And why...Ocarina of one of...the greatest...action games...not only...on the...

>And why...Ocarina of one of...the greatest...action games...not only...on the...N64...but...also...of...all...time
These youtube "Essayists" need to be lined up and shot.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Maybe don't watch them then.

Retards who give them attention like you should be lined up and shot.

let's turn this into a Nakey Jakey appreciation thread instead

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Don't know who you're referring to but I do notice tons of annoying YouTubers who speak all slow or repeat shit just to hit the 10+ minute mark for the YouTube shekels.

NakeyJakey is the only acceptable one

you forgot to include 'Laughing during their own points or counter-arguments'
nothing is more obnoxious than laughing while delivering a point unless it's so fucking bulletproof it's actually funny that someone is denying it, which is just about never the fucking case and even if it were you could just re-fucking record the audio so you don't sound like you can't stop fellating yourself for a fucking second to speak clearly

Youtube communists need to be lined up and shot too

Jakey is so fucking based.

This guy is such a hit and miss. Ignoring the non-vidya trash he uploads, half of his theories/arguments make logical sense, whereas the other half is just the "THIS IS HOW IT IS YOU ARE WRONG" non-sense. I think that is the main problem with his reviews in general, is that he just can't get past the mountain of stupid, compared to other popualar video game reviewers like Joseph Anderson and Mathewmatosis.

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let's not do this

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Just watch MauLer you fags.
one day he'll talk about games again
one day...

*gets slowly and meticulously destroyed by the objective Welshman over the course of nine hours*

The only video of his that remotely makes any sense is the Sherlock Holmes one.
Everything else is shit, pure fucking shit


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>spends his time reviewing capeshit, nustarwars, and got since they get 100x the view count of his video game series
yeah fucking right lmao

At least he wont go the way of Total Biscuit, because he's so up his own ass he'd notice the cancer.

I don't like aidssoymberfag either but all Mauler is good at is putting me to sleep. There is no reason for his videos to be that long. Dude needs to shut the fuck and edit his videos.

Mauler might be a good analyst, but that alone cant fix shit taste.
All he talks about Marvel and Star wars, in an obsessed way

There was a definitive reason for his videos to be that long, because one of the points he was shitting on faggotbomber is because he selectively edited irishman's video to strawman the hell out of it, so in turn he decided to leave nothing out of the video so that could never be a counter claim. It's why the only real criticism you get from faggotbomber's fanboys is "lmao that's too long, muh adhd"

there is something uncanny about his face. not sure if its his attempt to cover his baldness, his eyes being more open than normal human being or his lighting making him look like a psycho

Who is he
He kinda looks like my brother

No, he won't

I love this lil gamer girl so fucking much

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Kill your brother user, no one should suffer like that.

I wish he'd bring back the keyboard or the flute for another video

Have you ever watched RabbidLuigi's videos? He makes top 5 lists that take 20 minutes because he'll say a ton of random unrelated stuff for each point.

Well yeah it is Autism. In what world does a hour and twenty minute long youtube video need a 10+ hour analysis? I don't think I've seen a movie analyis be that long.

>All he talks about Marvel and Star wars
Dark Souls
Jurassic Park
Game of Thrones

>in an obsessed way
What the fuck does that even mean?

In what world does any video need an analysis of any length? The whole concept is about an unnecessary dive into a subject matter. You could just as easily argue that a 5 minute analysis of his video would be too much and not needed when you could just tweet "lmao that shit is dumb"

>There is no reason for his videos to be that long.



>In what world does a hour and twenty minute long youtube video need a 10+ hour analysis
one that leaves no holes for a rebuttal

>What the fuck does that even mean?
he don't like things i like therefore OBSESSED!

No it's because he goes sentence by sentence for an hour and 20 minute video. If anything that just shows how bad the initial video is. Not all of the time is spent completely efficiently but often there are long stretches to respond to or to demonstrate counter-arguments or provide stretches of MM's video because of the holes in the initial video.

>In what world does a hour and twenty minute long youtube video need a 10+ hour analysis?
If you're taking a shitty video apart line-by-line, where nearly every sentence either contains some factual inaccuracy that you have to demonstrate is wrong, or just uses vague language that forces you to consider and address three different things that the sentence could've meant.
It's detailed because he's being thorough about it, and showing supporting evidence for every argument he makes.

If you don't want to watch long stuff, you don't have to. Who has a gun to your head and is making you watch it?

Literally opposite for me
All his gaming videos are entry-level or just plain wrong and annoying
His videos on CAD and flat earth were pretty interesting and funny

I agree, but I also think you shouldn't post it on Yea Forums.

Being unable to form a concise opinion considering the whole and getting lost in petty details ind the delusion that that is "objective".

Hbomb came off like such a fucking cunt in that Dark Souls video I'm glad someone had the autism to just tear him down.

You make a 80 minute critique insulting someone's 40 minute critque? Well fuck you, you got something coming to you.

So not having autism means saying "shit sux lmao XDDDD" where as autism is actually highlighting the flaws and what you dislike about something with arguments?

Counting his podcasts, he has several dozens / over a hundred hours of Star Wars and MCU.
Just because he talked about terminator, alien or Jurassic park for 1 hours each doesnt mean his content isnt HEAVILY focused on the same stuff.
If Mauler actually diversified his content more, he would be far more enjoyable

Also a few of his comments during the podcast shows his shit taste
For instance, he talked well.about the imagery of GoT S8E6. He said that he liked the retarded scene with dragon wings behind Dany, the kind of imagery a fucking 4th grader would come with. He actually liked that shit.

>subscribe to mauler because his ds2 and soma/amnesia videos are literally 10/10 entertainment
>sub box flooded with podcasts featuring him and a furry
god fucking damnit, objective analyst man. you had one fucking job.

Imaginary being simplistic doesn't make it bad, ending with "He actually liked that shit" doesn't enforce your point either, it just makes you seem more childish than you're implying Mauler is, feigning incredulity is something a 4th grader would use in rhetoric.



I actually decided to watch some of his videos and he tends to make a lot of solid points backed up by actual evidence.

I you don't understand his opinions on things because you personally got lost in the details, that's a you problem

Mauler, I know you like making videos 5x longer than they need to be but you don't need to do the same with replying

youtube keeps recommending me his videos even though i already told them 3 times im not fucking interested in his channel

lmao ur shit is dumb

no u

get rekt hbomberguy

Is Breath of teh Wild the DARX SOWLS of video games?

Think of it as an extra service delivered free of charge.

>his interests aren't exactly the same as my interests
>that's a problem that he needs to fix on his end

These pathetic OoT fanboys will go to any length to pretend that BOTW isn't vastly superior to their 20 year old dated childhood game. They are getting even more desperate now that FF7 is getting so much attention.

People who dislike his style nearly always do so because he is as smug and condescending as the people they enjoy watching, but on the other side of the argument

neither do they need a reason to

I absolutely hate it when there's an analysis video that's only 10:05 and the guy essentially finds a way to answer the question his video is about like 6 different times in increasingly verbose fashions. You've essentially watched all the video has to offer by minute 2.

he is actually
dare I say it

you mean the correct side of the argument, aka the one that actually warrants a smug attitude

have sex

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Dog bless you user.

Give an example of these people on the other side who are just as smug and condescending.

Is Matthewmatosis smug and condescending? Like, that Dark Souls 2 video Matt made seemed pretty fair, but it caused Harris to seethe so hard he made a """"critique""""" attacking the guy even though he never met him.

He takes way too long to make videos, he's going to be spending the rest of this year making Game of Thrones and Force Awakens videos even though most people don't care about those dumpster fires anymore, then next year he'll inevitably make a dozen Rise of Skywalker videos. Maybe in two years he'll get back to vidya.

I only know him from a gus johnson skit.

Drown Britain. It's the only solution.


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>it's all just the same hurr durr

hey come on, a retarded, inefficient critique is still a critique

Literally unwatchable. Pure, shallow pedantry. It takes a special kind of vanity to spend hours demonstrating nothing but your profound lack of knowledge.


