What do you think? Will CDP bend the knee even further? Could this be considered a shakedown? She's basically leveling a threat to a developer.
What do you think? Will CDP bend the knee even further? Could this be considered a shakedown...
Other urls found in this thread:
If they do, I'll refund every game they had.
Oh, and would her involvement be a deal breaker for you?
Kill yourself, OP.
What is this bitch on about?
is that actually a question
This all happened because Cyberpunk got more attention at E3 than trannies did.
If someone gave them an equal attention cake or something, we wouldn't be having to deal with this.
Why is this even a question?
>That'll be $600k + tip
ATTENTION: report and hide.
These threads are made by Anita Dicknosedhorsefacepissian herself. Cunt is out of money and is up to her parlor tricks again.
Stop giving her attention you utter cunt, oh wait hi Anita.
MOM! GET THE CAMERA! I'm in the thread with Anita!
attention and victim status
>If someone gave them an equal attention cake or something, we wouldn't be having to deal with this.
>Could this be considered a shakedown? She's basically leveling a threat to a developer.
Are you retarded? You could argue what she's doing is akin to ambulance chasing but it's not extortion.
>still trying to stay relevant after tumblr
"If you don't pay me for consulting services, I'll tweet about how "problematic" your game is so my followers (read: drones) will have a shitfit and get game journos to write about how big of a shitlord you are."
Anita's videos are pretty tame all things considered. Does Yea Forums really get this mad and continue to get this mad at such entry level critical thought?
P-Please hire me Polack Kun. I j-just want to f-fix sexism.
go away anita
kill yourself
>tee hee silly boys sounds like you need my help to avoid being trashed around by the online lynch mob that I created just give me money and a "consultant" title and they'll go away!
I thought the Cosa Nostra was dealt with back in the 90's?
>radical feminist ideology
It's just anger porn. Yea Forums actively seeks out things to get pissed off at. I think it's hormones, since everyone seems to be so young
She's saying "Who knows what'll happen if you don't pay me to tell you stupid shit, I might have to sic woke Twitter on you"
So she's just picking a huge developer that's relevant at the moment and making problems that don't matter so that she can stay relevant? Political correctness doesn't belong in video games.
Women are dumb and should stay quiet until spoken to.
Hey none cares about you disgusting bitch
I, too, would very much like to get paid for telling other people how to make their games. I expect to receive an employment offer by next week.
What happened at activision?
Only good thing this cunt ever did was make Anthem even more of a joke.
I'm not a Anita. I have a penis and I actually play video games. I'm just wondering what she's talking about
Stop pretending she's still relevant. GamerGate was her only tenuous claim to fame, just like Sargon. Literally all she was was a victim, and that can only take you so far.
Her involvement is why I didn't even bother with Mirror's Edge 2.
what? got a source of this?
No kidding you are not an 'Anita', I'm saying you are Anita or a shill you stupid mother fucker. I hope they aren't paying you more than a dollar an hour because this is disgracefully transparent.
Kill yourself, Pablo.
What other games has she "consulted" on?
>ask them
As funny as this would be, I need better proof than some literally who's word
It's pretty amazing how she has made a career from blatant signaling, victim playing and flat out scamming companies.
You're projecting really hard there, sounds like you've got issues to fix.
Sargon actually entered politics.
you too need to kill yoruself.
Yea Forums is sick and tired of that dick nosed horseface con artist. FUCK OFF and stop giving that professional screech victim a platform.
this goes way beyond anger porn. that filthy pig whore has done enough irreparable and irrevocable damage in this industry. she needs to be ignored and forgotten until she ultimately drinks herself to death as a cool wine aunt.
>Most of the "fuck off" responses have 4-5 times as many likes as this post
This isn't the same Anita as 5 years ago
Dude wtf how are you this retarded?
I see one man.
It's the opposite actually. The older you get to more bitter you become and the more disillusioned you become with the state of the industry.
Basically you're wrong zoomer.
>before the whole of the infernet drags you
more like a small handful of twitter trannies who don't get that cutting off all your body parts and sewing back on machine ones may or may not be considered somewhat unethical. that's what this is all about. they literally think that idea being presented is a malicious jab directed specifically at dickless trannies and the disabled because they just have to be a victim always.
No, she's saying she's noticed people are ALREADY kicking up a shit storm and so she's offering her services. Do you think Anita is secretly behind all the tranny whinging? Do you actually believe what is going on her is Anita and a secret cabal are engaged in a conspiracy to extort money from CDPR? You are a fucking moron.
She was probably told to back up her facts and then she probably didn't deliver a satisfactory answer if any at all, and probably just threw some shit around on her way out.
And aborted the Ukip AHAHAHAAA
I see your problem, you have no grasp on feminism at all. You genuinely think that Anita in her lukewarm points about damn vidya games is a radfem?
are you brain-damaged? user asked about what she was talking about
You fags are the only reason Anita got rich and famous in the first place, way to go you dipshits.
Is that guy in the back the only person who does any real work? Or do they not allow actual grunts to get their photos taken with Anita?
>Sargon actually entered politics.
Is that what you call it?
Not him, but yes
Remember that time Yea Forums unironically tried to paint SJWs in a good light because shitting on SJWs became too popular and mainstream?
Man, you guys sure are fucking stupid.
Sargon destroys everything he touches, UKIP being his latest victim.
and crashed a party with no survivors
Executives asked her to back up her claims with data so they didn't lose money. She couldnt and aparently someone asked her if she even prepared any and she tried to throw a folder in the trash but it caught some air and hit someone. Theres a reason we dont hear anything from this moron anymore, real companies ignore her.
>FUCK OFF and stop giving that professional screech victim a platform.
Cool, then why make a thread about her? That's giving her a platfor
>The older you get to more bitter you become
Lmfao. If you're aging and still playing the same amount of video games, you definitely should be bitter but not as a symptom of aging
The fact that something as milquetoast as feminism sends you snowflakes into getting triggered says a lot more about you than them.
I'm surprised he was even allowed to breath the same air as her.
Yaaaaas queen slaaaaay
I see your problem, you have gone so far off the deep end you see a radical feminist as being lukewarm. I bet you're the type of retard who thinks Ben Shapiro is a Nazi.
Like they give a fuck. This will easily sell 2x more than Witcher 3. I don't remember this level of hype for any game in years.
Studios wasting money, resources, and energy to focus on diversity, feminism, and inclusivity is boring.
Reminder Yea Forums literally made her rich and famous. She was a nothing nobody until Yea Forums raged her into the spotlight.
Based Chad Creative Director!
>struggled with in the past
U wot m80. With the bloody baron questline cdprojekt delivered the most nuanced representation of a conflict in a marriage I'd ever seen in a video game. Top caliber stuff really.
Why does Yea Forums love Anita and Yea Forums hates her? She is considered by many to be a kinoisseur. And yes she's also known as a crazy feminist. I just don't get how a board full of larping pedo nazis enjoys her and this board hates her.
