Play Dragon Quest III

Play Dragon Quest III

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> Play (game) thread

come up with a more convincing argument and maybe I will, cunt.

It's a nice open-ended experience that defined JRPGs the same way Super Mario Bros defined platformers?

But I just started playing DQ7

I have to finish Dragon Quest IX first. I already played IVDS, VDS and VIDS

Haven't played any DQ game before, which ones should I play/start with?

I can’t I’m playing Chrono trigger and then FF7

Put them on a decent platform with decent translations and maybe I will.

I'm on a break, don't rush me.

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If you're willing to wait a day, /dqg/ is almost finished with a comprehensive infographic to help you out in that department.

You mean Dragon Warrior III?

It has lewd bunnygirls, as you can see in OP's pic

I'm so sorry. See you again in 3 years when you finish disc 1.

Its fun

Nothing at all wrong with the GBC version

I played Dragon Warrior III on the GBC and shit was cash. One of my favorite JRPGs of all time.

Stick with it. It's the best DQ game by far but you need to be patient, don't listen to the other fag that replied to you.

If you're looking for a translation that's closer to the post-VIII localisations then mobile is your only choice

It's even better on the super famicom

already did on GBC a long time ago

It was a joke about how time consuming it is and how he'll get sucked into it because it's so good.

t. other fag

I'm going to once I'm finished with the first game, I'm looking forward to it.

FFV is my favourite FF and I hope it's like that.

4 & 5 are better.

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whats the best version of DQIII?


I'm playing the 3DS version user


I hate all of you Smashfags

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Is there a single good reason not to make every party member female?

You just fucked up the timeline

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No. Enjoy your harem.

I'm about halfway through XI and absolutely love it, but I'm afraid that I've started with the most polished entry and that going back to random encounters will drive me insane

Nope, especially since Sexy is the best personality in the game. Sexy Female Hero is top tier.

already am

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>implying I'm only here because of Smash
I'm just glad that we can finally have civil Dragon Quest threads on Yea Forums again after months of incessant shitposting

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Just started VII, the 3DS version
Anything in specific I need to know?

It's long.

Nah. They're superior to males in every category.

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Not really. FF 5 is a grindfest compared to DQ 3. Dragon quest in general is more about exploring and fighting monsters than it is about the story too, at least the NES titles

I like this timeline better

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What's the closest thing to a "Hero" class in DQ9?

There isn't. Female party members have exclusive equipment that is often stronger than unisex equivalents, if there are even equivalents at all, and also have exclusive personalities that are superior to male exclusives.

No. All the males are ugly as fuck.

Sorry sweatie i started 5

>Warrior shows less skin on a swimsuit than on her actual armor

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Not the male Sage
The Jester though, that shit's like night and day
>male: fat clown
>female: Playboy Bunny

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i am, but i skipped 1/2 because they wouldn't work on my phone

1 is just good as a historical example. The gameplay is solid and all, just a little bland. 2 is kinda bad, not worth a play unless you really want more DQ after playing the rest

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>she died about a month before the game was released in America

I hate to say it, but this is why if you actually care and want to play this shit, learn nippongo.

She held out for so long. I remember seeing that letter from her in Nintendo Power in the mid-90s. I hope at least one of her grandkids got snes9x up and running for her.

I tried playing it (gbc) and I just didn’t enjoy it. I was barely getting any gold or exp and enemy encounters were way too high even with repellent

I've always wondered what it would be like to die knowing you'll never be able to play announced titles that you genuinely anticipated

she got VII at least

Good choice.

Probably sadness, unless the game you were waiting for was XIII Versus.

Is this translated version of DQ1+2 for SNES busted or not

nor that guy, not hating on DQ3 at all, but if you seriously believe FF5 to be a grindfest you're a tool.

It's not busted in that you can play to the end of Dragon Quest I.
It is busted in that you can play to the end of Dragon Quest II, but there are a number of bugs that can randomly end your quest early, or not, depending on how lucky you are.
There's also a bug that can transport you to Dragon Quest I from Dragon Quest II, which is really cool.

No, it's just one autist that doesn't know how to emulate

You can get away with male hero in certain set ups but party members should always be female

games that do that push me away
I can understand fanservice but when it bleeds into making the girls outright superior it just rubs my puff-puff the wrong way

If you're dying you probably have more important things to worry about than Dragon Quest

I found it boring personally.

There's no difference on NES, except for cuter sprites.

