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Other urls found in this thread:


Only I have the brains to rule Lylat.

Fatal Frame 2.

Diablo 1, the butcher scared me to not play the game for a whole year.

Regenerators from re4

Half Life - On A Rail level
There is one room with bones and blood on the floor and spooky music playing

Jolly Roger Bay in SM64. I used to have one of the older neighbor kids come over to do all the underwater stars for me.

Silent Hill 4, Fatal Frame 2 and unironically the original Slenderman

Quake 2. My father forced me to sit on his lap and watch this game when I was 4.
When I got 5 I already cleared that game by myself.

Ah! Fresh meat!

Everblue 2. No other diving game since has given me the same sense of dread the moment I fuck something up. The pressure meter warning chime made me nearly shit my pants on more than one occasion.
Plus the sunken ships. I never finished the game because I didn't want to enter the third shipwreck.

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>game is quiet, no music
>fucking dragon comes out of nowhere at warp speed and wrecks your shit while growling at max volume no matter what the volume is set at on the tv

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>Regenerators from re4
I didn't finish RE4 until I turned 16 or something because I stopped at the island every time and just started a new game instead of continuing.

Tomb Raider II
I was fucking thrilled by it, but every fucking corner gave me massive paranoia. I couldn't handle all those human enemies. It was pretty strange.

When I was 7 or 8 I couldn't bring myself to get past the first hallway into the large room right before the exit in map01 in Doom 2. I remember seeing a lost soul fly past and never having the courage to go in, but lost souls aren't on that level so it must've just been a fireball from one of the imps. I mostly spent my time in game just watching the demos that play when you idle at the main menu.

The Sims

Dad cracking the belt behind me when I'm in the middle of it.

Only one that didn't freak me out was putting on the Zora mask.

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GTA: San Andreas after looking up all the myths and legends on Youtube.

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Too much of a bitch to do half the things in this level

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The aquatic dinosaurs in that one night stage in the first Ape Escape were spooky on their own but that fucking giant catfish made me turn of the PS1 as soon as I fell in the water.

Outside of the Butcher, Diablo 1 had some of the most nightmarish atmosphere of any game I’ve played to date. The music, the way enemies move around in the dark, etc. It’s basically a horror game

still spooky

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No joke.

I remember the first time I dropped into the abyss knowing I was going to die from the pressure. Goblin sharks and all that other shit, screen flashing red. Damn near gave me a heart attack.

Everblue 3 when????

Abes Oddysee. Fucking scrabs yo


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Splatterhouse 3.
The Teddy Bear. Absolutely fucking scarring, I don't know why the fuck my dad would play it in front of me. I was like 6 or 8. Anyone else remember?

I made my best friend play it. I don't know why I found it so scary

it'su spoOoky

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I was petrified by Mortal Kombat fatalities, Polterguy's villain and Mighty Max's game over screen.

Chex Quest

This nigga. For some reason his laughing animation scared the crap out of me

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>I don't know why I found it so scary
Shit, I do. They look scary, they sound scary, and they play scary. I didn't know what the infrared scope was when I was a kid, so I was helpless against them. That just made them even scarier.

Aka endless ocean 3

Fellowship of the Ring, the part where the wraiths show up. Up to this point, the game has been mostly this happy, childish thing where Frodo goes around throwing rocks, collecting mushrooms, helping out the townspeople, doing pranks, etc.
Then the wraiths show up and you go through this creepy-as-shit stealth sequence where Hobbiton in shrouded in night and these motherfuckers are patrolling all over the place.

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The game where you get locked in the punishment closet for 4 hours


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>that werewolf howl
>that chainsaw level
>those dolls
Also the game over screen for Star Fox SNES also creeped me out

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the haunted mansion in tony hawk pro skater 3

Thanks for bringing up every repressed memory I had of both ZAMN and Star Fox.

Resident evil 3 Nemesis stuck in my head for a long time

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Half Life. Headcrab Zombies gave me the heebie-jeebies.

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Also the stage that starts underwater and you have to swim to the sunken ship in Tomb Raider 2.
Fuck underwater shit. Especially in video games.

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Resident evil 1

I was eight years old when I had my first experience with pathologic. About 30 seconds in, I faced down the two fuckers in pic related and immediately noped the fuck out of the game - by pressing the power button.
I had nightmares that night and probably buried that game somewhere deep in my mind.
Imagine my surprise when some twelve years later, I played the classic hd version because of threads on Yea Forums, and instantly recognized it as THAT game.

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those last three levels.

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y birb eat bepis ??

Every single boss in Donkey Kong 64

I don't exactly remember what game it was but it was a car racing game either on PS1 or PS2.
All I know is that there was a police car chasing after whoever was playing the game (I was just watching) and the police car flipped over and landed upside down and then it started jittering and jumping around with the siren going off while the police car is spazing upside down.
I don't know why but that scared me as a kid, it was probably just faulty collision of the PS1/PS2 days making the car bounce around but all I could think about was the policemen in the car getting crushed to shit and dying horribly.

I just couldn't do it

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none - i played 2600 when I was a child

>rent OoT
>dumb kid so I try to play the furthest file
>start in Temple as adult, bretty cool
>let's go to the mar-WHY IS THE SKY DEAD
>what's that thi-WHY IS IT EATING MY HEAD
>power off


Nighttime Sims 1 was always me clenching my ass hoping nothing spooky would happen in the night

Looking up this fucking picture gave me goosebumps

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this entire level

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I used to get nightmares by watching my older brothers play Shadow Warrior and the original Alien VS Predator. For the former, it was mainly the gore and the latter was the zenomorphs sneaking up on you while making those screechy noises.

always feel a little old when I post this one

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is that a wampa in shadows of the empire? there are wampa's in mysteries of the sith too. i've heard ig 88 is pretty scary too.