It's time to stop self-advertising, Anita
Welcome to social media age. You need to be angry about anything and contrarian about everything.
Is she mad because of the gender options of the game? How fucking stupid is that. It's a goddamn game, she better not try and ruin this shit
She go every media before kickstarted
Yes an immediate refund on principle.
back to lurking dog
I'll sum her "Consultations" up for you.
>Don't explore certain themes because girls are special.
>Don't imply or speak about shit such as rape or abuse of women because girls are special.
>You can never put a female character in a place of weakness because girls are special.
>All female characters must be exactly the same and perfect in every way, shape, and form because girls are special.
>Don't put in attractive females because girls are special.
This is followed up by her crying about Gamergate in 2019.
You answered your own question, liking her is a LARP
And he got utterly blown the fuck out.
Meanwhile people still take Anita seriously and try to play her off like she's "not that bad" and "raises some good points".
She doesn't raise good points. People like her are cultural vampires that seek to drain the heart and soul out of any piece of art until it's a withering husk. Sargon doesn't hold any power. Sargon is an idiot with an inflated ego, and he suffered greatly for it. People still take Anita seriously, and she holds actual legitimate influence over this industry.
How about the fraudulent dumb bitch fuck off to Armenia to help the few million people of her own flesh and blood who are living in 3rd world conditions surrounded by enemies who genocided them for centuries, instead of larping representation of half of Humanity in a 1st world country where she scams people into believing that they lead lives as oppressed as 3rd worlders?
It's ironic you fucking retard. Same thing as /pol/ and khazar milkers.
Yea Forums hates Yea Forums
I don't think Ben Shapiro is a Nazi even though he may share views on certain things with Nazi sympathizers. Same way Anita isn't the same as someone who think women deserve reparations.
>The older you get to more bitter you become
That's crap. Most people as they get older are LESS likely to attribute malice to the motivation of everyone's actions. Thinking everything you dislike was a conspiracy to spite YOU AND ONLY YOU is what dumb young people think. Older people are more reasonable. They realize they are not the center of the world and compromise is a requirement for a civil and successful society.
>can't detect ironic LARP
And nobody gave her the time of day until Yea Forums started sending her death threats that made her hundreds of thousands of dollars. Way to go you smart people!
Not a good look, CDPR. Just e-mailed a tip to kotaku about this one, not even joking.
Did she ever release the series she was paid to do?
>incel rhetoric
what the fuck? i thought was a male-only thing? guess she just has to have sex
>still assuming people's genders
>Literally who on twitter makes an unverified claim.
Fuck that bitch, she whined about Hitman Absolution. Specifically that a game about killing people didn't punish you sufficiently for killing non-targets.
Also that a dead stripper is used a prop to distract enemies. It's obvious she's never played a single hitman if she's never been introduced to the concept of using dead bodies in that manner.
She's just a controversy-stirring whiner and should be duly ignored.
Based Pondsmith
tfw when even ubisoft is not that cucked
>larping pedo nazis
everyone hates Yea Forums
If she denounced them as sexist and transphobic what do you think would happen? If they decline her services what do you think she will do?
>Could this be considered a shakedown?
'Tee-hee, hire me or you might get smeared' is more akin to coercion.
NO! I'm more mature for shitting on video games. It must be the case
>Older people are more reasonable
lmao spoken like a true zoomer. One day you'll grow up and realize your parents don't know everything kid.
Ive been here longer than you yikes cringe kys dawg. Now I'm asking why Yea Forums hates her. Answer my question. Is it simply because she's the OG SJW? She hasn't really done anything to hurt games.
>still giving this whore attention
No. She did a few of them then quit video games.
because it pisses off Yea Forums and Yea Forums does anything to piss off Yea Forums
Check out literally any thread that's about censorship or game devs becoming more politically correct. You'll find lots of dumb fucks saying shit like "who cares about anime titties? Grow the fuck up. Anita isn't that bad, feminists aren't taking your games away, blah blah blah."
All of the major companies know shes a joke and a con artist after her "consultations".
>Could this be considered a shakedown?
'Tee-hee, hire me for a makework job or you might get smeared' could be argued as coercion in court if she starts spearheading campaigns to do so.
These people are literal parasites.
Red Dead 2?
Yeah. For some reason I don't have the number of top Activision execs.
I love shooting the feminists in that game.
It's not a LARP when peoole are unironically commending her for her opinions on characterization and development newfags.
Their Game sold super well so no, they don't need her help.
I'd argue it's not bitterness, but the realization it's the same shit over and over with decending standards. That's why you get a lot of pissed off old people. They realized they were duped. And by the time they finally figure it out, no one will listen to some old person.
There is no secret cabal you despicable con-artist shitwhore. We know it's you, Anita.
You are an amoral, filthy, disgusting money grabbing pig swine who smells a chance to grab some cash like a filthy vulture. You are not a good person. You entire way of life and career is based on thriving on drama and negative things. You are living, breathing cancer to society and I recon your parents regret ever having you. You are the black sheep of the family because I know many Armenians. They are proud, honest and hard working people. You on the other hand are a lying, deceiving, scamming piece of shit that makes her living by exploiting and scamming.
Just like anita :)
I'm well past growing up, user. That's exactly why I'm not an always angry retard anymore. I've grown the fuck up. If you are lucky, you will too someday.
Not even close.
>I-- I'm a classic liberal.
>gaslights the industry
>people get mad
>people send angry messages to her over twitter because of her disruptive effect on the industry
>she claims she's getting death threats
>white knights mobilize
>she gets more exposure
stop posting about her
Just ignore them and they'll go away. SJWs literally dont exist outside the internet and to see people make threads about them again despite forgetting this easy rules says a lot about nu Yea Forums and their quest for rage.
>tfw mirrors edge 2
It still hurts, bros.
Yea Forums has always been about misanthropic contrarianism. Whatever is popular today, it turns on, but I guess you weren't around when Bush was president.
>Meanwhile people still take Anita seriously
FemFreq hemorrhaged viewership after Tropes vs Women finally wrapped
She hasn't done anything of note in years
The most attention she gets is threads like this on Yea Forums
>Im plying anita had anything to do with that train wreck
I dislike her as much as any normal person but Anthem was a catastrophic failure because of horrific mismanagement.
Old people with worthwhile opinions aren't following politics in video games
this is literally all those race/sex/gender/lgbtgqaou people do
extort money from corporations
gimme money or I'll send my drones after you
I hope based CDPR btfos this bitch
Nice false flagging
Honestly, she should probably learn Japanese. Sony definitely hired a diversity/sensitivity consultant as evident by their censorship of explicit content. Japanese companies are also the ones that have the most blatant sexism.
Those are first-generation feminists, they're literally the OGs of giving women equal rights and deserve your respect.