Is the translation any good or is it some cryptic engrish early era RPG with no sense of direction and grindy combat?

>Loved Dragon Quest when I was like 10
>Forget about it for a while
>Luminary gets added to Smash
>Start binging all the games I didn't play
Feels good coming back to the series I somehow managed to forget

So play SNES DQ1 and DQ3 and GBC DQ2?

I can't find a working link to the apk of the Android Version

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Good choice. One of my favorite DQs.
Already did, fag. Started with the GBC ver when GBA SPs were hot on the market but I didn't finish it until I picked up the SNES ver earlier this year. 2nd favorite DQ.

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That'll work fine. Alternatively you could play the mobile versions of 1 and 2.

straight from /dqg/

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Why the fuck are you spreading this around when it's not finished yet?

Is it worth getting DQ11 on PC? Now that the ultimate edition is coming to Switch should I hold out for a future update on Steam too? I just don't want to have to buy the game twice.

The PC version is totally worth the price. Although if you have access to a Switch or will buy one in the near future, it might be better to wait for the new version.

Whats the best setup? I'm no stranger to JRPGs, but I got my ass beaten several times even though I grinded before and after every dungeon. I went to the tavern several times and never found new Jobs.

I only have PC and am kinda pissed it didn't come with the orchestral music. I hoping it'll get an official patch. Yeah I know there's a mod but still.

Has there been any info on how its going to run on switch? Is it going to be 60fps?

That's the nicest looking infographic I've ever seen on this site

Take the stairs when you enter the tavern and you'll come across a guy who can create party members that are to your liking
A good starting line-up could be Hero, Warrior, Cleric and Mage, it covers pretty much everything

just finished act 1 of DQ11. mordegon is a bitch ass.

Is there a way to not get put to sleep by this guy?

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Any reason not to play 3DS VIII? Besides some censorship? Apparently there's more content.

And it's not even finished.

Oh, I do want to, believe me, but 2's fucking final boss is raping my stupid party, so I guess I'll have to keep fucking grinding.

holy shit get good, man

Remember to seek out and play Mature Quest if you enjoy Dragon Quest, it’s the best homage to the 8bit games you’re likely to find.

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>currently grinding Liquid Metal Slimes in III as we speak
The struggle.

Welcome to DQ2. The following games are more balanced, you won't have so many problems with cheap deaths.
Baramos is strong, though.

Not likely since it runs 30 on ps4

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Well, that's reassuring to hear. This last section has been an struggle to go through. The fake castle bit was pretty fun, though.

oh yeah i guess youre right. I forgot i played the game on ps4 pro which ran at 60 but had this bizarre motion blur that looked awful. maybe ill just get the PC and skip the new edition

i did a ton of grinding in 2. That fucking cave.

>skipping all the new content because of some framecount that wasn't even on the original game
What the fuck is wrong with you people? Holy shit, it's a fucking JRPG, not a fighting game or a competitive FPS.

Already on it with best girl.

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>only three party members
How viable is a solo Hero run in III?

I savescummed my way through the cave, since I don't have time for that shit. But that in turn made me have to grind at the sanctuary area a lot since I couldn't get past those motherfucking Archdemons.

Baramos is a bitch, until the final boss you pretty much just buff up and beat em up like children. Then Zoma comes in swinging his dick around and starts casting his buff removing shit while breathing ridiculous fire on your un-insulated party.

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I don't know how well it will run, but XI S is going to be the best version. The E3 Treehouse playthrough of it showed off that it'll have an option toggle to change between Symphonic and Synthesized music, as well as an option for Jap/Eng voice acting.

Because dragon quest artstyle is beautiful and looks gorgeous in 60 fps. This really shouldnt upset you so much.

It does cause you're obviously missing the forest for the trees.

Tips for party comp? Any jobs that are just not good?

Not him, but I'm pretty sure telling somebody to git gud won't make them git gud at all.

How good is my end-game team? Playing the SFC version
Sage(changed from Warrior)
Warrior(knows all Priest spells)
Mage(knows all Mage spells)

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Very viable.
But also very difficult, obviously. It relies a lot on luck.

I disagree. Some extra content is nice and some people would prefer that. I'd prefer the game playing smoothly at every single moment over some marriage options and extra dungeons. The orchestral soundtrack is more appealing to me than some extra content thrown in, its a long ass jrpg ill get my fill from the base game

I’m gonna be playing it on my hacked 3DS. Which versions of 1 and 3 are the best to put on it? SNES or GBA?

