Notch is making a new game.
Notch is making a new game
It's called Minerock.
Fuck off.
I want to leave.
that just seems like his typical art shit. he doesn't make games anymore, he's too busy sniffing his own farts
His skill has not increased.
you have to go back
Did he steal the source code for it from /agdg/ as well?
i sure hope he has managed his millions because he should not go forward with this.
He's makes games for fun but he doesn't use his name on them anymore
He's too busy wallowing in depression to make a game.
Does he use a pseudonym?
And I want /pol/ to stay. They've literally never been wrong.
Or Minespace.
Aww, he's actually quite alright since he stopped inviting people who sucked up to him to party and get gifts.
>*Get's BTFO by a gay furry
>*Get's name taken off his own game
>*Get's depressed even though he's rich
he stole the original from infiniminer, which has nothing to do with agdg
the only person who should go is you cunt
Absolutely no one:
Literally not one soul:
You: I wAnT /PoL/ tO LeAvE
zoom zoom
Notch wanted to implement a bunch of stupid stuff if he bought Yea Forums. The only reason he didn't (or one of the main ones I guess) was that because he realized his vision was at odds with the users of the board.
Jesus I forgot about the gay furry thing. How pathetic do you have to be to be humiliated by a furfag of all things?
soi soi
>implying it's not just fotm shiposting
His comeback was even worse then what the furry said. He was literally digging his own grave for the whole thread.
You fuck off. The creator of one of the biggest games of all time teasing a new game is big news and his politics have nothing to do with it and you're as bad as /pol/ for trying to insinuate that it is.
>thread about videogame dev making a videogame
>starts sperging about le evil /pol/
just leave the fucking board already
Why has he been so quiet on twitter lately, he hasn't even been posting crazy alt-right theories
After his bigoted comments, I'll never support anything he does
Why are there so many idiots on this board that get triggered by this bait
/pol/ is based. Get fucked lefty Yea Forums.
Say what you want, that furry literally destroyed him. He's probably scared he's gonna reply to one of his posts again, that is, if he didn't already block him.
wtf you talking about tranny?
Post the convo
I missed this. What happened?
finally a game about destroying libtards
What did he do to make resetera and liberals seethe?
>dev is making a videogame
u wot
Markus Persson was a fat and an autistic drunk. His game was created around the simple java object (Notch barely knew the basics of programming) and the gameplay was composed of few clever scripts or loops that were coded during his "blaze".
Minecraft would not enjoy any mainstream popularity had not there been a constant herd of competent programmers around Notch, to repair Infiniminer into a publishable condition. Markus was constantly shitfaced but his only way to deal with the matter was to twist the jokes about the addiction because he simply couldn't admit the problems with his lifestyle. After all, the only merit of this "greatest gamedev on earth" is how many bitmaps he could rip off
wait, isn't this that old concept? 0x10C?
or was that someone else
nice normie meme
Oh my god that's crazy...
Link to the discord?
>he thinks paying money will get rid of zoomers, third world shitters, post-2016 cancer and redditors
What a fucking retarded opinion. If you are an example of the kind of people that would be 'pay' to post on Yea Forums I'd rather it just be free, considering your entire post is literally just an angry temper tantrum.
Let me give you a protip bud, Yea Forums is probably the worst board on this ENTIRE site. This entire board is filled to the brim with all the people you mention. You'd find more thoughtful discussion on Yea Forums. Just go somewhere else to post and leave this dumpster fire alone
Is this another Memecraft, but with with more shap options than just cubes?
>>*Get's BTFO by a gay furry
what happened now
I think this is the best bait I've seen in months, congrats
once again proving that post-2016 Yea Forums is just a bunch of autistic zoomers
>Gets BTFO by a furry
Good job getting derailed, you literal retards.
Is it that space game where you can program your own ships or did he drop it?
I'm still waiting for the fucking space game he has announced years ago
he dropped it years ago
But he was one of the people making it and eventually all of it was replaced?
destroyed him how
>mainstream good
Dilate, etc.. you know the drill tranny
Post the furry btfo please.
someone tell me I'm not going fucking insane
dat reddit meme format
Oh you poor degenerate
remove yourself from the gene pool you worthless hack.
How did a gay furry btfo a Swede? Oh right, he's a Swede.
Found it!