They are not the same as this overrated Armenian cunt.
Always available because no one is interested in her bullshit anymore.
can a person get more pathetic than this
anyone using that term without five layers of irony deserves to be hanged from a tree.
Someone tweet at her asking why her service matters more than Pondsmith, a black man and afrofuturist writer.
that trainwreck was chiefly EA's fault as per usual.
didn't she steal money from college speaking gigs by using "death threats" to weasel out of these obligations?
she was born in canada you retard. send her back to canada
You're right. :^)
>>gaslights the industry
She believes her bullshit. She's been doing it for over a decade. It's not "gaslighting", it's just being misguided with ideological bent. I bet you are one of those retards who thinks religion is just a money making scheme too.
>whole of the internet
You mean the tiny loud majority of SJW who never shut up about nonsense while other people just enjoy a game? This woman disgraces my heritage.
She's literally holding conferences in game studios like EA and Ubisoft. The bitch literally threw a tantrum and started breaking stuff after her recent conference with Ubisoft.
she is fat
So she's penniless and wants money by guilt tripping companies into paying her to complain about the patriarchy.
its passive extortion im just glad people now realize more than ever she's a sham, it seems she's shunned by alot of feminists too
She's Armenian blood no matter where she was born. If she had any human decency she'd help there we she is actually capable of helping people instead of larping in the comfort of the 1st world nursery school nations.
>bush was popular
I guess you weren't around when Bush was president.
>which we know you've with in the past
and which nobody cared about back then again
If every studio and every game becomes LGBT inclusive, what will she become a victim of then? Sounds like a career ending move.
Just like the Jews, SJWs have an inordinate amount of social and political power for such a small minority.
It's 2019, nobody can still be dumb enough to believe in religion right?
Religion itself is a massive money making scam.
this please ignore
Why twitter faggots think that their bubble represents whole internet?
They won't listen to young people either. Look up communication threshold in relation to IQ. Just one of the many examples someone can be right about something and no one will get it.
This isn't some tiny fringe group, you idiot. This isn't some "loud minority" thing, they hold actual influence. Are we just going to ignore Jax's ending in MK11? Are we just going to ignore Andromeda and Overwatch? There is a blatant agenda being pushed.
how unprofessional do you have to be to ask for employment by tagging them over twitter?
SJW - Social Jew.
>The bitch literally threw a tantrum and started breaking stuff after her recent conference with Ubisoft.
Sounds like they didn't take her seriously
This broad is completely irrelevant in 2019. Let's keep it that way and leave her to her tranny hugbox.
maybe you should go back to the country of your family's origins user.
>falling for the KOD narrative
>muh international and diverse company
Nah this faggot should get the fuck out of my country and stop trying to make it "diverse"
SJWism or however you want to call it is basically a religion though. They even have a concept of original sin.
This. You're literally giving her what she wants, every time you post about her.
>m-muh family is from america
She doesnt have a job and wouldnt have one without the outrage she creates, a manufactured outrage shes claims to be the only one to have a solution to. It's very obviously a money making scheme. Not all religions are money making schemes but those stupid televangelist super churches are very obviously money making schemes. You're a fucking retard if you think it cant be one or the other
>BTFO Anita
>revives both Crash and Spyro
Why do we hate him again?
>hey CDP, I'm available to wreck your fucking game.
Women remove the enjoyment of life.
Theyre getting what they wanted, why are they bitching? Was it literally the wording of the tweet that set them off?
Only dumb conspiracy theorists like you who see "SJWs" everywhere and anywhere think there's an agenda being pushed and how they're working together to do garbage like this.
For everyone else sane, they just play video games.
If they hire her, i will NOT purchase CP 2077.
I will play it, i will enjoy playing it, (provided they do a good job)
And i will tweet them saying that i enjoyed playing it, and i have chosen to forego purchase because of her involvement.
The "who cares" people are just the Sony Defense Force up to their usual short-sighted idiocy. I can't recall ever seeing Anita mentioned in those threads but they're likely shitposting. I think you're conflating the motivations of two different groups of morons.
>It's 2019, nobody can still be dumb enough to believe in religion right?
You are in a thread right now where people honestly think feminism is just a money making conspiracy. Yes, people are still "dumb" enough to believe stupid shit. Even in current year.
I am in the country of my family's origins you dumb fuck. This is Euro hour still you braindead mutt.
Right, but let's flip things around here. Let's say someone like Sargon of Akkad or Paul Joseph Watson did something like this, then that would be all over the internet. People would be laughing at these dudes for being bumbling fucks, kind of like when Sargon ass raped UKIP because he's an idiot.
Meanwhile not a single soul is talking about Anita's little tantrum. No one is laughing at her for some fucking reason. Why is that?
The problem with Anita's videos is that she blatantly misrepresents the medium, on top of being an obvious neo-puritan. There's a reason she's been called "Jack Thompson with tits", and that's precisely what she's been for her entire presence in this industry.
The frightening thing is she's been given much more leeway and influence than Jack Thompson ever had. Jack Thompson was at least near universally reviled among gaming communities, while Anita has her share of white nights who legitimately believe she has a point, and a big part of that is her presentation. Her videos are well made, if not well researched. And anyone without more than a surface level understanding of the games she covers could easily be convinced that she's actually right, but if you dig deeper, which most people watching won't bother to do, you'll find she's more often than not full of shit.
Anita has legitimately harmed the industry by helping to introduce identity politics into the mainstream, something we're still experiencing the sweeping effects from, something we'll likely be dealing with for years to come. She has not solely responsible, not by any means, but she is something of a figurehead, a representation of everything wrong with this direction, and that's why she gets so much hate.
>She believes her bullshit.
That doesn't mean she isn't gaslighting the industry and trying to get cushy consulting gigs for easy money. Those aren't mutually exclusive states.
> BTFO Anita
When? sauce
I know there is an agenda being pushed. My point is, she's threatening that bad things will happen on the internet if they don't comply with her demands. What can they possibly do? Rant on Tumblr or Polygon? Normal people will still buy the game.
So you're just going to ignore my examples and talk out of your ass. Got it.
Yeah man you’re clearly levelheaded. Keep doin ya thang!
>Anita is not video games.
>It's against the rules to make threads not about video games.
>Yea Forums complains and bumps the thread about it instead.
No, no one believes that. They believe Anita is a con artist making money off of feminism. They are correct.
Chaos is a ladder.
Because all she is doing is offering her consulting service, nothing more. It's autists like you blowing it up more than it should be.
Anita isn't Beetlejuice or Voldemort you gigacucks. She's more than capable of making up her own death threats regardless if we ignore her or not. We're under a trump obsessed media at the moment, so unless she's got a sex tape with that orange bastard she's not getting any air time.
>Those aren't mutually exclusive states.
Yes, they are. If she believes what she is campaigning for then, by definition, she is not gaslighting.
so there's no proof this actually happened then?