How's 11's story? I want to give the series a start and am a storyfag.

It'll work. Most party combinations will work.
It's post-game where you need to be more careful.

For III? All of them are good except Jester, and Jester can freely class change into the best caster class in the game. Would probably recommend going fighter moreso than Warrior, because a lot of Warrior and Hero class traits overlap.

GBC. Unless what you're using has save states. Then I would go SNES, but I would also save state ALOT and not overwrite any.

11's story is pretty good, but it also relies a little bit on the past games. Would probably recommend starting the series at 4, then going on to 5, or just starting at 8. 7 is really good for story if you like anthologies like Twilight Zone, but has a really slow build up.

Merchants start out okay and have the fastest level rate of all the classes, but they become less relevant around mid-game. You'll need one for a late-game sidequest, but you can just create one from the tavern and they'll leave your party afterwards.
Jesters are absolutely useless, their only saving grace is that they can become Sages for free as soon as they hit level 20(every other class has to acquire a rare item).
Sages are objectively superior to Mages and Priests.
Warriors are slow as shit, expensive to equip and have terrible agility - in DQ3, agility determines your base defense.

SNES looks and sounds better, and has a larger field of vision
GB has less potential game-breaking bugs in II, and GBC has an additional bonus dungeon on top of the SNES version of III.

damn I meant
>Fighter(knows all Mage spells)

You don't have to suffer playing with a Jester, though. Any class can change to Sage with that book item. You can find two books IIRC.

two books in nes/snes, infinite books in gbc.

You can also get random drops from late game enemies for the book as well, but realistically speaking, I believe only one of the books is easy to find, and the other is somewhat out of the way, so realistically you'll probably only get one. Mind you, you more than likely don't need more than 1 sage.

I was just using the Priestess+Hero until leaving Aliahan. It's very doable, even more so if you lock in the tough/solitary personalities for the hero/party for a huge hp boost. I only threw in thief for encounter rate reduction a bit later on.

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Gotta finish 2 first.

I’m in the final area and am making attempts to reach the castle. I dont need money from this point on right? I can just grind by making attemtps to progress til I die, then respawn and heal and go again. Keep the exp and lose half my gold, but it doesnt seem like gold will serve any purpose from here.

Glancing at 4, 5, and 8, 8 pulls me because of the hero's design. It's on 3DS yeah?

My favorite RPG of all time is FF9 if that helps any recomendations.

Dragon Quest General is gonna have to cool up a "what party should I build" infographic too.

Wasnt there a japanese grandma who expressed disappointment with eiither x or 9 and wanted a return to traditional style

>It's on 3DS yeah?
It is. And it is a great place for beginners to jump in. I don't know how much I would compare it to FF9, especially with all of the end game stuff that happens in FF9, but I think you'll probably really enjoy 8.

what emulator are you using? i recall not being able to get it to work correctly through snes vc and blargsnes

III remake in XI's engine when?

If you're in the final area, aren't you also by the church of free heals and the save point?

Anyone else run into an issue with the mobile version where the menus aren't quite aligned with the touch screen?

Actually, I want to see a 1-2-3 remake using the Link's Awakening engine.

my DQIII team was

Cleric>Warrior>Sage postgame
Martial Artist

any newbie team just needs a cleric and should ignore merchant/Jester because you get enough books.

>best girl
I don't see a female monk there.

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Im playing DW3 on NES. My party is

I plan to change the Wizard into a sage later and for now hero is covering healing. Its fucking destroying shit. I walked straight into and through the first tower no problem. But is something going to fuck me up later for doing this?

Another tip: if you want to have an easier time killing metal slimes, level your mage until they learn the Poof/Bedragon spell - the dragon breath attack completely ignores their defenses and insta-kills them