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What is it with internet leftists being so smug and condescending?

actually he demonstrates a whole lot of stuff

You are a tube

No one enjoys watching him though.

they're doing it as a way to one-up the alt-right who does it as a way to one-up SJWs who do it as a way to be massive faggots

t. Ben "Inch High Private Eye" Shapiro.


why are you lying

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Dude makes thousands of dollars a month, releases videos months apart, and most of his content targets incredibly easy, low hanging fruit.

"look how stupid these flat Earthers are"
"Zelda good!"

Right after their audience.


HarrisBomberGuy (formerly Mr Metokur's buttbuddy) DESTROYS Joe Paulseph Watson with SPURIOUS FACTOIDS and SUPER MALE VITALITY

Good content. Wish he made more

Fucking hate these videos.

>X Classic game is fucking shit here's why!
>this mechanic is vestigal
>I encountered a bug

You mean other than the fact that a singular obsession with media for children and teenagers well into your adulthood makes for a very narrow horizon? I don't know if he's better about video games but his views on movies are laughable. He claimed Avengers Infinity War was the best movie of 2018. A year that had a new Lars von Trier movie, a new Panos Cosmatos movie, a new Gaspar Noe movie, a new Terry Gilliam movie and a fucking new Orson Welles movie coming out.

Imagine actually giving any of these "youtubers" attention over their shitty opinion at all....basically advertising them for free.. Yikes.

rose-tinted fanboys will argue otherwise, but Call of Duty proved beyond a doubt that artificial barriers of blockage were a redundant mechanic and that the darx souls series was on its last legs

in my opinion

Yes, I mean other than that.

He claimed Avengers Infinity War was the best HIGH BUDGET MASS ENTERTAINMENT ACTION movie of 2018.

which is still wrong but proves that you're a lying sack of shit

based Bilbo Baggins quotes poster

Its almost like hes a pseudo-intellectual, that thinks having a drama degree, but lacking the ability to find meaningful work with means hes too smart for the public.

Lets not forget how he defended his friend when they raped a girl.

>a new Lars von Trier movie, a new Panos Cosmatos movie, a new Gaspar Noe movie, a new Terry Gilliam movie and a fucking new Orson Welles movie
>fnar frar look at how obscure and cultured my tastes are

tfw Tonald Loke is quitting the youtube life

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rape needs no defense, it's self-justifying

For me, it's funhaus

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Hammers: good or bad?

I didn't know this was a feature

I watched that one series of him btfoing the fag in the OP but I can't listen to him beyond that, his voice is too monotone

Lawrence is based, james is funny but his opinions are trash.

listen to this

People who actually care about movies. I mean yes, I would have low standards too if all I ever watched were fucking Hollywood action movies, but then I wouldn't become a movie critic.

>calling other people "pseudo-intellectuals" while fucking up basic grammar
>citing a degree that he never brings up and that I don't even have any reason to believe is a real thing because, again, he NEVER mentions it
>le "if you don't wear a tie and carry a suitcase and have a boss you don't have a real job" argument
what fucking year is this
>finding ways to contrive someone's vague, overall attitude as a personal fucking attack
based cheese thief
>an accusation of something means that you did it
grim and current-year-pilled

no, people who care about movies watch Surf Nazis Must Die and She-Wolves of the Wasteland.

Only faggots who care about social validation care about the shit you mentioned.

>People who actually care about movies.
Fuck off, you pretentious faggot.
People can still care about movies--oh, sorry, "films"--without liking the exact same movies that you like or have deemed fucking "worthy."

They each bring a different flavor I can appreciate. I think James and Elyse are the funniest, Adam is autistically good at video games, Lawrence brings the weird shit, and Bruce is really easy to bounce material off of

Well, if the hammers do turn out to be judged as "bad," just because they're bad doesn't mean that they're bad.

I wish I could spbp this but it's not true. Unfortunately people respect video essayists too fucking much. I've seen retarded opinions crop up from seemingly nowhere, then realize down the line that apparently some faggot made a 30 minute video and said some stupid shit that everyone took as fact because he was articulate and put some sick lofi hip hop in the background.

Dipshits with no credentials or experience have a platform on which they're treated like experts, and that's not good. It's the same thing as shitty gaming journalists not knowing how to fucking play games. Different sides of the same coin.

I'm currently watching that 10 hour massacre of this guy and his DSII defence. Talk about getting blown the fuck out.

what a massive argument

There was a shitty essayist criticizing RCT3 because the loading screen was "white instead of black"

MauLer has never had anything interesting to say ever. Also he seems like a sperg.

I'll never speak to you again.

Jake is such a good foil to the "youtube essay" thing because basically everything he's ever made (other than the RDR2 vid) is very clearly not serious at all.

He's a comedian first, and it's what he does best. He hasn't uploaded in a while though, where is he bros?


>muh credentials

sorry your film school cursus didn't pan out into a proper career, Patrick

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Don't you have another 10 part video to put out on hentai bomber guy

>capture d'écran

Begone, baguette.

Mewsley doesn't actually use the 4chans.

>Try to watch a "video essay" on some piece of easily consumable media
>British accent with smug turned up to 11
>Over an hour long
>Several of the points are the exact same thing just reworded differently
>Video consists of shots of the trailer with occasional slow zoom
>They have an avatar that's just a few still images with different expressions they put over something when they want to make a point
>The avatar is an animal but "they totally aren't a furry"
>Several factually wrong statements are apologized for in the comments
These things are really just an evolution of the overly long rant videos from the early 2010s.

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Who cares about grammar on an internet forum? This post is unironically reddit-tier. Go fuck another tranny Hbomberguy.

I love Breadtube but I don't have a lot in common with hbomb's video game tastes. Superbutterbuns is cute for what she does

Maybe they're from QTbec.

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stop posting one of the biggest cucks

>label and dismiss
based non-argument poster

everything he says garbage

This description is so accurate I want to punch my monitor, and I'm not even actually watching anything.

I had to look up what "Breadtube" was.

Just gonna throw a quick "fag" your way.

Not just a fag, but a commie fag.

Thx happy pride

>le smug npc british faggot sjw talking points reciting pedophile looking soiboy cucklord


you literally did the same thing

Still waiting for the first arguments to be addressed.

You don't have to be a commie to realize capitalism is dogshit

zoomer youtube video game shit ruined everything. e3 was so bad
>what's it like working on marvel???
>omg it's so amazing marvel is the best give me a round of applause fellow marvel drones!!
>sorry i forgot how to play the game I'm nerding out so much xD
repeat like 20 times for every stupid game shown

Never got into this channel, someone redpill me and link one of his best videos

This is how it starts.

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Why are soiboys so scared of shaving their balding head?
Do they think you become a Nazi without hair?

I've seen this kind of thing kill discussion of games. I mean you have Ratchet and Clank threads now where suddenly you'll just see "ACTUALLY RATCHET AND CLANK 3 IS REALLY OVERRATED GUYS" conveniently right after some Yea Forums approved eceleb said it and it's incredibly fucking obvious that most people not only don't play video games but also cannot think for themselves. And this is applies to every single fucking game on this board because the average age is plummeting and more and more children are growing up on these video essays and cannot form an opinion themselves without someone else telling them what to think.

So you're not a commie but you love watching youtubers make videos full of entry-level commie rhetoric, in which all the people commenting are also commies?

lol fucking midge

>Attack grammar
Not an arguement
He mentioned his Drama degree regularly until people called him out on it. To say nothing of the fact that he try hards on basic video skits, and then feels the need to explain the skit. OOOH THIS IS A DUTCH ANGLE! HOW NOVEL.
>pointing out a youtube personality overly uses smug/snarky tactics is BAD
What the fuck are you on about
its okay, i'm sure ideological consistency isn't important for a dick sucking communist like yourself. Its not like he vehemently attacked people over identical accusations. That he actively courts SJW followers and behaviors. Or that his arguments against his opponents are laughably absurd caricatures. Rules for thee, but not for me.

