such as the amount of text that can be fit in a box, the amount of letters character and item names can have and so on.
Overall a solid improvement.

Fan translation's a great effort, and has hacks made for it. Official localization is better-written besides the fuckawful Charlotte approach, but the font and official terms aren't things everyone agrees with. Honestly when you look at the fan translation, the official release just highlights how much shit the fans had to go through back in 2000 just to get this all to work.