*gives you better deals then steam in your path*
*gives you better deals then steam in your path*
Game Pass subscription services are the future for PC.
>blocks you from buying multiple games because no shopping chart
>on unrefundable shitty indie games that are already paid and don't have incentive to keep improving the game
>High seas give even better deal.
no regional pricing
Imagine paying for games.
>Can't put a fucking shopping cart on their store.
They're just desperate to get anyone using their store at this point. They're suffering a lot now, but there's no way they would let the public know that.
So that piece of shit indie game is 10 yuan's cheaper than on steam. Cool. Fuck off and drink more gutter oil you insectoid freak.
Well, can't argue with that. I still won't give them any money though.
>not pirating epic games store games
Imagine paying for EGS games which have their first 150k copies paid for by Tim.
I hate this shitty zoomer meme of Fortnite-like perpetual updates on video games.
>getting a free game still counts as a sale from epics part and makes it seem like people are actually buying games on the platform
If it helps them feel good about their store, who am I to stop them?
Wherever a chink shill appears, I’ll always be there to remind them
When Hollywood had balls to criticize China.
what's the point of giving better deals when I'll still pirate it?
Because piracy is the better deal.
nice library epicchad
here's mine
die shill
Hi guys
27 more free games this year. I hope I don't miss any.
they said that games will be cheaper because the publishers get bigger cut. but the games are normal price.
why did they lie to us? can we sue for false marketing and each receive 1 dollars from the law suite?
You chinks are fucking shit at memes
>they said that games will be cheaper because
They did?
Can someone sauce me on this pic? What the fuck is it? Reverse image search isn't returning anything.
You fucking wish.
New SpaceX shuttle
Where? I don't see any.
>living on a shithole
Oh yeah, because fortnite definitely did it first/best
Not like, TF2 or Terraria, no. Not even Minecraft. Your fucking little baby zoomer game did it. That was the first thing thar popped in your pea brain.
>Forcefully divides the market with an inferior service
>Is undoing years of progressional coexisting among gaming clients
>Is actively creating animosity among developers and consumers
>Set on removing power from consumers to prop up corporations
>Pretends to care for developers while forcing 100+ hour weekly crunches
>Actively committing multiple crimes to strong arm the industry
Absolute Chads
>remove game from Epic because they're putting it on sale when it's not even released yet
No refunds, Chinacuck corporation, bad customer service and shitty launcher? No thanks. Epic Games is a wealthy company who could easily have developed a really great platform, but it is barebones shit and they are expecting us to want to make an account with another shitty launcher..