I’m looking for a good SCI-FI MMO with a good story because I’m sick of elves and dragons. Is this any good?
I’m looking for a good SCI-FI MMO with a good story because I’m sick of elves and dragons. Is this any good?
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Play Guild Wars 2 and join our general in /vg/
its a decent single player rpg, its not a good mmo
I just started playing GW2 and I’m bummed that I have no one to talk to. I can’t even get people to join my party
not for 10 years or more now
That's how you know it's shit.
Nope. Wow clone.
I lied actually. GW2 generals are still fucked in /vg/. Bot is still alive.
>its a decent single player rpg
no it isn't
>shit all over kotor 2 because you're even more of a hack than avellone
>its a decent single player rpg
This is what Yea Forums thinks a decent rpg nowadays
yea if you're willing to buy one sub
The class stories are great.
>Salad lesbians and salad dragons are a good story nowadays
Is it true that GW2 is full of tranny NPCs?
Play a Sith Warrior or Inquisitor, then pick all the light side choices. Shit is hilarious if you also play as anything other than a human or the sith race, the reactions can be fun.
Sylvari. It’s a playable race
GW2 is boring as hell
It's a WOW clone.
Correction, its a clone of WOW when it first came out, before WOW had all the things that made it popular.
The stories can be considered good but most of the time the purpose of the story is to justify why your character has to fight a bunch of robots on a room after just fighting a bunch of other smaller robots in the same room.
Can you troll a lot?
if you mean salads then yea. Skip. Not worth it. Barely remember what it was about aside from marry sue salad stealing the show. GW2 rvr was fun for few months. Fighting the same opponents and getting your map capped at night wasn't that fun after a while.
At least TOR had some good tracks I still play from time to time.
Star Thots!
Balmorra, home...
play PSO
Try the first phantasy star online.
Serve the Empire
Das it, mane!
>marry sue
Welcome home.
I want to serve her the daily dose of protein.
Imperial Agent has a better story than most RPGs released today
Play Secret World
I forgot that shit even existed
It's a great coop RPG, but not a good MMO. Grab a friend or two and play through some of the great class stories. Look up only which to avoid, since the writing varies greatly.
Sith warrior is based.
>kill a sith lord and fuck his wife in front of your twilek slave
>troll jedi until they fall to the dark side and then kill them
>corrupt a jedi apprentice and make her kill her own master and become yours
>go around the galaxy killing important people until you start another galactic war
>kill like 3-4 dark councilors and make others shit themselves at the thought of you
>fuck your twileks best friend and then fuck her too
Warrior is just an unstopoable chad.
Agent is good too. Skip rest.
We just dumping TOR music now?
Swtor has god tier music tbqh
Patrician taste, I was listening to that just moments ago.
Calm down edgelord
Isn't the whole point of Phantasy Star that it's elves and dragons in space? Specifically what OP is trying to avoid?
how do you give him a theme like this and then shit on the actual handling of the character
Shut up cuck, your class is shit and your story is shit.
Your faction is shit too.
It's jank as fuck and looks like garbage at this point but it's worth a gander if you're into Star Wars.
I'm so tired of this meme. The imperial agent storyline has you spend 3/4 of the campaign tracking some boring terrorists with barely any continuity from one planet to the next. Once, finally, the space illuminati are introduced, the game is already over. Also there was some bullshit about a villain but actually it turns out they just loved you all along.
Everyone always talking about fun Empire stories.
Is there any good on Republic side?
>Knuckle-plate vibroblade
The BH gets that, the Troopers gets a handheld knife. Troopers are literal cucks who get all the shitty mirror skills. BH gets railshot probably one of the best sounding executes in mmo's and troopers get stungun pwat.
You can make any story sound retarded like that
No. Republic is just shit all over.
>the new black jedi main character
did that designer work on apex legends?
The first act of Smuggler is ok. Trooper is Mass Effect without all the interesting stuff in Mass Effect. Consular is bad for a MMO but could have been ok for a real rpg. Knight is "Kotor 3" but within the confines of a MMO and bad writers.
Smuggler is lighthearted instead of space pirate that people want
Trooper feels generic trooper
Knight was redone 3 times in development so final do-over was working with peanuts
Consular only picks up towards the end
>Smuggler is lighthearted
He's supposed to be a Han Solo expy that doesn't take himself too seriously and is about wits. What more is there to it?
One of the more common complaints for smuggler is not being able to fully embrace being underworld scum that works in similar circles to BH
There are no good MMORPGs, and I regret sinking time in this and TSW and EVE although those at least had some redeeming qualities whereas this just has you chasing that old KOTOR magic and never delivering.
It's ok for the first Act but it quickly becomes:
>LS "Thanks for giving up all the cargo and rewards you worked for, thanks for double crossing your boss for the 50th time"
>DS "Wow you actually killed people who were out, finished your jobs and kept the money? Your a monster!"