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duke nukem 3d

Game was bright until this part

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The opening cutscene in this game scared the shit out of me as a 5-year old kid. Whenever I played it at school I had to look away.

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I always liked the 'lost in the woods' feel of Pajama Sam, it was oddly comfy in a way

Phantasmagoria when the potted plant breaks and theres a skull inside.

Yeah that's from Shadows of the Empire.

IG88 was fucking nightmare inducing, I couldn't finish the game because of it. I loved Star Wars as a kid so I kept trying to replay this since it was the only SW game my parents bought me, but I couldn't do it.


>those fucking sfx

Not the game itself, but this track:


Jesus. Lavender Town was literally unplayable for 7 year old me unless this shit was muted.

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Doom. I would watch my father play Doom and it was very frightening.

>that one song from Overlord playing in the background
Yeah, that was the shit.

tfw I never found the sun's song because I was too scared of the tomb's ReDeads

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God, some of the deaths in this game were fucking brutal. Keep in mind, the protagonist in this is a child.

For some reason my ps1 came with a copy of Nightmare Creatures 2.
I must've been 6 when I played it. Scared the ever living shit out of me.

Pretty sure a legit sadist composed this song.

See fuck redeads

I can't remember the name of the game but it was about these stuffed animals that would shoot each other. No clue why i found it so disturbing but I did.
I wouldn't mind going back to it after all these years just to see it now.


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No not that.

Fur Fighters

Return To Castle Wolfenstein. The catacombs levels were scary as shit.

unga bunga


Yeah this is it. I should go find a rom of it for ps2 and play it.

Fuck this boss and fuck the Skulltulas.

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Is that when you first see the zombies?

Resident Evil 2 scared the shit out of me when I was like 6.

Resident Evil on the 64 was scary as hell for 6 yo me meanwhile my 4 yo son is practicing fatalities on the playground.

Fucking this, I never actually played past that part since I was shit at stealth too. Was the rest of the game any good?


inb4 that speedrun

i think so. it comes right after the snowy town level iirc

Undying scared the everliving shit out of me.

Probably RE2

The music in the police station would suddenly make a loud bang like a door slamming. Got me everytime.


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heart of darkness
the death scenes were traumatising to me

I was 8 years old in 05 when Psychonauts came out
Thorny Towers gave me nightmares

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fucking this
I was scared of CJ moms ghost eating my 10yo ass

The redeads in WW were definitely the scariest
The way they lock your screen and scream while coming to life
Fuck that scream still haunts me

Played pic related as a 5 y/o. Crawling around a haunted house is frightening enough, but IIRC the game ends with finding the diary of some dead girl and cuts to her ghost banging on the locked bedroom door. This game scared me into having great reading comprehension. Also, playing Parasite Eve and Bushido Blade at that age were also bretty spooky.

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Fuck that starting house. It's dead silent when you walk around. It even looks haunted from the outside.

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Ocarina of Time Shadow Temple
Moon from Majoras Mask
Rainbow Road from Mario Kart

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Rayman 3

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yabba my icing

Lavender Town. Seriously what the fuck, i was like 8.

Clay Fighter
Heart of Darkness
Bionic Commando

alice american mcgee
I think I might download and replay it

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>Rainbow Road from Mario Kart
... what?

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>CJ moms ghost eating my 10yo ass
Took me a while to understand that this meant.

not him but falling into endless space is scary as fuck

God, being outside this cave was a huge relief

Space is scary user.

Megaman Legends underground ruins were scary as fuck

I was a very easily scared child so there’s a lot, I remember this in particular though when my older brother and cousin showed me it

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I was scared of those 2 vampires that were feeding on a corpse in Soul Reaver for some reason

This though now I just find Alice in all her forms hot as fuck.

This, I'm replaying but still get spooked sometimes, the music is too somber and you keep hearing the reaverbots in the distance.

Never really got how that song bothers people so much.

Space has nothing on deep sea tho.

That one random scary abandoned home in the first Fable game. Fuck that

The hands busting through the walls for the first time spooked the fuck out of me.

luigi's mansion when the blackout happens

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the N64 was basically "Childhood Nightmares: the Game Console" for some reason

I was scared shitless of King K. Rool. His bulging red eyes, the way he moved, he was fucking freaky

The hand coming out of the toilet in Majoras Mask.


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I can't imagine the terrible fortune one must have to play pathologic as a child

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A Buzz Lightyear game on Ps1, the second level (lava planet) had these giant leeches that fell from cave roof and grabbed onto your neck and made it impossible to control buzz for a few seconds. As a kid I was absolutely terrified of leeches (my mum got one on the eyeball, and that memory still scares me).

Also, embarrassingly I was too scared to finish the fucking bunker level in Uncharted 1 for ~2months.

RESIDENT EVIL 1, gave me nightmares but made me strong

While Rusty Bucket Bay didn't hurt me too much as a kid, it did share something that did from BK. Fucking Snacker the shark chasing after you in Treasure Trove Cove, I hated the two items you had to go underwater for, and flying over the water at any point in the game.

That stupid Chucky doll knockoff in the horror levels on Gex 64. It was bad enough that they chased you with a knife and their heads fell off but the head was the weak point and kid me did not figure this out. So yeah, headless (seemingly) invincible knife wielding doll, fun times for a 6 year old.

Young me dropped Diablo 1 at that point and I didn't pick it up again for at least 10 years afterwards. I was extremely hesitant to get into D2 due to it as well, although I quickly realized it wasn't nearly as bad

Super Mario Sunshine gave me a phobia of the depths of the ocean. Or any submarine game with a low FOV.

Math Blaster?