/r/cyberpunkgame is cucked
You can't laugh at a woman or else you will be labeled a Nazi troll or sex offender
She saw kino reeves, that got her pussy wet , now she wants to make connections to meet him in real life.
That's all there is to this tweet.
Who cares? It's something to talk about.
It's this thread or another "He's in. XD XD XD ROFLcopter" thread.
No, and she literally never will.
One of the things in her kickstarter that she needs to deliver are physical copies of the videos which she can't do because she's using stolen footage from other youtubers and nintendo will never allow her to monetize videos accusing Mario of sexism and misogyny.
>Will CDP bend the knee even further? Could this be considered a shakedown?
If CDPR responds, that will lead to bigger outrage than a few days ago when some stupid journo and some other people called the game racist or whatever it was. People who see CDPR as problematic are few and far between and responding to her comment would lead to alienating the core audience that doesn't see problem in their games. Not to mention Anita is far from relevant at this point.
Imagine being Bobby in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Anita Sarkeesian, you fuckin' intelligent, all smart with your unsourced statistics and horrific Soviet subversion agenda. I would totally listen to you, both as CEO and the real me."
She literally started throwing and smashing objects at the Ubisoft conference.
>not a single soul is talking about Anita's little tantrum
Because nobody cares about Anita anymore
Even if people are laughing at you, they're still talking about you. They still care.
But nobody talks about Anita. Nobody's watching her channel. Not even the low-hanging-fruit anti-SJWs bother with her anymore.
She's completely irrelevant. You can tell because she's making business propositions publicly on fucking Twitter. She likely has no professional connections to utilize anymore.
nice extortion racket you have there
>which we all know you've struggled with in the past
What a cunt
redditfaggot go cry somewhere else
>Yea Forums is one (1) person
>Scam the shit out of people with your kickstarter
>Don't even fucking meet your promised kickstarter plans, including the entire episode set
>Rip gameplay footage from other people without permission
>Become so fucking lazy that you decide to do another kickstarter
>Surprise it's another scam
>Youtube output is so fucking bad that people stop caring about you
>Have to try and use Gamergate for relevancy
>Doesn't work
>Your fucking faggot writer has his own channel and is actually getting views
>Now EA won't return your calls and the industry doesn't care about your extortionist threats
No not at all. Why should it if the game is good? I'm a GAMER not a /pol/ stooge.
>We're under a trump obsessed media at the moment
It's bigger than that.
There is more public demand for outrage than actual outrage in society, once you accept that everything else falls into place. People really want to be MAD about something.
>reddit is cucked
News at 11
This, kek.
All CDPR needs to do is take a look at what she did to Mirror's Edge 2.
If I remember correctly that game only sold 50k in its first week.
Then we have this here , I also heard that she made higher ups at Ubisoft roll eyes only to never contact her again. She is a living guarantee to fuck your shit up.
She is trouble. She makes her living by fucking shit up for others. The best course is to blacklist her and ignore her existance alltogether.
>Sinks Blizzard, Neversoft, Bungie and Infinity Ward.
>Has pushed the next level of microtransactions into gaming multiple times.
>Stagnating or losing profit on every franchise he owns since 2017.
How is that cucked? They want to keep all outside politics away from the subreddit, that sounds pretty based to me and it's how things used to be all over the internet before gamergate and the 2016 election.
Bobby is unironically based.
Too bad the company he's associated with is canceraids.
>Remember that time Yea Forums unironically tried to paint SJWs in a good light
I'll take "things that never happened" for 5$.
>they're literally the OGs of giving women equal rights and deserve your respect.
Learn your history before spouting inane bullshit. First wave feminists were completely against women's suffrage.
Guess who told them to redesign the main character and made her more realistic looking.
You should go there then faggot.
>and to see people make threads about them again despite forgetting this easy rules says a lot about nu Yea Forums and their quest for rage
fuck off, fag. that never worked
name one point in time when Yea Forums wasn't like this
every time i look at this bitch's face it makes me want to punch it
But then why do people like Ubisoft and EA still hold conferences with her?
And I'm not trying to ask this question out of bad faith. I agree with you that she's mostly irrelevant in the eye of the public, but why do companies still try to earn brownie points with her?
>hire me and i'll shit on your game for being sexist
>don't hire me and i'll whine impotently on twitter
>this is an extortion racket
>which she can't do because she's using stolen footage from other youtubers
Why do people keep acting like this is a gotcha? What she did is very, very specifically allowed by the fair use doctrine.
its funny how SJWs try to portray themselves as open minded, anti-bullying, and tolerant people when in real life, they are some of the most passive aggressive, sneaky, deceptive, and close minded people i have ever met.
this hideous cock coblin is getting so desperate nonono
>that time when she literally defended Pewdiepie because she was protecting her bottom line.
this is bait or your lost
Isn't she irrelevant now?
I miss when posts like this were bannable
It's a dick move, and she claims to be a gamer (rise up) herself.
Never having her own footage reinforces her as some dumb outsider trying to fuck things up for everybody, like Thompson.
Terfs are pretty tame when they aren’t a side effect of being generic man haters, of course trannies won’t tell you that
>Wikipedia: First-wave feminism was a period of feminist activity and thought that occurred during the 19th and early 20th century throughout the Western world. It focused on legal issues, primarily on gaining the right to vote.
that fat bitch in saint denis: Let me vote, let me vote, let me vote, let me vote, let me vote
>(((you))): First wave feminists were completely against women's suffrage
isn't that the rapist that killed UKIP?
more like
>hire me and i'll take credit for stuff you were implementing anyway and gain legitimacy
>don't hire me and i'll sic the twitter harpies on your ass
>let me vote
>"roastie screaming"
Ubisoft and EA are on the level where they only care about things that will make their games appeal to more people so they can sell more
Anita goes "I can show you how to do that, look at my past work as evidence that I know what I'm talking about"
They say "alright show us what you've got, make our money the big money"
Then she evidently fails and throws a shitfit
I bet these companies have meetings with people like this all the goddamn time, the only difference with Anita is that we happen to know who she is
I am. Traced to the 1550's, then the trail was lost but probably longer than that. How about you?
>when you have to beg for work on twitter.
lol the desperation.
How can this thread go so long about literally who? How is it possible you guys can even say 1 thing about her(i guess)? I know its made by the dude who made the twitter just to reach more people in a desperate attempt to attention but why should this be alive for so long? There are no substance behind her judging from that twitter and I dont even want to know more about him
she's threatening to stir up a hornet's nest of sjws
so yeah, extortion
>they talk about the game instead of the trannies
that's based tho
You inadvertently nailed why some people think anti SJWs are just as bad. The truth is most people who "defend" SJWs don't take thrm seriously in the first place because a lot of people are scumbag and they don't congregate on the left any more than the right. All the people on Yea Forums that actually have conviction have already shot up schools. You will never win with some narrative that SJWs are disproportionately evil as long as 99% of the site is just shitposting. Everyone is onto their act and everyone is onto yours.
