What was Naoto's deal? Why did she dressed like a boy?
What was Naoto's deal? Why did she dressed like a boy?
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Warped perception of an ideal required her to be a boy. Then she saw Chad Ziodyncock and knew that being a girl was the right thing after all.
Play the game
reverse traps are better than regular girls
Have you tried playing the game? Post more naotos
Unironically internalized misogyny
naoto in a party hat
Naoto is trans.
It was a prank
shes a very insecure person and hates being looked down upon. she thought pretending to be a boy would make other people take her more detective work more seriously.
but then she realizes thats stupid.
She dresses like a boy because it makes my dick go doki doki.
Because she recognized being a girl sucks
Does Naoto actually have a large chest or is that just a meme by the fanbase?
There was a scene about it when they were having physical exams
i mean it's implied that she's more stacked than the other girls
Why Tomboy secretly always have a big breasts ? how they hide it ??
Has aki's over consumption of protein given him xray vision?
Damn i want to play Persona 3 and 4 but i refuse to buy a Vita just for this shit.
Well that's good because the ps2 versions exist.
This is actually the correct meaning of the term.
vanilla P4 still holds up pretty well in my experience
Dis nigga gay as balls dude.
How can he tell that?
She wanted to be a detective in a Japanese male society and workforce which caused her to start cross-dressing and be stealthy about it and gave her gender issues, this is on top of her being just generally insecure and viewing it all as being looked down on as her being a woman, to which she eventually just became comfortable with herself and being a girl.
Anybody that says otherwise is retarded.
She's the biggest which in Persona means C cup
I mean, sure. But Golden is just straight better.
She seriously thought anyone would take her more seriously
Does Naoto wear boxers or panties?
Didn't someone calculate this with math or something? Regular girls have girly ass hobbies that would be gay for a man to take part in with her but reverse traps/tomboys have non gay hobbies?
Does sub version exist on PS2 ?
Did you play the game?
I recall the scene, but I always assumed that the doctors just got it wrong since I couldn't imagine how Naoto could make herself look flat as fuck if she really was as stacked as the scene implied. Though, pretty much destroys any doubt that I had.
p4 vanilla is better than golden, you're fine
>This angry about a minor character
>minor character
because it's hot and even hotter when they are conscious or flustered about it. bandages are often used and it's magic how they manage to compact those milkers
>how they hide it ??
Wrapping. They are more malleable than you think.
Cuz it makes my peepee happy.
Doesn't it hurt though? Squishing your tits until it looks flat sounds really uncomfortable.
that has nothing to do with it, most of the new stuff in golden sucks. marie is terrible, the investigation team goes on too many stupid new excursions and okina is now apparently easily accessible despite the characters still complaining that there's nothing to do in inaba. even adachi is worse off, the hunger social link manages to make him less likable. the run down, desolate setting of inaba that is the source of most of the cast's problems is gone and replaced with tatsumi port 2.
Good god, now I get it. Only ever played Golden and didn't think that line was meme worthy, but now I see.
Did she actually fooled anyone who played this game?
This is.....actually a really good question. But its likely boxers considering she wanted to keep a more masculine apperance.
Adachi actually has a in Golden, rather than just an ill defined "I'm angry at not being successful, ALSO BITCHES". The rest has merit.
Unironically this but unironically.
this. golden improves very little while adding fillershit just like FES, P3P and what P5R is about to do.
I love Chie!
Naoto eating a burg (and failing)
Me too
There's something about tiny girls with healthy appetites that is undeniably attractive. You know it's all going straight to her tits.
I love Naoto!
Yeah, I didn't suspect her.
I hope that retard who says the Phantom Theives are hypocrites for giving up their powers without using them to reorganize the government doesnt post in here.
Just think, in America Naoto might not have learned to do away with her self-prejudice and respect herself as a welcome contributer to society, and instead might have gotten a surgery that cuts the flesh of her arm into a penis and had taken hormone pills
Not when Kanami exist
to make my pp hard
WOW! That smile is MEGIDOLAON cute!