This is seriously the only game that scared me as a kid. The whole game was pretty scary but at some point near the end I got too creeped out and couldn't finish. Never saw the end.

This but only the armadillo

My first real experience with FPS as a young child is pic related. This game scared the shit out of me but I was always wanting to see more so I'd keep coming back. The chanting of the warlocks still gets to me.

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I was 7 years old and legit scared when he ran at the screen. Half-life was also creepy when I first played it back in 1999, I almost gave up at the three tentacle.

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Oh and Metroid Prime with the low energy and radiation alarm sounds made me anxious as fuck. Also the game over screen, fuck that.

Lost Eden. Fucking scary-ass early CG dinosaurs.

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Fallout 3

The area i circled in my picture is where Snacker hangs out in this level. I hate that shark

This is a major weenie answer but I remember that got to me as well, it just sort of pulls the rug from under you. The first game worked really well as "babby's first survival horror game," I feel like they've lost that angle a bit.

Seeing the ghosts thoroughly rustled my jimmies. You couldn't move while they were on screen. I didn't even know there was a Rotom encounter there until a while later. I just thought the TV was supposed to be scary

>when you stare at the moon long enough and realize it really is getting closer instead of just snapping into place every day

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Is this the source of that Candlejack m

eh ive always been a major weenie, only been able to complete the alan wake games without giving up due to the wuss factor

Megaman X4 final boss, what the fuck Sigma.
His theme still give me creeps because I remember all those fucking terrifying transformations.

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im not proud of it, but I was also really young at the time and couldn't understand everything

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Holy shit, that Level and the space one scared the shit out of me

i wasn't even 10, this shit gave me nightmares.

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For some reason when I was very young this scene from Kirby Superstar scared me so bad I shut off my snes and ran out of the room crying

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pretty much every time you had to go out at night in this game

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No, Candlejack is from Frea

ocarina of time. fucking redeads

GTA Vice City

fuck that goddamned yeti

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Nothing will ever be more terrifying than the initial encounters with X in Metroid Fusion.

Ya'll remember this asshole?

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for some reason i found this to be one of the more tense stealth games back in the day, despite the guards basically being cartoons.

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Zombie Raid, I was in Canada on a camping trip with my family and grandparents and it was a real shitty trip but they had a local arcade. I go in and see the attract mode to Zombie Raid, and it scarred me for the rest of that year as I kept having nightmares about it.

Why did Rare make such fucked up game over screens?

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I thought they were cool but the Forest Temple was what fucked me up back then. My little brother was afraid of Wind Waker redeads for years, though. He might still be for all I know.

>the ghosts are facing left or right
>they just turn to you and start rushing
>the battery is melting
this level was pure nightmare


Half life 2 Ravenholm took me a week to get through when i was 8 years old because i was so fucking scared to move forward

King Kong for Gameboy Advance, there was a point in the jungle where you pass a blind corner then get attacked by a raptor and this jarring music cue always made me jump, as raptors had always been the most dangerous non boss type enemy it was absolute bullshit when you cant even dodge this attack as it is in a tight corridor so you pay a toll of minimum 25% of you health depending on which character you had in the lead

Putting that in a kids game.

I was a major weenie and any game where dying was even remotely bloody scared the shit out of me, but what got me the worst was pretty much any first person game. For some reason I always imagined that some shit was hiding just out of view and it scared me to death

I thought it was catchy

>Playing the demo with a friend
>Those fallen one intestines flapping about when you kill them
>Run back out to town every time we see an enemy to gather courage before going down and fighting them
>Come upon square room
>Aah, fresh meat!
>Panic, flap about keyboard then hard reset.
>Gather ourselves, start the desktop up again and uninstall the demo

>A year or two later play the real thing to bits

I was afraid of the Sega startup sound for any game on my Genesis

It didn't spook me but I knew shit wasn't right.


Resident Evil and Silent Hill. I had to drop both of them because they were too scary when i was a kid.

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I remember there being a creepypasta for this song. Something to do with it causing headaches and inducing suicide in children or something.

Yoshi's Island. That game and its giantification fetish fucked me up.
>baloon mob turning into giant ball
>getting eaten by a frog, the only instace of reverse giantification and I gotta battle inside a stomach
>piranha plant turns into eldrich horror

The whole theme of "You FUCKED up BIG TIME" was fucking terrifying to me as a child. Jesus Christ. And then the atmosphere goes fucking crazy.

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>he never got passed IG-88
>he never experienced the true nightmare fuel that was the Dianoga boss

Absolutely nothing I played as a kid made me shit bricks harder than that motherfucker.

Did you bleed hyper-realistic blood afterwards?

Failing to input L A R A in Chrono Trigger and the tanker chase in Parasite Eve 1.

Boy, do I have a game for you.

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Manhunt after news coverage of that guy who slaughtered his friend because of the game

When playing Crash Bandicoot 2, I swear I remember Dr. N. Brio talking about how he was going to use the gems I collected to use my playstation to delete Dr. Cortex or something. Like it was some Psycho Mantis 4th wall breaking shit, where he was going to delete the save file. I was scared I was going to lose my progress so I didn't collect the gems, but now I can't find that cutscene anywhere. I'm either smoothbrain and just can't find it, or it didn't happen and I made it up. Either way, it was unsettling. Crash 2 is kind of unsettling to me anyway, but I'm gay baby so whatever.

I'm still unclear on why that time rift was there for her other then because video games

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This entire game put me on edge. Was a great game but man it spooked me.

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This part

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Replace child with grown man

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I hated this temple because of these fuckers

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holy shit, Icame here to post this exactly. I didnt know anyone even knew about this and that fuckedme up more


Also, King Leoric.
Fuck Blizzard and Diablo 3 for that WoW look

The Tiny Tiger boss fight from Crash 2. Legit ran out of the room crying and needed one of my older siblings to beat him for me.