I bet CD Projekt Red wishes they were a small dev company again. The fucking shit they have deal with now. What makes it worse is that they're in Poland, who should be sorta immune to this garbage.
And what do you know, it was a garbage game anyway. Those that choose to allow people like her to be involved are not good in and of themselves. The virtue signalling types are bad.
She's out of money and fishing for new income so video game urinalists can market her.
As usual her workers will be marketing her on this site, if not she herself.
Based Sargon killing UKIP so that the Brexit party got all of the vote and swept all of the UK seats
And that's why nobody takes her seriously
Don't hate on Anita, she's just a cunning gal that knows how STUPID people are and plays the GAME
It's funny... you so-called "gamers" utterly fail to play the game. Well, I guess you excuse yourself with some delusional take like "she's on easy, I'm on hard mode" but I thought you took euphoric pride in how you're always so hardcore and only play on the hardest difficulty...?
Oh I prefer Terfs over trannies big time. Anita isn't a Terf though, shes the kind of intersectional feminist zealot that enables trannies so she's much much worse than a Terf.
The rest are writers, "narrative directors" and diversity&inclusion officers.
Yea Forums isn't the smartest board but it is the cutest
An extortion racket usually relies on worse consequences for the extortionee if they don't comply.
What is the incentive for them to hire her?
>It's a dick move
No it isn't. The whining about the "stolen footage" is so fucking pathetic. Not only is it blatantly fair use it doesn't even do any harm to any of the people she took the footage from. The outrage over it is a complete crock of shit.
Because she kind of represents everything that's wrong with modern media. It's completely reasonable to hate someone that is responsible for sucking the soul out of your hobbies, no?
there's an in-game ad of a tranny offering sexual services on Cyberpunk... And you know the rest....
>But then why do people like Ubisoft and EA still hold conferences with her?
Except they don't. That was years ago. After realising that all of her "consulting service" was based on MUH FEE FEES, made up bullshit and baseless claims with no scientific research or empirical data to back it up WHATSOEVER, they didn't bother with her anymore. Rumor in the industry has made the round that she is a baseless con-artist.
"Ask them" is no a source, i'm gonna need some evidence of this happening before we start mocking feminists for it, otherwise we are exactly as bad as they are.
Anita is basically a mouth piece for McIntosh, look him up. He seems to hate over 90 percent of games but devotes so much energy to trying to change them.
She got rich because of that kickstarter money and the fact that she got sponsored by big companies, you dumb faggot.
Of course, feminist propaganda is anti-fun no matter how technically good the game is.
he's evil but he's a necessary evil.
Isn't offering a gun to a potential suicide victim a crime?
Yep. Let Anita bark away and let it fall on deaf ears, and focus on your own vision of the game.
Take notes, Yea Forums. This is the writings of a schizophrenic man who lost himself many years ago.
Quite sad, really.
Stop being so blatant mate.
You're right, allow me to source killallniggers.net to source crime statistics. Let's not even bother looking at photos of protests against women's suffrage at the time, which were manned primarily by feminist groups. Nope, better go to a site which has numerous errors within their pages and is built on a system where only certain people are allowed to edit content.
It's a soft drink ad you dunce
How is she already out of money? Didn't she receive an assload of money from all her scams?
>offering sexual service
It was a fucking soft drink ad you literal retard
First off stop referencing that trash series
Secondly how have they "bent the knee" in the first place?
At least now it's proven that she was after moneyall along and doesn't actually care about what she preaches.
loved your vtmb video sseth
Just tell. WHAT IF all tranny and fems be angry about CP2077 on launch. What does it change? Like, who give a fuck? It's like if i live in brazilia and care about some chinchong hate my NSFW Pooh fanart.
$160,000 isn't rich mate
Bad press, bad reviews
Obviously won't dent a game this hyped but those are the cards she can play
I thought Anita was irrelevant.
That was just made up. He hasn't even worked with her for ages now.
I just checked and she still didnt give one proof to this girl question
>The fucking shit they have deal with now
Twitter meltdowns?
They only have power because retards keep buying into the social media presence meme and cucking to a vocal minority of insane insatiable vandals who are only emboldened by success
>NOOOOoo Stop laughing at her!
t. gaming journos
It was literally just some resetera/discord trannies trying to "fix" the board with "but you're even worse than the sjw's!" shit
Bad press gets people fired, no matter how successful or how hard of a worker you are.
>not thinking everyone is out to get you
Imagine being this stupid, or lucky I suppose. If you’re unattractive basically everyone wants you dead, and the motivations of almost every human on earth can be traced to wanting to fuck or wanting to kill ugly people
You should try to make him get out of it
Literally no one will give a shit other than game journos
We can only hope. If she's relevant, she might just affect the game's outcome.
I need a rundown on this because it sounds hilarious.
Western Church of SJW are at it trying to project their white guilt and privilege religion upon Slav developers, while Slavs are laughing their asses off at dumb uneducated western white hard-libtards.
TL;DR 3 Sides:
[a] Church of Trannies whined about a transgender ad which is a cautionary tale that pride and visibility/marketing results in corporations taking advantages of the identity you sell out so cheaply. People being told that their low-IQ pride subverts their own positions and whatever virtues they attempt to instil in others and themselves is a tough pill to swallow for children who are high on collective ego and narcissism as well as long-term Twitter-usage-induced mental castration.
[b] Church of White ("Savior") Supremacist SJWs whined about how black gangs were designed unaware that a black designer was behind them, and then tried to tell to the very black creator of the Cyberpunk tabletop how Cyberpunk should be in an astounding showcase of reckless ignorance and arrogant stupidity.
[c] Final side is those who believe the gameplay portrayal so far is looking like it will be shit even though the Devs have many games to take inspiration from and improve like EYE Divine Cybermancy for example, in addition to them removing content and this being a sign that they overplayed their management which might result in very negative possibilities unfolding.
Sounds like a gangster shakedown
Is she broke or somethin?
No I’ll just ahoy matey it
shes selling other peoples footage as his own product.
cuck jannies always removing twitter gaymar politics bullshit yet this one stays up hmm
>Yea Forums unironically defends anita now
i get that is cool to drink the contrarianism kool-aid but this is to much, Yea Forums.
Yeah but devs will listen to those journos. That's the problem
just click ignore
I don’t see how any self respecting company could hire someone using such blatantly unprofessional communication looking for a job.
“Give me money or I’ll call you sexist”
Fuck off.
>I will tweet at a company
fucking zoomers jesus christ
Don't call them journos, call them urinalists. Journos are people who actually have to be able to recite the one single page of SPJ Code of Ethics Journalism.
On that topic...