It seems notch was arguing against laws that criminalize the usage of wrong pronouns and rather than the furry make a good counter point he attacked his charater. Notch, being a retard, feel for it and spilled his spaghetti for all to see with a weak ass comeback.
>buzzword buzzword buzzword you are LONELY
>gets fuckloads of retweets and likes
i dont understand twitter
one hit wonder of the video game world
>el goblo gay is the one calling him cringey
Honestly all three in this twitter screencap are retarded
huge faggots
i'm embarrassed for both of them
Did microjewsoft remove Markus from the game's credits because of him getting mad about the pronoun thing?
Wow what a sick burn.
Why the fuck would Notch seriously try to rek a fucking furry? Especially when the furry is cringe as fuck. It's always fucking sad when people try to roast some celebrity with their assumptions that they got from the internet when they actually don't know anything, especially when they are rich as fuck. People as rich as Notch usually start to not take people seriously, my friend won the lottery, he became the most no fuck given people I have ever seen. Why would they get mad?
Notch is right
It's fucking grand when a furfag, the lowest of low who his own parent would not even acknowledge his birth is possible, is talking down on a self-made millionaire.
>this is what they call completely btfo
lmao why the fuck do faggots and niggers like tw@ts so much
Wait what
That was it?
Fuck off that furry did not destroy him or anything of the sort
This is unfortunately the case for most places on the internet. Insulting someone and getting a response to it is seen as a win rather than actually debating the original point. Notch could've handled this better but he had to take the bait.
>good comebacks from mr weeb then he fucking shits all over it
notch got btfo but not because he did a good job btfoing him, notch let himself be btfo
the gist of the furry btfo
>yeah you may be a billionaire but at least we're rich in friends
There's like 50 other things he's said that would be equally valid reasons
Well I mean notch's life isn't over yet
There's a lot of shit you can do with a billion dollars still while furry faggot probably just lives day to day waiting for the next furry con
I for one am excited for notch to be making new game, I hope he never comes back to Yea Forums because of the shit storm it now causes.
I miss the old Yea Forums threads where he would come in and talk with us about all the cool shit he could put into minecraft for the Friday updates
It was also never good.
He's not wrong but would you really trust a man named Notch The Trickster?
He has a billion dollars. If he has an interesting idea, he could assemble a whole team to work on it for/with him. I wish I had a billion dollars
same "game" he worked in 3 years ago, fat fucks not gonna do shit hes too busy being mentally ill in his billionaire mansion
>4channer makes game and becomes billionaire
>Yea Forums hates him now
Not unexpected I must say
He is an actual programmer, the reason he does what he does is to have something to do and to solve problems, it's fun.
If you just buy a company and best people... what is he gonna do?
I also program, but I have a plethora of game concepts that are just way beyond my scope and talent. But fair enough if he's just messing with something that one person can still manage
We hate him because he let himself fall into a furrys trap and just let himself get BTFO.
It was fucking embarrassing.
What an overstatement but I shouldn't expect more from a retard
lmfao this is gold
Yikes. I can feel the axniety coming out from notch's posts. How can you not be able to quickly dispatch a furry? Maybe his words hit home.
You should truly end it when you get roasted by mentally ill people kek.
Minecraft is and always will be a shitty kids game.
I wonder if he still shitposts here
He was obviously being sarcastic.
Probably lacks motivation. Is there any incentive for him to work on his skills? He's already a billionaire.
this is literally the 3rd time within the hour i've seen someone do this
is Yea Forums adopting this as a new ironic meme or is it just one sperg jumping into a bunch of threads trying to force it?
Off someone else's work, no less.
He hasn't worked on anything since Minecraft's official "release" in 2011
money's not a very good incentive for creatives
>If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants
So were all in agreement that the furry won right?
>The simple java object
You, or whoever wrote this knows nothing about programming.
Oh man, that made me feel bad for Markus
Why?It's all on him.
Rich people actually hold themselves to an incredibly high standard, especially when they get hit by existential ennui like Notch is. That's why you see people like him or Elon dragging themselves in the mud arguing with litteral whos on Twitter.
The weeb dropped the ball here. Self-depreciation led to basically a self-inflicted defeat
Ask Carmack, he was already a millonaire before developing the Quake engines.
God damnit Notch you fucking hack go finish making 0x10c you fuck
Wasn't he wasting away bitching about garbage on twitter?