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This shit actually gave me nightmares from snes days

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Pretty much everything in this


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Tomb Raider 1. Dark, water-filled caves with monsters and traps gave me nightmares for years.

Jokes on you, I love Monster x Girl stuff now

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Those octopus in Ecco the Dolphin
and Cacodemon in the original Doom

>this guy beat a game as a kid. that shouldn't be possible!

It was because of shit like this terrifying me as a child that I ended up loving zombie movies as an adult.

Halo 3 first flood level

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I already had bathophobia before I played it as a kid. If anything it helped me get over it jsut a little bit, but it didn't stop being terrifying.
But those fucking goopy ass giant piranha plants scared me shitless I swear. They jsut looked so monstrous and the fucking noises they made were from a nightmare.

Everything about Analogman freaked me out.

RE3 police station locker room

This f'n pork. The way he laughed and changed direction like those abominations in your nightmares, when you're running around a object. youtu.be/0ulfvxA11hg?t=19

The fight with Crocomire in Super Metroid. Namely the part where his skeletal form appears.

I'm old but I remember this being quite scary as a kid.

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>Be around the time windwaker came out
>Hyped as fuck after OOT and MM
>play through it for a bit
>the open sea on such a small boat freaks me the fuck out but I am like eh whatever
>Clear the deku tree and big octos start spawning
>Still fine
>Try to find where the fuck to go next
>End up finally finding it after having sailed to every fucking region on the map
>Start clearing stuff
>Get right up to the triforce collection
>Save deleted by little bro or corrupted
>Super bummed out
>Start having nightmares of big octos
Funny enough shit like SOTC wasnt scary at all for me.
I was able to play shit like RE and SH just fine as well.

Get out literal child.

Robot Andross scared me worse

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Stanley: the Search for Dr. Livingston.

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I played through the resident evil games and was fine it was just that particular level that spooked me unreasonably

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Silent Hill 3. Such an eerie, lonely atmosphere of dread.

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>alone in the dark 1
now that aged like milk most would not understand, but was really scary shit for me

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Such is life in the zone...

>SW Bounty Hunter on the PS2
>those zombie things in the Bando Gora and their weird sounds



oh shit, i know what you mean. that final level with those monkey-like ninja things that wheeze..

not only that, but hearing the last words of Roz before she dies wishing you luck and wishing you would change your mind about going after the bounty as you traverse a graveyard planet..

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Rayman 2, the overworld theme spooked me and the robot pirates also scared me because of their design, also the level where you have to follow the whale and the piranhas eat your air made anxious as fuck

Metroid Prime Series cause of the Metroids, and Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask cause of the ReDeads. Had to get my cousin to get me past the segments with a lot of those so I could beat the rest of the game.


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I had the demo of diablo 1 when I was quite young and that was very scary. I never actually got up to the butcher, I just used to wander around and then get killed when a whole heap of enemies surrounded me.

The fucking sewers. The FUCKING sewers.
10 year old me was a gibbering mess by the end.

This place gave me the creeps

Ps1 game called tenka it was a fps not very good but the enemies were quite unnerving

enjoy your stay

>the camera clipping through the wall, showing the vast nothingness on the other side
That makes it all a million times worse.

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Where, Yea Forums?

Going through the Darkwood used to spook me out.

spiderman 1 movie game stealth missions with those damn robots that would come in when you raised an alarm.

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i've heard that line so many times in games..

This bossfight was sheer terror and pure adrenaline. Those noices that thing makes are fucking horrifying.

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Probably no one here has ever played it but there was this old flash game Steppenwolf: The X Creatures Projects that I played when I was 5. There was another series Arcane by the same developer. Many levels from those games terrified the fuck out of me with shit like pic related.

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>bro hand me the controler
>mother fucking resident evil
>controles are weird as fuck for the young me whom only played contra and exitbike
>get to THAT hallway
>NOPEed hard and havent touched the game since

Wacky Racers
Getting into configuring DOS games as a kid, I never imagined a game like this would tax a Pentium 120Mhz. So I fired up a pirated copy I found somewhere and waited. Some sixty seconds later I get the slowest, most hair raising music and sound effects coming out of the speakers. And I about crapped myself and ran. Mustered up the courage to go back in and Ctrl^C the bitch when for some reason the game wasn't displaying the slo-mo attract mode any more, but rather just the word: MUPPET. Hit the power button and NOPEd outta there for a couple days. Years later found out it was just one of the cheat codes for the game, but I never entered it myself. Must have been a trainer in with the download.

Had something similar happen with RE2 on N64. I was a Mario and Zelda kid, so suddenly being thrown into the intro of RE2 at a friend's house led to quick death.

Fucker's still just as terrifying, damn. Didn't he have a roar or something, or did terrified little kid me dream up a noise he didn't even make?

Poor Zombie Jingaling...

animal crossing scared me because i thought every time someone frowned i did something wrong

it gave me nightmares

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Does anyone remember the name of that Russian, or eastern EU game, starts with You are...? It was creepy, or weird at least.

Divers dream

Thalassophobia manifested from the stress of constently drowning

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exactly, also dead bottles and the murder of the gray jinjo family did not help

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you know why


almost pissed my pants when i was a kid and i was 9 back then

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Yeah, at 0:31
It's not much, but as a kid who didn't know better it was terrifying.


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it's fucking circus

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silent hills

The nightmares are coming back! Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!!

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doom I was somewhere between 7 and 10, those fucking bulls bro jesus christ

the sound in that game was genuinely terrifying

I was 6-8 actually because if I was 10 I'd be playing halo or console games constantly

but god damn doom was terrifying

kek, the noises they made

Rayman 2 zombie chickens were too spoopy. that whole game creeped the hell outta me

Why the N64 has so much fucking nightmare fuel?

