
Attached: select.png (936x710, 58K)


Absolutely nobody:

Not a single soul:

Nintendo: Non-BInARy PeOple DonT eXisT

I'm a boy but I'm wearing long ass boxers that look like pantyhoses hahaha

cute boy

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They don't exist in physical reality, just in their own deluded heads.

How can things exist in an empty space

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oh no no no

Always girl. I can't self-insert otherwise.

>unironic assmad tranny
okay this is epic

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I'm a sissy

Just pick whatever fucking one you feel like playing like the rest of us instead of getting offended, nobody actually picks what they are they pick what they want to play as. Are these people really that retarded?

I'll play the girl because she's cute.
Bonus point if I can do cute things (or lewd) with other cute girls.
Even more bonus points if I have a harem of cute girls.

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Girl, otherwise I can't self-insert my penis inside her

>Gen V
Boy so I can self-insert and marry Elesa, the best girl in the Pokemon franchise.



Based non-copers

>always picked girls because I find them hot and want to fuck her
>now I can't do it or I'll be called a self-inserting mentally ill tranny
I legit hope all trannoids would join the rest of their brethren in their coffins.

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just pick whatever you want
don't be so insecure about your decisions


I covered this 3 years ago

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Based pokemon not normalizing mental illness.

I despise this kind of typing to no end.

>not playing gen one were you can only be a boy

girls play with dolls. not video games.

Just pick a girl and be called a self-inserting mentally ill tranny. It's a win/win.


He also did the REDDIT spacing

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trapfaggots BTFO

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A prime example. Consider how you can get people seething without even doing anything.

So using twitter shit is the latest way to get (you)'s I see

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>tfw you win the league and have a prostate orgasm at the same time

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I always pick girl since I'm a waifufag and name her with her canon name.

kill yourself

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Nah, it'd be
Gay | Not Gay
Gay | Not Gay
Homosexuality, in males, is attraction to another male. If it's a legit woman, penis or not, then it's not gay. However, that's a very unlikely scenario anyway, which is why traps, as we know them, are still, in fact, gay.
t. Actual gayfag.

>If it's a legit woman, penis or not, then it's not gay
A legit woman doesn't have a penis

I'm a squid.

Fuck off SJW
We don't want your kind here

Why the fuck are you doing the faggot meme typing you stupid little faggot. I wanna strangle you with my bare hands.

A legit man doesn't have a vagina.
Are we done here? If fucking a woman that has a dick is gay, then fucking a man that has a vagina wouldn't be.

>false binary fallacy

Shut the fuck up retarded gayfag, liking penis is gay by definition stop being gay and retarded

No. "By definition", homosexuality is the attraction to somebody of the same sex. If your definition applies to the bits, then it would STILL be 50/50. Either it's only gay if there's a dick involved or it's only gay if there's a man involved.
If "women don't have dicks" is your argument, then the argument of "men having pussies" isn't valid either.

>No argument

Depends, male if wanna go casual play, female if i waan do nuzlock

This post is so obviously bait and I can't believe people are actually taking it seriously. Yea Forums is full of retards.

>homosexuality is the attraction to somebody of the same sex.
Yeah, and someone who has a penis is the same sex as me, no matter how much they insist otherwise

>He lives through his waifu instead of himself

So why, in that chart, does a man with a vagina count?

Every single cell in your body:
The entirety of human history: Humans have two genders and sometimes eunuchs

John Money: Nah

What are you even saying? Any dick = gay, any man = gay, because either way a man is involved in one form or another.


Nope. It's one or the other. It's not 75/25, it's 50/50, no matter which way you spin it.

Remember when the LGBT community just wanted to be left alone to live their lives without harassment?
Remember when people were called crazy for thinking this would lead to things like gay sex being taught to children and mental illness being celebrated?
It's a funny world we live in, isn't it?

I didn't make it, but I assume it's because trapfags love to say
>b-b-but what about Buck Angel??
In an attempt to deflect from their homolust

girl obviously

Attached: le ass girl.gif (500x506, 1.29M)

Yeah, don't get it twisted. Traps are gay. But in that chart, it has to be 50/50. There's no way it can't.