You're getting spammed by a samefag lol
>this isn't a movie markus
>notch will never turn his life around
>he will never apologize for what he has become
>he will never get the "good ending"
Why does notch have his own army internet death marchers? Last I checked all of his fans were harmless barely functional literal retards.
This. It sounded absolutely fantastic then he dropped it like a hot, steaming turd for some reason.
he's been working on that shit since like 2017 my dude.
he upgraded from cubes to dodecahedron woaaaahhhh.... now this is evolving your craft....
>implying that game hasn’t already been trashed and will never see the daylight ever again
Don't worry, that gay furry will always be a disappointment to his parents.
Happy belated fathers day!
He's a fucking BILLIONAIRE. I don't think people quite understand, this man has more money than most people's ENTIRE EXTENDED FAMLIES. And all because he made an okay game that got popular with kids.
Could Notch ever make a game to surpass Minecraft? I don't think he's capable.
someone probably bought his ideas to use on something else
Cringey furry tranny spews a bunch of buzzwords and bitches about Notch's wealth
Then some ugly le 56% goblina says YE GET IM' FURRY and this is supposed to be convincing? Notch only lost by even considering these genetic aberrations worth talking to in the first place.
Looks like Soace Engineers bought it
Did he already wasted the 2b he had?
THIS is someone getting "Btfo"? It's just a string of baseless insults, they aren't even clever. Sure, Notch didn't call him elegantly crafted mean names, but this furry is twice as pathetic throwing shit at a wall in hopes that it sticks.
Notch is LITERALLY a one hit wonder
Being a gay furry he's probably also rich in venereal diseases.
Yes, and his one hit got him a billion dollars. I don't think it really matters anymore, he's a success and will always be a success.
>a billion dollars
2.5 billion
He sold his soul for 2b dollars and now he doesn't even get to take credit for the game he made.
He realized the mistake he made and is trying to get back into game development.
samefag replying to his own posts, cringe.
He can't make anything on his own, and he can't just make dwarf fortress for kids a second time, so I have no interest
People around the world would sell their "soul" for a fraction of that, and we ALL know it. No matter how many starving fucking artists you come across that tout the benefits of their noble poverty, the second some big boy stepped in and offered them a billion for their most impactful work they'd take it.
notch is literally posting in this thread right now you fools
Even if it was true, who cares.
Notch, if you're here, you made a shit game that got popular by sheer happenstance and I am DEEPLY jealous. You never need to create by necessity ever again and can now do what you want, no matter how bad it may be,
Pretty sure if Notch could go back in time he would refuse MS offer.
>buzzword buzzword buzzword you are LONELY
>gets fuckloads of yous
haha Yea Forums amirite
The only game Notch should make is being the producer for Joyride Universe
All he does is post shit on Twitter all day. His name is in the mud.
I don't think he likes it that much.
I wish him well. While he's financially more than ok, and will be for the rest of his life, I can only imagine how the days pass him by with extreme boredom. I think he mentioned it himself? All of his friends and family are still busy working and having their normal life while he's already done with the grind of life, he's in his endgame already. What else is there to do? Well take another fucking shot at making a game and see what happens. At this point it's either a way for him to deal with depression or he just needs a fire to light up his dull life.
I mention all of this because it may end up being a good game after all because the goal isn't to make it financially successful like every other game. It's a passion project.
dude, it's 2.5 billion dollars
What's the deal with Twitter, I just don't get it.
It attracts celebrities like flies to honey because it lets them stroke their egos, but outside of celebrities Twitter's main userbase is people like in that picture, absolute evolutionary rejects, furries, disgusting pig-nosed beaners, and basically anyone who's too much of a repulsive shitstain of a human being to get any attention outside of a 120 character limit outrage forum, and most of them don't even realize their this disgusting. I just don't understand how this combination of celebrities and rejects snuck up on the world.
Another tech demo/idea that he’ll get bored of and shelf. Who gives a shit about this fat lazy fuck?
>sheer happenstance
While that definitely played some part, you can't deny that Minecraft is a winning formula. If it didn't get successful eventually someone would have made a game like it that did. Everyone loves simple building blocks.
Oh no, his name is in the mud, he'll have to scrape it out with a shovel made from solid platinum bullion and dry it out with a thermal laser array he purchased for shits and giggles. He'll never have RRRREEEEEAL friends like MMEEEEE, and that's why I WIN.
what happened to the space game notch was making, 0x1c or something
Fuck that retard. He has completely squandered the potential and brand recognition of Minecraft.