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*heartbeat intensifies*

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It was okay to scare kids back then, and the limited hardware made it look more surreal.

I'd say it's the sharp but undetailed graphics, and often short draw distance

little big adventure for some reason

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Nintendo, what the fuck?

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Black ops zombies
I guess zombies ingeneral

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And the one in Killer Instinct Gold.

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Resident Evil

>Awful choppy frame rate that looked like the thing would break at any moment
>Small weird graphical glitches
>Weird glitchy worlds
>Actually legit scary sprites and skeletons
But it was the best game i had on my Phantom System until i got Super mario.

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home alone on the snes scared the shit out of me whenever macaulay culkin died

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I hated the sound of getting hit in that game as a kid. Hid in the closet when my mom played it.

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This silly cartoon ghost actually freaked me out. Especially the noises he made.

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Halo in general didn't scare me as a kid
But the library and it's track mad me freak

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Siberia and Notre Dame in Timesplitters 2.

Resident Evil 2, but it's normal. The other game that scared the shit out of me was a 3D snake game where there were creatures in the shadows around each stage, you could only see their eyes. If you went out of the borders of the stage they would eat you and I remember it being graphic. Also, all you had to do to go to the next stage was play normally and collect points and then a key would appear so you could unlock a gate that led to the next stage. There was a time limit, when it ran out, night would fall in the stage and the creatures would enter it making it impossible to finish it as they would eat you. Anybody remember this game?

this game, along reading some fucking book about a zombie apocalypse, made me fear the night and got almost no sleep for many weeks, thinking that a zombie outbreak could happen any time.
shit sucks when i remember it

Why did they do this?

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The sand creatures from Prince of Persian for the PS2, I don't even remember which one, I know it started with some guys trying to open up a game but very early on some monsters appeared

>"Are you ready for your final journey!?"

Original Doom especially when you wanted to close the game with those spoopy messages.

Most of the DK64 bosses, but for some reason King Kut-Out made me freak out a bit with all the noises he made, I guess it was the uncanny nature of it all, though the giant dragonfly and Jack in the box were close seconds.

Then there was that damn sniper in some parts. "Get out...."

this game is fucking disgusting

Yes it was.
But or was that one or ghostbusters as a bundle with phantom system.

I need your guys help, trying to remember a game, it was a point and click first person horror game, like silver key/shivers

All i remember is the first level supernatural stuff doesn't happen until you turn a radio on... and i think level 2 you crash your car and it takes place at the bottom of a lake?

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That game gave me nightmares for completely other reasons the fucking awful controls. The game is also over appreciated trash with shitty main character and annoying as fuck npcs.

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When I was like 3 the boss music in Super Mario 64 scared the shit out of me for some reason.

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this motherfucker

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>Odie scares Garfield while he is watching television, and he ends up falling on the television. In a rushed effort to repair the television before Jon catches them, Garfield and Odie attempt to put the banged up and broken pieces together. Without so much as a screwdriver, Garfield quickly reassembles the television, minus a part or two.[2] As Garfield throws away the spare pieces, they become an electronic monster known as the Glitch. The Glitch transports Garfield into the television and now he must defeat the Glitch to make his way out.
the concept of being sucked into horror movies playing on your TV and being trapped there with no escape and then dying to like the third enemy in the game and having existential dread about what it would be to die while trapped in the TV made me freak out, turn the Genesis off, run out of the room, and tell my mom to return it and get me something else because this was these thoughts were the most horrifying I'd ever had as a child

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Majora's mask. It gave me repeated nightmares of the moon falling on the town. The future Hyrule Town in OOT scared the crap out of me as well.

Resident Evil was another one. I couldn't get past the start of the game because the zombie upstairs petrified me.

I can never not be mad at this. Fucking Blizzard dropped the ball hard with D3.

Speaking of flash games, escape room games to me were generally unsettling as fuck except Escape the Magenta Room with that one big anime tiddies poster. The submachine ones being the fucking worst. I don't

I don't know what it is about N64 games but a lot of them felt super unsettling. I remember also being creeped out by Banjo Kazooie, not by any enemy or area in particular, just moving around the world was creepy for some reason.

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the fucking carnage dococ chase level on spideman ps1. didnt beat the level until years later

also nightmare buzz in toystory sidescroller

Shit, I found it, it was Axysnake


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Wasn't a child but cheap jumpscares from outlast were pretty annoying.

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The lurker shark in Jak and Daxter. Anytime I had to platform over water I would damn near piss myself. Fuck that thing and his sound cue.

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God this thread is making me feel old. I was in college when a lot of these games were out.

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Ratchet & Clank 1, on the space station level, the remote space ship you gotta explore spooked the shit out of me so bad I never beat the game.
Few years later, I came back and did it first try.

I remember playing adventure for the first time on one of those plug and play things and the seahorse scared the shit out of me as a kid

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Ecco the Dolphin. The ocean spooked the fuck out of me, I was terrified of the idea of running out of air or what I might find in the deep water and as a result could never get past level 2

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AVP marine gameplay

FUCK that whole level

the marine campaign was legitimately great survival horror, they did a fantastic job with the motion detector being the right combination of accurate and unreliable. Fuck, the fact that everything after that game was aweful still makes me mad.

I remember playing multiplayer and I wound up in this match w/ me and like 4 other marines vs one guy playing Predator and he was FUCKING GOOD and he literally hunted and taunted us and we could never kill him

Rayman 3
Any of the id games, had to watch my dad play them instead.

