Teamfight Tactics (Leagues Autochess clone) Gameplay out

What do we think lads?

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The one thing I find interesting is the fact that you actually face off against another board. So there's always somebody losing.

what's the monetization model for auto chess? you don't need to buy anything to reach peak performance? and there's nothing to grind for either?

retarded riot animals even copied over the courier which was only present in the autochess mod to make up for the lack of proper UI/controls. they are so fucking dumb

F2P. Valve's Underlords already has leaks that it's going to go the battle pass route. And I think Riot is purely cosmetic-based shenanigans for TFT as well.

Nobody knows. Valve's is probably gonna be cosmetics only, but I could see Riot starting to demand money to unlock new synergies or shit like that.

Except on odd player counts, someone fights a clone

>already looks better than the valve one

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Right? what the fuck lol

The original dudes are doing cosmetic shit with a battle pass

Valve are going to do a battlepass with cosmetics only (iirc they datamined some different boards)

no idea how league would do it

Autochess is zoomer Chink shit

Little creatures you control, they have a trailer out for them. Probably selling boards too

Is Auto chess the new meme genre that will be the only thing at E3 next year?

Pokemon autochess pelase


Oh it's just going to be a custom game attached to their client? So PC only?
Which means it's going to be Valve and Drodo facing off in mobile instead?

Oh my fucking God I'd never played one of these but it's like a WC3 custom game. I'm kinda interested now that's pretty dope. I wish there was a game like the old Hero Survival games you could play. Especially Custom Hero Survival. That was my shit.

It's impressive, it looks boring as fuck.

so far the tft devs said that it's gonna be courier skins but it's all subject to change

that's another thing, retarded riot animals didn't think of developing it to easily adjust it to mobile (because the dota mod is pc only hurr), even though card/strategy turn-based games absolutely fit it perfectly (like hs), and now they pretty much can't do it anymore.

Lots of people still play League so that at least means that TFT is going to blow up on PC by virtue of being on the client alone.

I don't understand why it's called auto chess. Can someone explain?

I doubt it. They removed the rune system specifically because people complained about grinding IP and you can't pay for blue essence. I'd be incredibly surprised if Riot added any new P2W elements considering how much they cater to e-sports.

you place pieces on a board strategically and it fights automatically

it's chink translation

auto = pieces automatically fight each other
chess = general board game, they don't have a word for actual chess

>card games
>blow up
yeah no, especially considering it's the smoothbrain lol audience

Would you be able to play it in queue or would it be exclusive like dota.

That makes a lot more sense, thanks. So it's virtual cockfighting? Definitely seems like something chinks would love

It ain't a card game mate. It's slot machine mahjong with pretty pieces fighting each other.

Nah. Separate game mode entirely.

A normal game seems to go for 20-30 minutes judging by the previews so it's a proper game

> So it's virtual cockfighting?
Yup exactly it

i always avoided the game because i expected to be some chess simulator thing. after seeing this though i might look into it. does it have interesting character designs at all? how are the waifus?

>watch kripp play this
>0 wins all day long
>see that he made a guide


it's pretty similar to a card game in general - you hold cards (units) offboard, and every turn you put some cards (units) on the board, something automatically happens.

>skip ahead to late game
>no bombastic skills coming out

I stopped playing dota 2 way back when but does league not have dumb shit ultimates? In the original autochess there's like boats flying everywhere, ravages popping out, fields of lightning, units getting flown around everywhere, and all that screwy nonsense.

is this available right now? or I need to get some beta key etc?

The strongest ults in LoL are literally on the same tier of Sven's hammer throw or something

Valve is fucked.

Underlords looks like a mobile ripoff while TFT actually looks like improved autochess with QoL features and their own original spin.

Dont actually have an interest in autochess but seeing companies fight is always fun

I think you need to acces Test servers, but you need to be a long time player with a thing called "Honor" to create an account from what i've heard

I would actually describe it as having the same appeal as mahjong does to asians

True but at the same time I find it interesting that Valve went straight ahead for a stand alone game almost ready for mobile. Will be interested to see how this goes.

And honestly, I hope none of these games win. Though I have an inkling feeling TFT will come out ahead I want them to endlessly compete with each other and try to improve nonstop. It will only be good for the players.

>awful UI
>item drops still RNG
>battles are super slow
What the fuck were they thinking
>creep rounds still have RNG drops, someone can get 2 items and you could get fucked
Yeah totally improving over DAC

I'm honestly disappointed. Hopefully they will improve the gameplay once it is out of beta.
Will it be possible to play during queue?

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Autochess in general looks so damn boring. How can anyone play this garbage

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It has its own queue inside the client so no, which is pretty retarded. But again this is riot's client we are talking about, it won't ever come close to whatever witchcraft Dota 2's is

honor is riot's good boy points
if you get punished you lose it, if you play without getting punished it goes up

if they make it require honor 3, it takes a bit of effort to get it, if they make it honor 5 (the highest it goes) it'll likely be very exclusive to people who play a ton & don't get any punishments

is this going to be esports?
and why no blizzard version?

blizzard is for sure developing their own clone, just like ea

>item design by CertainlyT
Oh boy lets see the broken shit.

I'm not sure if blizzard have the balls to create a dota chess, they will just stick to sequels to their existing franchises

they can just give their visual assets to a chink sweatshop studio and they shit out an autochess clone with different characters - so exactly what riot did

wouldn't be surprised if they tried. They certainly have enough original characters for it.


All standalones are so shitty, is DAC destined to never get a good standalone?

just wait for the epic store exclusive made by the original devs :>

can I play dota underlords without the battlepass thing right now?

They said about a week til open beta so I guess at least three more days?

The waifus would be the same as whatever you're playing it on, League or Dota.

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Nope, it' still early acces