*saves vidya*
*saves vidya*
Other urls found in this thread:
Yea Forums btfo
confirmed ONEOFUS
>Shows his hypocrisy in creating one of the most well presented criticisms on Capitalism in the world while simultaneously getting rich of Capitalism.
He is a fraud, in a world where it's more important than ever to callout Moneypigs for what they are He sells out. Complete fucking traitor.
someone photoshop the reflection in his glasses to something lewd
boss nigger telling the pedoera creeps what's up
>gets bullied by the progressive mafia
>*saves vidya*
Post your hand, OP.
>shows what a world would be like with the dangers of mega corporations and captialism with no regulations
>gets bullied by the progressive mafia
>told them to fuck off
mirror the letters, retard
uhm b-BASED!
Black man, red pill
Dude looks like he googles himself every day, and that's how he found a site sucking his BBC more than reddit ever could.
I'm sorry for doubt you Mike
based and cyberpilled
You rang?
>classic white person thing
this guy really isn't self aware
/pol/ really needs to fucking go, Jesus.
Nice selfie but what does it have to do with anything
trannys are a plague on earth
Imagine being white and having to apologize for it LMAOOOOOOO
Being white past 2009 is like losing the lottery every day
so what's this guy's deal? what's the message of cyberpunk?
This nigga predicted the future
Didnt cyberpunk 2020 literally predict the "diversity" meme the marxist jews in america are pushing? This guy..saw it all coming. He warned us and we didn't listen.
being a black guy on Yea Forums must be soulcrushing though, let's be real
Fucking pronouns.
White boi's here are obsessed with them.
Maybe he's a masochist who gets off to being demeaned?
this doesn't surprise me
>mix it up
>pu ti xim
yeah but it's not a new idea or anything
He is profiting instead of protesting.
He is a hack-fraud. Plain and simple.
Morgan Freeman’s fat, retarded nephew or whatever?
soul crushing or completely hilarious, easy to laugh at bullshit when you don't feel insecure about what's being said
Unregulated capitalism and a world ruled by mega corporations is not something you want you bootlicking retard.
> implying he should give all his profits away to retards like you instead of enjoying his moment in the spotlight
Because he's a fucking nigger and they're never, NEVER correct in anything. "le based black man" meme is another kike forced mentality meme. He probably got the script and got paid by them to push it as a part of their narrative of acceptance.
>not insecure
> the Jews created Cyberpunk 2020 and gave it to Mike Pondsmith because he's black instead of profiting off it themselves
God you fuckin' trannies are retarded.
Nice subversion deflect, falseflagging piece of JIDF shill
>corn pone with mayo
This boring white male has forgotten his brain medication
You're not very good at false flagging m8, way to obvious.
okay mike you can stop making these threads now
>he thinks whites post blacked posts
Here they are, the marxist tranny shills pretending niggers has ever been liked by anyone. Devoid of soul, devoid of logic in seeing facts laid bare at their feet. Think about it. Marxists want people to tolerate their enemies, so why not pay the enemy to act like an "ally"?
If you can't add 2+2 you need to fucking kys
so let me get this straight, first trannies bitch and moan about no representation, and then they turn around and bitch because the man in a swimsuit was too good looking? I mean if its the future and you can augment your body in any way you want, why would you choose to look like a fat piece of shit?
Monopolies and mega corps are anti capitalism
Why would they include trannies at all? Isnt the thing about trannies that they want to be female/male?
>Here they are, the marxist tranny shills
Says the actual tranny shill
Even /pol/ has always known better than this 1-step thought process you dumbshit liberals have.
"Every nigger is black, but not every black is a nigger"
God, your new strategy is so fucking obvious it's not funny.
>When called out, call the enemy one of you to deflect
no, most of them just like the "status", rarely you hear them actually refer to themselves as male or female, which supposedly is the things they are trying to be, which is weird since if gender is a spectrum, they choose to remain "trans" instead of just being a man or a woman
All forms of hatred to other races and creed are a ploy created by the lizards to keep mankind divided and weak. A unified human race would be the most unstoppable force in the galaxy, so the beings of Chaos keep us divided and biting at each others throats in an attempt to keep us weak and easily culled.
>new strategy
You know damn well that you've been using this for years and years, it's not new. Your kikery is starting to show btw.