Luigis Mansion

This, holy shit

seriously I think i'm the only one who played this game as a kid

jurassic park snes
metroid prime
sonic the hedghog when he's drowning
literally anything where a character suddenly pops up in front of the screen
literally anything where a character addresses the player directly

Halo combat evolved
The flood.
Was 10 at the time those poppers came out and all I can think is; "FUCK FUCK FUCK WHERE THE FUCK IS THE EXIT!!!"



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The music that played when you started up donkey kong arcade freaked me the fuck out. Also Ski free but that is a pretty common one.

Scared the absolute shit out of me.

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>get over the initial jolt from the first one
>trumpet scare chord keep playing
>plays for so long that it's actually ridiculous
>tension completely shatters
>this happens with each and every """scare"""

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I didn't find zombies to be that bad, HOWEVER the part where you swim across giant blades underwater made my 12 yo self clutch my butthole.

Jurassic Park point and click for Sega CD

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oh yeah that was pretty tense, not least of which cause kid me had no idea what to do or where to go so it felt like Jason was hunting you and all you could do was wander aimlessly trying to find the next step

Well, I wasn't a kid when I played it but..
Condemned 2 bear chase scene. Fuck. That.

that was the game where you had to hide from the Velociraptor yeah? I think I played the demo of that. It was like an early Alien: Isolation

He's horrifying

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for some reason the wild west zone at Witchyworld in banjo-tooie unsettled the fuck out of me. reasons why i have probably repressed

The Boss Bots dropping from the ceilings in the Great Palace in the Adventure of Link scared the shit out of me. No hint at all that were there until they were landing on your head.

What about the Clang's Lair part where you have to dive waaaaaaaay down?

Used to scare my brother, too.

I never made it far enough to see a velociraptor, I went to the inside of the museum and shat my pants

That level in Max Payne, you know which one.

if you 'see' the velociraptor you're already dead

oh fuck its fucking gubble

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Mooshu pork and those Pumpkin Heads were far creepier.

Unreal (1998)
Still scares me to this day desu

I can still hear it, traumatized me for years.

the sound design creates such an atmosphere it still scares the shit out of me to this day

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Fuck this cunt

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Unironically OoT Shadow Temple

I wanted to play this game so bad but the control scheme is just terrible.

honestly that level was more fucking annoying than anything else
the level where you're hallucinating and the tv starts garble speaking at you is better


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I didn't learn until I was an adult that you could escape him, I thought he was just a timed game over scenario

I remember being at a friends house and playing a demo disk on his playstation. We tried A Bug's Life game and Tarzan or something, and went to Resident Evil to see what was the deal with that game.
The moment we touched the controls we realized something wasn't right, but we powered through the place halls without reading anything. Then that motherfucking zombie shows up and we still couldn't control Jill that well. We fucking died trying to run from him and that's my first experience with a horror game. It was great.

>jurassic park snes
me, except Jurassic Park Lost World for PSX, I remember during the compsognathus campaign, I saw a polygon moving around that looked like one of the little egg thief assholes in spyro so I bit it, turns out it was the thigh of a huge dinosaur that got up and wrecked my shit
never got past that part

Forsaken Fortress from Windwaker. The way the music would intensify as the guards got more suspicious of you under the barrel. Also, those fucking mice that would blow your cover. I was so scared when I played it as a kid, I had my big brother beat the level for me.

Also, Morrowind in general. It had an intense atmosphere and I didn't know how to play it all that well. So I would explore and avoid most enemies. Those cliff racers should fuck off.

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You know you can just re-bind the keys right? Its not a console game.

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Fuck that Jack Lupino level in the end of Ragnarok

came here to post this. We were easily scared as kids

Remap it and it controls like any other FPS.

I've played through SS2 too much and Invisibility so so overpowered that I don't really get scared anymore.
Still a very atmospheric game however.

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee

I always laughed at this one because me and my friends joked that DK had big tits

This didn't scare me at all as a kid, but the easy route ending with andross appearing in the end spooked me good.

Fucking game gave me a bathtub ghost trauma alongside whatever the fuck the door monster is. Alone in the dark games gave me so many scares as a kid I think I developed erotic horror fetishes with the paranormal just to try and mitigate the damage it fucking did to me.

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Playing this game as a 10 year old was such a nightmare. So much because of the playful but creepy music, and the enemies too.
It's really silly now as a grown up but it always had a creepy vibe. I miss the days of childish games being unnecessarily creepy, it's great.

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fucking hall monsters mang

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>Just a family friendly quiz game
(10:50 if it doesn't auto start at the time)


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Never understood those as a kid, kinda creeped me out

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Forbidden Forrest
I was even scared of the disk it was on.


the fact that they didn't make his design justice by removing the blood in the remake is so lame

this is the reason I could never beat the game.

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fuck this

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Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?

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I found most of Rayman 3's bosses to be terrifying, and that's not counting the invincible guys that are still kinda scary to this day.

>that moment when you accidentally find your way to the creepier side.

i rented resident evil 2 when i was in the first grade and couldn't get past the first alley way because the zombie sounds scared me.
also the dracula game on sega cd freaked me out.

This, made me feel uneasy.

You can close the thread now

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Played it with my older brother when I was like 5 years old. Absolutely scared me shitless, I still vividly remember the nightmare I had that night. In hindsight it's little more than jpgs that play a startling noise when they pop up, but I still think it does a pretty good job of building tension and atmosphere, especially for a 2004 flash game.

