Stop lusting after Zelda and give some love to other BOTW girls too.
Stop lusting after Zelda and give some love to other BOTW girls too
I want to stick my whole dick into the old loli
Will she return in the sequel?
cursed image
I hope so
Hopefully. I want to bully her more.
Based and Grannypilled
c o i n s l o t
>Link is supposed to be a representation of the player
>I can't romance Paya and leave Zelda to get fucked by Moblins
What the fuck Nintendo?
Breath of the Wild literally turned me into waifufag. Now I just want them to give us a chance to choose a girl we want at the end.
Lolibaba, so rare but so tasty.
She was the only thing I cared about in BoTW
Mina needs more love
Link's Awakening made me a waifufag, then Ocarina of Time a haremfag. Breath of the Wild is the first Zelda since OoT to have a comparable quantity and quality of waifus.
>and leave Zelda to get fucked by Moblins
speaking of moblins, there is that one girl in central hyrule always getting beat down by moblins. Unlike the truffle sisters, she just walks around to seemingly get jumped everyday. then you save her and she goes back to the stable, but you just know she will be looking for moblin cock the next day.
If you like lolibaba there’s a lolibaba dragon in the new Fire Emblem named Sothis. She’s a main heroine and lives in your room.
Most of the generic NPCs do
I like the girl in the mountains to the south west who's shit at cooking
I want to check it in BOTW 2
BotW was filled with so many girls who are better than Zelda, from the Gerudo girls (especially Riju) to the sheikah girls why should I bother with dumb forehead bitch?
>Make a cute character
>Make her a bitch
I love Mipha! Kodah too!
Is Paya the purest girl ever created for these games?
She creates more pollution by herself than the entire Goron race does by processing ore into metal.
This guy gets it.
>use stealth and watch mina get pummeled
>talk to her once she has tasted humble pie
Any Jules fans?
girls, of course
where's mypha
This topic is stupid. I want to talk about Zelda's fat ass!
Imagine Link violently facefucking Paya while Zelda watches and verbally degrades her.
Cadence is now technically a Zelda girl.
can she even get preggo
Why is she so cute?
I think you'll find Zelda is now technically a Crypt of the Necrodancer girl
I wish she had more relevance.
I love Kass!
But OP, I've never lusted after Zelda once when BOTW already provided the best girl
yea, she cute!
is there a nipple edit of this
Reminder that Link actually gave Paya a one night pity fuck at the of Paya's questline. In a first party Zelda game by Nintendo. This is canon and undisputable.
For me, it's Ashei
Based assistant.
Yiff in hell, faggot.
>Get Zelda game
>waifus across the board
>Zelda isn't even in mid tier for best girls
There is no chance in the world that she won't, along with Riju. The real question is whether they'll still shoehorn Mipha in, even though her purpose is complete and she should have moved on by now.
>want Mipha to return to BOTW2
>also don't want her to be forced in at the risk of ruining her character
It's gay as fuck, but Mipha will likely remain stone cold dead in BotW2, with Sidon having a much bigger role than in BotW1.
I am sure BotW2 will have some new OC girl to replace Mipha though. Perhaps even a Zora girl still. From the future or the past, or an alternate dimension. Or from some underground lake society.
>ugliest Zelda design only championed by the most hardcore of assfags
>don't interact with her at all throughout the game, only in memories
>Link already chose to fuck a fish 100 years ago over her
Honestly I think Link is just saving her out of obligation, it's not romantic. I don't know who he actually will fuck but the only hint of romance/sexuality we see from him is for a dead fish. I still ship Riju because of the forbidden fruit aspect.
But what if BotW 2 let's you become Mipha?
Tongues out bois
If the idea that some people have in which you go back in time I wouldn't be surprised if things get changed and Mipha ends up being brought back while Zelda and Link return to the future, basically making it the only Urbosa, Revali and Darok are dead by the time BotW takes place.
my brethren
>the ones that only get porn are the characters shoved in your face and can easily watch on youtube.
>the underrated girls are diamonds in the rough that you have to find by playing the game.
sounds about right.
I still have that fanart of her where she opens her buttcheek to show her mole near the anus. Still makes me diamonds.
Riju is by far the best girl in BotW, closely followed by Paya.
Mipha is extremely overrated though, and I'm usually into fish-like girls.
Is she a mutant? She's way more feminine and has softer features than the other Gerudo, not just in fanart but looking at her ingame model.
Good man.