She grew up watching classic tv and movies about detectives and the fact that they were all these hard-boiled male characters led her to have this perception that only men could be the type of detective PI that she wanted to be. Thus her warped perception that she needed to change her gender in order to become what she wanted to be.
Her whole arc feels like a message about the importance of role models in the media for kids in their formative years.
"""subtle""" social commentary on oppressive gender roles in Japan
except that goes completely against the theme of persona 4
the actual reason was she was led to believe that women could never be taken seriously so she would try to act like a man so she could be seen as a serious detective. Now she does it because she knows I love it.
Why address the cause when you can treat the symptoms by chopping off your cock?
we will ever see her again Yea Forumsros?...
because challenging social gender roles in a sustainable, widely meaningful way is difficult and probably even more unpleasant and painful than transitioning.
problem being is that being a tranny is a mental disorder that's treatment is hormones and shit which is recognized by the medical community. peer pressure is a completely different beast. that being said, naoto isnt a tranny so she has no need to do that shit
Dancing Naoto is Naoto's best look
pq2 came out 2 weeks ago
No tomboy should have that much cuteness
>Disgusting tomboys
Post best girl
>best anything
sauce for this is Everyday young Life Eros
Anything's a mental disorder nowadays, trannies in most cases just misdiagnose their self loathing as simply being the wrong gender.
it can be, depends on how big said milkers are.
which is a problem. that kinda shit should be diagnosed by a psych
Binders, my guy. Girls know how to hide their boobs if they need to.
Nah, better to let them join the 40% once they realize being another gender didn't make them any happier.
true, but from what I understand, sometime psychs and even doctors egg them on
Thanks mate.
i disagree. i think its totally fine to transition. usually when they do they turn out doing better mentally. the 40% bit is just pressure from society who cant seem to accept an actual mental problem.
some certainly do. and those who do shouldnt be doctors to begin with. goes against the oath they took
No not really. It feels a bit funny but nothing like it will bother you during the day.
>40% bit is just pressure from society who cant seem to accept an actual mental problem.
Or the staggering medical bills that come with transitioning. But sure, let people to go into debt for what amounts to cosmetic surgery at the moment.
wasn't this considered non-canon not long after it came out
>it's society's fault that the science to actually change gender hasn't been developed yet and makes people look like haggard Ben Franklin abominations
Nothing is wrong with transitioning in theory but we don't have the ability to actually do it yet and until we do it's much smarter to treat it psychologically.
In California, It's big trouble for psychiatrists to recommend against sex reassignment surgery. They HAVE TO offer it as a solution to any feelings of gender confusion. They will revoke your license. It's not illegal, yet, but that's where they want to take it.
It's rarely the correct answer:
>"When ‘the tumult and shouting dies,’ it proves not easy nor wise to live in a counterfeit sexual garb. The most thorough follow-up of sex-reassigned people—extending over 30 years and conducted in Sweden, where the culture is strongly supportive of the transgendered—documents their lifelong mental unrest. Ten to 15 years after surgical reassignment, the suicide rate of those who had undergone sex-reassignment surgery rose to 20 times that of comparable peers."
Yeah. Due to lots of negative fan backlash
thats true. transitioning isnt cheap. but i dont know any tranny who is suicidal because of existing medical bills. but there certainly are many who are depressed because of legitimate gender dysphoria and not being able to afford the surgeries to make them okay with their bodies
it was also considered shit
all of you better back off, we're already married
It certainly is society's fault that gender is such a pressing concern that it can ruin people's lives in the first place.
gender roles exist because they used to be useful, but with the dawn of modern medicine and industrialization they stopped providing value to society. This is even more true in the urbanized, modern service-based economy we live in today.
Of course, nobody will actually tell you that and certainly no transsexual advocate, because rejecting the notion of gender roles completely invalidates the concept of transsexuality.