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>door automatically locks behind Regina

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>bathtub ghost trauma
I feel you. I still get a little spooked if the lights go off while I'm in the bathroom and I'm in my 20s now

I had an irrational fear of the endless staircase music in super mario 64


So we had the n64 set up in the basement as kids and I was down there playing this game with my siblings. They decide to lock the door and raise the volume to max while on the staircase. I started screaming and crying so they shut the tv off and unlocked the door only to turn the tv back on. So I'm frantically running up the stairs while this song was blasting. I nearly shat myself. Good times

Fun fact. This song is an auditory illusion called a Shepard's tone. It gives the illusion of an infinitely rising or lowering pitch

I hated these little fuckers

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Come on, it's not that b

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I’m a huge fucking pussy, and I was scared of the Boo in the basement of Mario 64.
>fucking smiling ghost
>that creepy laugh
>just dissapears down the empty hallway
I got REALLY good at entering the basement by quickly turning around so I wouldn’t even have to see it for a second. Because if I went down the stairs toward it and then turned, I’d have to hear it.
>learn how to do that glitch where you jump through the bottom of the stairs going up to the second floor
>mfw part of the glitch can make boo’s laugh play when you get up there

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the way the scream gets louder creeps me out every time I watch this

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O shit I remember always seeing this game's thumbnail on flash game sites, I never dared to click it.

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area 51, never got past the part where you had to use a dead guys hand to open a door across the way from where you leave your team in the beginning

A bit stressful but still not as bad when you are climbing a wiggling rope with a huge spinning fan under your feet.

super mario 64 was full of scary shit. Pic related used to creep me the fuck out. If I recall, it would suck you in when you were close to it. The fucking eel and that piano scared me too

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DK64's GET OUT spooked the FUCK out of me as a kid.

I think it has to do with the frequency of the sound or something, it gives me a little tingly feeling at the beginning

The headcrabs in half life were already the reason I restarted that game a thousand times as a kid. When I eventually finally gathered the courage to play further the part where you have to climb around the cylindrical room with those 3 big beaked tentacle things was a nightmare. Took me like hours to beat it because I kept chickening out.

Wet Dry World from SM64 and The Canopy from Rayman 2

It's pretty obvious why I'm scared of these levels but I oddly don't have a problem with Scuttlebugs.

>rent Fatal Frame expecting scooby doo shit
>think it's neat
>reach a little wooden walkway
>hear whispering behind me
>"It hurts... It hurts..."
>turn around
>look through the camera
>ghost lady with a broken neck stood right up against my fucking face

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The funny thing is that you can skip most of the blood trail with one nice jump.

Sorry man, I dunno.

I was scared shitless playing Dino Crisis. So scared that whenever I reached this point, I turned off the game and go piss myself to some safe place.

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After leaving the deku tree and heading towards hyrule I legit didnt play the game for a whole year because of these things

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c-12 had these weird fucking aliens that would come out of nowhere which made me drop the pad

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Math treasure Mountain fucked me up. By the 15000th completion your sanity is completely lost.

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jesus christ the absolute anxiety this monster gave me

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fuck yeah that was the shit
it was too hard for a child though

Many sleepless nights were had over this as a kid. Fuck PS1 voldemort why couldn't they have made him a little less frightening.

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Have you checked Abandonia and GoG? Might be there. Abandonia has a lot more to look at though, might start there.

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came here to post this
first level is some atmospheric shit

Doom 3

Only played like an hour of Dark Cloud as a kid. 100 levels of dungeon crawling as a kid with survival elements just had me nope-ing the fuck out.

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my nigga

it was unironically way more tense than Resident Evil. The basic enemy being much more powerful than RE's zombies did a lot for the game.

woah, literally two of us that played this game

Thats weird, I always thought this game was insanely comfy. I was almost mesmerized by it as a kid.

Your welcome... Now play the second one and suffer with us...

I literally pissed myself the first time I played Nightmare creatures

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I was fucking scared by the menus and the boxart.
Couldn't go up to the second level because I was too scared to continue.

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my nibber lol i remember playing that on some euro demo. Shit was creepy. Great atmosphere.

Sims 2

Fatal Frame 3 scared me shitless
I dreaded going to sleep (in-game) and having to venture into the spooky mansion again, but at least I was always safe when awake at home. Then I saw the ghost under the stairs.

this but for snes
not even the enemies, the backgrounds were the most disturbing thing that I have nightmares to this day

>Had a demo disc with Fatal Frame 1 on it as a kid
>Remember the ghost music being scary back then



What legend is the blonde one supposed to be?

I don't get you people, I found that music FUNNY. Unironically.

My cousin and i had a great time shooting those funny looking/sounding aliens but then those flood
had to show up and it stopped being funny immediately.

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I saw a friend of mine playing this game on his computer in the 90's. Everything was so creepy.

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I'll check them out, been driving me crazy for years

Splatterhouse 3 but I couldn't stop playing it.

Metroid prime at the part when lights go off in some alien scientific facility

The 64 versions of these made me cover my face with my hands but these made me run out of the fucking room terrified.

>Someone else actually played that game

My sister had the Game Gear version: she got pissed that I was able to beat it before she could. Maybe she shouldn't have hogged my Game Boy with Link's Awakening, then.

not a single twisted metal black

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I used to start crying whenever my cousin made Link put on the masks. Not because I was scared of it but because I had a crush on Link and I hated to see him in so much pain.

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quake 2 was scary but 8yo me still finished it


What the fuck

We used to scare each other shitless talking and speculating about this fucker. None of us knew what a glitch or exploit was or how to pronounce its name, so we called it Missing-New and came up with weird-ass conspiracies how it's related to Mewtwo and Mew.

Pokemon Red was my first game more complex than a Pacman clone for DOS, it felt all so overwhelming.

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My dad gave me a game he randomly selected off a shelf at the store when I was 7. Turned out to be Soul Reaver. I cried when Raziel was thrown into the lake of the dead and I was scared constantly throughout the game. Didnt understand what I was doing most of the time since English isnt my first language. Finally understood the plot when I was 15 or so. Really helped with my english and is still one of my favorite games of all time. Dad liked to watch me play it. It was the first game he genuinely enjoyed because of the poetic english.