>get a shit ton of money of patreon
>videos come out at a much slower rate
why does this happen every single time

The CAD video could be entertaining, but it's the perfect embodiment of all of his issues.
He kind of wants it to be serious, but he doesn't want to be held accountable to it. He plays it off like a joke, but I think he would actually like to tell you for real that he thinks people don't like CAD because it makes them feel uncomfortable about themselves, and his evidence is that once in a blue moon Penny Arcade kind of uses a similar type of humor and people like it.
Did you know that he's a Star Wars Prequels apologist? Guess what, every time he defends them it's on the lines of "the Prequels were showing the Jedi in a less flattering light, and people didn't like it because it made them feel uncomfortable". He also uses basically the same argument for Snyder's DC movies, although he doesn't necessarily defend them.

He makes garbage shallow arguments and douses them in irony so that you can't really call him out on them.

this one is probably my favorite but that might be slightly informed by how funny the source material is rather than his actual jokes

I can't tell if you're just getting a kick out of pretending to be retarded and fishing for (you)s, or if you're really this fucking stupid or dishonest.

Pretty funny but god damn do I hate the typical "i have no male role model in my life so ur it haha" audience these guys pick up.

>t. butthurt Dark Souls 1 fanboy

>People cant see how much of a redditfag mauler is

>30 videos between 2017 and 2018
>barely 10 between 2018 and now
why is he doing this bros

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No most of it is dragging Disney.

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Didn't know Orson Welles was still directing movies 30 years after he died.

I fucking hate Dark Souls, but I promise no faggot british kid ever made a video touching on the issues I have with the series, and anyone who tried to probably complained about the wrong shit.

>expecting SJWs to work after successful e-begging
Probably too busy sucking Contrapoints dick.

I, thankfully, only noticed this yesterday when I was looking up a video about the high priced CE of cyberpunk. The guys video was around 10 minutes and it was literally just him repeating in different ways that the CE was sold out everywhere. Of course he starts his video with "what's up guys? Its ya boy fagcuck". Seriously, fuck all the zoomers on this board that watch this trash. And and all eceleb shit is horrible. The worst is when theres some """drama"""" among ecelebs. God damn you all. None of this would exist if you weren't jackoffs.

>going full retard about sjws when talking about fucking nakeyjakey
Are you confusing him with hbomberguy or what

Well, he obviously didn't direct it in 2018 but it still came out in 2018.

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If the shoe fits. Also yes. my b for not reading comment thread.

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>People are still ass blasted about both his DaS2 video and his onions video all these years later
This will never not make me laugh

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Why defend him? All he does is talk about Marvel, Dark Souls, and Star Wars with his furry friends on his youtube channel. He is reddit incarnate.

Older videos where about mixing games together and talking about ideas for games. He started doing more analysis for specific aspects of games like save points, menu screens, and marketing. His newer videos are more about random things that he and many people his age experienced in their childhood; not all of them are video game related though.

Probably because it doesn't fucking work. Told youtube to piss off with the fucking Asmongold videos at least 50 times until I grew a brain cell and decided to check if there was an extension that actually does what that feature advertises. And what do you know, there is. Literally named Video Blocker.

I don't know why you people care about what other people on the internet say in videos as if their "opinions" matter. Just don't watch them.

So literally your whole thing is "I'm upset other people like them". Then don't associate with those people.

My sister would do this shit whenever we got into arguments. It got me so fucking unbelievably livid, coming up with an argument or idea and just hearing this forced obviously fake laughter.
Christ I'm pissed just thinking about it.

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Any love for Raycevick?

These comments are never funny. Please stop making them.

>Then don't associate with those people.
If only it were that easy. The thing with content creators like this is that they tap into the minds of literal tens of thousands of people. All I can do to avoid exposure to drones who parrot shit some youtube essayist said is to simply not partake in any discussion about the topic at hand, and that's pretty fucking frustrating. I do exactly that, and it's just coping with a greater issue and I deeply resent youtubers like this for creating that issue.

I just don't talk to anyone irl.

But you nigger won't stop fucking coming here.

I was gonna ask why you would ever style your avatar around the Simpsons, but yeah, autism, I guess.

I don't watch them either, I'm telling you how to avoid them.

Theres a reason this hbomberguy doesn't do video game reviews anymore and goes for low hanging fruit like flat earthers

He's alright. Good voice. Not retarded opinions. Not very interesting opinions. Like, a 6/10.

>those videos about scholastic book fairs and limewire

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No, you're telling him to. Not how, which makes you useless seeing as the problem is it's fucking impossible and you niggers will actively seek out the worst most inappropriate fucking places to gossip about them simply to you can feel indignant people tell you to piss off. Hang yourself, you fucking fag.

Have you tried avoiding actively cancerous threads that are just asking to have those kinds of posters in them? You know, like this one?

I can’t remember watching his videos but I remember clicking on his thumbnails

I lose respect for anyone who actively insults flat earthers. 100% of the time it's done just for a personal ego boost.

Like, there are lots of types of people you can have righteous indignation over, but what the fuck does it matter if Bob down the street thinks the Earth is flat? Has he hurt anybody? Is he still bagging your groceries? Then fine. Mind your own damn business. He's not doing anything.

Are you a solipsist? Why even give others "advice" if they don't exist.

I mean, video games are low hanging fruit if we're being honest here.
He doesn't really do spicy takes and more often does due diligence like research the company history and stuff like that. He's fine


B-but user, they be dangerous! Stupid Christians are killing people!

If you want to avoid those retards, it's not actually impossible, there is a way to do it but I know you never will
Get off the internet, because people irl don't get to be shitheads without getting decked

>Almost 5 hours of unadulterated crying about the new Star Wars
Jesus Christ Mauler, our time on this earth is limited and this is what you decide to put your efforts into?

i think the guy might've been originally talking about real life.

like you can just block/closeout/avoid people on the internet but if its someone in real life thats abit harder, double so if its your own family.

i mean, lets take an example, you don't like game theory, but you know that everyone on your mother's side of the family does, do you just stop hanging out with family that you get along with 90% of the time anyways, just to avoid the 10% when you don't? that just kinda ends up being a situation where you end up by yourself because your in-able to tolerate being around other people.

i'm sure you have an answer for this and i'd love to hear it, but its just an example, you can't just run away from people in real life your whole life.

Ocarina of Time unironically looks amazing for a game from the 90s, the camera angle, level of detail & graphics are still mindblowing when you put it into context for it`s era & go back and try to play another game from that time period. Aside from like Mario 64 & Majora`s Mask, there isn`t a single game that holds up nearly as well as it did. And people always overlook pacing & the camera angle, which is towards the ground & shows the world completely from Link`s POV. Since it`s so close to the ground it makes Hyrule seem like it`s this huge & expansive open world, since you can`t see much on the horizons. So many games make the mistake of having the camera designed like Pokemon where you can see everything, which makes the world seem incredibly small & takes away the sense of awe that OOT has. Like if you look at Ganon for example, he looks exactly like something you would see in Shadow of the Colossus, the lighting expertly shows him as this awe inspiring & intimidating monstrocity that is covered completely in darkness, the only time you actually were able to see him was the rare times the Lightning struck. The pacing is also unrivalled, it’s pretty much the only game that you can play from start to finish without running into that one section were it noticeably drops in quality. Instead of most games that either start out slow & get better later or start out good or get progressively worse as you play it more. OOT starts out great & actually gets better the more you play it, which is something i’ve still never seen in a game before. The storytelling is excellent, every cutscene is memorable & stays with you long after you beat it, and the soundtrack excellently adds to the excellent atmosphere & perfectly captures every story cutscene or level. I`m convinced that people who say it aged bad are simply contrarians who didn`t even play it & are just assmad that it`s remained one of the mount rushmore games for so long.

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This is the man responsible for Donkey Kong becoming a trans icon

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Fuck i miss jermas channel from a few years ago, when he would still upload regularly on his main channel

>i'm sure you have an answer for this and i'd love to hear it
Yeah it's called "dude just shut the fuck up about them, I don't care about the opinions of shitheads and I'm never going to want to hear them" You know you don't have to just sit back and listen to everything a person has to say, right?


