I'm going to play mordhau while i wear a maid dress, wish me luck

I'm going to play mordhau while i wear a maid dress, wish me luck.

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You father is disappointed in you and you are a disgrace to human kind. Keep following the shortsighted outlook of hedonism and escapism and come back crying in a decade when you are suicidal.

FAGGOT inb4 ur a grill

Women's clothes are uncomfortable. How the fuck is your skin supposed to breathe?

>I'm going to play mordhau while i wear a maid dress
Post thighs.

Good luck.

Legs and crotch breathes much easier in a skirt than they do in trousers.

Post thighs if thigh highs

Don't make this thread about you faglord

jokes on you i don't have father *dabs*

post your locked sissy clit

That might explain a few things, user.

why are they a failure because they want to dress like a maid? get the fuck off this website you faggot.

I'm aware of my situation and i enjoy it.

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ATT whoring thread inspired by the discord trannies conspiracy, kys, it isn't even worth a (You)

Ignore the bitter niggers here, good luck and have fun with The Game.

Thank you, new maps when?

post butt

>die nazi bohne
Hitler just popped a huge boner

This is my post now. It belongs to me.

Why do they make it all wavey? So the tractor dude doesn't die of boredom harvesting it?

Wear a kilt ya ladyboi

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Post dress

And I have taken yours.

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And they breathe even easier with no clothing at all.

Some kind of metaphorical tribute to the eradication of being straight.

Yeah, but that's not related to at all.

What if OP is a girl

None of this is related to video games, so we might as well post completely unrelated stuff.


Post legs. Now.

OP is right desu, wearing dresses while playing games is one of the best things in life. I suggest all you autists who have never tried it before go do it.

We're all just waiting for OP to send a link to his livestream. It's e-celeb related, and we all know that mods approve of E-celebs.

That would make me disappointed.

>not playing video games naked

Don't forget your buttplug to increase intelligence by 100.

>I'm gonna crossdress but not for a fetish or anything haha I'm not gay or anything haha
you'll be posting pictures of your ass and making posts begging for cock within a year, then you'll kill yourself within 5 years. I've seen this exact scenario play out a dozen times and it always ends the exact same way.

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Ah, a fellow nude gamer.

Dresses are expensive as fuck. I already spend quite enough on regular clothes.

To be honest women clothes are pretty comfy.


Kek, you made me laugh

>mfw i have a gore fetish
Tell me a cool and lewd way to die.

Waterboarding with piss.

Hot, can't wait to kill myself

Fuck the clothing industry for making girl's underwear so comfortable (specially those made with cotton).

Just go to a thrift store or buy from thredup.

I'm a big guy, I'd need one tailor made.

so fat?


Women's clothes have typically thinner fabric but they're built for a substantially different bone shape, and their underwear isn't designed to house a large frontal appendage.

High heels are the best things in life.

ive been playing path of exile while all dolled up, clitty locked up and a buttplug up my hole
it makes playing very hard!

get a smaller cage, you shouldn't be able to get hard

is this a girl gamer thread?
btw i really like these shoes

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No i mean the game gets very hard to play because my mind is all over the place


nice, wanna sit on my lap while you play?

Ready? I'm starting.
>cosplaying 2B
>plan this photoshoot with a photographer you just met in a remote place
>really cool place t b h, just really far away from any civilisation
>start shooting and it goes great
>the thing is I'm on my period
>15 minutes in and I feel overflowing my pad an bleeding to my legs
>there is no bathrooms or anywhere I can change my pad
>my white panty is now red
>thankfully we are not doing any butt shots
>it's too early to finish shooting but I'm scared that blood will be too much and reach my lower legs where skirt doesn't cover
>to add sprinkles I can't see very well with visor thingy and this guy has a camera
>I start subtly complaining about how tired I am
>which is not a lie because period cramps
>it tooks 20 minutes of complaining to convince him it's enough
>which I feel about because the photographer was also excited about this shoot
>I get home and take off everything
>my panty is all red, my skirt lining is almost covered in blood

But I think he didn't notice. I was stressed to hell though. Now I'm too scared to plan photoshoots in cool places.

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How tall? Check out Old Navy, they have a tall line that fits pretty well for me and I'm 6'2". they also have a clearance section on their website and you can get stuff super cheap. They don't have the cutest clothes but they aren't terrible.

how to order women's clothes without parents finding out


t. manlet

Move out.

>no fun allowed the post

Japanese girls are so cute

Tits or gtfo.
>inb4 tranny who dilated wrong

Yes i am 5'3 and wear a size 6-7 in mens. It benefits me greatly.

cute as fuck
combine them with sheer stockings/pantyhose

Should i buy a wig or let my hair long?

i just moved out and started using amazon to order all my stuff.
Although now a days my sister helps me out since she accidently found my girly drawer

Order to another address, like a postbox.