>Deadspin, Gizmodo/io9, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Kotaku, Lifehacker, Splinter
>worth 1.5 Billion in 2006
>The Verge, Vox, Polygon, Curbed, Eater, SB Natio
she looks like she would be a great fuck
Since this is an off-topic thread, I'm just gonna say it anyway.
Jontron was 99% correct during the Destiny debate. He cited ONE WRONG STATISTIC and people raked him across the coals for it. Meanwhile Destiny was saying blatantly incorrect shit like "there are no riots in Europe" and "there are no Muslim rape gangs".
That still happens. It is mainly in the quest for (you)s
Yea Forums has been overcome by literal SJWs tourists ever since the 2016 election and the neogaf apocalypse.
I'd prefer a hoedown
>PDP says N-word
>Camp Santo devs flags his videos with their game on it for copyright.
>Camp Santo devs suggests everyone follows suit and files a DMCA on his channel.
>Anita immediately speaks up for his defense saying this a bad idea knowing that publishers would take great joy in flagging her videoes too.
This bitch again... Only in the west can you make a career out of being a victim. Wonder where they (((learned))) it.
i'd love to see CDPR BTFO'ing this whore as this did with some other retarded SJW a while back
Dude she can literally run a smear campaign against anyone working in CDPR with a twitter presence and even get them harassed IRL, don't underestimate the SJW twitter mafia.
Who gives a fuck about ecelebs?
This is why James Allsup has a shit take when it comes to certain subjects, like get woke go broke. Just nitpicking, but whatever.
Anita is literally pic related, she can't be allowed near any dev team
More than likely they simply won't respond to it at all
Because if we're going to have a fucking culture war thread then I'm going to talk about culture war shit.
Anita wouldn't have gained any power if Yea Forums hadn't plugged all her shit for her back when she was on the rise.
Yea Forums will do anything to make /pol/tards mad and own the gamers EPIC STYLE! XD #TransRights
Yes, I'm sure that v threads are the reason she got so big. The entire media behind her (just like in comics or movie industry) has nothing to do with it. Can't wait for those "angry messages to her over twitter" compilation with paste tags, no profile pics and conveniently deleted. Not to mention the totally legal "she claims she's getting death threats".
Look at the thread youre in bud
You underestimate how much power they have over devs though. They're part of the SJW gaming clique and they present themselves (as well as boards like resetera) as the voice of gamers so clueless suits and apolitical devs take their opinions at face value.
To be fair I doubt she'll get much headway with that. She's already being called out a LOT in the comments for this.
never said this before, but yes, she's a fucking con artist
Dude, it's fucking fair use. It's a more clear cut case of fair use than any of the sources were. Get over it.
You could argue she has good intentions, but she is a prooven liar and a con-man. She was even a bitch to Boogie you absolute retard.
JonTron’s doing fine nowadays from the looks of it.
Anita on the other hand is struggling to make ends meet if this flaccid attempt at a shakedown is indicative of anything.
Either the discord tranny raids are actually real or people have gotten really good at false flagging.
not anymore. McIntosh stopped writing her shit since like 2015, that's why she's so irrelevant now since she doesn't play video games and doesn't know shit about it either. Now she's desperate because nobody's paying her money anymore for her consultation racketeering.
ye, they had to delete that other tweet
It isn't attributing malice, though.
Wait, I thought Yea Forums hated Anita.
Yes, absolutely. The game is DONE if she gets involved
Who gives a shit.
They won't bring her in, the game will come out, she'll complain about it as will other journos, but ultimately it will still sell fantastically given the amount of hype around it. The end.
Feminism was sold to companies based on the premise that it would get women to play games, the same games men traditionally play with a few changes. Effectively raising sales up to 80% or so.
This obviously could not happen and eventually companies figured out it was a scam and most women would not play shoot the nazi if you framed the game as a feminist thing.
She is ugly, what are you talking about?
fuck off retard
>struggled with in the past
Using her undeserved position as an influential activist in the gaming industry and gaming press to smear CDPR if they don't hire her. Basically threatening them with black PR.
He certainly isn't gonna be fine when internet content creation dies out and he's forced to get a real job.
ecelebs are not culture.
>dumb Armenian bitch who has never done an ounce of charity or voluntary work for her own people in Armenia wants to consult Slavs on issues that don't concern Slavs due to historical and cultural reasons where her dumb Western social justice scripts don't apply
Bitch get the fuck out.
Is this where we are now? Every time a bunch of developers start making a game they think will be really fun, the Twitter SJWs start blackmailing them with threats of social media shitstorm if the game isn't populated with trannies, strong independent women and black people? If only there were some major game journos with the balls to call this shit out. It needs to end.
>there's people defending Anita itt
jesus christ, how the mighty have fallen
Her journo partners in crime can plug her shit
Holy shit you are so dumb.
>Anita defending PDP
No fucking way lol. Wouldn't her non existent fanbase turn on her for this?
She's a fucking genius you have to give her that. She's obviously burned through her money and now is back to shit up gaming and she knows people will bite.
this post and the replies confuse me alot
>"pl..pls hire (((me)))"
They didn't do anything offensive
>utterly fail to play the game.
Did you miss the part where we brought the industry's lootbox racket to the atention of the normals and now the government is going to ram their dick so far up the industry's ass that Starcraft Ghost, Capcom Fighting All Stars and other canned games will come out the other end and then everything will burn. Its an MAD scenario in which we still come out in top.
The Witcher 3 actually had some SJW moments like Geralt sticking up for a woman in a fighting competition. She might mean that there were no black people in a Europe-based setting, even though there were those Indian people in Hearts of Stone.
Just because I defend anita against blatant bullshit like "THIS IS RACKETEERING!" doesn't mean I agree with her political opinions or will defend them. I will attack retardation no matter where it comes from and awful lot comes from Yea Forums.
How so? Surely you've noticed that there's been an increase in people who sympathize with the left on here, right?
Those faggot devs should be in prison. They publicly stated they were abusing DMCA simply because pdp said nigger and not related to IP laws. This is called defrauding the government and misuse of statute and it is a felony.
Unironically yes, fuck her and the high horse she rode in on. This bitch was the worst thing that happened to video games since CoD.
Anita is white-passing and presumably a heterosexual too. There's no way the trannies aren't going apeshit over her representing them. Also how the fuck is she even relevant anymore?
You think this only because you're dumber than a fucking brick.
Stop spending your whole life online on here. You may even enjoy the real world.
My Applebees waiter is in politics? Wow! How did he do again?
Ignore her and let her fade back into obscurity like Jonathan whatshisname did
Don't underestimate the autism and narcissism - and the extent their mindsets focus on tribalism that triggers their narcissistic tendencies - of discord trannies.
>It's the opposite actually. The older you get to more bitter you become and the more disillusioned you become with the state of the industry.
not really, grow up lol
Bioware and EA did.