>tfw got naoto first try by answering the questions truthfully
>dont know any tranny who is suicidal because of existing medical bills.
You don't have to look only at trannies, being neck deep in debt is a classic factor for suicides across the board. It doesn't take many more straws to break the camel's back with all those things weighing on a person. That's why I don't believe people should honestly consider such drastic, life changing surgery. At least in its current state.
I got Elizabeth. I can deal
>we can't have a Naoto thread without people talking about trannies and transitioning
I get you guys REALLY wanted her to be trans but Atlus told you to fuck off, so leave her alone
The sugeries don't help.
1) They don't fix the mental issues. And there ARE mental issues. Ignoring that is dangerous.
2) It's not really sex reassignment. You don't become female or male. You lose your genitals and all ability to reproduce. You don't get replacement genitals that work the same. You get an open wound or a dead, lifeless limb with virtually no feeling that can't even get hard.
if you REALLY cared about this, you'd be advocating gene editing and CRISPR technology.
except for the fact that they do. the treatment is the surgeries and the hormones and whatnot. thats how you treat it. sure it wont change biology and whatnot, but it makes them okay with themselves. saying that it doesnt help is dismissing the vast majority who do get the surgeries and are happy
>wanted to get Chie
>got Chie on the first try because her answers were so obvious
>except for the fact that they do. the treatment is the surgeries and the hormones and whatnot
Goddamn not everything in life is solved by pills you goddamn burger, there's a reason people are still miserable because you keep treating only the symptoms and not the cause of shit because that would actually take work and provide results that no longer mean people pissing money down the drain to pharmacies or surgeons. Society is pushing people unhappy with themselves to just transition because it makes them more money than actually helping them.
A suicide rate 20 times higher than other people in SWEDEN a country that is HIGHLY supportive of Transgender and where the surgery is 100% free.
Your entire argument has no legs.
You unironically cannot even imagine what it is like.
Whether you force the body to produce the hormones via genome editing or you introduce them via pills is quite honestly a meaningless difference.
That would imply Naoto is actually transgender which was never the case
>but it makes them okay with themselves.
>he doesn't know
didnt say pills solve everything. proper treatment does. and the widely accepted treatment by the medical community is to transition
hard for me to take a conservative site seriously when a majority of conservatives are against lgbt people having rights in the first place
i have a lot of experience with this topic, so yeah. i do know. im just a lot more reasonable than most trannies
>"The world is about to change! Your existence won't belong there! I thought I could just leave you be but you're like a plague! I'll have to get rid of all of you!"
>"I will kill you...Crush you! DESTROY YOU! Teammates are nothing but trash!"
Why are persona on persona battles so shit in this series?
Why does Door-kun have tits?
it's a special door
one you'll be slamming all night
>and the widely accepted treatment by the medical community is to transition
And the medical community has never been wrong before amirite? That's why people still get told to take pills that help them in one thing while wrecking 5 other things instead of simply adopting a change in their lifestyle to regulate their body through other means. Then at the end of their lives they're wrecks that would have rather died young than being a mind trapped in their half dead bodies.
If you transition you're making a gigantic life changing operation you cannot undo and you're hoping that the medical community will never one day say "whoops, guess this wasn't really the best way to handle it lmao".
based surgeon
>im just a lot more reasonable than most trannies
>refuses to acknowledge actual numbers and statistics
no, not really. keep posting cute Naoto's though. You'll never look like her. she's an actual woman, you see.
Don't you see user, doctors said this is good.
That person should be thankful.
it's been a long time that it's been accepted as treatment. i doubt its going to go bottom up someday
its hard to accept numbers and statistics on a site that has bias to begin with. come to me with facts from an unbiased source and i'll talk to you about it
funny joke is that everyone assumes that all trannies are mtf. hint: im not
>transition is better mentally and all suicide is from society against them
This is entirely a feelgood guess. Its based in nothing and requires ignorance of the procedure. You have absolutely no reason to believe this, and its telling that youve coupled your post with a bubbly image of a smiling anime girl. Gender reassignment is not as soft and releiving as you'd like to think
>this fucking thread
Look at this dork
Have you had surgery and has it been rewarding? Was it worth it?