Martial artist, priest, mage is the most optimal starting composition.
Martial artist is the best physical class due to higher crit rate and great agility. Warrior is like hero except without any spells and getting the gear for them is a pain in the ass due to high prices.
Thief is only useful for that one spell that lets you find hidden goodies (you really want that spell if you're playing the SNES version), you can start with a thief instead of a mage for example and then shift him into a sage (advanced class that learns both priest and mage spells, requires a special item that you coincidentally get at the same time you unlock class switching) as soon as he learns the spell. Even though thief can kinda replace mage as your aoe guy in the early stages of the game, it quickly becomes inferior as mage spells become more and more obscene.
Merchant is a shittier warrior that only exists for the sake of one side quest.
Jester only exists for self imposed challenges and the fact that it can be turned into a sage without spending that special limited item. The thing is - the game gives you two of those items for free and that's probably one more than you actually need, so jesters are just kinda useless.
Cleric is a must have class due to heals, buffs and decent combat stats. You might wanna shift him into either a physical class after he learns all of his spells in mid level 30s for further survivability (although I was never a fan of that, since it cuts your mana pool heavily)
But if you aren't autistic you can just pick whatever party you like and roll with it. The wide variety of utility spells on your hero and any problem being solvable by grinding mean that you can win with whatever party you want, even just solo hero.

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Snes9x v1.3

I used your method before and quickly realized it was completely fucked. I'll take payment via cute priestess pics

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The hero won't have a very large MP pool throughout the game IIRC, so healing might be an issue until you reach the temple

Tempting, I kinda want to do DQ1 on NES just to experience the original way. Not really a fan of non-tactile controls, though. Thanks for the responses by the way, user.

Yeah that’s what I was using to grind but it’s more fun to make attempts, and I get to keep the exp anyway.

Unless there’s some secret late game shop or something I figure gold is useless from this point on, but wanted to ask anyway.

You should be fine. By the time you reach Dharma there will be enemies that can boost their armor which will make your physical attacks worthless, but since you've got a wizard you can just nuke them or sap their defense.
You're golden, son. Just be careful if you try to go for the secret hidden treasure of the pyramid.

I see. Well i think im around level 11 or so now and im bursting shit down so fast im not healing all that much. I wonder when would be optimal to change my wizard to sage, i dont want to miss out on some fantastic damage spells that are past level 20

There's a cursed mask that gives you fuckloads of armour, but makes your attacks hit random targets (including your teammates). If you're playing solo hero that renders the curse on the item absolutely harmless.

I REALLY like female Mage but no one else does.

I do.

How viable is a team without class changing/sage? What would be the best choices?

Seriously what the fuck is with this game series? Did they just remake every game 19 times? I want to get into it but I'm not even sure if I should start with the NES versions or newer

There isn't, but I'm too much of a Jew to let even one gold coin slip away from me. Feels like a loss.


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Class changing is completely optional.
Playing without a sage is also completely viable.
The only classes that will give you trouble if you bring them into the end-game are Jester and Merchant.

Having a healer and a damage caster be separate dudes lowers your grinding requirement HEAVILY. Even in late game you can multiheal with your healer while popping the sage stone with your mage/sage. Since all later game bosses do breath attacks and they do them very fucking generously there is never too much healing.
If you want a second physical dude in your team why not take a priest initially and then shift him into a second martial artist around level 30-35?

The importance of having all the possible buffs can't be overstated. And having your hero as an attacker rather than a heal bitch is a better use of his talents, considering that he gets the best weapon in the game.

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An user on /dqg/ is making a starter guide, see While not completed it recommends III, IV, and V for starting with, try one of those.

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Fucking hit enter, you blob.

>I kinda want to do DQ1 on NES just to experience the original way.
This is what I did, but also because it's the version I played as a kid, and I think it looks better.
It's slow, and very grind-heavy. There isn't much room for strategy in the combat itself, but I think going through at a lower level (than you would be in the remakes) does change things a bit. For instance, I beat the boss by using a map to get through the final dungeon without casting my light spell. It was the only way I could fight the boss with enough MP without just grinding more.
It definitely takes patience, and is probably more rewarding on actual hardware.

that's what you get for constant bitching about reddit spacing

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>great starting point
Who's the retard that made this? You need to play 1-3 in order to fully appreciate 3.

I&II were remade three times. Original on NES. Remakes on SNES, GBC, Mobile
III was remade twice. Original on NES. Remakes on SNES, GBC. Mobile is a port of SNES.
IV was remade once. Original on NES. Remake on PS1. DS is a port of PS1, and Mobile is a port of DS.
V was remade twice. Original on SNES. Remakes on both PS2 and DS. Mobile is a port of DS.
VI was remade once. Original on SNES. Remake on DS.
VII was remade once. Original on PS1. Remake on 3DS.
VIII was never remade. Original on PS2. Ports on 3DS and Mobile, with 3DS getting additional content.
IX through XI were never remade.

You really don't, it's cool but III is still very enjoyable without it.

