Sorry what was that? My computer? Why yes, I do fully clean it once a week , what gave it away?

Sorry what was that? My computer? Why yes, I do fully clean it once a week , what gave it away?

Attached: FF2390EC-A332-4DFC-B0D1-63709DE3F35A.png (476x476, 149K)


Absolutely nobody:

Not a single soul:

OP: YoU neEd TO cLeAN YoUR CompUtER

ok twitter

What the fuck is this post? Consider killing yourself back to wherever you came from, faggot.

>Cleaning my computer? I just take off the side panels, put it in the dishwasher then leave it out to dry

Attached: 1554101500286.png (1080x1246, 35K)

ITT: /fit/ memes that were ruined by other boards and Facebook.

Nice bait, but you're a tad late to the party to get 100 (you)s out of it. Try using the clown meme next time.

Fuck off


Please don’t ever reply to me again. Thank you.

Attached: E1946A5E-05CC-4528-AC72-805E446DA366.jpg (800x450, 32K)

No Im not living in a desert to clean my pc once a week. How could you tell

Attached: 1559776172803.jpg (762x960, 24K)

>people falling for it
well played, faggot

What the fuck is supposed to be conveyed with this image?

Hahaha holy shit my fucking sides

Attached: 1557883316719.gif (500x364, 1.68M)

>the guy hangs himself
The point of the image, which it conveys, is that you should hang yourself.

I give it a through cleaning every month or two.

normalfags can't meme for shit

>people fall for it like light attracting moths

Falling for this fucking bait...

Attached: 1554201038798.png (524x526, 498K)

Ironic cringe is still cringe

wait a second

>Personal Hygiene? No thanks, too busy playing smash.

Why yes, we're here to pick up a Switch, a copy of Smash, and two Pro Controllers please.

Attached: 1560133133387.jpg (1080x1256, 60K)

>he doesn't recognize my epic reddit meme
>lole trolled


Absolutely nobody:

Not a single soul:

Me: Fuck Niggers

Attached: 1520879452896.jpg (947x1024, 206K)

This post is extremely low quality.

is it ok if i clean my computer once every 4 months?

Nice (you) farm, good job

Cringe bites

It's been 3 years and I haven't cleaned my PC yet. I think it's fine other than heating when the AC is not ON.

God Yea Forums can be stupid sometimes.

Attached: 1555955625792.png (1228x1150, 191K)

>people actually fell for it
thank you, user

Attached: how did you know.jpg (1280x720, 181K)

this is your average Yea Forums user, everyone

you gotta be kidding me hahaha

Attached: The Based.jpg (987x758, 208K)


Based and redpilled

Top bait, very cool


Masterful move

Op is right, I only cleaned the dust from my old PC once in 11 years, and that's why my PC only lasted 11 years.

One copy of Sonic Lost World please.

Attached: 1560655183342.jpg (859x960, 218K)

tips on cleaning my pc?

Attached: 1553781740051.jpg (1000x1000, 98K)

Attached: 1555312698246.gif (357x222, 2.82M)

Have sex

Why yes, I am planning on maining a dwarf paladin when wow classic comes out. How could you tell?

Attached: 1560493365352m.jpg (1024x532, 58K)

Because one of your heads is bald, you balding cuck.