>wow, Marie is one Kawaii girl
>she's totally my new waifu
oh i know all about the pains and hardships relating to it. medical procedures arent all sunshine and rainbows
yes, yes, and yes
>it's been a long time that it's been accepted as treatment.
m8 human life is piss short. A long time for a human means jack shit in history. But hey, the silver lining is that if you die before they ever say that they were wrong about something, it'll be the same as if they were right. That's how it went for all those blokes in the past.
>ywn marry a cute tomboy that gets embarrassed when she looks girly
>hard for me to take a conservative site seriously when a majority of conservatives are against lgbt people having rights in the first place
You mean it's easier to ignore raw data when you don't like who is giving it to you.
Because she lived in an unironically sexist society and saw pretending to be a boy as the only way she'll get anywhere in her career.
Wjay was your condition like before transition? As best you can, could you describe dysphoria to me? Genuinely curious
You see her bazongas in Golden, they're big enough to float.
>widely accepted treatment by the medical community is to transition
So was leaching, frontal lobotomies and trepanation.
Rich chinks spent lifetimes chugging mercury because it was said for a long time that it was good. Just because something was considered the standard for a long time doesn't mean it's automatically correct or the best option. There's always the chance that there's something better out there.
How does it feel to know you'll never have sex again?
Your armhair sausage isn't a penis. It doesn't feel like one. It can't get hard.
That was just her Persona holding them down.
Why are we still here, just to suffer?
FES actually dos improve 3 though. I don't even mean The Answer, I just mean the little improvements made to 3.
P3P actually made P3 playable by giving your a crazy innovative option to control your party members directly though.
Man, i love P4D
Okay transition if you want or whatever, but it is a severe psychosomatic conditiom where the mind rejects the body, so don't be surprised if people aren't really trying to internalize your mentality when you explain it
Why is the best persona girl in the worst persona game?
dysphoria is generally different for everyone. some folks might hate everything and some folks might hate certain parts. mine is the whole part bit and the last few years have been hormones and adjusting to the changes it has made on my body
and the surgery as well. which was an improvement
You can't just make a Naoto thread and not post THAT image
No point in wondering if it was the right choice anymore, not like you can put the genie in the bottle again. Maybe someday transition surgeries will be easily reversible with no drawbacks for people who weren't satisfied with what they got. That'd be for the best.
You need to be more specific
I hate trannies. Why the fuck can't the scum keep their hands off the few good things life has to offer?
Do you ever worry you got 'old body bad new body good' too much in your head
I just posted it
I dont want to drive anyone to suicide but come on guys isnt a lifelong fixation on sex change a bit.... Ambitious?
nah. im more comfortable now than i ever have been
So why not refer to it as THIS?
>female chest hair
I don't know if to be disgusted or aroused
Didn't think you were going to be such a birch about it
Pretty sure those are pubes from the titfuck she gave.
user, that's Yu's pubic hair from a boobjob
>be a cute girl
>but also a cute boy
Now this is HELLA based
fuck you guys I JUST FINISHED masutrbating to Naoto and you make a Naoto thread.
Did they really
Kubo's actually. No way is Yu getting any, specially from Naoto, in a Kunaboto drawing.
Naoto is a perfect example of the fact that despite what Yea Forums and Yea Forums says, children do need roles models similar to them that share their interests.
Naoto said that she pretended to be a boy partly because all the heroes in the detective books she read were men
I guess Nancy Drew isn't translated in Japanese lol
Yes but thats retarded if you think p3 was unplayable.