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I think it's fine to laugh at deluded idiots like flat earthers BECAUSE they're so harmless. Like, the conspiracy theory is so absurd and there's no element of idpol to them so you just get to laugh at people being so incensed that THEY are trying to cover up that the earth is flat because... why exactly?

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Cowchop was better

hbomb's problem is the same as a lot of other youtube essayist folks in that he forms an opinion first and then goes back to find "facts" that back it up. His Dark Souls 2 video is a perfect example: it's clear he played DS2 and enjoyed it, got assblasted because it was largely critically panned, and instead of just accepting he might have different tastes and enjoying his game he shits out a video pulling out nonsense nitpicks "proving" DS2 is superior and trying to discredit Matthewmatosis by making taking his quotes out of context to make him look uninsightful.

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i've done that, it works for the day but it never quite works permanently, its like youtube's recommendation function deciding to show you hbomberguy's videos for the 4th time within a year dispite every time you tell youtube "no i don't wanna see his videos, stop sending me them" except slightly worse because its real life.

what i'm saying is there isn't really a long term permanent solution to not hearing opinions you don't like unless you go some extreme route that i'd rather not.

I enjoy when they show up in FH videos but I've never seen the KNOCKOUT Cow Chop video that you would like show someone interested in watching them

You can think it's dumb- cause it is, but if a person dedicates time out of their lives to actively make fun of, or even trying to fucking "debate" flat earthers, that tells me there's probably something wrong with them.

Like they're searching for that high when they prove someone is wrong.

What did leafy do this time

>no reason for long videos
should actually watch more than 15 minutes since he gives a good reason for them you zoomer cunt.

I mean taste is subjective so the best thing you can do is state your opinion, structure them into an argument and provide evidence to support your argument. People are then convinced by your argument or not

It's because YouTube is trying to push breadtube hard.
I have two YouTube channels for two different videos to watch. On my gaming/shows one, I regularly get hbomberguy, contrapoints, Shaun and Jen, and three arrows.
I never watched a political video on that account.
On my random one where I do watch some political channels. I get spammed with em as well.
No matter how many times I said I dont wanna see this shit.

I don't think hbomb actually debated any flat earthers because like Lmao why would anyone but
>Like they're searching for that high when they prove someone is wrong
In his video he acknowledges it's an easy dunk but don't pretend it isn't fun to dunk on easily winnable arguments

>Literally a balding, low testosterone faggot with piss poor posture and a shrill bitch voice

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You guys just hate him because he absolutely BTFO Yea Forums

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Have sex, incel.

You must be using an entirely different YouTube from me because I click ONE review of Star Wars last Jedi and then have to deal with Ben Shapiro and Stephen Crowder recommendations for the next several days

> its like youtube's recommendation function deciding to show you hbomberguy's videos for the 4th time within a year dispite every time you tell youtube "no i don't wanna see his videos, stop sending me them"
There's an extension that blocks that permenantly
>except slightly worse because its real life.
Ask them why they care what some random person on the internet thinks, someone who isn't an irl critic, talk about things where they use videos to manipulate what they're talking about to reinforce only their point?

And if that doesn't work just deck em, that always worked for me.

I hate him because he sounds like a faggot and his wispy voice irritates the fuck out of me.

t. Basedboy who thinks Contrapoints is intellectual

I've never ever been recommended Ben Shapiro or Crowder

get on my level

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>but don't pretend it isn't fun to dunk on easily winnable arguments

But that's exactly the point. It's personal ego boost. "I may be a fuck up, but at least I'm not as dumb as a flat earther." Every time the subject is brought up, you enter the conversation already knowing you're the "winner." It's a strawman that actually exists, which you can beat up. I just think it's pathetic if you do.

>half of his theories/arguments make logical sense, whereas the other half is just the "THIS IS HOW IT IS YOU ARE WRONG" non-sense.
Have you ever noticed that a large portion of his measured response videos target extremely low hanging fruit? he always punches down, never up. He tried making a video on a fellow psued, armoured skeptic, and made a complete ass of himself. the same goes for the majority of these youtube intellectuals, from harris to sargon, theyre the absolute dregs of politics and are no different from your fat old uncle getting into facebook flame wars.

The only one of these freaks i can even tolerate is lindsey ellis, and thats just because shes the least likely closeted pedo. I guess her takes are okay too, shes no jack "alice in wonderland is a feminist masterpiece" saint.

Pls trade YouTubes with me I'm tired of telling YouTube I don't wanna watch PJW

>Listening to faggots who defend trannies

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Have children. Have a traditional functioning family the way Jesus Christ intended for you to have. Have a body not tainted by tattoo and piercing mutilation. Have a life free of hedonism.

Show me your recommended page pls

Okay. But I mean like this thread is doing the same thing to hbomb and half of Yea Forums is posting "ETERNALLY BTFO" and "Cope" etc so I'm not exactly convinced that you don't enjoy that ego boost on some level as well

>All I can do to avoid exposure to drones who parrot shit some youtube essayist said is to simply not partake in any discussion about the topic at hand, and that's pretty fucking frustrating.

You're on point with that. Another dead giveaway is when one of those fuckers starts spending inordinate amounts of time talking about graphics settings, or otherwise obsessing over being objective. They want to be the smart guy. They just want to be right.


Hbomb is the worst of them.

>Saying this autistic shit to male teenagers on a videogame image board
Are you retarded?

he is way out of his element when talking about filmmaking. he never talks about any aspect except for the writing and its very often surface level criticism and never underlying structural problems in the script. one example is when rlm compared TLJ to a comedy of errors which handedly explains why every character comes off so incompetent and unlikable. mauler in comparison just nitpicked each scene. he does however seem to be improving and becoming more patrician by watching more movies.

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The trick is to watch 1 or 2 asmr/massage videos. The fact is YT is stupid when it comes to those and you'll never be recommended anything else ever again and they're basically harmless so at least you won't be mad when you see it there.

I like this guy's stuff.

Hedonism is great tbdesu

>started a fundraiser to support a child mutilation cabal


yeah but they don't lop them off and it was done so you faggot wouldn't be sexual deviants

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Oh, people in general love when they "win" arguments, but as was first brought up, flat earth is a super fucking low hanging fruit. Like bullying someone half your height.

>childrens entertainment analysis

oh boy the "video games are only for children" pejorative.

living your life as a hedonist is like throwing bricks into a bottomless pit

the internet is an emulation of the ancient forums of rome
now you know why plebs are plebs

Something about ASMR is creepy to me. Like, it feels sexual but not like mature sexual but that weird *cuddles up next to you ugu~ owo* furry RP sexual

>THEY are trying to cover up that the earth is flat because... why exactly?
Unironically because they think the world being a sphere goes against something the bible says in one vague passage. That is the actual reason.


i thought programming socks was a meme? why the fuck can't i enjoy long socks in peace fuck. I know it's REALLY to hide body hair and give off that oh so precious EROGENOUS ZONE but still. Tube socks are comfy.

>watching an ultra-autist ramble for 4-8 hours with a snarky voice about how right he is with zero effort put into editing and presentation
>and enjoying it
I would tell you to kys but you honestly deserve pity more than anything

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>someone claims that women are on average weaker or less competent than men in something
>"...umm actually here's one woman thats not weaker or less competent than some men. MYTH BUSTED"
Why do they always do this?

I'm okay with just waiting for Hbomberguy's guaranteed shady past to be uncovered online and see his "career" go down in flames. You just know this guy is a creep. It's always the most self-righteous types.

don't forget half of those 4-8 hours just being a fucking play-by play of the ENTIRE FUCKING PLOT, scene by scene

didn't some Italian disprove this shit over a century ago?

This simile isn't as cogent as you would like it to be

reality in general is dogshit, mate

More like the Greeks figured it out in the 3rd century bc

if projared has taught us anything, its definately always the self righteous types that have the worst dirty laundry

flat earth is boring, sub-antarctic nazis are the hot old thing

Just fucking delete /pol/. Call them out wherever you see them. Make them scared.
They’ve infected every board.

His podcasts are on his second channel. You are probably subscribed to the wrong channel if you're being flooded with podcasts.

He hung out with fucking Metokur. There's a 100% chance a log exists out there of him casually throwing around the word "nigger," while talking about the positive aspects of rape.