The design of Zelda isn't actually half bad, it's more that how am I meant to feel emotionally connected to someone when the game says "here is your qt fish woman fiancee from 100 years ago also go save Zelda again".
You're right, it's basically just a core at this point
She got Hylian Stacey genes from her dad.
Does anyone have the bully webms of Riju with the fire and camera?
Man of taste.
Riju > Paya > Zelda > Mipha
almost as if the majority of nintendo r34 is only made my faggots who's patreons need boosting
She's royalty so she doesn't have to train/lift weights until she looks like an amazon like her peers. Though yes, her nose is also smaller.
I don't get all the hype around Mipha. She's basically Hinata Hyuga from Naruto but with less screen time and she also has really weirdly short legs.
based and redpilled
She cute.
Humanized fish girl pussy, the same draw as monster girls. Zora are also confirmed to be compatible with humans/hylians.
She's cute and she's a little awkward around Link in an endearing way instead of a sperging out way that makes you cringe.
So yeah, pretty much. I personally don't see that as a problem though, Hinata was legit as well
But I LIKE fish girls, but Mipha doesn't do anything for me at all.
Sounds like it's just you who's in the wrong in that case, user
The only hot girls in the game are gerudo, with the sole exception of . The other girls just seem like they try too hard to compensate by being 'cute' to me.
Funny cause Paya screamed "Hinata" to me. And I dislike Hinata so I dislike her too.
Would have just had raw unprotected sex with Paya and disregarded the princess desu
>BotW sequel means more Paya
Bros... I'm so happy.
Post now.
She doesn't want the d
Every single female character in BotW wants Link's D, Paya especially
Paya just knows she has no chance
If I could just Isekai into BotW then I'd be there for Paya
That whole "comfort me", late at night, in her bedroom that only has her bed. With the fade to black that ends with morning and Paya being all shy all but says it.
The developers sure are sneaky.
It's just nice that it's there. I hope we can have many more fucks with Paya in the sequel.
Mipha is best girl. You have terrible taste
Give me the odds of Link having an option of giving the dick to anyone else but Zelda in BoTW2. I like Impa's granddaughter a lot more.
Zora girls were qts
>Ocarina almost had a dating sim/romance element
>the abundance of female supporting characters compared to males was a holdover from this
>they keep teasing multiple love interests in games with Lana, Cia, Midna, Paya, Mipha, etc.
>they still haven't done a game with that feature in yet
I just wanna try it once; just the one game would be good
As with SS, they're really pushing Zelda as waifubait in BOTW.
Can hylians and zora interbreed?
You know Hinata got with Naruto, right?
So she's not just Bylet's tulpa?
urbosa is objectively the best girl
>tfw Link and Zelda will fuck like rabbits and yield plenty of Hylian Übermensch, and there's nothing Paya can do about it
I think they’re holding it hack for international audiences. I doubt japan would have any issues with it
Paya and Mipha were terribly overlooked. Well, Mipha not so much, but people can't draw her on-model or even well for some reason.
BOTW Zora have freaky lower halves compared to previous Zora.
Isn’t she a child? So he adult features haven’t matured, I guess.
She's a child
She has birthing hips.
Unlike other gerudo Riju was actually designed to be attractive, possibly to appeal to the loli crowd.
Feels so fucking good being a ZeldaCHAD
Damn, the only proof you need that she’s better than Zelda
It doesn't matter. She says she's a child in the game.
Jesus fucking christ, that is dangerously cute.
aco thread
Friendly reminder that that shota Link could suplex a fully grown man and shatter his spine.
Oh look, it's the ugly duckling of Zeldas who is designed to appeal to otome self-inserters with how plain she is while also being generic cute waifubait.
She looks like absolute piss compared to Ultimate/TP/HW Zelda.
kil lyourself, also what achracter is this? some random literal who that people attach to like Kass?
what is she referring to in this image?
She hasn’t hit puberty yet, you just wait till BOTW2 to see how much she grew
The game world
Hopefully she doesn't grow a huge schnozz.
All the girls in this game are so fucking delicious, how does Nintendo do it? I can't even pick one between Mipha, Paya, Riju, Purah, even Zelda herself is god fucking tier this time around.
How do these absolute madmen keep doing it?
tp selda best sellda
but its like barely 1/5th the size of any far cry map since 3
W-was Mipha a Pedophile?
Feels so good knowing BEST and MOST attractive Zelda won the Linkbowl.
