Say something that someone else does like

>say something that someone else does like
>get banned and have your money stolen

Attached: report toxic behavior.png (560x217, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>implacadoriciding that anyone other than nu-males are playing online-only garbage such as Tom Clancy Siege

Fuck Video Games and Fuck Wojack posters

Attached: Stone.png (800x800, 603K)

People don’t have to tolerate your intolerance nor should they.

>go to a club that has a number of rules and costs money to go into the club
>start streaming "nigger" at everyone
>security rolls around and punches you in the face and then pulls you out of the club

Gamercide when?

Is it really that hard to not call someone a nigger faggot?

oh look it's this thread again

If you actually spent money on an online game, your money was already stolen.

We don't tolerate your intolerance of intolerance, bigot.

Is it really that hard to not act like a nigger faggot?

Seething fags like you are the reason I press "report"

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leaving, afk, teamkilling etc yeah thats toxic and i want them banned

it's not about "waaah why cant i say fuck niggers here, this is an 18 rite??!!" but people acting like retards would deter your typical söyboy consumers who can't handle insults or whatever.

Attached: 1547503571893.jpg (660x1100, 209K)

>whoa there, why are you asking me to juggle these bowling pins? just because I dress and frolic like a clown doesn't give you the right to make these assumptions!

Here's a question for the Americans: Why is it okay to indulge your children with ultra violent games, but casual racism and sex are seen as deplorable in media?

Attached: greenlexluthor.jpg (600x576, 30K)

announcing reports isn't allowed bud

I'm not a faggot who reports post on Yea Forums, you ape.

Yeah, zoomers will never know the early days of trash talking on XBL where people called each other all kinds of shit and it was all in good fun. Now faggot and a bunch of other words has been deemed a potty no no word by the gays and you just instantly get permabanned for saying it regardless of context or intent..

And what's even worse is that with each passing year, people (and even posters on Yea Forums) defend this shit more and more. I can only imagine how bad it will be 10-20 years from now. Likely we will all have to link our ID to our internet history and saying anything even retard, autist, mong, idiot, or discussing anything that could be viewed as remotely racist, sexist, transphobic, etc. or criticizing these groups gets you fired from your job and outcast from society.

Yet you posted an image depicting the opposite. Odd!

Anybody else love it when these bigots get what's coming to them?

Disgusting racists and homophobes deserve to have their money taken. They don't deserve life either.

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Here's a question for the Europeans: Why do you allow refugees to rape your women?


t. 56% mutt
>312 results

Attached: file.png (712x43, 7K)

You can mouse over an option without selecting it.

Yep Im thinking hes based

He didn't announce his report, friend.
He posted a funny meme, buddy.
You should kill yourself, pal.


Actually the image is depicting people that report as soýboys

t. Ahmed Baguette

Have sex.

Because if you don't you're a bigot.

make sure to rebuy the game again like the worthless cuckolds you are

Based stoneposter

I trick them into doing shit that gets them banned. Feels good taking away their games and money.

Attached: IMG_0683-508x696.jpg (508x696, 62K)

>just shut up and support this lifestyle of significantly increased risk of HIV, cancer, suicide, mental illness, sexual degeneracy, and collapse of the modern family! If you don't you're a fucking bigot!
Do I think that people should be allowed to be gay? Sure, that's their choice and they should have that right. But this glorification of it and acting like it's totally fine and the new cool, unique thing is just horrible, and it has caused the number of people who identify as LGBT to rise dramatically.

It's worse than the smoking culture of the early 1900s imo. Unhealthy practices like drugs, obesity, smoking, and LGBT should be allowed but certainly not encouraged.

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no, the real reason is you are seething and raging

t. Jamal O'Hannigan Rodriguez

>log into game
>game tells me that a toxic person got banned thanks to my report
is there any more satisfying feeling? why doesnt overwatch tell you when your report banned someone?

I'm not reading that wall of /pol/-tier retardation. Fuck off back to your neonazi echo chamber.

t. the fag who rages at every little mistake anyone makes while refusing to acknowledge his own mistakes and wanted to forfeit (if the game has this possibility), leaves or goes afk if anything doesn't go as he wants

t. Mahmoud ibn Wuzkang Stein

>getting this mad over a troll post
Good thing /pol/ is full of alpha men with thick skin who don't get mad with anything.

>intentionally play like garbage to bait retards like you into yelling at me
>bans you for toxicity
nothing personnel kiddo

Attached: 1551221572293.png (1000x928, 165K)

>people are turned gay by gay tolerance, it's definitely not people coming out of the closet because they're not as scared anymore
Do you also stare at heterosexual porn in fear of straying from the path?

