You make any progress on that backlog, Yea Forums?

You make any progress on that backlog, Yea Forums?

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I keep trying, but I just do not click with the controls of MGS

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have 3-4 minds left
>crash 1
stuck on high road
>crash 2
just started, making decent progress
>metro last light
got bored before killing the backstabber
>breath of the wild
pushing thru to get champion abilities

>tfw no desire to finish backlog
>watch long plays instead

The best I think is to give up on backlog and just play what you enjoy.

(;´・ω・) please do not say the b word

i want to give that dumb snake a big smooch

>these are the people discussing video games on Yea Forums
>they watch someone else play the video game and discuss it as if they did
gen z

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What about c word?

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Since I just got laid off today, I might have more time to clear it. But I'm not really feeling it right now.

Don't have much free time.
Still need to finish Metro exodus.
Divinity original sin 2.
Pillars of Eternity. (Main story done but not the dlc)
Assassin Creed Origins

Wait, snakes drink water?

>tfw have an emulator frontend setup with support for every relevant console and arcade machine
>literally thousands of games at the click of a button all neatly organized with a search function available
I feel like the more games I amass the less likely I am to actually play them. I haven't played anything in days.

>Hollow Knight
Haven't tried the DLC yet, but I beat the main game.
>Hat in Time
Really close to finishing but haven't played in months
>Shovel Knight Treasure Trove
Haven't made progress since forever
>Hyper Light Drifter
Not a lotta progress. Like 10 mins into the game
>Dead Cells
I play when I wanna do something but not be very invested in it
I bought the Switch version because of how much fun Vinny's streams are/were, and I gotta say, I have had much more fun watching him play. Can't find my groove despite pumping 30 hours into it
I'm at the Hand, have not played in months
>Dark Souls II
I am like 10 hours in, haven't even scratched the surface
I know I can finish it in a day, but I just haven't found the time

Go to Spiderman next, nigga

You thought they didn't?

I thought they aborbed it

Got stuck, still haven't finished it
Finishing Octopath before embarking on that journey
Can't stand how much stealth is in the game. Really waiting for DOOM Eternal
Still haven't done the reverse castle
>Hollow Knight
Grown to accept I probably can't beat radiance
>Crash 1, 2, 3 Remastered
I don't know why, the game feels shitty compared to the OG
>Spyro Reignited
Far too fucking easy, almost fell asleep playing. Wish I got it on my switch
Still haven't 100% everything in the game. Not sure I'm going to

Why can't I finish games anymore? The last game I played to completion was when I replayed all the Halos

Of course. I can't afford to buy any new games so I only have two games left. Sniper Elite 4 and GTA4.

Only reason I'm going through my backlog is I can't afford anything either. I guess it works.

Currently emulating Nier, have D44M but I suck at it and Deus Ex Mankind Divided is a snoozefest
Backlog off the top of my head is:
>Kingdom Come
>Bullet Witch
>Dragon's Dogma
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Jade Empire
Plus a fuckload of games I want to replay

I've started fighting against the discounts and refusing to buy anything that I don't want to immediately play.

Yes, actually. Fell back into a spooky games kick so I've churned through Layers of Fear, Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion, Bendy and the Ink Machine and NaissanceE.

LoF 1 or 2?

What living thing doesn't drink water?

what a good snake

1, I suppose, I didn't even know there was a 2.

I don't think I'll play it. The game was not what I expected.

>Kingdom Come
>Play all the 1.9 DLC
>"phew, almost done"
>Quest Started: Siege
>20 billion branching side quests to advance the main story
If I have to fetch another flower or play that goddamn dice game one more time...

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My backlog got so big that I can't remember what I have and have not played anymore. Video games are just a giant blur now.

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Since the start of 2019:
Final Fantasy (NES)
Dragon Warrior (NES)
Dragon Warrior II (NES)
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Final Fantasy Dawn of Souls

And I'm juggling Earthbound, Dragon Warrior III, Link to the Past, and Punch-Out.

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Just about every living thing needs water in some form, or it dies.

I wish there was a backlog button in Steam, where it would shuffle the 20 games with the lowest total playtime and just boot one at random.

I have so many games that i can't bring myself to start, i just end up replaying games

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>lose my sense of purpose
>not sure what the fuck I should play
>boot up minecraft, peaceful mode
>walk forward
>continue walking forward
>walk through the fucking ocean, through fucking trees
>just walk

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working on pq2 right now

I finished Arkham Asylum, it was ok. Played like some bizare mix of MGS and OoT and managed to not be as good as either

>shitpost all day and recently got hooked on siege

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Could've made a YouTube series out of that. Unfortunately, you're 741 episodes and 8 years too late

Started playing Elona+ after. Been only 6 months since I downloaded it

Why is this snake so chill?