It's not like Link had a lot of other good options between the deformed fish and the girl who can't form a coherent sentence. Still the ugliest Zelda aside from SS Zelda.
Bro you gonna post this or not
you have the gay user
thanks for the shilling FE fag
No, she just knows how to pick them and how long to wait until they’re ripe.
And you’re stupid because destiny is for idiots. Fuck off, Hylia.
SS Zelda is great though wtf
>tfw no Riju wife
Remind me, when does this happen?
I just prefer someone with a pretty face as opposed to a goblina.
You see other Gerudo children and they're not cute like Riju is.
Is Paya sexually frustrated?
If you were that eager for it, you could've used the time to find it yourself user.
I like them although picking between Mipha and Ruto is not easy
>waited slightly too long
God damn that's a thicc ass
How does Link even approach sex and romance? Dude basically lives to fight and eat.
Ok. I'll love all the Gerudo, you guys can have the rest.
Imagine the smell haha
You can have the rest of them, I’ll take Riju.
probably smells like sweaty female armpit
>I have successfully infiltrated the woman only society and they have accepted me, not as a visitor, but as part of them.
I'll just take this one
Nintendo could make gangbusters off of an Otome game.
Forgot my pic
At the very end of the DLC.
I'll allow it.
That's a tough sell. I'll let her go for, let's say, 3 fertile Hylian women.
so do female gorons not exist or have they just coincidentally never shown up
or do they all look the same
how do they work
They’re sexless that’s why they’re allowed in Gerudo town
They're unisex, they reproduce with rocks.
The Zora women are all mine then
Gorons reproduce by belly-bumping until a chunk falls off of one of them, which grows into their offspring
Oh, no kidding? I never got that far so I didn't know if any of the games brought it up. Thanks.
Funny that you say that since the voice actress who dubbed Hinata for the Latin American dub also dubbed Mipha for the Latin American dub of BotW
I wanna impregnate Paya.
Link has a goddess that constantly reincarnates as a human because she wants his dick so much, all he has to do is find Zelda and he's set
>Not a single great fairy
She's a moeblob. That's all there is to it. That type of character will always attract autistic manchildren.
Are you sure it’s links and not Ganon’s Dick she’s taking? She sure seems to get caught easily
Who was that Yiga female clan member that was disguised as a normal girl who would flirt with Link?
Will Nintendo release a version of BOTW with all the DLC or should I just cave in and buy the regular version?
The DLC isn't worth it honestly, if you want a challenge simply play with 3 hearts, much better than "master mode".
>caring and compassionate isn’t a personality trait
She had as much characterization as any of the other champions
Link is more with an innate ability to pleasure women. He's just not fully aware of it.
Champions ballad was the only worthwhile one otherwise it was crap even then it wasn’t that great of DLC
>caring and compassionate
She's directly responsible for all the death and loss suffered by Calamity Ganon's attack since she knew the key to awakening Zelda's powers was for the princess to accept her feelings for Link but pussied out on saying so because she was too shy.
Problem is that those are about her only traits. Granted the champions didn't get much characterization in general because the story focuses so hard on shilling Zelda, which is kinda telling since Zelda herself is still significantly worse than the likes of Midna and ST Zelda.
SPH with Paya!!
>not BPH with Riju
>fat trannies
Really if BOTW were a Western game I bet we'd get a lot of complaints about it being an SJW game
If anything I am surprised there wasn't a massive outcry at Nintendo somehow offending or making fun of them (they are making fun of them after all).
i want to fuck that crazy bitch who always being touching the ball and also the Yiga slut who is a randomly generated npc.
>herding goats
>nothing happens
>tons of cutscenes
Fuck, I'm starting to remember why I haven't played TP in 10 years.
Doubt they'll ever release an all-together version. Just get it normally and get teh DLC if you want later. For me it was worth it because of upgraded Master Sword and Bike alone, but you decide for yourself. Maybe get it at a later date when you can afford it better or if you get a gift card for eShop.
I want to _____ Paya!
Fuck, the HW girls are just so much better than the BOTW girls, with the exception of Lana, Agitha and Linkle who feel like they'd fit right into BOTW.
She didn’t know it was the key, it was just her throwing an idea at the wall and Ganon likely knew what was happening and decided to immediately invade rather than risk Zelda learning how to use her power. I think the sequel will show that calamity Ganon is just a phantom or puppet Ganon and that ganondorf was fully aware of everything going on. But it wasn’t Mipha’s fault Ganon did a surprise attack right before she was about suggest what she does for her powers