Worst music in a game

2 hours into it and can't stand it already. Battle music and area music is terrible anyone else felt this way?

Attached: 220px-Dragon_Quest_XI_cover_art.jpg (220x234, 23K)

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It's geared towards being child friendly and simplistic.

I'm 25 hours in and it's an excellent game, I wrote it off for being too childish at first, but it's great.

Is it true that Switch version orchestrated music? I listened it from youtube and it sounds lot better.

PC or PS4?


Is there any challenge whatsoever?

The ultimate redpill is that Sugiyama's scores aren't that good (and even worse when synthesized)... Some field music is great, but the majority of his battle music is extremely simplistic in terms of development

I like DQ8's score at least

Haha, unlucky. The orchestral PC mod is like night and day.

Are you on PS4? Just mute the game audio and listen to something better on spotify. The soundtrack on ps4 sucks so bad, even with fucking around with my speaker's EQ settings I couldn't get it sounding good.
Just listen to boards of canada or something, it gave the game a spooky lost in the forest vibe.

FUCK JADE AND FUCK BOOGIE! Back to back boss fights are retarded

It's the worst OST ever. Yea Forums will defend it though.

If I hear the ocean music one more time

Attached: 71oF-R22SNL._SY679_.jpg (453x679, 87K)

That's why you play it on PC with orchestra mod.

Might not be your cup or tea, but the ost isn't even close to being the worst ever.

Yes. I actually prefer the synthesized battle music. Everything else is better orchestrated.

Wow didn't know about this thanks bros

I will sell my ps4 copy and get for pc

The orchestrated music mod transformed the game because you here the same tracks for 70+ hours.

I feel like the entire soundtrack, orchestrated or not, feels boring. Is there any music mod to replace the soundtrack with songs from other Dragon Quest games?

absolute fucking retard

it's a gorgeous OST

it literally has songs from the other dragon quest games

Just play on mute like I do

You've played 10 games in your entire life if you think it's the "worst OST ever." Why do you fucking retards always love to talk in extremes?

in DQ the first half of the game is always easy.
In the second half the difficulty starts scaling up.
The big bosses will start hitting like absolute trucks, 40% of your characters' health or more. Hitting multiple characters in the party at once, the boss gets to do at least 2 actions every time its turn comes up.
A lot use moves that make your members miss their turn, can't be switched out during that period either. Suddenly your party is at half health and your healer is asleep. Of course, there are plenty of people to switch in so it's not really that dire
The health is tanky as well at that point. Earlier bosses fall quickly but with the hero or erik powered up all the way and boss defense debuffed can do 900 on an attack and bosses at this portion of the game still end up taking a good 15 minutes to beat if things don't go south.

I'm personally near the endgame and haven't beaten it, but I know what to expect from post-game from playing a lot of the series. Usually the final few bosses and all the bosses in postgame use a move that wipes out all your party's buffs at once.

There is a challenge thing where you fight a number of battles, each battle has like 1 or 2 slots for who can fight in it and you can't use the same character in more than one battle. They give you goals to beat it in fewer turns for more rewards, from what I've seen you pretty much need to be in postgame to get the last one.

can I get some general tips please? it's my first dragon quest game, i play without any harder difficulty settings and I am getting my shit pushed in...in the second location in the game (manglegrove forest?), some enemies called Lips are dealing half my hp in a single hit, and poison me. they hit for 15 and i have 30 hp.

what am i doing wrong? am i underleveled or need better gear? how the fuck can I be underleveled so early into the game? what am i doing wrong? maybe it's my build? i am going greatswords on the main guy and daggers on the blue haired guy

in case you don't remember where I am stuck, it's literally when you unlock the mini-forge

Some enemies you aren't supposed to fight yet but generally use buffs and debuffs. Not sute if I remember that part but if they are too strong you either need to buff more or you are not supposed to beat them yet.

Main storyline quests takes me there. I am supposed to visit the village I started in and find some kind of an orb for the blue haired guy. It's literally impossible not to pass through this location. It takes 3 attacks to kill one of these fucks and 2 attacks for them to kill my character, it's awful. I am out of money for more healing herbs and antitodes, i am literally stuck

It's shit, and the weakpoint of the game. It would be good if there was a different theme for each area or something, but that's Japs for you - listening to the same song on loop for 100 hours is fine to them.


Orchestrated version sounds better but the score in general for XI is kind of poor compared to past games.

I've never played DQ games but this music sounds so fucking good

it's in DQXI

DQ 1-5 all have better scores than 8

I agree, the synthesized battle theme for XI is the only case in this series where the orchestrated music is inferior.

funny cause dq8 is on the low end of sugiyama scores
god dq8 babies are so fucking annoying. jesus christ.

I did have to start grinding desu

The improved gear matters, you should be taking advantage of the forge and making as much of the shit as you can. It won't just help you by giving you better gear, but when you make high quality gear you can then use the pearls you get to upgrade the stuff that isn't being replaced.

If you still have shit gear you are going to prolong the fight and take more damage.

You definitely want to minmax the skill trees, don't try to spread. If you really want to try something it only costs 20g to refund a tree. This never scales up like other church rites do.

give your herbs to Erik, his turn comes up more often so he can heal you guys more often. I would save them for when hero runs out of MP to heal everyone.

If your attack does low damage try using a spell instead. Usually a lot of high defense enemies take more from magic.

It has been a long time since I played the start of the game so I don't know if you are underleveled. You should just press forward until your MP is exhausted and then go back to refill it if you don't think you will make it. You can always just go around the enemies at that point, but keep in mind you will end up weaker later on if you avoid battles.

Helichopper is great early on, it's the only way to do decent AOE damage until you get the caster twins. You will want Dual Wield on Erik's dagger tree ASAP, this can also be used to dual wield boomerangs or swords.

Install the symphonic ost mod you dumbfuck

You should consider fighting some lower level enemies to get gold and experience. You might be able to get some extra damage or defense by sorting the skills out properly. Wielding a shield early on should help.

You can always go back to the field before and kill some weaker enemies for cash and XP to help you press forward. It kind of depends on how you travel the overworld, you should be trying to hit monsters on purpose to get more. If you spend a lot of time running around them or ignoring them with the horse you can be gimping yourself early on.

It might be worth it to grind a little bit early on. DQ's simplicity is designed so that you can get through battles really quickly. You will get two more characters soon, but until then you will just kind of need to make due.

Yep, it's bad, but orchestrated sounds pretty good. If you're on pc get the music patched.

It is terrible. And don't listen to those saying the orchestrated tracks coming on the Switch version will fix everything, because orchestrated can't fix shit compositions in the first place. Might make some of them even worse, actually.