Its exception to the rule being made the rule
They try to redefine reality and rules to win

I don't think he ever made a video on Zelda. Did he?

I'm just explaining why they think the world is flat, that's all. It's a religion thing.

That doesn't explain the non-religious flat earthers and those guys are the funniest to me because like, who benefits from everyone believing the world is round? Who is hurt? What's at stake to need this vast global conspiracy?

>podcasts once a week
Do you not have anyone else subbed to?

Jesus, this guy. He talks a lot about objectivity but the whole topic is so superficial that i dont give a shit. its basically an argument in semantics at the end of the day.

His media "analysis" isnt much better. His game reviews were pretty good, for the literal couple that he made, but his movie critiques are abismal. Firstly, hes got a huge hard-on for capeshit, and i mean huge. It shows in his predator review, when he's getting tistic about shane black, more than likely because of muh mandarin. shane's a great director, but mauler wouldnt know this because he only watches capeshit and whatever the latest outrage movie is.

Anyway, his media reviews basically only review the script, the writing, etc. and puts a heavy emphasis on in-universe logic, rather than whats between the lines or even the visual aspects of, i dont know, an audio visual medium. sure, i guess the fact that jimjam skywalker didnt know bus route to get to deathstalker base is an objectice critique, but the nostalgia critic did that shit 10 years ago and that guy toes the line of e-celeb and lolcow.

one last thing i wanna get off my chest, efap is self-fellating, they cant take criticism worth shit and the furfags mauler associates himself with are obnoxious.

>watching some tranny apologist go on about Expand Dong 64
>not watching someone do a deep dive on Suda 51's games instead

>he says on Yea Forums
lol shut up larper

God, I can't wait until he gets metooed. Probably the most insufferable leftist eceleb out there.

Oh, well those people generally never got told why flat earthers believe that and just bought the other stuff.

>criticize anything an e-celeb says ever
>YOU MUST BE A FANBOY OF *insert something said e-celeb was critical of here*

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BoTW was terrible.

>someone is under the age of 25
>talking about anything regarding the Simpsons

you're no better than the Sneed Brigade. Also had to disown and unsub a Simpsons youtuber because he drank the mainstream media kool-aid regarding the Leaving Neverland shockumentary during his Stark Raving Dad review (the one Jacko was in) and asserts that Jackson (probably) touched kids inappropriately because some boy band backup dancer said he did it with zero proof or evidence.

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The only video game essay guy i like is yahtzee from zero punctuation desu he states his own subjective experiences with the game he's reviewing and goes into detail about why those things personally don't sit well with him

What you point out is an interesting side effect of the whole "youtuber analysis thing". Most people just watch them to see people talk at length about things they like, and hear more complex opinions than you would get in most places on the internet, but there's another smaller contingent of people who use these critics as like a sports team or an idol to follow around and act as their disciple. They spam their opinions in threads on the topic, and go to war with the rival faction, and it's really retarded.

His opinions being I DON'T LIKE NEW THING. Brought across with all the nuance and intelligence of Cinema Sins.

Whining about the blinking lights on a stormtrooper carrier is not an argument.

you mean like how Hamsterson went after low hanging fruit like Fallout 76 and hasn't made anything remotely controversial since THE TOWN MADE HIM STUPID?

botw was cheap as fuck and of course you nintenfags eat it up cause they slapped a face you know on it

it was shakespeare that said brevity is something or the other and the dude was fucking right. theres no reason to take 9+ to say something that can easily be said in less than one. if his videos were being graded, hed already be penalised for going over the word-count firstly, and then for repeating the everloving shit out of himself. make a point, move onto the next. you learn this shit in school.

What is /pol/ mad this dude destroyed Ben shapiro

Sure but that's where Mauler's biggest criticism comes up: Hbomb presents his opinions as hard facts about game design. He's not saying "in my opinion Dark Souls 2 is better because it punishes always using lock-on", he's saying "Dark Souls 2 is objectively a better game because it punishes always using lock-on, and lock-on is objectively bad because..." and so on.

Admittedly Hbomb does have some good videos but his problem of presenting his opinion as hard fact while also turning around and making a career of of criticizing others for not doing proper research is pretty bad.

What the fuck do you mean, NEW THING is fucking awful when it comes to Star Wars. NEW THING has always been bad when it comes to star wars, the last NEW THING was bad too.

Yahtzee very clearly works on a limited time schedule to play the games he reviews and the "I hate everything" thing gets old after a while. "I am a grumpy gamer and I hate all video games" can be entertaining to watch, but it's like junk food.

Part three never.

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fuck off reddit tourist

This is why mauler makes long form videos, because he's not content to dismiss things in two seconds like you are, faggot.

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>And this is how the menu of sim city for the snes is a lot like Dark Souls in its superb design!!

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>it was shakespeare that said brevity is something or the other

You know that line is actually a joke? It's said by a character who's long-winded.

Yahtzee is not a video game essayist, he's a speed reviewer that focuses on comedy more than actually exploring the game. He is an entertainment show.

looks like the typical SSRI look

hahaha thought i recognised him from somewhere

Anyone create a video on why Dead Rising 1 is pretty great?

im not watching more of your furfag podcasts YiffLer

Happy pride, fag.

>if his videos were being graded, hed already be penalised for going over the word-count firstly,

You know there are essays the length of novels, right? Hell, you probably read a few in school. There's no hard "length" when it comes to proving a point.


Oh. Oh baby do I have a channel for you.


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Oh, I recgonize that guy. I guess I meant another longform essay video, but I guess actually going through the Stipo channel will do.

Furry GAY friend

I haven't seen hbomb's DS2 video but I think he is better than framing his analysis as cold, calculating, and objective fact that MauLer apparently does. It's tedious for a reviewer to always have to preface their arguments with "in my opinion" so the lack of him saying that I don't think means he thinks his points are objective statements of fact.
Joseph Anderson said something similar about how Dark Souls 2 is better than people think because it forces the player to stop using always lock-on and that's a point I just straight up disagree with. Ganks suck ass and aren't fun, and everyone's favorite fights in the series have always been the one on one duels. To me, the game engine isn't built around it although I can see why they would make the argument that DS2 encourages different styles of tackling challenges. Even though I disagree with them, I don't think the videos are poorly made

>rlm compared TLJ to a comedy of errors which handedly explains why every character comes off so incompetent and unlikable
>mauler in comparison just nitpicked each scene
He essentially says the same thing at the end though, only he took three times as long to get there because his autism is too massive to not analyze the movie scene by scene

you forgot anime ones:

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>What are you lookin' at, NAZI!?!?

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just post the fucking side by side regarding Hamsterson's and MatthewMatosis's analysis regarding Breath Of The Wild's Flurry Rush

Even if it was a new IP, all you fucks would complain about ubisoft towers and bland gameplay. The only reason you hate it MORE is because it has LoZ attached to it.

Whoops, sorry Nintendo did open world right their very FIRST time, unlike ubisoft, who has been trying since 2007.

Yes, AC is almost 13.

jesus, does contra really still have a 5 o'clock shadow? just put zero effort in, fuck

Who's shitting on the longest journey? Face and address, now.

Honestly i absolutely hate youtube essays and can't watch any of them despite having a youtube channel dedicated to them. I think that's all that it comes down to, people who make essays just like the smell of their own farts.

>I haven't seen hbomb's DS2 video

Why would anyone read past this sentence in your post.


I can kind of agree with this. Hbomberguy I think makes entertaining videos on non-vidya subjects, that are pretty digestible. I can't tell how seriously they take their videos sometimes, though.

As a hardcore DS2 elitist, Hbomb defended the least defensible parts of the video game to spite matosis and made just about 0 good points to support his defenses.

He literally said he has high test though. He used to care when he was younger, so he got tested and it was high.
HIGH test makes you bald, not low, you ignoramus

>Someone talks for a long time, making points and showing their references, and in a somewhat irreverent manner

"I disagree. Therefore, we should shoot those people."

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>Mother's Basement

you mean the same faggot who hates ecchi in his anime?