Do transexuals forgive me for having sympathetic genital pains at the thought of penis surgery, with the cutting and the scooping and the suturing and the sewing, to the point where I must either argue against it or ignore it? I've been assured the dysphoria is so bad its wortg it, but me without euphoria iist sees torture and loss. The transsexual being, to be, is defined by a weight between the terror of castration vs the assertation that anything else is much heavier suffering.
Knowing someone had their penis sliced and inverted, ir have made a false penis uaing flesh from the arm, makes me feel like ive been kicked in the dick. Would transsexuals hate me for that? They tell me their life was so bad before that cutting off their dick was worth it, even while agreeing it was a lot of suffering, so its basically such that every transsexual claiks to have had a life worse than getting their dick cut off
>Naoto thread
>turns into some tranny attention whoring and playing AMA like this was his tumblr
Naoto isn't a tranny. You'll never be a woman. Stop projecting your mental illness onto fictional characters.
>You'll never be a woman
you mean a man, I think
>Naoto thread
You will never be a man
So if i have a gutteral reaction and puke at your falsified genitals when i see them, am I 'bad society' that causes suicide?
I mean mutilating yourself on a surgeon's table won't turn you into anything other than a sterile mockery of a human being.
Now fuck off and go enjoy your few remaining years before you taste the muzzle of a shotgun.
I want to cowtow to Nao!
>never could do the Naoto romance route because I could never really believe she'd fall in love as easily as the other girls
Naoto literally too high IQ to be some highschool sweetheart, fuck me.
reminder: naoto would never date any of you
I just had a normal healthy productivr recreational conversation about writing, with a transsexual co-worker, and I'm still deeply against the underlying tragedy there
Why did you have to do it femanom, reverse traps are so rare and loveable I would have travelled overseas to your shitty California just to wife you.
Fucking hell I hate this world
because she is dating me already!
No i meam whats your take on people who naturally feel gutteral dysphoria at the witness of a transsexual? Are they bad people who make transexuals kill themselves?
I like her but I feel bad about stealing her from Kanji.
This. If she wanted a dick so bad I would have given her mine everyday and we could even call it gay if she wanted
nope. not even you, cuteanon
I’d hug and never let go until I get shot.
It’s a win win
Is Chie's thorax one meter long?
Which girl makes the best onee-chan to Nanako?
I get by in society just fine treating transsexuals the same way I would anyone who lost their genitals in an accident or a psychological episode
rise and naoto
Kanji never really had a chance with her.
No fuck off nigger I would play games with her and cry into her shoulder for the sole fact she exists.
She doesn’t.
>it makes them okay with themselves.
Imagine being this delusional, go dilate.
Wrong post to reply to?
Elizabeth is best.
found the tranny faggot. go take your hrt.
She's so good she has 0 art because artists are deathly afraid of getting but ONE detail about her incorrect
No that’s the post I wanted to reply to.
Have sex with a roastie, nigger.
I dont get it then. She doesnt what?
Is this a recent picture cause I don't think I have this in my collection of like 5,000 Naoto pictures.
Play the game you fucking moron.
Reminder that you can easily tell who hasn't actually played the game if they say something about Naoto totally wanting to be a man or Kanji totally being gay.
I have no idea sorry. I either got it off /pg/ or a waifu Yea Forums thread. I don't think it's that recent as it says I downloaded it in February this year.
wow who would had thought,its like what they are doing its fucking natural and unhealthy
naturalistic fallacy
Play the game and find out user, it's much nicer learning for yourself rather than just being told the answer
> 40%
It's by definition not treatment since it doesn't make the issue go away, it just plays along by mutilating their body.
Hey user I think it’s cool that you want to be a guy just throwing that out there.
> its hard to accept numbers and statistics on a site that has bias to begin with. come to me with facts from an unbiased source and i'll talk to you about it
Literally admitting you won't accept unfavorable statistics, typical tranny.
I didn't use the word exist at all user. I was saying that I would help any tomboy curious about a sex change to find her femininity in my arms. My post wasn't about Nao.