We need a Trials of Mana-style Dragon Quest III remake

You really do, 3's ultimate twist isn't as impactful if you don't.

I already am, OP. About to do Castle Baramos. I'm rolling with a Hero-Fighter(formerly Soldier)-Sage(formerly Thief)-Cleric party rn, waiting for my Cleric to get her best skills before I change her to Wizard

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As I said, it's a great twist but it's not like you suddenly won't have fun playing III without knowing.
This except it won't and starting with III is fine.

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>waiting for my Cleric to get her best skills before I change her to Wizard
Don't. You get another free sage book just a bit later. Even if you didn't voluntarily turning anyone into a mage is a shit idea, they are made of paper and you don't really need more than 1 of them.

Anyone who's been in these threads has likely already been spoiled on III's twist

Having knowledge of 1 and 2 makes you appreciate 3 more than you would if you started out with 3.

It's not. The entire twist is not only wasted, it basically feels like filler without the full appreciation for what's going on. I know for sure that 3 was wearing out it's welcome before the twist, and without having played 1 first, 3's ending would have felt like a slog.

Also, there's no reason not to. 1 can be 100% in a Sunday afternoon.

Thanks for the info, I'll do that.

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It's neat, but I don't think it's a game changer. Just start playing with whatever game looks appealing.

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Yes, this is true. The other thing is that this doesn't occur until near the end, which means a normal player can still have a lot of fun even if the twist doesn't hold much meaning.
>I know for sure that 3 was wearing out it's welcome before the twist
Your personal feelings don't apply to every person playing the game user.

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Based and 1992pilled

>Your personal feelings don't apply to every person playing the game user.
3 is a really, really long game, and most people don't appreciate a "double-snare" in general.

Also, why the fuck would you just simply not recommend going through 1 first with the knowledge that you have? It's lessening the impact and for what benefit exactly?

Need to waste time on DQI?

>which means a normal player can still have a lot of fun even if the twist doesn't hold much meaning.
The whole fucking point of the twist is that it holds meaning, you retard. DQ3 is a game made for people who had played DQ1 and DQ2, and your suggestion that people start with it means you're robbing players of that meaning and that experience. You're like someone who tells others to play Paper Mario: the Thousand Year Door before playing Paper Mario, which leads people to erroneously feel that PM64 is too much like TTYD instead of the other way around.

Dragon Quest 4 is a good starting point. Dragon Quest 5 is a good starting point. Dragon Quest 8 is a good starting point. DQ3 is not.

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A small investment that is actually still a good experience with the greater benefit of having a huge twist actually mean something to you? Then yes, DQ1 every time, and even 2 in between.

Play Dragon Quest III in Dragon Quest X

This x1000

Play the games in order, faggot.

This scene is so lame compared to the NES version. He's sideways crab walking like he shit his pants for a minute.

As someone who finished I but skipped II because of its bad rep, should I play III?

>Dragon Quest 5 is a good starting point
I agree with you on 1 needing to played before 3, but the same thing applies to 4 and 5. 5's plot is rooted entirely in concepts introduced in part 4. If you didn't see Zenithia in all it's glory in 4 and didn't ascend the tower leading to it then you won't feel anything when you find them all desolate and wrecked in part 5.
Also 4 is a much better introduction to DQ series at large since it plays like a conventional DQ game, while 5 only kinda gets there during last fourth of the game.

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In other words, he's strafing like someone in battle would do, and you're a moron?

>beat malroth and talked to the npc at the beginning of Rhoam
>repeats the same thing over and over locking me out of the ending
Needless to say I just youtubed it.

Yeah, 2 is the latest in the timeline of the Erdrick trilogy, you learned everything you needed to know to understand 3's twist just from playing 1.
2 does introduce a lot of gameplay concepts and setpieces that would become mainstay in the series, but it doesn't realise them well at all. It's worth playing as a vidya history lesson maybe, not as a fun experience.

Play 2 anyways. I would recommend though that you probably consider pulling up a guide as soon as you get the boat. 2 is known as being the most hardest Dragon Quest, and not necessarily for all the right reasons.

I also agree that 5 is better when playing 4 first, but I don't think it's AS necessary as playing 1 then 3. Zenithia is really a small portion of the the 4-5-6 grouping, even if it is called the Zenithia series.

But I absolutely agree, people should start on 1, 4, or 8, with 11 being a maybe.

Are we ever going to get a modernized version of 1-3 on the Switch?