Was Sonic Heroes fun?

In your opinion, was Sonic Heroes fun (if you forget the PS2 port)?

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Yes. It's a bad game, but I still love it to death.

Beat Last Story. It was ok.

PS2 was the best port.

>One of the best tracks is stuck in the shitty tutorial level
Why did they do this?

To be fair the entire OST is absolute kino

Not really

It was just an ok game, but a massive step down from what SA1 & SA2 were building up to be

It's great but it's totally a tutorial song compared to the rest of the game's songs.

Nope. Controls like slippery ass and the special stages are infuriatingly awful.

The stage themes and aesthetics were great

Everything else was garbage

had the best Rouge the bat costume


i enjoyed it. got 100 hours on the game and i 100% it again a few months back. maybe im just autistic.

whoevers voice said "the city that never sleeps" is permanently embedded in my brain because i failed that level so many times. great game

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>It's the red laser!

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It's Duke Nukem

It was the beginning of the slippery slope for me. Sonic Adventure 2 was an amazing blast to play (Sonic levels at least), but Heroes is where the wonky Sega physics that never got fixed started to feel like it's taking a toll (can't help it if an entire level dedicated to rail grinding kills you because rail hopping doesn't work right).
I started to replay this game last year. Level 1-2 as the Sonic team, at the end where you run from a giant stone wheel chasing you near the end. The wheel is programmed to boost itself and catch up with you if you move too quickly, essentially punishing you by smacking you if you cannot keep up your own speed. This isn't the biggest problem in the world if the knockback from the wheel was fine-tuned to not fling you off the level upon impact. Let that sink in for a second, because I was going so fast on a straightaway section, I was OHKOed for it. And of course if you die once, you have to restart if you want to go for the A rank, so I had to replay this 6 minute level from the start just to do well on it, a game I've played many times before.
Now imagine all the pulleys, air boosts, swings, etc that have similar problems with accurate spacing being wonky that causes you to fall short because the programmers didn't account for slight offsets your character can launch from at parts of tracks. It's like watching discount knockoff Hotwheel tracks be too narrow or badly-shaped for your brand of cars to go through.

Controls are shit but some levels are OK while others are abhorrent (Rail Canyon, Casino, Mystic Mansion Act 2) and levels are generally too long. Chaotix stages are unforgivably bad, as is needing to beat the game four times.

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I bet they intended for it to go along side of the first act originally. Not just the visual theme of the level, but even a leitmotiv is shared with Seaside Hill.

For me, it's the Tails voice
>"look at all those Eggman robots!"
>"woow, my head's spinning!"

For sure. I love Ocean Palace and all, but Sea Gate and Seaside Hill legit sound like an Act 1 to Act 2 deal. That melody at 1:05 is replicated note-for-note in Seaside Hill.

What was wrong with the ps2 version?

>What are we gonna do, Sonic?
People bitch about the voice acting, but I think it's cute

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Sonic Heroes was my first Sonic game and intro to the fandom
I still hold the game in my heart, but condemned the fandom to the hottest, most torturous, angriest circle of Hell

I just didn't like it because I was used to the voices of the Bringas brothers as Tails, which is stupid because I watched the Sonic cartoon as a kid and Tails sounded just as juvenile then as he did in Heroes.

Unironically my favorite 3D Sonic game. Remove some of the jank when running on loops or curves (which would also fix special stages since that was 100% of the problem with them) and it'd be almost perfect. Do not understand how faggots prefer the Adventure games, when 3/4 of the stages are shit

I enjoyed playing it, but only the first time.

When's the last time you faggots played this game? Me and my buddy are playing through it right now for nostalgia's sake and it's fucking terrible. Moments of fun heavily drowned out by stressful, boring garbage.

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>since that was 100% of the problem with them
What about the fact that you need to find a key, not get hit for the whole stage, and then only have one shot at beating the special stage

Not that user, but that problem is solved by not getting hit, dummy.

I like everything about Heroes except the gameplay and level design. And the bosses. I don't really like the in-level dialogue either.

The music, environments, and menu design are fantastic.

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>only have one shot at beating the special stage
the rest are valid, this isn't less valid as much as has been a thing for every sonic game with a special stage to this point. At least you get 4 chances since you have to play every zone 4 times anyway.


>and then only have one shot at beating the special stage

Not a big deal. There were other games I felt it was harder to get to the special stages in, such as Sonic Advance 2, and hell, even Sonic 2 in some stages

There's more than one checkpoint per level in sonic 2

What the other user said, then. You've never had more than one chance to beat a special stage.
Hell, be happy that in this game, you can go back and play the stages individually and it SAVES your emeralds. Sonic 2 didn't have that shit.