>and I was scared constantly throughout the game.
I think that's pretty justifiable

still traumatized at 30 by that scene haha yeah I actually still see weekly nightmares haha

The cutscene for the Ripper Roo boss fight in Crash 1 scared me as a kid. Just seeing him jump, it was strange and unnatural.

Silent 1-4
I used to watch my dad play them

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First the bokoblins.
Then zant
Then the shadowbeast.
Then the poes.
Then arbiters.
The game is still one of my favorites

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This thing gave me nightmares. The scissors and paper guys were also awful. Pair it with their heads flying off in their second face with this background music youtu.be/dhMFQTwkrZM and picture poor little me almost shitting his pants everytime he played this shit.

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>>games that scared you as a child
>as a child
>Black ops
You need to be 18 to post in this chinese cartoons website.

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I used to be terrified by the grim reaper here.

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That’s fuckin rad

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We had a demo disc that had this on it, and all the stuff about infection and the body horror transformations was deeply unsettling to me.

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(Another Ecco post)
I never really got far in the game, but there's one moment I will never forget.
The result from trying to high-jump at the beginning of the game

glad i'm not the only one. falling into the void in any game whether it's minecraft or just clipping through the floor in a game fucking terrifies me. i feel nothing but dread

Jesus. That's ominous as fuck.

I was in middle/high school. Fuck everything.

I remember exactly which room. It was really dark too. The first few chapters were poop pants fuel for me as a kid especially the zombies and the sounds they made

The scene in abes odyssey where he sees the guys in suits having a meeting used to really unnerve me for some reason.

Just the teensies’ warning about the knaaren was enough, but the music that played when they saw you was too much for me.

those legions of fast melee drugged ninjas in the final level were too hard, i spent forever flying around on jetpack trying to find the perfect vantage point and then cheese the whole wave with the blasters

I played SH1 like at 9-10 when it came out. I knew very little, mostly “its a spooky town and shit” by the cover description. We didnt have magazines where I lived so renting/buying games was mostly a guesswork and seeing what caught me and my sister’s eye.
The intro in the dark narrow path scared the absolute fucking shit out of me.

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Nightmare Creatures 2
good soundtrack tho

Came here to say this. I was about the same age and a few friends (slightly older) brought it over to play on my birthday. We cut the lights and they made it as far as the school. I had nightmares for weeks. I still can't play it even as an adult, it triggers some deeply ingrained fear in my mind and i just wanna turn it the fuck off.

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Fatal Labyrinth on Sega Genesis.

The first 3 SH games (never played 4) are still very uncomfortable to this day. I only played them last year as well. Everything from after the hospital to the end of the prison in SH2 is honestly the most uncomfortable stretch of any game I've ever played.

My friends played Silent Hill one a few years back and I watched some of their playthrough. I had no fucking clue there was a sewer section, let alone that it had scary fucking clowns. Would've never made it that far, the hospital was too much of a mind fuck. Entire rooms/floors that disappear? no thanks.
I've never been able to get my hands on any of the others, and i dont honestly believe i'd have the balls to play through them. I hear 2 and 3 are outstanding, though

I still remember the terror of fleeing Dumah through the empty halls of Ruined city. The stomping of his feet and that fucking laugh he had combined with intense music. God damn, what a game.

2 is great, didn't love 3 too much

holy shit that's fucking disturbing


Halo, specifically the Flood

beBENG, beBE, beBENG!

i couldnt be scared of them just for the little chattering noises they made

I fucking turned off the game and never played it again after that.

Uncle grimly scared the shit out of me, even if he didnt do shit, he just stood there and I was expecting him to violate the shit out of me.

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I'm a femanon not a tranny either

Being 6 playing this shit alone, would never get passed the first enemy bc I didn't know wtf I was doing

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Dilate tranny



My first jumpscare
I was too much of a pussy to hunt the non-herbivore dinosaurs

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Played SH2 with my twin brother and our uncle soon after release, we barely played ourself, just watched as our uncle did. The fucker was sitting near light switch and turned lights out randomly when spooky tension rose. Scared the living shit out of 9 yo me and my bro, we screamed like a pair of wounded piglets in pure agonized terror.

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I couldn't play stage 3 in banjo-kazooie. that huge metal shark thing scared the shit out of me. I also never played jolly roger bay and tiny huge island in M64 because I was too afraid of the eel and the fish that ate me.

I wanted to play that game for the longest time, we were poor and my dad wouln't buy us a ps2. Last year I decided to get one and hacked it, first game I launched was this one, it's shit.

Imagine being a kid putting passwords in to try and get past that fucking octopus and putting in NNNNNNNN as a password and being warped into a fucking meatgrinder created by ALIENS.

The Gfed Camp in Prime 2 scared the shit out of me as a little kid. The section is pretty easy though.

>not a tranny
That's what they all say, go dilate.

RE4 unironically. Regenerators still fuck me up

Good work, uncle.

Sounds like an amazing experience. It's a shame I'll never be able to experience such a jump in depth with a bro like that.


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3 is shorter but extremely good, and looks fucking amazing for the time.
2 isn’t scary, more of a horrible sense of dread, loneliness and sadness. It’s a game that punches you in the gut and makes you suffer.

everything leading up to nightmare was pretty great as well, where you could see and hear him in the background

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What about games that scared the shit out of me as an adult?

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kakariko as a whole was a creepy as fuck village

>"oh no, the power's gone out!"
>"don't worry Luigi, you can flip the circuit breaker!"
>"its in the basement!"
nah, mario can just sit in the painting forever.