It IS a pretty funny world HONK HONK

holy fucking based and fpbp

Someone has been posting those "nobody:" posts in every fucking thread and every thread it gets at least 10 fucking responses. It's blatantly, BLATANTLY posted solely because it gets responses, and the person clearly isn't actually discussing anything. How are you people actually this fucking stupid consistently?

>implying we aren't in on the joke
>implying Yea Forums is for serious discussion

Umm excuse me sweetie there is no place in our society for transphobia it's 2019

gaming sucks so fucking much right now, anything else is more interesting

Have sex

unironically fpbp

>be tranny
>always pick chads
what happened bros?

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You can't stop me from playing as delicious twintails!

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Being a cute boy is the best

>implying that user wasn't being ironic
literally the most obvious bait i've ever seen and you fell for it

>ywn be a cute boy getting preyed on by an Onee-chan

It's a good feeling user

this so much

It's not gay unless you know they have a dick, if you actually think the trap is a girl you aren't gay

i'm a boy but i like traps

not trannies though, that's just sick

>It's not gay unless you know they have a dick
Everyone knows that Link, Astolfo, etc. have dicks. So you aren't straight if you like them

You know as well as anyone that when talking about trapfags that the fact that they are male is known.

Yes? If you're attracted to male characters like Link and Astolfo then you aren't straight. Maybe Astolfo if you didn't know like the other guy stated, but how is liking Link at all straight?

>how is liking Link at all straight?
Beats me, but I've seen plenty of insecure anons say they've fapped to Link but still consider themselves straight. Pretty fucking pathetic to be that insecure

looks like a goblino meme

I use discord so I'm both!

yep, Yea Forums is pretty retarded

Why would I not want to be the best girl?

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I'm a boy but I still pick the girl because I love girls.

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Female both irl and ingame

You have to be a real faggot if you don't want to play as this

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shut the fuck up you flaming fag

It's 100% straight to fap to cuties like Link or Astolfo. They deserve nothing but a straight man's cock.

I'll usually choose male on first playthroughs and female on the next and alternate from there, I don't like using the same character every time

oh shit, a wild closetfag appeared

I'm a man

Maybe they strictly seperate 2D and 3D?

On a scale from one to ten, how convincing was that post?

Convincing enough to make you reply.

Nintendo is asking you to choose your sex, not your gender.

There is a stigma around straight males liking tiny feminine dicks that needs to seriously be dealt with. If it looks like a girl, talks like a girl, and smells like a girl, then there is no way it can be gay, penis or not. Your brain WILL interpret it as a girly bitch you need to fuck, nothing gay about that.

I pick the boy because I am also a boy.

100% based and redpilled

You misunderstand. I'm talking about

this is some extreme cope.

I want to cum inside Hilda

that ass is too small and sad to be Hilda's

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Why does Yea Forums fall for such obvious bait these days

Dilated and estrogenpilled.

how the fuck do you faggots keep falling for such cheap bait? what is wrong with you?

There are times where it actually feels gayer to choose the male one.
Probably because I dont self-insert as the character I choose. I get my kicks imagining the protag as my puppet. Feels more of a power fantasy that way, as the invisible power who controls it all

>not playing male human paladin
any one noticed how NPC like people are are the internet now? every post every were looks the same

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Same. Actually allow me to get this outta the way; do you enjoy Mind Control?

I got close but I missed, I decided to replay Skyrim and used one of those rolling charts and I got most of it; Paladin (restoration, heavy armor, onehanded, blacksmithing), Dawnguard, etc. But I landed on Khajiit.

Why yes, I do enjoy a little mind control.
I also enjoy gullible/naive girls getting exploited into having sex, consent being optional while not being completely forced. Just another form of dominant control.
Shame smut like that can be on the rare side. Mind-broken can be nice, but it can also be excessive

Huh. Same.

im a man and always choose the girl, what's the fucking problem

Why do you hate to play as little girl ?

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I'm pretty sure those are the pockets of the jorts

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people do this on every board in like a quarter of the threads.