Are there any videos games where I can be a cat?

Are there any videos games where I can be a cat?

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I bet that hurt like a bastard!

Why would kot do this?

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Same, one time a wild cat got onto my back porch and when a net failed I just put on some thick gloves and grabbed the bastard. Teeth went right through the gloves and his fangs pierced my thumb. Can’t imagine how badly that must have hurt for the gentleman in that gif.

Attached: tense cat encounter.webm (360x640, 2.93M)

I need more sad cats damn it

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Nintendogs you fucking idiot

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Jesus fucking Christ please don't overfeed your pets, Yea Forums

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Ghost Trick

What remains of Edith finch

Cat-Life mod for Half-Life

An absolute unit

They incorporated a studio and hired new staff around a year ago.
We must hold on, user

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oh lawd he comin

What game is this?

Best cat.

Kys yourselffaa ittes.

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Xenoblade 2

Feral Druid in WoW

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Timesplitters: Future Perfect

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God I'm sick of the sad cat meme.

I don't know the origin of these crying cats.

I like the one with the pizza.

gravity rush

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those cats aren't sad, they're sick
that's why ever single "sad cat" meme is terrible
Retards projecting human qualities of "Oh it's teary eye'd must be sad ;("

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I want an obese cat.

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Cats are for cucks. Sòy niggers and old hags who are unloved, dogs are for Chads and normal people.

cats are fags

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Isn't this a shitpostbot meme?

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Only weak pussy would keep a dog.

Imagine being so pathetic you can't find enjoyment in all animals.

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post big cats

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Murdered soul suspect let's you possess cats sometimes.

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In the game Everything

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dun worry user it’s just a photoshop

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Based Niggerman


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Have sex

sonic rush

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BlazBlue: Central Fiction Lets you play as a cat that smashed the thickest bitch in the series. They actually had a kid together.

Jubei is a pimp.

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Preferably games with non-stinky cats, please.

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I feel you bro. People are fucking retarded.

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That feeling when you have crippling social anxiety and someone attempts to interact with you.

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That's a good looking cat.

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>Yea Forums videogames

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pic related is the original

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that cat is high as shit

>cat squirms around when I try to pet it
>think it doesn't want me to pet it
>keeps coming back for me to pet it
I don't understand

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>Be a dogchad my whole life
>gf moves in and brings a random fucking cat that I have never seen in her place
>dog is chill while the cat runs around the house being an asshole to the dog

I actually love my cat now. She's a fucking asshole but occasional goes full dere whenever she sees me petting my dog.

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Oops that's not the bug thread sorry sorry

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does anyone even know the source of where this stupid crying cat image came from

Why must cats do this shit

>annoy animal
>it fights back

god I want to breed him

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They're technically still wild animals that never got properly domesticated.


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>cat lies on me at their own discretion and do nothing about it
>annoy animal


dogs are annoying, loud, smelly, dirty, stupid beasts. How anyone enjoys them is beyond me

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it doesn't have to be consensual
and If I last long enough, it will be "tomorrow"

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Ghost trick... Oh wait. Sorry.

yes it is

Wasn't someone making a cat's life in Hong Kong simulator?

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Stop posting sad cats it makes me sad

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>do nothing about it
Get your eyes checked. He's pushing the cat with his leg.

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>alt+f tokyo jungle
>0 results

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>tfw no cat gf

posting last rare sadcat before slep

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Impressive collection.

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>no one posted the based cat who tried to save the last drop of manhood on the ps4 guy
I'm disapointed

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Cats owners are consistently average. Dog owners are either bros or crazy people. No in between.

Ghost Trick May be what you're looking for.

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It's called playing hard to get. It's not because your cat doesn't like being petted all the time that it doesn't appreciate hanging around you.

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Oh no what's wrong with it

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i hate cats

t. owner of 2 fucking cats

>2 fucking cats

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its just a meme you sperg
also you realize its ONE face being photoshopped onto different cats, right? i mean, youre not that dumb are you?

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There there, user.

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I love my kot Yea Forums

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reddit as fuck
you only want a dog to have something to push your domineering personality onto and feel superior because dogs will do anything you say (like a cuck). cats are true chads who are independent and dont need you to live. a cat is a bro, a dog is nothing more than a little cuck leech

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t. Dog

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