Based sister

>300 word essay due tomorrow
>can't stop browsing Yea Forums
Help me out
My topic is "Why traps are not gay'

Get a job and move away from your home, it's the easiest way

Traps are indeed gay but you can always be bisexual

Grow your hair out. Even if you're a guy in day to day life long hair is cute on everyone.


they are the pure essence of femininity

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>now we are discussing about sexuality
i just like cute things

>sister helps me out since she accidently found my girly drawer

>everyone talks about their clothes
>nobody posts them
You're just a bunch of LARPers.

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Yes! shes teaching me make up lately, its very fun and a cool way to bond desu


Well she was trying to find out my sizes for a birthday present and opened the wrong drawer :w:
She ended up getting me girl clothes instead

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>live action role play
Is op a knight?

Everything on this chart is gay.

even cis women?

LARPing as crossdressers, 4channel is a weird place

why didn't you just say they were your girlfriends clothes


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>1 chance at life
>6'2 hairy male with huge shoulders
How do I genetically reroll

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i like maids

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maybe tomboys are gay

He's a maiden.

Why are you complaining? That's peak physical performance.

I'm not sure if reborn is true but you can always try by killing yourself.

Good luck, maido-kun. Stream yourself if you are cute with it.

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What was her initial reaction? Do your parents know?

>he borns to be a full warrior
>in the wrong time, in the wrong era, in the wrong country
Yeah, life is unfair.

You can't change your height or your bone structure but there's a lot of things you can do to fix everything else. Your shoulders can get smaller if you lose muscle and you can get rid of the hair. And you can be super cute if you try to be.

Guys what about if we talk about mordhau?

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Because i dont have one and she would never believe me
My parents dont know and she was pretty excited, saying stuff she always wanted a sister and stuff, im not a trans though but she likes to pretend im her sister now

>not becoming the evil bastard who molests cute boys in doujin


I remember reading this on /cgl/


are you me?

>saying stuff she always wanted a sister and stuff, im not a trans though but she likes to pretend im her sister now
Now i'm jelly, you lucky girl.

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cringe and cuckpilled

>105 posts
>Not a single user asking what build OP's going to play with
How do you want me to project if you don't tell me what is your favorite weapon, OP ?

cgl is a horrible place.

I have zero knowledge about cosplaying, j-fashion or whatever, but I sometimes like reading feels threads, they are often cute

I can't wait until full on transhumanism is a thing.
Our generation won't be saved by it, but knowing that one day people won't be tortured by the gender coinflip and genetic lottery as much anymore is a comforting thought.

a n
e e d
d d

Sometimes they tell good stories about conventions, remark on sometimes


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At least you can't fall for the trap meme

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Period blood is sexy as fuck

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There's a clear lack of self consciousness between them

Be honest with me user, are you a boy or a girl?

Only ever since the trannies and thirsty cucks took over everything

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That's what he said: a skirt.

>Grandma goes through my room and finds my cosplay clothes
>Tell her that it's my mom's

Not a girl though!! Just like wearing girly stuff
also dont be jealous im sure you can get a friend to do the same!

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What if user's father was also a crossdresser?

>trap son X trap father

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C-cute !

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tits and gtfo

back to youtube kid

>5'11 slim guy with long hair
>been mistaken for a girl before
did i win or lose the lottery?

Depends, do you like to wear cute clothes?
or be chad among chads?

Don't worry OP
I can be your Daddy

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post butt pls

I don't think height actually maters that much. I'm 6'2 and I've been mistaken for a girl more often than people realizing I'm a guy. Especially since I started using my girl voice irl.

So basically just focus on being cute and height doesn't matter.

based daddy

>tfw crossdresser who sometimes hooks up with and gets fucked by guys

I don't pass but does it even matter?

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>tfw balding
What a shame.

Anyway videogames.

They have pills that can reverse that now you know

wear a wig
it doesn't matter as long as you work

>anyway videogames.

Plenty of guys actually prefer traps who don't pass, but feminine

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>still no pics

Being mistaken for a girl doesn't mean you're cute. More often than not people who use that as a point of pride are just mistaken for ugly adult women because long hair is associated with women, attractive or otherwise.

I don't care about "passing", I just have a fetish for crossdressing.

>thread is still up
Come on, mods. At least pretend that you care.

Is OP a lumberjack?

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Ill give u pics if you give me pics ;)

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user stop sleeping on the floor.

nice thighs show butt please


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At least you try 7/10

Poor user sleeps on the ground and only has a mattress in his room :(

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