>Your age
>First video game
>Favorite video game
>Favorite game franchise
Rate, hate, debate
>Construction Manager
>Super Mario World
>Xenoblade 1
>Your age
>First video game
>Favorite video game
>Favorite game franchise
Rate, hate, debate
>Construction Manager
>Super Mario World
>Xenoblade 1
Other urls found in this thread:
But I don't know if I even like games anymore. More interest in following development.
everyone is going to make fun of me for being a skeleton so fuck off
>Odin Sphere
>How could I pick one? they've all betrayed me.
Bring this shit to /soc/ you attention whore.
>Lego Jones
>Dwarf Fortress in some ways
Fuck off glownigger
>How could I pick one? they've all betrayed me.
Nice try FBI, or whatever corporation profit from such a valuable personal information
>Your age
1,79m (suck it, amerifags)
81kg (...hehe)
filmmaker, editor
>First video game
prince of persia
>Favorite video game
>Favorite game franchise
i guess fallout, before they ruined it
>How could I pick one? they've all betrayed me.
i feel you
>Engineering student
>Mario kart 64
>Hotline Miami
>idk I don't really follow franchises
>1,79m (suck it, amerifags)
t. manlet
>Mcdonlad's cashier
So is this some sort of poll to know how to properly shitpost or shill??
>3'3" and 800lbs
>project manager
>super Mario world 3
>most of Kirby, Halo, and Metroid
>5 foot
>96 pounds
>pac-man or dig dug
>resident evil 2 original
>Planned Parenthood janitor
>Candy Crush
>Dark Souls
>All these retarded niggers falling for the datamine
>Software Engineer
>Super Mario Bros
>Mount & Blade Warband
>Mario World
>Super Mario RPG
>Smash bros I guess
> 20
> no idea
> haven't tested in a while
> student
> hard to remember, either Super Mario World on the GBA or Super Mario 64 DS
> Donkey Kong Country 2
> Devil May Cry
Yakuza is cool, I really need to fucking finish 0
how are you not dead yet?
>seven lines just like the questionnaire in the OP
attention to detail
>>Geospatial Engineer
>>Road Rash 2
>>Kerbal Space Program
>cosmic horror
>Alone in the Dark
>Sim series
around 180
baldur's gate 2
>168 cm (+ blue eyes & dark blonde hair)
>65 kg
>CS student
>Super Mario World
Why would you put your hair and eye details, pervert?
fuck off manlet
>Your age
189 cm
Too much
>First video game
I think some formula on cheap plastic chinese "handheld"
>Favorite video game
Wario Land 1
>Favorite game franchise
Resident Evil
my father was 168 when he became dense in old age. Lets hope you not gonna get bald, because everyone will see it
Wario Land 1. Patrician taste friend.
>because everyone will see it
blonde hair, doesn't hide bald well
Everyone look down and see the baldness while tall people have the luxury of being so far in the clouds noone can check it
>270 I was 300+ for a while and I'm working on getting it down. We're all gonna make it.
>Sonic The Hedgehog 2
>God Hand
>Tie between Ace Combat and Yakuza
>delivery driver / student
>Crash Team Racing is the first I remember playing
>Hotline Miami
>Rune Factory
Tarzan on PS1
>The last of us
It's not platinum blonde tho. It's almost light brown... I'll probably not get bald unless I'm very unlucky anyways.
>80,000 metric tons
>slave trade
>tennis for two
>nights into dreams
>jackie chan
>Crash Bandicoot 2
>Xenoblade 1
>Can't think of one right now
>5’6” :(
>145 pounds
>Student/fast food
>dont have one
Warehouse grunt
SNES Pilotwings
5' 8
HR generalist
The Legend of Zelda
Chrono Trigger
I'd pick Chrono but two games isn't really a franchise. Either Zelda or Metal Gear
>5'11 3/4"
>disability payment collector
>Freddi Fish
>SSX 3
>Your age
21 today
1m72 / 5'7"
65kg / 145lbs
Student, got a degree in English literature, civilization & linguistics and trying to get a master's degree in specialized translation
>First video game
Probably Super Mario Land or Future Cops LAPD
>Favorite video game
Dragon Quest VIII
>Favorite game franchise
Dragon Quest, followed by Mega Man Zero and Castlevania.
>Overnight grocery stocker
>Spy Hunter
>Donkey Kong Country 2
How are you 31 and retired? You lose your legs or something?
based max poster
>5' 11"
>175 lbs
>Warehouse worker
>Mega Man 2
>Persona 5/Phantasy Star IV
>Can't pick a favourite franchise honestly
>Student, freelance graphic designer
>Emulated version of MvC1
>Etrian Odyssey
>some gba monsters inc game. it was terrible
>pikmin 2
>170, american thin :)
>VFX chump
>Crash 1
>Blood, Bloodborne, Thief tdp
>Metal gear
I wish i had a better answer for franchise, but most games can barely score a decent sequel, leave alone multiple exceptional ones. Metal gear solid 1 through 3 were pretty good though, and peace walker had the brazillian tsundere loli.