>and most women would not play shoot the nazi if you framed the game as a feminist thing
Someone should let Bethesda know that
she put it in a way of saying it would set a dangerous slippery slope of corporates that would try to flag her video next so she was able to brush that off. Not like she responds to even her adorers
What comic is this from? I swear I've seen this.
Based pi-face poster
Yea Forumsirgin incel cucks will whiteknight her for the impossibility of no sex at all.
>2019....I am forgotten
This is such a retarded NPC line.
not really what’s the left got the do whit this
She really is trying to stay relevant isn't she?
I'm pretty much at the point where I completely endorse political violence towards these people. I never wanted it to get to this point, but these people are so fucking dirty and underhanded. There's no way to stop them unless we chain them to a truck and drag them across the desert until they're a twitching, screaming pile of flesh and bone. I'm so tired of everything I love about my country being raped before my eyes.
Here, have the improved version
>Will CDP bend the knee even further?
How did they bend the knee in the first place?
Just keep her away from Keanu
Wow she's actually smarter than TYT in that regard. So many leftists can't see the slippery slope and then get surprised when the same censorship comes for them.
Sticking up for women isn't SJW you imbecile
SJW don't stick up for women, they use them as a cudgel
I'll start giving a shit about what this bitch has to say when she has made a single sound in regards and relating on the day commemorating Armenian Genocide, and Genocide of other people around those years, by the Turks.
Dumb bitch wants to represent half the world's population but isn't even capable of representing her ancestors who still live in conditions full of despair to this day.
This is such a retarded NPC line.
I genuinely don't know if you're out of touch or just saying this in bad faith, but I'm going to assume the latter since you're in this thread in the first place.
>This is called defrauding the government and misuse of statute and it is a felony.
None of this is true. The government was not defrauded. It's not a felony to issue a DMCA takedown in bad faith. It's not even a misdemeanor.
Yeah it's pretty much the one thing that would be.
Jon “see a nigger pull the trigger” Jafari
Did your programming break?
“Please give me a job! It would be a shame if you ignored me and I went ahead and accused you of sexism instead...”
Anybody with common sense, balls and basic moral compass would drop this bitch and do what they set out to do in the first place.
I mean, almost all of the responses to that tweet are people telling Anita to fuck off, so no
This, but unironically.
She's so hilariously exploitative, I really don't get how people can support her
>Hire me or I'll call your product sexist or whatever
virgin me old cock!
have sex!
and your post is invalid now.
what a faggot you are, even if it's ironic.
Better call the police in bad faith because I don't like the way my neighbor mowed his lawn. Better do it every day. Can't do anything about abusing public resources in bad faith
It is a threat and SocJus is a communist extortion racket run by scam artists and pedophiles.
>Inb4 keanu touched my shoulder and raped me with his eyes
she's a game critic not a TYT employee
I hope they take her up on her offer. I want to see you fuckers squirm in outrage.
Why do you think women need to be stood up for?
Have you considered that even if you're not a full-on SJW, you still buy into their self-contradicting bullshit?
Well I mean he said it like "It's the current year, wymin can do anything!"
She's pretty much irrelevant at this point. YOU care about her more than most folk. Ignore this bitch and continue on.
No. Even cuck lords on reddit are waking up to this.
What's she actually gonna do?
Go to Poland and explain to the Slavs that their portrayal of women in their game is problematic?
Like they give a shit?
I think I'd prefer it if they brought her in, and then just ignored all of her suggestions
Money. Its her job consult businesses on how not to be sexist and stuff. She's probably been out of any real jackpot gigs since gamer gate.
This time Yea Forums, instead of attacking her for her dumb opinions, flood her with accusations of being a traitor to her own people and a coward who prioritizes vague scams as opposed to helping her own people who suffered genocide after genocide and slavery in the past centuries. Call her out on being a coward and a traitor lacking in any compassion, and to showcase how much she helped her own people. Guilt her, not only as a tactic, but because this is legitimate.
Pretty sure everybody would side with Keanu.
He's pretty much untouchable right now.
Just shows that one man cant create an entire AAA game by himself
She got mainstream famous after she and friends used sockpuppet accounts to issue death threats to herself, before that she was a lolcow.
That's what they always do, doesn't stop her from claiming victory and gaining legitimacy
"pay money or else"
She's a political commentator using video games as a meta, which isn't a game critic; and she is a traitor and a coward, and most importantly a fraud who lacks any compassion and integrity if she has nothing to show for herself helping her own people in Armenia.
When can she officially be charged with racketeering for literally stating on twitter if you don't hire me your business will be ruined by my friends?
>Falls into irrelevancy
>Attacks the most trending vidya to gain some notoriety
Top kek, make it less obvious next time you desperate bitch
>"Pakistani Mafia is knocking on my door. Need money fast."
Because they're generally weak and stupid and the few outliers suffer for it
Ever heard of chivalry dumbass? There's a sane middle ground to all this.
Accusations ruin anyone you just wait
>still unironically believing this in 2019
your brain is mush
just post a roullete next time to derail the whole thing
no idea
she is selling tweeter shitstorm insurance
Yes because it proves to me that CDPR is awful with money and what their games actually need.
I'm sorry, but you are simply factually incorrect. It's not a criminal offense to issue a DMCA takedown in bad faith. It's just not. You are vulnerable to penalties in the civil proceedings, should they take place, but if you call the police about it they are just going to tell you to fuck off and call a lawyer because it's not a fucking felony. If you actually tried to claim a false DMCA takedown is "defrauding the government" everyone would just laugh in your face.
keanue isn't even on twitter, how would people shame him with @?
It's not fair use if she asked for and is making money with the physical discs she is supposed to deliver with her kickstarter.
>she accuses Westerners of privilege and doing nothing with their 1st world wealth to support non-western people
>she herself is a privileged 1st worlder who hoards and wastes her wealth while giving nothing to desolate Armenians - her own bloodline
Bitch should be shamed every time she opens her mouth for being a hypocrite and a soulless piece of dung.
stop giving her attention you deluded APE
hes saying that anyone who disagrees with her SJW bullshit is simply called an "incel" because she has literally nothing else. Pretty much like this board.
Butthurt Armenian detected
No. It's never been a condition of fair use that you can't make money from it. Where do you people get this crap from? Do you just make it up yourself?
Nah we don’t need another Smash thread this is more video games than dumb rostershit
I'm not an assman but DAYUUUUM!
Hypocritical trashbag detected.
hey hey people thief here
That's what fucking confuses me about this whole thing! It's always comfy capitalists that criticize capitalism, and it's always white people that complain about white privilege. It's almost like middle-class white kids don't actually understand the hardships that downtrodden people face.
if you make corporations aware of your purchasing power they will cater to you
this is how basically every large corp this month has been advertising anal sex
No,i will get it if its good
No non indie company would want to hire her. She ruin everything she touches.
i think its hilarious when some weed smoking 19 year old faggot honestly believes he has more wisdom and intelligence than someone who is older than them
>even further
am I the only one who kinda wants to see trannies and more degeneracy in general in my cyberpunk?