It's a first person account of extended botched surgery, your quickness to declare fallacy is both needlessly defensive and useless to the subject, who is crying for help.
Can you fucking niggers go back to the thread topic, go ask YahooAnswers for help
I'm legitimately a better soul-searcher than a lot of people, and you trannies are a bunch of roadside buddhas unto yourselves. Sitting down all confident and settled, having abandoned the future.
The point is the false equivalency made in :
natural = good
unnatural = bad
Your nitpick against his word choice is a deflection from the testimony of a transexual speaking honestly about the negatives of his transition. Furthermore, 'unnatural' is a pretty good way to describe a botched surgery, being that the symbiosis between the natural body and human intervention is not working.
That sounds like an interesting study. Do you have a link?
If transsexuals are such experts on gender dysphoria then why can't they understand cisgendered people feel dysphoria towards sexual reassignment surgery?
Can we just keep posting Noots please?
Yes I know. I don’t want feminity in a tomboy. I want a fragile boygirl who is also smart and cute. Modern feminity is trash.
I want to hug her tight and feel her embarrassment as she confusingly says user it’s fine
So you've committed to a treatment that frustrates the traditional acting consensus on gender and sexuality, so what? It is what it is. Are you gonna try and argue that away? Are you gonna sit here and pretend like all the little problems don't make a little bit of sense?
Bad tomboy doesn't even smile, cute hat tho
You've got the wrong idea about femininity, buddy. You've got it mixed up with whorishness.
Jokes on her. She isn't real
Isn’t that synonymous with modern women nowadays? Isn’t that why we love tomboys?
I actually am blessed in real life. I have a tomboy aunt. I love her so much. She literally comes over sometimes and plays rainbow six siege on my pc.
I’m going to text her that she’s awesome right now.
To be taken more seriously. This was thoroughly explained.
Is Kino a reverse trap?
I love Fuuka!
Quick, say 10 things about fuuka you love without repeating yourself
does her best
and she wants to help!
Hey, get back here transexuals, I need you to admit there is plenty decency to the backlash against the procedure
Wow that's pretty impressive
These and many more words describe Fuuka's person and are some of the many things I love about her!
She wanted to be able to go into the boys changing room to get dicked down
Boxers. I could see her switching to girlier stuff after sometime though.
Furthermore her ability to withstand bullying speaks to her greater moral fortitude and an ability to accept suffering on society's behalf. Though often a slippery slope when left alone, this sense of sacrifice blooms exponentially in the arms of a truly caring and attentive lover. For her, I will preserve her smile, and ensure her virtue of applied suffering is both allocated properly and never wasted.
I wasn't actually him but I can really feel your dedication towards her. I wish you luck.
I like Yosuke.
>when you declares her love for you on live television in the epilogue
I wasn't the original fuukaposter either, he's been cucked at this point
how can you guys like these girls who were sluts in high school? fucking embarrassment
What girls? Basically either you insert as Yu and you date the girl and she's your gf, or you figure Yu dated another girl and your girl stayed pure for you. It's simple.
>maxing Aeon gives you Kaguya, which later becomes Marie's own Persona in P4U
>the Kaguya myth is about a perfect space princess who is loved by everyone including the emperor, who eventually goes back to live on the moon
>Marie's Persona is literally "I have to go now, my planet needs me"
>is willing to fuck a guy she got to know so recently
how is this better than if she fucked several guys? she's a slut either way.
You seem to be forgetting that she was saved by Yu from the TV world. Surly saving one's life would amount to something.
yeah, in her story arc she literally has her say that she shouldn't try to become a man as that's not what she actually wants, what she really wants is to be taken seriously and she was lead to believe that she couldn't because she was a woman. Trannies got mad at both her and Kanji's characters in the game because they took the whole thing at face value and assumed that Naoto was supposed to be trans , and Kanji must be gay, both of which end up going against the ENTIRE POINT of their characters and the point of the game.
he's still a slut
Yu is a hero and an actual divinely appointed leader. Any girl who would turn down his advances is basically a nihilist.