Slow as fuck, shitty framerate, dialogue cuts (especially in the select team menu), etc.

And every single one ate all of your rings if you went through the star gate.

>dialogue cuts (especially in the select team menu)

Just get the emeralds as team Rose and it's piss easy

fuck, you're so right. Actually Sonic 3 also had multiple Special Stage rings, you could use them all to get every Emerald by like Zone 2 iirc.

>you can go back and play the stages individually

Rewatch the ending cutscene and try not to cringe at four different points.

bro, there's a stage select from the main menu

We were doing that for a while because it's easiest to get through the levels with them but they seem too slow to actually catch up to the emeralds, so we've been using team sonic. Are we retarded?

my biggest thing is you could only do it in stage 2, stage 1 was a shitty, unimportant bonus game that did nothing but add score and 1ups


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for me is rouge saying "this place is enormous"

I fucking love that slap bass they use in the Crush 40 Sonic games

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You actually need to be slower to succeed in the special stages, so as to not get hit by the bombs


Stage Select. You can specifically choose the second stage of your choosing and run through to reach the special stage.

It's all Sonic and it's only two of the lines. The Knuckles and Rouge interaction is cute, the bit with Chaotix and Eggman is also amusing. The "WE'RE SONIC HEROES" is obviously retarded, though.

The reason I don't resent them is because they have what might be my favorite track in the game.
Fucking art.


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I love that about Heroes though. Its completely straight-faced, unironic cheese overload really captures the 90s in a way that none of the other games, except maybe Shadow do. Adventure wasn't over the top enough in its edge and the newer games have too much wisecracking and it feels like they're trying to turn Sonic into Gex

A few years ago I played both SA games back to back and gave Heroes a try for the first time, I dropped it after about an hour. I can barely remember why but I fucking despised it, probably something about the controls.

If you only play through one story then its an alright game that could be better in spots. Trying to 100% the game is a fucking chore and I would never want to do it again.

Amazing OST as always though.

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It wasn't that good but it wasn't terrible either. It was just okay. There's better Sonic games, and there's worse ones too.

I loved it as a kid, despite janky controls.
Also one of the greatest OSTs in history of vidya.

Loved it to death even if it wasn't perfect.
I still want another game with metal sonic

PS2 versions are always the best because PS2 has the best graphics. Dumb nintenddie

I'm amazed that after all this time, no one tried to fix the controls with a fan mod.

A lot of Sonic games are fun up until you actually try to reach the ending, and then something in them shits the bed. The final boss fight in Generations is a great example. The game is so good and then ends with that bullshit.

SA.SA2, Heroes and Shadow deserve a remaster at least.

For me, it's Sonic Heroes 2

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I still love the game even if it's not good.

black creatures

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Doesn't it use the exact same physics, just without level design that's actually fun?

No, it's a little tighter.

Most of the time?

I really hate the rail sections because it always felt like the characters didn't 'stick' properly to the rail. It seemed like when switching rails it only worked properly half of the time and the rest of the time it just left my team flying off into the distance.

Also annoying voice acting and general bugginess.

I do think it's pretty fun to play though. I'm weird and I actually like the teams mechanics. I like when levels branch out briefly for more options and I like the variety.


>I really hate the rail sections because it always felt like the characters didn't 'stick' properly to the rail. It seemed like when switching rails it only worked properly half of the time and the rest of the time it just left my team flying off into the distance.
literally just use the dpad

I only owned the bunk ps2 version that let you replay the tutorial endlessly. Always hated that my mom wasted her money on this, made me want to burn walmart she even knew my autistic ass liked sonic without saying :(

Sonic Adventure, Adventure 2, Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog are all genuinly 10/10 platformers but you guys are too jaded too undrstand that. I fucking love Sonic games. There is no other franchise that even comes close to the Sonic series in terms of quality. And no you niggerfaggots this is not bait.

I played the GameCube version and I enjoyed it
No idea why people call it a bad game.
Maybe my standards were lower when I was younger

I HATED Tails' voice in Heroes. SA2B and Generations were perfect. He should sound like a young teen boy, not a fucking baby.

i like the level themes and some of the music. the rest of it is psychological torture.

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I beat Super Hard Mode on PS2, fuck me.

Are you mashing the dash button? You can just hold it.

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Unironically my favourite, up there with 2 and Mania

It was alright. I played it all the way through but the janky camera was terrible. One of my neighborhood friends was also into Sonic so we’d always play multiplayer together or take turns on the story mode, it was a lot of fun even though half the games were shit.