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>saying you know niche directors as a proof you're cultured
lmao Lars Von Trier is a hack btw

>Here's a 8 hour review of a horror game that you can beat in 45 minutes because other reviewers said things that made me grumpy dumpy.

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I felt RLM's TLJ content came off way too reserved. Like they were afraid of really actively shitting on it, even though you could tell they thought it was absolutely awful. They repeatedly slipped in jabs and insults in other Half in the Bag episodes.

>zelda's towers don't reveal everything on the map just the immediate landscape
>somehow this makes them ubisoft towers

You know this doesn't discount the phrase? You know Polonius is poked fun at for being long-winded? More matter, less art.

Lmao, THTJB was fantastic

>HIGH test makes you bald, not low, you ignoramus
Who lied to you?

OoT wasn't even the best Zelda game on the N64

>HIGH test makes you bald, not low,
cope harder, hairlet

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Politics aside, I'd gladly grab a drink and shoot the shit with him about some old vidyas.

everyone in that pictures looks like a tranny or Yea Forums jannie

his mommy told him it to make him feel better for balding in his teens lmao. shit genes make you bald, thats it.

I think they were only trying to avoid turning the video into just a hour long rant

>There's no hard "length" when it comes to proving a point.
I'd say a good rule of thumb is to stop when you've already made your point

>Hour or longer video essay to explain why thing good
>Hour or longer video essay to explain why thing bad

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His DaS2 video was an abortion and actively worsened community perception of DaS2 because of how poorly argued it is.

>Mega faggot.
Ecchi anime is the least of his problems.

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>state of jesuotaku

I just want to know who broke her heart and convinced her that being a boy was the road to happiness.

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>Youtube Essayist: your waifu a shit according to this scientific data and opinion poll

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Lemme guess you literally watched his videos trying to "debunk" PJW and just automatically believed everything he said?

TLJ isn't a perfect movie but it's better than a large swath of YouTube would have you believe. It's a pretty good litmus test for YouTube reviewers because there's those that will lift their skirt and call Rey a Mary Sue (which is the laziest dumbest take you can get) so as soon as that happens I can just switch the video off. I also pass on people bitter about Snoke not being anyone important

That's nearly 1/3 trans, and that's just the ones that don't pass just enough to know they tried. That's amazing.

oh trust I'm aware of allllll that shit but the worst of it is the holier than thou bullshit he spews despite being a weeb in his fucking late 20s still. When some boomer told him that classic anime was dead and buried because of youngin changing the landscape forever MB's response was "uh no crunchyroll saved the industry by watering down the genre for everyone else fuck your niche"

She literally is a mary sue. She's an overly competent jack of all trades who cannot suffer or fail. You can like the films, but she fits every criterion for beign a mary sue.

>cold, calculating, and objective fact that MauLer apparently does.
Mauler never actually claimed his videos to be undeniable fact, that would be his retarded furry friends, he has admitted he was wrong in the past.

Nah, you sound like a fag. Rey is a genuinely badly written character, and Snoke going nowhere was ridiculous. Granted, both pale in comparison to the complete character assassination done to Luke.


I mean, Rey is a mary sue by definition, but why would we care when we heard every youtube essayist and their dog say that? There's way worse problems in that movie than having a bad protagonist.

Based Hbomberguy making all the /pol/cels SEETHE

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When your central character is bad, that kinda shows a major weakness in your entire story. TLJ was just so horrible though that you can look around every corner and find something to gawk at.

>This passes as 'intellectuals' in leftist America and Canada

Even the blind can see that those 'people' don't pass.

By the way, isn't that Dan Olson in the midst, the guy who tried framing imageboards in the past by posting cp on those and then calling the feds?

the only thing worse than having a receding hairline is having a receding hairline and trying to cover it up with your thin greasy hair

i'd argue the protagonist is the most important part to get right (or atleast non offensive) in any work because the media is ABOUT the protagonist, thats WHY they're the protagonist, if you mess up the protagonist, you mess up the entire media product, to quote someone in this thread.

"why do you watch someone you don't like, just don't" when talking about youtube e-celebs, it applies to this too.

seems to be working for trump

Harris looks like he's photoshopped in to that picture, even his tranny friends don't want to huddle up with him. He's the furthest person away from another person and the only one that looks on his own.

bro attack the man for his choices not god's ;_;

His schtick is a less retarded Steve Brule. Once you realize this he's no longer funny.

git gud

All right, I looked it up, that's apparently a myth that was debunked. (Testosterone level doesn't effect hair loss at all)
So the dude I replied to was also wrong about the same thing. And HBomb still has high T (unless he was lying for some reason)
But not understanding or looking for the science is to be expected from someone who still believes basedboys are a thing, even after the fucking right stopped using the term because it was so embarrassing.


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Rey/Kylo/Luke are the best part of TLJ hands down.
She literally suffers from daddy issues and the need for external validation throughout the entire movie. She also fails to turn Kylo in the most crucial scene in the movie. She also was powerless against Snoke. Who does she beat in the Last Jedi?

what does Yea Forums think of digibro?

>she fails to turn the antagonist into a good guy with one speech

>Anyway, his media reviews basically only review the script, the writing, etc. and puts a heavy emphasis on in-universe logic
I mean, it's probably deliberate because he probably doesn't have much knowledge of other aspects of film-making so he sticks to what he can do, if he approached every single aspect of everything his videos would be even longer too.
I do agree his game videos are much better though, and EFAP is cancer, mostly because of the furries though.

unpopular opinion: lisa was a shitty game that tried to hard, it appeals to Yea Forums because they like homoeroticism in general and wrestling in particular

>Ritz Santa Monica

Boy, they really spare no expense when they promote Communism

Fascinating. I have to assume you're not a fan of Star Wars if you think Luke was acceptable. He's an entirely different character compared to who he was at the end of Return of the Jedi. To quote Hamil, he's "Jake Skywalker."

Luke is the ultimate hero. The ultimate person who believes in the good of others. He redeemed Darth Vader. But we're supposed to believe that he becomes a cynical depressed nihilist who decides to try and murder his nephew on a him, when he did nothing wrong?

Lisa is a good game series, his analysis of it was just so shitty that it detracts from the game, making it seem like "another Undertale clone"

I'm not denying that, Rey is terrible and always has been, but I think the entire Holdo, Poe and Finn subplots along with Luke's character assassination hurt the film a lot more than she ever could.


She doesn't give a speech and she places her trust in the wrong man and leaves the First Order in the hands of an unstable maniac. She was blind to her own weaknesses but whatever I guess she does literally everything she wants to do and everything goes her way the entire movie

he's a shitlord but he isn't wrong about most of the shit he rants about. Though I feel it is mostly an act done for show.

How so?

Lisa the Joyful was not good. It had a handful of good segments but on the whole it was fucking bad. a pale shadow of Lisa the Painful. Lisa the original was a fine Yume Nikki clone with more rape.

The "Ultimate hero" is a boring concept that doesn't mesh well with the modern ideas of Star wars, where the Jedi and Sith aren't all that different. Luke would know this better than anyone, its not a stretch to say it'd make him cynical and a little paranoid.

Because they are, faggot.

So shut the fuck up and listen to this masterpiece:

Stuff my crust

Her first shot out of the millennium falcon hits three fucking tie fighters.

>listening to a Contrapoint advocate

trumps hair is more arid than ivanas pussy, that shit is the antithesis of greasy
im glad you brought this up, that dudes wardrobe makes lindsay ellis look like a runway model. who the fuck does he think he is, flip-flopping between a three-piece suit and a shirt&jeans combo? he should not be wearing a wifebeater with that skinny-fat body

The modern ideas of star wars are literally less nuanced than the original good versus evil story. Now the bad guys aren't just bad, they're bad AND stupid and simultaneously all powerful and too idiotic to survive.

I want to curb stomp this nigger so bad holy fuck

I'll never understand what these faggots see in his shit videos.

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All youtube essayists are Twin Perfect wannabes.

They did it first.