>I know DS eventually double-crosses the Republic
admirable bait
I'm afraid I have to perform a full-body scan, ma'am. Very thorough.
Come again?
Rules are rules.
pure slut maybe
Troon NPC. Lesbian MCs that are this game's Malfurion/Tyrande couple. A plant race where some starting missions have gay romances. Their race's representative is a lesbian. Etc etc
>I’m looking for a good SCI-FI MMO
It's alright I guess, feels very jank an-
>with a good story
user, it's an mmo. You won't ever get a good story.
It's serviceable as a singleplayer game as pretty much all endgame and group content is dead now and the game is on permanent maintenance mode. If you do play buy at least a month's sub, that should last you through one or more class stories and will put you as a preffered player forever after. This makes the inconveniences of being a F2P game merely annoying sometimes and not complete suffering.
It plays like classic wow but with BFA levels of casualization. That is to say ignoring the good parts of both to instead take the bad.
Some of the stories are mildly entertaining if you can stomach nu-bioware writing and animation quality, aka it'd be good until you realize this is supposed to be a AAA studio with EA money and a powerful IP.
The story is mediocre to above average at best, namely the light side options of the empire factions and the republic trooper as they tend to be somewhat grounded and written by people who's exposure to the franchise goes beyond the movies. Sith warrior light side has a few good moments where you play 4d chess (against complete idiots but still). Most of the Republic stories fall into the so bad it's good category, especially when you start picking dark side options and your avatar completely hams it up as space hitler.
I've always thought Starwars was kind of lame for scifi though. It has robots and spaceships but so much of what you'll be doing in game will be in the sticks, far away from civilization hitting bug men with a glowey sword. Squint a little and you may as well be playing wow and fighting kobolds with your very mundane steel sword with fire enchant.
Is Swtor even still alive?
Do i still have to pay to have enough actionbar space for my skills?
Yes. Rich reople are throwing insane amounts of money with microtransactions for practically nothing.
yes, whales are a horrific thing
Play it for free and enjoy 8 class stories. Subscribe for one month to unlock all current content and you've got hundreds of hours of story content to work through. Other than that it's not an mmo
>no trailer for the new expansion
What did bioware mean by this?
Is the game finally ded?
>Their race's representative is a lesbian
but Caithe is my hotwife and Aurene's mommy tho
Yes, most of the class stories are good.
>a decent single player rpg
This is not an rpg. All the single player content is piss easy on purpose and enemies can literally be killed off with two clicks of a button. No strategy required.
Why does everyone shit on jedi consul story line? So far it has been the most interesting i've played. Is it all down to the boring 1st act?
light side or even just neutral sith warrior is more fun than either of the kotor games.
>Star wars
user, having spaceships doesn't make sci-fi, in fact planes in the aether are a more fitting description for the star wars "spaceships"
Please give me an example of real sci-fi
Which mmos are even alive these days? WoW, FF14 and ESO?
As in setting or game?
For a game, children of dead Earth, and for setting in videogames, none, since all are just space operas
Depends on your definition of alive.
Revenue, player numbers, rate of updates, etc.
It's interesting if you're interested in the mysteries of the force, I honestly found it superior to the inq storyline where i'm already bored.
And yet it's better than every other class storyline in the game. Not that it's a very high bar
There are more bad ones than good ones.
Strike Suit Infinity
Eve Online
Deus Ex HR
Just play city of heroes, you can create any star wars character with the same powers that your heart desires.
No there is literally one NPC you have no connection to and whom no quest vendor or anything is related to.
It was jsut the noisy addition of one sjw who was probably layed of together with the other social media hires.
But Salad story should not be skipped. If anything the char you play the story with should be a sylvari because it expands on it in the first expansion and Trahearne(an NPC everyone is mad about because he came out of nowhere to "take your spotlight") gets introduced earlier so you aren't buttblasted about him.
The trooper progression video was always the best
>31,571 players
Are all these people playing on a chinese server or something? Steam tells me less than 1k people are playing.
user, they are a 25 year old race of sterile plants that mimic humans on their exterior.
If you wanted to bitch about race mixing or some shit then mention the upper floor of the brothel in old lions arch where a male asura ordered a norn woman
Playing trooper at launch was great, went Commando from there. They were actually overpowered despite the iniquity from their Merc counterparts. The best part was using the skill tree to gain a knockback on stock strike. Ended up punting a sorc off the Voidstar bridge.
Most players are probably using the client directly downloaded from their website. Steam is notoriously bad when it comes to MMOs.
The only time GW2 was good on Yea Forums was when there was a lewd ERP guild a few years ago.
Not near enough people playing for it to be fun, desu senpai
I tried playing this game, it was fucking terrible
Art is nice, mechanics are smooth, but ultimately its just another shooter.