>Casual racism
It's always faggots flooding the chats or screaming over their mic. It's like if a tranny just statred talking about HRT over chat.

FBFP absolutely based

more like
>constantly call people niggers and faggots
>gets banned for being an annoying cunt

Attached: 1560517485491.png (1590x1131, 207K)

Americans are unironically proud of their Puritan heritage.

Litterally this is how it goes even if it is an I AM SILLY comic

>heres my image making fun of you and proving me right and on the right side

I dunno man. I've talked about fantasies involving sucking off horses and gargling on their cum in voice chat before and everyone had to grit their teeth and bear it because telling me to stop would be homophobic and result in a ban.

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I prefer to call them porchmonkey gaymen.

>people itt actually defending this

based rockposter

I honestly feel like I'm back in grade school being around modern """"""""""""""""adults"""""""""""""""

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The only people who hate this are legit toxic assholes. Get dabbed on you dumb Nazi larper.

Pic related is the autistic faggot who keeps making these threads.

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I think at that point people just whispered to each other about how much of a faggot you are or just muted you. But the more likely choice is that they knew you were trolling.

There is all kinds of recorded statistical data about the LGBT community. I'm sure plenty of smokers and obese people throughout history thought "that's bullshit!" and covered their ears and continued to smoke a pack a day or down 4000+ calories a day.

Again, you can choose to live a fast, dangerous, and degenerate lifestyle. But society should stop encouraging this behavior and viewing all lifestyles as equal.

Normalization and glorification in media definitely contributes to the rise of LGBT; also society accepting and encouraging them with open arms allows gay men to have literally hundreds of partners in their lifetime putting them at a much greater risk for a variety of diseases. Same way as someone who is fat likely has low impulse control, lack of willpower, and is shortsighted and perhaps ignorant to the dangers of obesity, but encouraging fat culture, coming up with increasingly unhealthy and calorie-laden foods, and the normalization of complete sugar-filled garbage that children are brainwashed through marketing to consume absolutely contribute to this in large part.

It's summer. Post-millennial hugbox babies are out of school and whining about why the world doesn't unilaterally agree with what their mommy tells them.

hell yeah people should defend it, without any punishment there's no incentive to actually behave

I played Overwatch with a group of friends of a friend. no exaggeration, these guys reported anyone who said anything. Nobody said anything heinous or insulting, the worst they ever said was that they were upset we were losing or they said something to the other team other than 'gg' after a win. I think someone got reported for picking a hero that the group felt was a 'throw pick' that I now see very commonly because the meta says they're okay to play.

I don't understand why everyone has become so uptight. I wish someone would say something funny or trash talk to make the game fun. Do people just want to silently and dutifully play multiplayer games with as minimal contact with other people as possible? It's so weird...

Attached: overwatchcheektocheek.png (500x374, 212K)

So, you're really saying that because you act like a clown in real life, its an excuse to break the terms of services in a video game.
Is this the new good analogy mem?

>implying people with anger issues should have access to chat in video games

good old times
>call everyone a faggot in chat
>the chat responds in kind
>get banned from server for a week if you're too annoying
>can still play on other servers or solo offline
>call one guy a faggot once
>chat is shocked that someone would utter such a word
>testosterone lacking guys don't know how to respond
>get global game ban
>can't play game anymore at all

Attached: i_am_silly.png (810x800, 66K)

It is the year 2052. Nobody says a word in online videogames for fear of being summoned by the social justice tribunals. The last known communication detected was "GG" at the end of a game in 2046, and the player who uttered that phrase was summarily executed for offending the other team.

>Wochad poster strikes again

Attached: 1549856330522.jpg (662x636, 54K)

See this shit? Hypersensitive babies like you are the reason free speech is all but abolished in the modern world

You are not special.
The world is not your hugbox.
People are not required to pretend they love you.

That's life, kiddies. Get used to it.

Why behave? If someone is typing ignorant shit, just fucking ignore it you babby.

>Laughing at annoying faggots is hug-box tier.
We would have to agree with OP for it to be a hugbox user.

I call people horrible shit in siege constantly and never get banned. You must be an autism in the most purest form to get banned desu.

Why would someone mute me when they could report me?

>It is the year 2052. Nobody says a word in online
Wtf I love the sjw future now?!


>getting banned for screaming nigger is destroying our 1st amendment right.