I really want this to be true.Please, let it be true.
sure, but don't let her take the credit for it
Yes, there is no proof, are you surprised? Welcome to the age of misinformation and hyperbole.
unironically this
I thought he was shitposting but god damn you really are an anally sore Armenian aren't you
I dunno what you're trying to say
It's just ridiculous that you're getting your panties in a twist because one specific Armenian is not an activist for the Armenian Genocide
Not even like she's Ana Kasparian or something, literally working for a Turk on a show called The Young Turks
Now THAT'S a traitor if ever there was one
sure, but not to condone it
only to condemn it
It's even more hilarious when allegedly adult people like Feminists attack a hobby which is predominantly populated by underage people, get argued into a corner by those underage people, and then beg "Journalists" to stoop to their own levels and make hit piece after hit pieace against underage people and their hobbies.
There's a word general society has for adults who wage crusades against underage people.
>I don't think Ben Shapiro is a Nazi even though he may share views on certain things with Nazi sympathizers.
People like you should honestly get beaten up for being so retarded
I agree but Twitter is what makes the makes the news 90% of the time. There's no way a company can ignore it because shit-rag news site desperate for clicks will make an article on it.
Fuck off Anita.
Go deliver your kickstarter, why don't you.
*Snickers in gigglesque*
I hope they hire her. I want this game to fail so badly... Why? Because Andromeda was not enough of an example for the video game industry. The more they fail, the sooner they will realize.
Reminds me of this....
>Not even like she's Ana Kasparian or something
Nah, she's just buddies with Ana Kasparian.
She's a hypocrite through and through, there's no argument against this, and since she likes to shames others it's only just that she gets a taste of her own medicine for being a hypocrite and coward.
>has-been hack trying to leverage another dead-weight consultancy position by acting like she's mobbed up
>or possibly just acting like it to generate enough of a backlash to revitalize her now yandev-tier patreon
She must be broke as fuck.
that shit was real, I think it was a mix of being a contrarian and 4channel banning all threads on gg, so some people genuinely were not in the loop
>predominantly populated by underage people
the average gamer is male and in his 30s
That's a nice game you got there.. Would be a shame if someone called it problematic...
>All Nazis and Nazi sympathizers have opinions which do not in any way, shape, or form overlap with any other group of people
Unironically yes.
I wish this was real
what views do ben shapiro have that are aligned with """"" nazi sympathizers """"" here in 2019?
This is just shameless and embarassing
it's time to rise....
>condescendingly begging for work
Has she been called on it yet?
No, I think she's just stupid.
For her this is just a hail-mary at a very well-paying gig, but she doesn't realize the bad publicity she can get by threatening such a beloved developer.
>Go deliver your kickstarter, why don't you.
You know she did, right? Look, I get it. You don't like her opinions. I don't like them either. But I'm not going to make up blatant bullshit in order to pretend she some sort of master criminal con artist or something. I'm happy with just not agreeing with her. Why isn't that enough for you?
where are the proofs?
if you think this bitch is being genuine you are fucking retarded or underage
>schizo faggot who still brings up gamergate years after it happened
Fuck Anita but I hope that ban evading retard OD's on fentanyl
Cool. Where's her physical media release? Where's the rest of the series?
Ice cream is delicious? Wiping your bottom after shitting is good hygiene? They probably agree on more things than they disagree on.
>but aren't they just as bad?
This is the newest showcase of SJW students, grown-ass people, acting like children in nursery schools. Shit's hilarious and depressing at the same time. These are the people who grow to become Antia Sarkeesian and other hard-left urinalists.
Hey, nazis believe in beating the shit out of people who disagree with them. Oh look you just turned into a nazi now.
>But I'm not going to make up blatant bullshit
>You know she did, right?
She obviously got a death threat preventing her from releasing physical media.
Nah, the average gamer is underage.
The average 30-year-old has a job and a family unless they are Liberal soitards.
Hey user, don't go to work tomorrow or I'm going to fucking kill you.
Moshe.. my son..
>people honest to god think ben shapiro is a radical alt right nazi spokesman
I don't know how this meme started but it's the funniest shit I've seen being pushed in a long time.
So ANTIFA is a nazi org, crazy world we're living in
>there position is to not have a position
>jurors shake their head
lol what the fuck? Hilarious and depressing is accurate
>the average gamer is underage
i don't care what you believe, the studies say that the average gamer is 30 years old
Not just on the matter of principle, but based on the fact that she's shit at feminist critique.
If she's involved, day one pirate
lets hope soon
>when internet content creation dies out
lol good luck with that.
>the studies
Did they also say that Trump has a 90% chance of losing the election?
its because in reality, the overall majority of lefties are genuinely stupid, low IQ'd folk who unironically believe they are intelligent because they memorized 50 headlines from google searches.
>le trump
jesus christ, have some restraint
>So ANTIFA is a nazi org
Yes, they even have antisemites in their ranks, the only thing they lack is the military training.
Will Western games ever not be muddled with identity politics?
No one said otherwise
user, there have been plenty of trends that have come and go. These kids in their 20s and 30s thinking they can still make money on twitch and youtube into 40 and 50 have a rude awakening coming
this, or another pepe or wojack thread.
meant for
or an actual real identity. ANTIFA is nothing but a mess of disorganized skinny twink college and highschool kids, with a few LARPING college burnout hippies from the 70s sprinkled in.
Yea, it is.
no it isnt. That shit will be gone ina few years max.
You realize that we are basically on the verge of internet censorship, right? Like, there's no way the government is going to allow Lets Plays and movie reviews to exist.
Does Mad Bunny have any nudes?
FUN FACT: The monstrosity on the right is the Ben Franklin lookin' nigga. No need to thank me, another user pointed it out in a previous thread, God bless him.
Remember when trannys and faggots invaded Yea Forums? Sometimes, yes.
Guys. SJW's and trannies are n-words and all, but what about /pol/? They're bad too.
>unironically censoring yourself on Yea Forums
>but what about pole
Hey, don't be mad at me for questioning studies made by fake news retards who were caught waging a war against children, losing it which loses them their face, and then having to push the narrative that AKTSHUALY THE AVERAGE GAYMER IS 30yo SO WE DIDN'T LOSE OUR DIGNITY HMPF!
Come on now, i have many reasons to be skeptical, and video games are indeed ultimately childish and should appeal to teenage hormones as that's the only period in life aside from midlife crisis one can enjoy themselves being retards, if you have any sense for self-reflection and objecting thinking to recognize this that is.
Feminists are ultimately waging a war on teenage hormones and a hobby which appeals to that fun period, and their crusade is in one word moronism.
>I'm autistic and lack the ability to recognize faces
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