How, pray tell, has Minecraft's brand recognition and potential not been fully exploited exactly? I haven't checked but last time I did it was the single largest game ever made, maybe Fortnite surpassed it recently. It is so well known people do news stories about it.
based zoomer
>Notch, in a surprise collaboration with Mike Matei, announced today the working title of his new game:
spacestation13 but 3d
kys plebbit cancer
Well he can of course bring more people later, but I do remember him regretting what happened at mojang
no he isn't?
he's just messing around with various tech and dev tools to learn stuff, been doing it for years, releasing demos and screens of nothing
or has he actually decided to make something worthwhile now?
He throws parties with people he doesn't know in his giant empty mansion and pays celebrities to be there and fucks high dollar ig escorts everyday. Sounds pretty depressing.
it's just some 14 year old faggot that frequently uses twitter and reddit
That sounds like a fucking ideal life though, minus the pointless parties. If he just got himself unspooked with the socialization meme he would have an ideal life.
I've always wondered if Notch has ever played Minecraft. In a non-debug or QA kind of way.
Just sat down and played it one evening.
I'm sure.
It was pretty much abandoned and Notch considered it to be completed a few years after the launch, even though the fan community demanded more.
If that stupid neckbeard spent that 1 billion on actual game development (like Fortnite did) instead of pocketing it like a greedy retard, he would have 100 billion right now.
And no, Mojang adding polar bears and pointless shit like that doesn't count as "development". That uninspired attitude was pretty much what killed the hype. The players wanted to love it but Mojang went out of their way to not deliver anything of substance and just make the life of modders a living hell with every new update. It's an embarrasment how Minecraft turned out in the end compared to what it could've been.
All of the money it made went towards that potential, not the garbage that ended up being reality, and it's all Notch's fault for retiring way too early.
Shills are so soulless today, what happened
Block Zone
Fortnite has a massive fucking team and a bunch of managers and overseers. Mojang was an indie studio in who caresville. Notch made the billions SELLING THE IP, not BEFORE HE SOLD IT you imbecile. He couldn't reinvest the funds, it wasn't HIS SHIT anymore.
Remember 9 years ago when Mojang hired Minecraftchick for wearing a pink wig and making like 3 minecraft videos where she didn't even know what to do and now she's still working there probably pulling in 6 figures and presenting Minecraft AR on stage at Apple's developer event
>"haha i dont like u so ur going to die alone xddd"
.. So this is what a BTFO is..
I didn't know that. Still, he had an amazing platform. If he wanted to raise money for development, he could've gotten the money for anything.
>yeah you may be a billionaire but at least we're rich in friends
And that probably isn't even accurate because nobody but other mentally diseased furries can stand other furries.
the original e-girl
What do you do you with your life when you have billions of dollars? you have pretty much reached the end game, there's no reason to work anymore
I don't see any BTFOing, I just see a sad conversation between a couple of pathetic individuals.
life is not about money faggot
cant really make much of a game out of gpu instanced billboard sprite sheets
he's probably just bored and looking for a new project to fill his time
That's more self-BTFOing by getting worked up about such shitty third-rate armchair psychologist insults.
The furry did no work at all.
>Furfag calling someone pathetic
Let me guess, you are that fag?
is this legit the worst meme of the past decade? i can't think of anything else that made me so disgusted
He could never have gotten the kind of money Microsoft offered him, at least not within the same timeframe. Minecraft stagnated once tghe basic groundwork was done and the enetire development team struggled to give it any kind of concrete progression, and it has remained stagnant to this day. He was right to have sold it when he did.
It reeks of quirky 12 year old on tumblr
so yeah, it's pretty terrible.
>not just replying with a simple "hitler should have gassed the furrys first" and blocking the retard
I don't see a btfoing here
It's Minemineral, Jesus Christ Marie.
>The old walk animation
Damn, I’m starting to really get nostalgic for old Minecraft
Minecraft development with Notch:
> Fuckloads of updates every year, none super thematic or perfectly coded but functional and promptly patched
Minecraft development post-Notch
> One update every couple years, head up its own ass with being "themed", doesn't introduce half the content that would've been introduced within that timeframe, just as buggy but with slower fixes
Fuck off with your rewriting of history.
If you were right, development would have sped up when Notch left, not slowed to a crawl.