Attached: tenor.gif (356x200, 1.36M)

>deny women and redddit soys the access to multiplayer games
>gaming becomes free again


They'd do both like I do. But really if you're not flooding chat with edgy shit no one really cares.

multiplayer then:
>shut the fuck up you faggot
>stupid dumb nigger, go kill yourself
>yeah I fucked your mom you stupid homo fuck you
multiplayer now:
>gg ez (You have been suspended)
>fucking scrub (You have been suspended)
>lol you suck (You have been suspended)

Attached: 1560114282726.jpg (726x728, 60K)

>mean stuff

Attached: 1504168.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

nigga just mute him lmao stupid ass white boy

> Fuck Wojack posters

Attached: 1560373458418.jpg (216x346, 11K)

>It is the year 2052. Nobody says a word in online


Slippery slope.

wheres a mod sto delete this shit thread?

>security rolls around
in a fuckin' wheelchair or something?

Attached: YZCNP2UTQBALDEZLXGICJNXGKA.jpg (1400x932, 255K)

Yea and we used to also have the mumps as well

Why do /pol/niggers hate private property and contract agreements so much?

>equating words to a virulent infection that can kill people

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I agree. This place is too far gone.

Attached: IMG-1317.png (640x640, 239K)

Why mute when I can ruin his fun? All he can do is bitch and moan afterall.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-02-10-57-16.png (720x1280, 1.31M)

I prefer to call them a pineapple

It his fucking inalienable right you bitch

snitch ass bitch

>implying Yea Forums has children


>fuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkk how do i respond to that post, i have no argument and im a complete retard
>i know! I'll use reddit keyword #4350475 "[paste] /pol/"
>i win again


Sorry user he broke the rules. Nigga needs to learn how to have fun the right way.
banned ass bitch

>saying mean words on the internet is equivalent to causing mass panic over a very real danger in real life

Attached: 1555122822530.png (474x711, 90K)

Anons do the same with posts like that but say trannies,reddit or trannera

>absolutely zero replies
seethe tranny

yeah thats retarded too

>wanting everything controlled and run by emasculated whiny sensitive hypocrites


anyone else think it's a massive cohencidence that all the "le toxicityy" shit started when pic related also kicked off?

Attached: nytberg.jpg (1087x1200, 249K)

>what is inciting violence?

the people reporting in games are the same ones that disconnect when they get invaded
and they will defend the thing they think gives them power


It started back during the 20's

been on LOL since before season 1 and the report sistem just made averithing worste also they have a fuckon people moerating, uploading and "imroving that thing" but just one single fucking soul on matchmakin since the beging

>mfw I'm not a banned nigger like OP

Attached: 1473531100450.png (435x269, 5K)

Because the police can't teleport whenever there's an attempted rape, so rape happens and then perpetrators get punished.

Any more dumb questions?

Did you have a stroke while typing?


Attached: 1557252873105.png (319x396, 45K)

Based autism exposer.

Middle-school political class analogy. Cute. Are you literally underage?


Let me tell you why I wasn't arrested just now: It's because the [word] 'fire' isn't criminal. What's criminal is the [action] of sounding an alarm falsely. It doesn't matter how this is accomplished - pulling an automated fire-alarm under false circumstances, for example, occurs the same penalty.

All that 'fire in a crowded theatre' analogy is meant to show is that you can't use a 'free speech' argument to justify actions. Which is exactly what you're doing, really: Trying to have people's money stolen because they spoke words you didn't like.

It's their private property commie, they get to control it by definition.

Careful friend, I was issued a warning last month for saying the n-word on 4channel.

What is an onomatopoeia?

>mean words to complete strangers on the internet who may be hundreds if not thousands of miles away
You really are a delusional fucking idiot, holy shit

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I haven't gotten band in months since I learned how to evade

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>people should be allowed to say whatever they like as long as it doesn't hurt anyone
And if I report you because you hurt my feelings...?

It's for the good of mankind user, letting pussies like this spread their ideology will only lead to ruin. Once this collective group gains majority thought pattern, consider all other ways of thinking outlawed and punishable by lengthy prison terms (See: Europe).

It starts here, end it before it spreads.

I hope you don't live in Europe, where suggesting that Muslim immigrants are violent results in prison time.

then you get your ass whooped for being a bitch

>and then perpetrators get punished.

They don't though

Implying that doesn't happen because you faggots never stop trying to stick your feminine penis into everything and can't handle anyone telling you to fuck off.

>not taking advantage of the political climate and reporting people anyway