Gonna dig into emulatable backlog stuff until I see something in my modern backlog on sale, pretty much. Next step is getting Mednafen for Saturn games, starting with Panzer Dragoon.

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Perhaps it trusts the handler, or has been defanged. It's hard to say.

MGS 3?
This shit is insane to play in this day and age, it's so fucking clunky

Pick one of these games and I'll install and complete it right now.
>Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight
>Okami HD
>Baba is You
>Ys: Origin
>The Talos Principle
>Devil May Cry HD Collection
>Cross Code

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>fallout 3
only thing from the list i'm actually playing, i'm kind of feeling overwhelmed though
>hollow knight
did everything except the pantheons
i don't know if i really wanna continue playing since i kind of got the point of it already
only playing this because i want to play nier but the gameplay loop is boring
>final fantasy (ps1)
never played a ff game before and decided to start with this one, fixed the bridge and got to the town where the pirates were and i beat the shit out of them but haven't played since
>shadow of mordor
second playthrough so i guess it wouldn't be that bad if i dropped it
>isaac rebirth
really wanna keep playing it but i want to get afterbirth+ and repentance first
i don't even remember at what point i am in the story
i played 1 and 5 before, 1's story was good but i didn't really enjoy the gameplay all that much and 5 was just terrible, so i don't know if i really want to keep going with the rest of the series

still have a mountain of games besides these ones, i was hoping i could at least finish my steam backlog until the end of the year but i'm not sure if that will happen anymore

you should definitely try and finish psychonauts


I beat 1 game while i buy like 3 more... sometimes i wonder if i can finish all of them before dying

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I don't have a backlog, I just play what I want when I feel like it. There are some games I'd like to try though but I can't afford a good PC.

Do you guys play 1 game until you finish it or you just play multiple games at different times of the day?

whatever i feel like playing

The only game I've played in 2 years is Splatoon 2.
Sure, I've -bought- plenty of games since then, but I haven't actually touched any of them.
I don't even wanna quit the squidgame.
Just, damn.

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Started playing hollow knight yesterday.
I think i just finished the crystal place.Got superdash at least. Game's pretty damn good

I'm trying to just do one at a time here. If I juggle a couple at a time, I tend to lose focus and get uninterested in everything. Currently just started Sleeping Dogs after completing the Arkham series. Though I guess I am still collecting shit in Origins....

Is it really that good?
Had it for months just never hot around to playing it yet.

yes. beat immortal redneck, might play heat signature next

Finished Dragon Quest Builders two days ago. The last chapter was so much better than the others. I wish I hadn’t fatigued out of the game each time a chapter ended so it didn’t take me a year to finish. That was my longest backlog.

Need to start on Undertale, Hollow Knight, Specter of Torment, but I’m currently playing through three games:
>Dark Souls
cause I only like playing it for a few hours at night, so I do a boss a day basically)
Main game
>AA Trilogy
For comfy relaxing when Cuphead pisses me off and bedtime

I also DROPPED Grim Fandango several months ago. I’m thinking of starting the game over and taking it slow to try to learn the logic of the game. I like point and clicks but it was excessively opaque imo. Anyone wanna convince me yea/nay on this?

I juggle between 2-3 games until i lose interest, if i feel i can't play it through or get pissed at a part, i usually get a pause or stream to get some tips. Worked for a few bullet hells and survival horror games.

Tell me what to play next, Yea Forums.

Bioshock Infinite (The Bioshock Collection)
Bloodborne: The Old Hunters (DLC)
Shadow of the Colossus Remastered
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin
Dark Souls III
The Witcher 3 DLC

Yes I spent like 6 months trying to finish RDR2 and finally did it last month. Then I completed Katamari Damacy Reroll. Next I am thinking about playing through Rape Day (no joke, heard it was like 2-3 hours so I can finish it fast). Then I might quickly continue Uncharted 4 because I've dropped that western shit a year ago but it still irks me that I didn't finish it.

>Anyone wanna convince me yea/nay on this?
it does have pretty weird logic but i kept playing for the writing

Finish the shorter games/dlc first.
Get the old hunters DLC done. The Witcher 3 and it's DLCs will consume your time than the rest of them.

Second option, either go Shadow of the Colossus or Bioshit Infinite

Grim Fandango isnt that long, get it done already.

*slurp slurp slurp* *smack smack smack* aaaaahh

Alright Yea Forums, decide my fate

Yeah I was thinking of making the Old Hunters and Bioshock Infinite my priorities.

one of these days I am going to play Odins Sphere and Dragons Crown but right now I need to save up money