>Trannies got mad at both her and Kanji's characters in the game because they took the whole thing at face value and assumed that Naoto was supposed to be trans , and Kanji must be gay, both of which end up going against the ENTIRE POINT of their characters and the point of the game
Pretty much.
The notion of people acting in ways that aren't part of the "standard" LGBT script is scary, because that invalidates the existence of this community
*note: not all minority sexuality people are media bandwagoners or consent to the going depiction of them
*note: the ones exceptionally vocal about it are and do, especially the sort that talks about Kanji being gay and Naoto being trans
It's just such a weird way to approach these issues and this is really the only explanation I have as someone often on the receiving end of this sort of thing due to my appearance, mannerisms and interests. If you have something better to offer, I'd love to hear about it.
And squirts like a fire hose!
The issue is that they mistake what exactly they're commentating on. Naoto and Kanji represent issues of femininity and masculinity not LGBT shit. Kanji thinks that real men can't like cute things without being gay and Naoto thinks women can't be taken seriously. By calling then trans and gay, you actually are playing into the ideas that the game was trying to criticize
Yes, exactly.
Also, men still can't like cute things and it's current year.
Yeah I get it. I'm not asking you not to say what you said, I'm just chiming in with my own little note. Wasn't disagreeing.
You're not wrong, of course. And I am not disagreeing either, only further clarifying.
I know both sorts, after all.
Hey look man, I'm way better at free love than all of you fucking loudmouths, and I'm a gay homophobe. Get on my level.
ngl Tastatura's story of Naoto based off that Kunaboto picture is fucking gold, Jerry. Gold.
The type of people who mistake Naoto and Kanji's issues of femininity and masculinity for LGBT shit are the exact type of people who make the mistake in their own lives. That's why this whole thing is cringe.
Brosuke doesn't belong in there
Ai was my storyline for P4, just naturally. Maybe I needed that experience in my life, but it was a really fulfilling confidant. I don't know what to say.
Based Kunaboto
She UNIRONICALLY needs feminism because people won't take her seriously if she's a woman.
god she's so perfect
watch the anime when they go to the spa Naoto is more stacked than all the girls and look at her outfit in the epilogue
Anyone who hates da man has never had friends IRL
Started playing Golden on hard not too long ago and just got to the bathhouse. I heard the extra dungeon was extremely difficult so I was gonna just go accomplice ending and focus on building Ziodynecock's social stats for now and do all the social link shit on NG+. Does all the new content happen before or after Adachi?
The ski trip and extra dungeon happen in the third semester, so after Adachi but before Izanami. But there's extra scenes sprinkled everywhere in addition to that.
I need to breed Naoto.
Finally a thread about my wife when I'm not at work.
look for the undubs if you need 'em but the dubs are pretty excellent. at least for P4.
how did she get a gun in japan where guns are so banned that not even police have them?
how can she be YOUR wife if she's already married to ME
she stole it from the evidence locker.
Bigger dick.
It's a model, and she can only shoot it in the TV World because it's part of her Persona ability. Notice how she also shoots her tarot card when activating her Persona skills, indicating they're related.
Whataver queer, now get your hands off my woman.
He’s a trans man
Junpei is the only one that has his own character and feels like an actual friend instead of being the MC's perpetual bitch
Reminder Naoto would reject all of you
I want to have Naoto dress up in lewd outfits when we're along and then run my tongue up her exposed legs.
>Why did she dressed like a boy?
Because that's hot
Sweet. A Naoto thread.
That's good because Naoto wants (Yu) to dress her up in lewd outfits while (Yu)'re alone and then run (Yu)'re tongue up her exposed legs.
That's okay.
After all, the only persona girl I love is Margaret
no she wouldn't, unlike you losers, I actually know how to talk to girls like her
Velvet Girls, Aigis, Sae and Mitsuru are god tier
Exquisite taste, Liz sucks.