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>doesn't even talk about how shenmue is epic exclusive for a year and steamfags with steamkeys have to wait for atleast a year to play the game when it comes out or just buy it on epic, wasting more money and ending up with two copies of the same game


What do you have issues with? I'm curious

Purposefully slurs words like pizza, "prihz-za". Has a 1 take approach, which involves including all the mistakes as a joke. Generally unprofessional because that's funny. Shitty green screen. He comes from the school of Tim and Eric it's so blatantly obvious. It's new to zoomes so you eat it up.

You now realize that a whole generation of "hilariously snarky" and "weird" video game e-celebs trace direct descent from Fitzthistlewits, and that the knowledge that he had in some way caused this drove him to quit the internet for good.

>Luke is the ultimate hero. The ultimate person who believes in the good of others
Are you just completely ignoring Empire and RotJ where he struggles constantly with temptations from the Dark Side? The dumbest things about the extended universe is they turn Luke into this Jedi Jesus and since his character arc is completed in the OT that means he can literally do no wrong. He didn't just DECIDE to kill his nephew, it was a temptation from the Dark Side which he briefly succumbed to, and now he lives in guilt over that.
He still hasn’t responded

>Video essay
>Uses music that you'd find searching "chill hip-hop" in the background
>British voice
>Is either an hour long or 11 minutes to maximize ad revenue

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He could always just not review movies


even hearing that disgusting trannie's channel name makes me physically cringe T B H

So you're fine with completely rewriting a character that defined an entire franchise and influenced countless others because you find him "boring." The hero's journey is a concept that's been around since before you were born, and will be around long after you're dead, pal.

Nothing in Star Wars explains the change in Luke's character. Again, this is a man who redeemed a mass murderer, someone who's killed children, and brought about the enslavement of countless people. But he saw the good in Vader.


Fuck off

I'm not as big a fan of TFA. I only saw it once and since ANH existed I never really felt the need to see it again.

>Are you just completely ignoring Empire and RotJ where he struggles constantly with temptations from the Dark Side?

Yes, and he overcomes it, you fucking peabrained moron. It's almost like there's an arc there. Where he sees the darkness that infected his father, and ultimately rejects it. Like, watch his fight at the end of RotJ. It's him staring down the same path Vader took, and saying "no."

I have done all of those things in my post

your move


To be fair, its not like he had any competition.

MauLer has made nothing worth watching other than the DS2 demolition
That said, I’ve watched that series 6+ times and probably will again at some point

What do you look for in an youtube essay? Why do you watch them?

The Queen in The Favourite

mention a better character in the last two decades than Ironman

Nolan's Batman a shit

>no black people
Based and redpilled

>the modern ideas of Star wars, where the Jedi and Sith aren't all that different.
This was only good in KotOR 2
>He didn't just DECIDE to kill his nephew, it was a temptation from the Dark Side which he briefly succumbed to, and now he lives in guilt over that.
Maybe the movie should have conveyed that better, then. We didn't see enough of pre TFA Kylo to think killing him in his sleep was a good idea, we also didn't see how Luke can succumb to the dark side now of all times after redeeming Darth fucking Vader when Kylo's deal seemed much minor by comparison.
I'm not against the idea of Luke becoming jaded, but it was terribly executed.
I mean, sure, I do miss his game videos

Essayists started with Plinkett reviews in the late 2000s you retard

Preferably, to learn about things I'm interested in, or to find new things to be interested in.

nice one bro tag him and bag take him down to chinatown and eat his ass like chow mein cause you fucking cooked his goose
just say
just fucking say it
cause were done here


i am so happy this cunt was called out for the disingenuous manbaby he was after creating the narrative that ONE MAN was responsible for the downfall of a franchise that he actually was just as big of a fanboy of as the people who were sending him death threats..

it was just a prank tom!

>Yes, and he overcomes it, you fucking peabrained moron
Yes and from then on the Dark Side never tempted anyone ever again and Luke never had negative thoughts and was never again sad or had any flaws and was unfailingly wise and perfect for the rest of his life. His character arc was completed in the OT but what did you want him to be in the sequel trilogy? A Gary Stu? It's more interesting to give him his own character arc in TLJ than have him be a static boring character

anyone who doesn't say "confirmation bias" is lying to themselves

That happened in TLJ.

legitimate media analysis. they're rare, but they exist. 9/10 its just unqualified psueds talking out their ass. there was this one dude i used to watch but i forgot his name, i think he served in the military. he depressed the shit out of me because he was always talking about all these passions that he ultimately gave up on, fucking loser

I like analyzing systems and seeing how constructed systems succeed and/or fail at conveying the creator’s vision for it
Naturally, matthewmatosis is my favorite

who's worse?

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Seriously after he came out about that I just stopped watching him.

>you mean I can dress up like my favorite anime girls I want to be?
>AND I can hide the stubble on my legs until I get one of those laser hair removers?

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Star wars could do without the constant shifts in writers and directors. Pick one, even if he might be shit, it'd still be consistent

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Did you go to the bathroom when Luke was giving his side of the story? As I recall he says "It was a fleeting moment but it has devastating consequences". He had the exact same moment with Vader when he cut off Vader's hand. Only this time, he didn't do anything and Kylo read this moment in the worst possible way.

Then why do I enjoy many videos that I ultimately disagree with?

He should at the very least know better at this point than to simply succumb over that without even a struggle.
>what did you want him to be in the sequel trilogy?
I don't know, a mentor? Like we all agree, his arc is done, he doesn't have to be major character and the story isn't about him anymore, the movie treated him like a discount Ben with added sarcasm and heavy doses of depression anyway.

I gotta give women a lot of credit, shaving every hair follicle in your body only to come back in a weeks time made me fucking hate everything

actualy a lot of his vids get custom soundtrack by a buddy of him
this is the CAD vid soundtrack for exemple

Hbomberguy is way worse. Metokur is just a dumb internet troll, but Hbomberguy advocates for legitimately dangerous rhetoric.

lmfao imagine looking at games as “systems”
autists are pathetic

>His character arc was completed in the OT but what did you want him to be in the sequel trilogy?

Hey, maybe don't drag the corpse of a character out, if the only thing you're going to do is fuck with them, maybe?

And yes, I do think it's ridiculous that a character who, AGAIN, REDEEMED DARTH VADER, decided to try and murder his nephew who had done NOTHING. You face a person who you can legitimately argue deserved to die, and say "no, there's good in you," but a kid with some possible problems? "lol naw, Imma fuck your shit up." And it's not like Luke even gets an arc in the trilogy. If you wanted him to have a failure and redemption story, it's absolutely insulting to stick it in a single movie. Disney's ruined this character. What are they gonna do with him now? Stick his force ghost in Episode IX? It doesn't matter. He's dead. TLJ put a stain on Luke Skywalker's existence.

obnoxious /pol/tard, i see him going the way of the maddox

because it gives you an superiority that you are right

I was thinking of other people, every essay video I end up clicking on always seems to have the same 5 songs or just uses the Hotline Miami soundtrack


at least hbomberguy puts some effort on his content, your groomer just reads whatever is popular on Yea Forums or /pol/ and makes it into a powerpoint presentation

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Based shooty bang bang retard

>not looking at games as systems

He looks as if he'll succumb to cancer at any moment. I can't take him seriously.

Oh well she's trained in the force by then and Tie Fighters are mooks. I will say that everything with her on the salt planet is handled pretty clumsily. Like she just had this devastating character moment where her worst fears about her identity are confirmed and she's betrayed by the person she had been growing closest to but when she shows up she's like "woo! I like this"
Give a girl some time to mourn

No, I mean understanding and appreciating arguments that I ultimately disagree with
I’m not stupid enough to think I’m smarter than people who disagree with me

Hbomberguy because he's just a smug liar. Metokur is at least honest about being a complete fucking douchebag.

You are now aware that the majority of video essays feature this song

even jim isn't dumb enough to get himself caught in a lolsuit he lose he will lose. say what you will about him he has outlasted a LOT of people

what ticks me off is how such a malformed, balding sòyboy cunt like him could grow such an ego unchecked
I'm from azerbaijan and freaks like him in my country would get bullied into suicide

I've also heard this from like 5 separate people

>very least know better at this point than to simply succumb over that without even a struggle
But he doesn't succumb though. Seriously am I the only one that remembers where he just ignites the lightsaber and then resists the temptation?
See my previous point. Do people not remember Luke didn't actually decide to kill Kylo?