Endgame isn’t dead, which is surprising as they have taken away any incentive to do it outside of “lol just raid for the fun of it”. Top endgame gear can be casually grinded for without ever doing a single raid or pvp match with the exception of your main weapon, which requires a very short 1 boss raid.
The other 10 or so raids, even in nightmare difficulty don’t offer any real reward other than titles or maybe a mount.
PVP is 100% dead
These videos were actually so good
Destiny 2 is a MMO now :)
Oh yeah. Wasn't it going mostly free 2 play as well? Do we have a release date yet?
>lots of grind
>skinner box
>decent portion of the game is "meta farm team spams same abilities non stop"
>shitty PvP
>clusterfuck of economy
>requires no skill but extensive metagame knowledge
>literally no "massive multiplayer" content
Checks every single box for what is usually labeled as "MMO".
>lots of grind
Unless you mean gear or materials if you're grinding for levels you're doing it wrong.
The base game is going F2P in September. You have to pay for expacs if you don't already own them, unless you pay for a Stadia Pro subscription no crossplay with PC
Eve online.
I made a GW2 general on /vg/ and I don't see any bot spam.
hardly a game
I thought you only had to pay for the latest expansion, and everything up to that was free?
Only if you already own the expansion. The F2P Destiny 2 gives you exactly the same amount of access as the base game they gave away for free on PC last year.
Star Trek Online is still fun with lots of story missions, although the story is a confused mess now with so much tinkering.
if you never played SWTOR its very enjoyable to play even if for the story. It's also quite alive. Comparable to FFXIV/BDO (EU) side in terms of population. Don't expect miracles but SWTOR can be fun for a first timer.
Literally none of those statements are true.
light side Sith is superior.
Except for the "massively multiplayer" part.
Where the fuck do you faggots come from and when are you going to stop bastardizing language?
Well obviously because the bots have been taken of by now since the general s dead.
Also at least opst the crosspost
Why is that term even so important to you? MMO come and go in various shapes and all you do is apply your warped and dusted definition to it.
STO would be great if you could opt out of the horrible planetside missions. The space combat is a ton of fun, but the rest of it was such a slog to me.
>Ditch the Empire vs Republic with Kotfe
>Maker you the leader of the Alliance and giving you choices on whether you want to side with the Republic or Empire
>Down the line drop the whole of the Alliance thing and start forcing the players back to their respective factions, even if you decide for instance to join the republic as a Empire character, you are still forced to do the Empire quests.
What the fuck are they doing?
Like, why make this 3rd faction, if your just going to backtrack later down and come back to it?
I know the writing is better now that the original writing staff is gone. But they still have to write around the shit they were given. So we still have every Sylvari being genderless and picking gender roles, then having same sex gender role relationships. In the starting area a Sylvari basically says "this is stupid" and is attacked by a gay couple, kills one of them and suddenly he's the bad guy.
Sylvari are trash, as is the fact that Charr is playable and repeatedly killing the humans ancestors on a daily basis as they shit up their land, yet for some reason the Humans still work together with them.
Human, Norn & Asura are for true patricians.
Eve Online is literally the only MMO that actually has the "massive multiplayer" component. Everything else is just singleplayer grindfest with occasional coop runs and some hub for ERP.
Yeah ground missions can be very clunky, I personally like the variety but I know lots don't. Levelling is pretty quick now so although space and ground is 50/50 you can get to endgame skipping most of the irritating stuff.
I didn't know the lore but as a new player I just don't like the female Sylvari's model. The way they stand just bugs me.
Norn women towering over other races makes my dick diamonds
It's simply unbelievable how shilled against this game is. It is almost impossible to have any discussion about it and actually impossible on vg due to the bot.
They painted themselves in a corner to save money with only one faction and their contrived, unstarwars story, now they are trying to salvage things making the shit story even worse.
That's because Yea Forums is just as much of a hugbox echochamber as any other forum they bitch about. If you aren't in total alignment with the general group opinion then you get this shit for eternity. Doesn't help /vg/ fosters the worst kind of personalities and even without the bot /gw2g/ was fucking awful anyway.
There's a perfect mmo for you. Wildstar. Ah wait, rip in pepperonis sweet wildstar, you died too young.
I love how you cherry pick this one of the three possible starte quests which never get mentioned again anywhere ever.
I am a /pol/tard myself, but I am also able to let it slide for the plant mimics.
It's pretty much a single player game thats all about the story with WoW combat tacked onto it. Also it's the ugliest MMO in MMO history aside from Ultima Online after the graphics update.
Why not play a singleplayer RPG?
There are loads of those and they tend to have much better content than MMORPGs.
I miss those halcyon days.
>mmo population
>it's just reddit subs
Remember how Mass Effect 3 was also a big shitshow, and how game journalists called people who didn't like it "entitled"?
it gives way more,you can access all the patrol zones and gambit/prime
Only if you pay for the season pass