>> Fuckloads of updates every year, none super thematic or perfectly coded but functional and promptly patched
Do you not remember how people made the "Notch holiday" calendars?
nice zoomer facebook meme, expected nothing less from /pol/tards
How did he get btfo here? How? All they did was pelt him with personal insults with no actual argument to the topic at hand.
Why is Twitter such a fucking cesspit?
Oh yea, that's right.
>we don't like him, so we always side against him no matter what
Bet you must be too young to even remember the halloween update debacle
>He could never have gotten the kind of money Microsoft offered him, at least not within the same timeframe
I completely disagree. If he stayed thee and put his heart and soul into it, it could've easily generated way more than that. But maybe that's all he could offer it. He was only ever able to deliver that much. Which is fine, but it's still disappointing.
Why anyone even uses Twitter is beyond me. It's nothing but a gigantic bowl of hate and angst. I worked Social Media for a large online pet retailer, and every time I had to sweep / monitor Twitter, I wanted to gouge my fucking eyes out. I could feel my brain cells simmering from all the pure fucking stupid being absorbed by my brain.
Seethe harder, microshills.
Twitter is a cesspit because a big portion of Tumblr moved there and it was already previously home to a bunch of celeb dicksuckers and Reddit.
He's a billionaire that shitposts about niggers and kikes without a care in the world. Kys you nigger faggot.
the absolute state of western video games
Still waiting for 0x10c that I got a free copy of. Fuck that fat faggot.
After the game hit mechanical completion updates slowed to a fucking crawl.
Redditfag: Nobody:
You just gonna pretend shit like the halloween update didn't fucking suck and wasn't weeks late?
Kill yourself even if you're being ironic.
depression has no connection to income dumbass.
>twitter meme
>notch uses some weird, retarded insult
u wot
I don't know why people keep yapping about that game. It was cancelled long ago.
From Wikipedia
>The game was eventually indefinitely postponed because Persson found several creative blocks, citing the main problem as "it not being very fun to play". Persson then stated he will instead, most likely continue to work on smaller projects for the rest of his life.The game has now been completely cancelled.
>0x10c was expected to be the first Mojang game with a monthly fee for online play in multiplayer mode (but no recurring fee for single player mode). Persson said that this was because of the cost to "emulate all computers and physics even when players aren't logged in." It is unknown if there was to be a private multiplayer mode. It was revealed that the pricing would be similar to Minecraft, with alpha costing less than beta, and beta costing less than the full release.
wow notch did nothing wrong
btfo trannies
then when his opponents escalated things to ridiculous personal levels as though they were shouting down Hitler himself on a stage for the world to see, he just responded with a grade-school insult and that was that. sure, he COULD have escalated things further and EPICLY SLAMMMMMED the tranny but what the fuck would that prove lol? don't engage with the delusions of retards, even if only in THEIR heads. feeding their delusions is what got us here in the first place. treat all trannies like the overgrown constantly-hysterical-about-literally-everything children they are, and absolutely no more than that
Mojang had made multiple games after Minecraft and none of them are good
Minecraft wasn't even that impressive, it's just an easily modifiable hangout spot
He should've just laughed, nothing more.
>tranny argues ad hominem instead of arguing the point
>notch calls him a... whatever the fuck that was... near the end
oh wow its fucking nothing
Did the meaning of BTFO change while I wasn't looking?
why? what's wrong with how he conducted himself here? getting trannies worked up and then pulling the rug out from under them by disengaging is hilarious as fuck
No he's not. He's too busy fucking models and partying with his many friends. To suggest he would still browse Yea Forums when I'm a fucking billionaire is ridiculous
I don't understand how he's btfo. Furfags are fucking retards and their insults sound like something a middle aged woman on facebook would say.
He showed that he got mad and felt personally attacked.
The best thing you can do with a narcissistic attention-seeker is laugh at them and move on.
Well played.
wait what furry thing
He went from cubes to triacontrahedrons, obviously his skill has increased 5-fold
jealous-of-success gamedevs are the most hilarious thing on the internet. I was reading Anodyne's dev's review of The Witness the other day and it was overtly 100% his reason for disliking it, because jblow is more rich and famous than he is, a guy who made, what, a le quirky LttP clone? fuck off
this attitude is more often than not indicative of a very feminized mind. women get pissed and REEEEEE at those better than them, while men seek to emulate and/or outdo their success
Alt Right: The Game
It's not real, resetpedos here pretend to hate based notch
Resetpedos are a plague.
both of them seem autistic
This shit makes me laugh so much every time.