I'm pretty sure him and Hbomberguy used to work together to harass trannies and women (the people Hbomberguy white knights now) on the metokur forums back in the day ironically

The P5 soundtrack in general is completely overused, but I cant bring myself to dislike it

>Oh well she's trained in the force by

I've got a question for you. How long did she train in the force? More over, do you know the length of time between TFA, and TLJ?

>mfw I don't listen to enough shitty video essays to associate them with this song
>mfw I still can still enjoy it because I only associate it with P5

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Yea Forums supports the lifestyle he is describing. YOU are the minority, user. Look in the mirror and repent.

That's probably his only good video too.

No shit, your country has barely enough money to be recognized as legitimate, of course Anti Bullying programs wouldnt be a priority

Do you not remember the fucking movie? He swung his saber down! Kylo had to block the attack. If he didn't, Luke would've murdered him.

You are so dumb, that you defend a movie without even remembering what happened.

HBomb is based because he dabs on flat earth retards, anti-vax faggots, and cuckservatives.

Lol at all the ideological minorities seething in this thread.

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I miss when he just talked about JoJo OPs

I would not watch anyone who speaks like he does even if their views perfectly aligned with my own

Hey all, Bot here. And I'm gonna tell you everything you know but with a nerdy robot voice.

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>I'm from azerbaijan
why are you making up countries

It's so difficult to dab on flat earthers, anti-vaxxers, and climate change deniers. Truly he is a big brained sophisticate intellectual like myself.

first time hearing either of them and trust me I'd know if i heard something a billion times in the background of youtube shit.also how fucking common is this green text

>use JRPG OST in background
>person talking fucking hates JRPGs

I've been reaching out to Youtuber's asking if they'd want to use my music in their content. I really feel like there's an untapped market for composers making stuff for internet videos.

How long did Luke train in the force before he shot the one-in-a-million shot that blew up the Death Star?

He is Anti-piracy which is good.

Fuck the people that try to act like theyre on some moral highground, suggesting that you fit in a one size fits all model thats akin to hell on earth.

the unfuckables

that video made nostalgic

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it could have honestly went for several more if he focused more on all the connections with all of Suda's games.Can't wait for the translation of Suda's biography.

Nah, Jim's fanbase is too autistically obsessed with him for that to happen. he could put up a livestream of him eating and taking a shit for 2 hours with no content and people would still throw over 1000$ of superchats at him

Being a pilot was established as one o the only things he was good at. What's your point?

Longer than she did.

Legit based post

this is a good essay, give it a chance goys, only 3 hours of your day

Did YOU see the movie? Kylo sees Luke standing over him with his lightsaber drawn and assumes the worst and begins a counterattack. Do you just straight up not believe Luke when he said it was a passing temptation?

>accuses every detractor of TSA (albeit jokingly) that they only hated it because ofa fuckign camera angle and the fact that it didn't have a 3 in the title

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Don't forget maga chuds

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I know it's you Hbomberguy

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The most depressing part is that they probably get sex easier than everyone here

>goes after easy targets


let me know when he is willing to tackle the Jenovaverse

Joseph anderson is the intellectual equivalent of two 3rd graders in a trench coat trying to buy a playboy and some beers at the corner store

he has dabbed on the greatest of right wing minds like Ben Shapiro and Dave Rubin too, so there's no escape /pol/ack

i like him, but hes a huge nintendo drone. overall, id pat him on the back and call him sport

When the communists got violent in the streets is when everyone voted for hitler

I'd rather be hit by a milkshake than an egg, honestly. Regardless, Brexit party made huge gains no matter how many crying libdems paid mcdonalds for ammo.

we might not fuck that much but at least we're not e celebs

In no context would that not be viewed as attempted murder. I stand over your bed with a cocked gun, what would you do?

It's completely counter-intuitive to Luke's entire character. It had no build up. No establishment. It was pure "Jake Skywalker."

its odd hearing about how he couldn't play many games as a kid yet he has such a good game channel

>it's a zoomer
>oh rpgs nah i don't have patience for them

every time

lmao read a history book retard

in the old times antifa wasn't really a thing because leftists and liberals kept fighting each other and didn't really know what to expect from fascists

now they do so they're united in shitting on your kind

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ISn't that basically all Youtubers tho? like non of them actually tackle hard issues, HBomb is basically a slightly less unfunny Jim Sterling, and both just pick the easiest targets because they're actually dumb.

More educated people don't make youtube videos.

go back to Yea Forums

He did, he didn't believe a moderator on his discord was being sexually harassed by his pal.
Sure he later cut ties to said pal but he activily gaslight the harassed friend and got off relativily scottfree.

Jim's still mad that he wasn't the epic leader of Gamergate so now he resides to just laughing at dumb shit
Hbumber is a sad pathetic fag with troll's remorse who now feels the need to "fight the alt right and transphobia" making him even gayer than Jim

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I agree that conservatives are easy targets.

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Thats Eyepatch Wolf though
>And this, my friends.... Is why, you should watch ........ Yoooo Yoooo Hakooshow....

My point is that the Mary Sue arguments never convince me because they're almost never applied to male characters. Iron Man invents time travel in an afternoon. Anakin blows up the trade federation and wins the war on accident. I COULD get all anal about these contrivances but I don't because these contrivances are in service of strengthening the story. Arguing about the LOGIC of what someone SHOULD BE CAPABLE OF is dumb pedantry. Star Wars movies are not RPGs.

Again, with barely any internal struggle he considered murdering Kylo for barely any reason when at that point in his life, he should have known better.
We aren't given reason to believe his character would do something like that, at least show Kylo doing something to warrant Luke's actions rather than just throwing a half assed character arc at us with such a bloated movie, maybe if they removed that retarded Finn subplot we would have had more time to see Luke's downfall.

is it really sex if you're fucking subhumans?

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>three videos on why he wants people to watch hunter x hunter

were is this option?

Metokur, not even a competition

Hbomb is a smug asshat, but he has atleast good intentions and tries to atleast argue fairly.

Metokur is just a racist asshole that will do anything to push his shitty ideas and activily encourage harrassment of people.

I'm a leftist and even I hate him. Fuck off with your /pol/ boogeyman shit.

Nobody argues Anakin is an acceptable main character man. Almost literally nobody, and the ones that do are wrong.

I couldve said that about maddox at one point. it doesnt take much to flip the perception of someone like metokur turnways, people will realise hes a loser eventually

>Jim Sterling, and both just pick the easiest targets because they're actually dumb.

fucking jimbo man

>praises Nintendo for delaying Animal Crossing because of quality assurance
>ignores Masuda rushing out Pokemon SwSh and being incompetent programmers

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Is that why the right is sweeping elections in white countries?

He's okay. He doesn't offend me in anyway.

I have no idea why he made 2 videos on fucking wrestling of all things, knowing full well that its the most impenetrable form of media available to the layman

>Sensational hack


want to know how i know you're a tourist?

Holy shit, so you're making a strawman argument out of nothing, regarding different movies which weren't brought up, while casually floating concerns of sexism? Jesus Christ.

You wanna bring up Iron Man? He invented his suit "in a cave with a box of scraps" 10+ years prior in the original movie. He was established, time and time again, as a genius.

Meanwhile, the ENTIRETY of The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi takes place in the span of a few days. TLJ takes place IMMEDIATELY after TFA.

>A Legend of Zelda CRITIQUE

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/ourguy/ Rekieta head and shoulders above everyone else. Probably because he actually has a real fucking job instead of being a full-time internet sperg

Italy is white all of the sudden?

>Hbomb is a smug asshat, but he has atleast good intentions and tries to atleast argue fairly.
Is that why he took matthewmatosis out of context when he was defending DS2?

he even fucking admitted it was going to be a herculean task to convince anyone about this but the comparison to shounen anime is actually pretty apt.

what kind of a deflection is that? like i was just talking about italy