>Your age
turning 25 next month
62 kg
graphic designer
>First video game
keen 4 i think
>Favorite video game
postal 2
>Favorite game franchise
>Street Fighter 2
>Fire Emblem : Genealogy of the Holy War
>Dragon Quest
Kirby's Dream Land
Banjo Tooie
5'9 / 175cm
166lbs / 75kg
None currently, last was expenses approval.
Tetris (Game Boy)
Gravity Rush 2
>Super Mario Bros
>Majora's Mask
>Shin Megami Tensei
>Factory Worker
>Crash Bandicoot
>Doom or Quake
Face it, compared the all the sensitive data you likely whore out as a matter of daily routine, this extremely specific /soc/tier thread doesnt seem so bad. plus, it has the added benefit of getting Yea Forums to actually discuss vidya for once
>Discuss vidya.
We're just going to make fun of the
Happy Birthday
>all these low skill/wagecucks
like clockwork, Yea Forums
would still be the highest quality thread on the catalogue right now
>stay at home dad/part time musician
>DOS treasure mountain
>Legend of zelda
For some reason I can never forget that DOS game from first grade, but the first game I ever owned was Links Awakening.
Honestly I'd prefer slaving myself at a comfy job instead of using my "skills" as a software engineer somewhere. The pay is good, but I honestly end up saving more than half of it.
thank you user
Super Mario World
SMT: Nocturne
Fire Emblem, Earthbound, F-Zero, or SMT. i like a lot
Not to mention the shit workload you have as a developer. Say goodbye to totally free weekends, because you'll most likely end up finishing what you started so Mr. Shekelberg doesn't bother you at the reunion next week.
>140 lbs
>physics PhD student
>a link to the past
>hard to say for my one “favorite”
>some of my favorites include Earthbound, MMBN, advance wars, killer7, MGS, RE4, God Hand, DMC3, sega Saturn baroque, etc.
Explain why you posted the hair and eyes.
Pokemon Snap
Metal Gear Solid (1-4)
Because I felt like it, user-kun.
FE4 is the best one and no others come close.
>180 pounds
>Department Manager in retail
>Super Mario All Stars
>Wonderful 101
>Donkey Kong Country
Gross, that's a guy!!
>fuck i dunno, probably Pokemon Blue
>Artist slowing getting into game design
>Super Mario Bros.
>Too many favorites to pick one, but my current is Hollow Knight
>I flip between Castlevania and Zelda
>Super Mario 64 I think
>Majoras Mask
>not sure
>Computer repair/building
>Super Mario Bros
>Star Wars Battlefront II (2005)
>Super Smash Bros
>Your age
>First video game
>Favorite video game
>Favorite game franchise
>convenience store wagie
>Yoshi's Island
>Your age
153 lbs
Chemistry student
>First video game
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 2 on Game Boy
>Favorite video game
Mother 2 or 3
>Favorite game franchise
Smash Bros is a de facto answer
>Zelda NES or Galaga
>Starfox 64. Rocket Knight Adventures and Katamari are up there
Great work user. I was 250+ late last year. Trying to go for long term results with a diet/exercise schedule I know I can keep up. Hoping to make ~ 200 soon.
CNC programmer
rayman 2
>Siemens systems engineer
>Quake 3, I was like 6 and Orb scared the shit outta me
>Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
>Mass Effect (unironically)
Also >slav
>6 foot tall
>275 lbs
>Printer technician
>Pokémon Blue
>Haven't weighed myself in years
I'm going to highball at 200.
>Three way between JSRF, Pikmin 2 and Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
>Monster Hunter
The games aren't anything special, but they're consistent in what they have to offer and the series hasn't jumped on the current bullshit the rest of the industry is on.
Save a bunch of money working you ass off in your 20s, invest in a good idea, make a shitload more money while sitting at home and day trading.
what a shitty thread
Weigh yourself. I'm 6'4 and I avoided the scale for many years, assuming I was 200. It was a shock to see I was 245.
pls be my gf
>172 cm
>105 kg
>Tech support
>Jill of the Jungle as a kid, didn't play anything between 9 and 19, Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core as a young adult
>Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
>Shin Megami Tensei
>no gender option
I was like 168 at 6 foot flat when I was like 15.
I've grown a few more inches and put on some muscle, so maybe.
I'm interested in this. Any recommendations on how one starts? Being an automotive tech kind of blows.
>155lbs (working on getting down the last 15 to not be overweight)
>Grocery Store Front End/MBA Student
>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
>The Wonderful 101
>Either Devil May Cry, Afterburner, or Kirby