The whole Qanon thing is comedy gold.
this desu
Why does Twitter still exist?
saying this is worse than believing buzzfeed desu
I can count on my hand how many times this fat autistic fuck has started and stopped on a "game" all he does is make tech demos and half ass game engines and each time he losing his motivation to finish it. A shady porn artist has more motivation to make a game and finish it and they don't even need billions.
being smart =/= being creative
You think that is btfo'ing notch?
>this isnt a movie Markus, its your life, or what remains of it
fucking cringe
does this retard think hes in an anime or series?
All of you losers need to have sex, go back to pol and do whatever filthy racists do in there free time, you relize there is a world outiside of your little pathetic bubble right? Probably not, you are too blind to see the real fate that awaits you, it will start with a little tingle, but soon enough you will all be so sexually frustated that it will turn into violence and rage against any and all who interupt you while you are jerking off. And yet, you dont cease to stop or go out for a walk and talk to people, you simply lead a sad little life with no real purpose because you are too scared to think about your persoanll flaws... HAVE COITUS INCELS LOSER
This was painfully cringe not a btfo. I can't believe I'm wasting time reading this and responding.
He'll embarrass himself more in front of every faggot meme-loving fuck on Twitter.
>Notch is making a new
sandbox. you mean making a new sandbox, have fun kiddos
Threadly reminder that Notch, /pol/, and r/The_Donald are our allies
The furry was being unnecessarily rude, there wasn't any real counter to his point besides wishing for him to die alone and boring. Yet these people think they are saints.
>literally ribbit
fucking OWNED
>"I owned mr minecraft man who is a bad man because my furry buddies told me so!!"
That's really all it is.
notch is alright, but he better not come back here and try to use Yea Forums like he did with minecraft, before fucking off to a plebbit echochamber
ResetEra has mods that run these boards and are in on the discord pedo drama. They are deleting more threads than usual and are pushing a fake narrative that Yea Forums is against those groups.
>not /pol/
how new
he was making it a few years ago, it's called 0x10^c
He said he still loves us, I take it he means it. Because if I were in his shoes, I'd mean it too
>happy bros making games
>happy bros still making games
based fucking blizz
this looks, dare I say it, comfy
i don't really give a fuck about notch but it makes me lol when the woke crowd seethes over him saying edgy shit. then he donates like 30k to a random charity and ends up doing more to help people than any of those woke people will ever do in their lives
oh yes
Tinker's Construct lets you smelt down villagers into emeralds
??? Not him but T_D and is based as fuck
>seething tranny
Based Notch.
yeah HAHA must suck to be him, with those fucking BILLIONS of dollars HAHA man I sure wouldn't want to be him! What a loser!
Christ, can't you fucking type like a proper human being?
>give me your money, I'm poor
I hope that fag is in the 40%
Based bait
Only notch is my ally, the rest can get suck kike cock.
Aside from smelting testificates into money I hate tinker's with a burning passion
I'm no fan of Notch because he can't take it as well as he can dish it out, but god damn.
You can't seriously believe that treasure trove of normie fucktards is "based" unless you're just another faggot redditor.
Kys tranny
It's actually a youtube/twitter meme, and I welcome it over:
>s o Y
>have sex
>rise up
>upvoted :^)
shit you idiots have run into the ground to death for the past months.
luckily he btfo a tranny
Notch literally has a 10/10 busty Mexican prostitute bouncing on his dick and coke racked up while he plays switch
t. notch's friend.
Nothing can make you sound more "normie" than using the term "normie" when referring to normalfags.
why tho? t. newb who currently kinda enjoys it
I'm sure he is, will Notch release said game is the real question.
Good for him.
>he made a screenshot of Notch replying apathetically to him out of assmad rage that his emotional baiting/guilting didn't work.
The first few times you use it is really fun
After you use it a few times and start making the same super-tools every time you realize how much it invalidates every other tool added by other mods
man what a whistleblower
What makes you thing woke fags care about helping people
Nice try
a lot of sadbrained people do think they're helping people substantially by "raising awareness" or "engaging in discourse". it's like how stormfags think they're saving the white race by posting blacked porn on Yea Forums
good thing i'm still yet to figure the mod out
Notch is right in this case. Guys who've conviced themselves that they're women aren't actually women. They're guys pretending to be women.