Yes, and that's why you're here and not actually spending time with your Naoto
Margaret > CJ > Lavenza > Elizabeth > Theo
She wouldn’t go out with you
Tell me more about how to find my Naoto
speak for yourself
Cringe. Theo is top tier if you play literally any game that he's in.
Theo is only good for bullying
I am. Naoto is for Kanji not (You).
That's part of the reason he's the best, because he gets constant shit from his older sisters due to inviting it onto himself so that they DON'T give constant shit to Lavenza. Lavenza in return absolutely adores her onii-chan.
Imagine a fully mature Naoto in P5A
she's too good for Persona 5
She’s too good for Persona 4
>Why did she dressed like a boy?
So you could unravel her like a present on Christmas.
She's just barely good enough for Persona 2
>literally just her PxDN design
Bring it
How would courting Naoto go?
Naoto is fucking garbage
badly since she's a Japanese girl with a high level of education and everyone here is a monolingual hikkineet who dropped out of higschool
amazing, you got the entire list backwards
'i was born this way' is fallacious too
>Carl Johnson not number 1
You a busta
what will you do when it stops being good enough
Dream of Noot, like always.
I'm still waiting, user.
>dem eyes
She obviously got fucked so hard that she became momentarily retarded
that pubic hair is literally my fetish
Making Naoto the mother of twins!
>Happy trail
Goddammit, right in the fetish
i love kunaboto
Assuming they don’t reuse sprites an older IT is one of the main things I am looking forward to if we do get P5A.
Reminder Yosuke was originally meant to be a romance option.
>too much pubic hair
>off model tits
the tits get a pass but god fuck everything else about this image
>people like that shit
you are entitled to your poor taste
Shit taste right here
what a fag
Why are Naotofags so obsessed with that artist?
Too bad it isn’t and will never be canon
He draws a lot, Chanosuke is better.
Hi Pat.
>liking women who don't know how to groom themselves
Remind me who was fawning over who in DAN.
>implying Atlus gives a fuck about any girl that isn't Elizabeth or Aigis
>People still delude themselves that YuxNaoto isn't canon despite all the interactions both have when ZiodyneCock is his own character
>Implying I give a fuck about a boring robot and an annoying autist
I'm here for the reverse trap with the tiddies.
To appeal to a certain waifufag fetish and increase sells
>liking women who don't know how to groom themselves
gay and bluepilled
>liking women who chose not to groom theselves
based and redpilled
Everybody fawns over the MC in P4 but there’s only one guy that fawns over Naoto.
I literally worked with a team of psychologists and doctors to cut my dick in half and stuff it into my pelvis to simulate a vagina. Ask me anything,
>stupid, artificial, sterile, antiseptic view of sex
Smooth brains: Naoto/Kanji
Galaxy brains: Rise/Kanji
>having the decency to just be clean and trim your pubes
sex isn't clean but it doesn't have to smell like a barn faggot
This. Greatly improves the character development of both characters while also not tying down Naoto to someone she canonically has zero interest in.
What about reverse reverse traps
How can other girls even compete?
>That feel when your classmates go for Rise and Kanji as well if you talk to them on either the first or second floor a month or two after she joins your party.
Kanji isn't the smartest boy, it's not a surprise he can't see the obvious.
He says this while spamming fanart about Naoto and Yu.
Would she take interest in a tall, serious looking, big/built black guy who gets detained for questioning, but he's actually a law abiding citizen, innocent, cooperates with the police in a civil manner, and even supports the local law enforcement with donations?
has anyone else ever felt suicidally jealous of anime characters that dont exist
Not me, I'm more a Chie guy
I'm a different user shitlord, but have one for your trouble.
Only when I come to these threads.
>Not liking fat, hairy Naoto
Shit taste.
One for you, my friend.
You're not wrong.
And it's pretty cute.
fucking disgusting degenerate
Kanji makes a good mattress.
1. cute
2. soft
3. Jackie Chan