Also an inevitable contribution to the 40%.
but i am, i played video games with him back in the day and he invited me over to his house, i stayed over for a couple weeks. He never showered once and simply took baths in the pool. He has a couch pushed up to a kitchen table where his PC is set up.
nice pivot
>hmm I could prove this user wrong and say literally anything not on that list or...
>fuck it i'm going to prove them right and parrot the same shit i've been programmed to say so I can fit in with the Yea Forums npc masses.
Truly a sad day.
Daily reminder that Yea Forums loves Notch because despite being a billionaire his live is as uneventful, stagnant and resentful as that of the average Yea Forumstard NEET
Truly /ourguy/ in the flesh, no amount of money can fix that loser
thanks i like to avoid picking a tribe
They don't care. They only care about their next dopamine rush.
He's joking, you can tell.
He's not /ourguy/ until he buys Yea Forums off this Jewish-Japanese faggot who's destroying it.
>his live
Have you tried dilating yet??
>gets 2 billion dollars
>still makes ps1 looking shit
vroom vroom
I'd like that, please meme this into reality
>implying anyone at mojang works
Have you tried being original and not a mindless drone yet?
false-flagging tranny
Yes I know your type well and am unimpressed
Would Notch be allowed to market a new game as "From the creator of Minecraft"? Obsidian did it with TOW so seems like it's fair game, not that I know anything about that.
I suppose you haven't.
Good luck, user. You can do it.
>say pozzed shit
>tweet retweeted by pozzed celebtiry
>100k+ likes
It's literally that easy. Say anything right of center and you get banned also so their echo chamber is extra strong
You actual fucking retard, the thing that motivates him is building intricate engine stuff like ray tracers and particle engines. He may lack motivation and inspiration but he doesn't lack skill.
Based Notch.
Notch needs to lay off the amphetamines t b h. It's pretty obvious he's on speed or something like it.
I want resetera to leave
not like it matters
everyone knows he's the creator of minecraft
and he's already a billionnaire, so it's not like it matters to him if the game sells well
Yeah because all of the other games from Notch and Mojang weren't immediately forgotten.
This one's actually pretty funny
Yeah bro rich people totally hold themselves to a high standard, thats why Paris Hilton got caught sucking dicks years ago and was a vapid cunt who is a literal waste of air, despite being a trust fund baby worth billions.
Protip: Money won't make you good, and money won't make you bad. What money will make you, is rich.
>computer engineer autist
he never ran behind money, he's the kind that will stop only when he reaches singularity
Fuckiest of nuggets is obviously just a veiled " faggiest of niggers. " he can't go that hard on Twitter, he'd get crucified.
why didn't he say the animal fuckery of furries instead?
I don't know you gay nigger. Sure, it was an embarrassing insult but getting excited about "Wins" on Twitter should be pretty embarrassing too.
Should've just said "At least they're human."
Or the fact that anime much broader than loli content while the furry community by definition is built upon fetishizing animal features.
i just use it to follow japanese artists
one has to remember Minecraft wonderful lightning system.
Following them is one thing- finding them is hell, however. Considering there are barely any usable filters for that kind of thing.
Use Pixiv, chief. They tend to link their twitters there and once you go through a few of 'em, Twitter will start reccing more to you.
I hope you get raped by an incel
Yeah, I do that now. Was mainly judging Twitter as a standalone platform.
It beats Instagram by a mile, though. That place is legitimately useless besides functioning as a a database for overweight thots to post their half-assed cosplay pictures.
Grats on all the yous. Well done baiting retards. screen shots exist of "reddit spacing" on Yea Forums before reddit was even conceived
It'll flop like everything else he made after Minecraft.
holy fuck what a mongolian retard
>ur such a bigot
>holy shit holy shit you have money and i make shit games fuck off
>you could donate to forgotten (for good reason) indie devs!
>btw here is my paypal
Cute boy
Java's pretty sweet, man.
already ran out of money?
unlikely, he's insanely wealthy
a new hand touches the beacon
this is either top cringe or 11/10 b8
Notch has a supposed net worth of $1.5B. For reference, the $70M mansion he bought years ago would have only been 4% of his total net worth. He could buy twenty more of those mansions and still be sitting on a few million to do whatever with.
>I am silly!
god did he fuck up, the game would have been ahead of the curve
definitely a samefag forced meme