It's his choice, so he's gonna have to endure being called a nigger.
He probably posts on boards like /tg/ or Yea Forums instead of shitholes like this and /pol/
Wouldn't it be funny if they remade that in-game poster to actually include a more detailed bulge just as an easter egg? haha
Why should he stop when he knows that when his name is only mentioned, that it will cause a bunch of politic fags on both sides to fly into retarded fits of rage while a bunch of "fans" are deepthroating his dick.
He is living the dream of any troll.
I just want to know how much cock modification you'll be able to do in this game. Like will you be given a slider like in that Conan game? Can you choose between natural and mecha cock?
*becomes a nigger*
Woah this is epic
"You can't save society. You can only save yourself." That's literally written in the sourcebook.
I doubt there is actual trans options "as in middle ground" type of trannies but more like you can freely switch between male and female characters when you go to a ripperdoc.
>dabs on trannies and low IQ brainlets alike
Imagine the godawful meme posts he makes on /tg/
Top kek. Glad I still browse this shithole.
This. individualism ftw
Calm down Cleetus.
you vastly overestimate the intelligence of /pol/ users
Removed logo.
mental ill people act mentally ill it is kinda shock
>being "soulcrushed" by what a bunch incel whiteoids think
I don't know about "most" of them. The problem is that you only hear from the vocal ones that want attention, while the ones who just want to get on with their lives keep it to themselves for the most part.
>you criticize society but you live in a society
>I am very intelligent!
He looks like he fucks white girls
thank you, you clever retard
they'll probably just add the option to get a robo dick or get a full body replacement via cloning or cybernetics
either way, trannies will be mad at it because it doesn't work like that in real life so they'll cry about no proper representation.
>listening to the voices of the low-IQ and mentally ill before your own people.
Holy shit, the west doesn't have much time left
t. nafri
The only black people on Yea Forums are the ones that can take a joke and probably chimpout occasionally as opposed to the majority of black people that do it daily.
3 sides who shit on Cykablyat 2077:
[a] Church of Trannies whined about a transgender ad which is a cautionary tale that pride and visibility/marketing results in corporations taking advantages of the identity you sell out so cheaply. People being told that their low-IQ pride subverts their own positions and whatever virtues they attempt to instil in others and themselves is a tough pill to swallow for children who are high on collective ego and narcissism as well as long-term Twitter-usage-induced mental castration.
[b] Church of White ("Savior") Supremacist SJWs whined about how black gangs were designed unaware that a black designer was behind them, and then tried to tell to the very black creator of the Cyberpunk tabletop how Cyberpunk should be in an astounding showcase ofearnthenecklace.com
[c] Final side is those who believe the gameplay portrayal so far is looking like it will be shit even though the Devs have many games to take inspiration from and improve like EYE Divine Cybermancy for example, in addition to them removing content and this being a sign that they overplayed their management which might result in very negative possibilities unfolding.
They're literally the inevitable future with capitalism retard
extremely based
Be actually wasn't very involved in the expansion this is from but go off I guess
With unregulated capitalism only, yes.
>Make tabletop game
>Bunch of polacks want to make a videogame out of it
>2013 teaser nails the aesthetic perfectly
>Over half a decade later and the game looks like just another derivative "Neon Mohawk Shooter"
>You don't get to pick a class
>Everyone plays a 25 year old solo named V who is out to up their street cred
>You have an "open world" of little sections you unlock that you can drive around in, just like Borderlands
>You find highly modular loot in chests with the typical rarity colors, just like Borderlands
>You go through one close quarters area after another doing missions as someone talks directly into your characters head as you shoot bullet sponge enemies and watch numbers fly off of them, just like Borderlands
>You spec down your crappy little skill tree of [make the game easier] and [utility skills that will be under-utilized]
>Slowly it dawns on people that this isn't an actual RPG
>The game is an FPS designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator of fagmo "bro-gamer" dick-shits
>Game goes on to gets a heaping helping dose of libtard virtue signaling just like any other western developed game
>pssh, just brush it off
You don't believe this yourselves, acting like being in this environment doesn't change how you think, stop being so fucking dishonest
>implying that won't be a good thing
>implying trash like cyberpunk are accurate depictions of what can happen in the future
shoot yourself commie bastard
go back to chapo
I don't understand what he is saying. Why is he talking about tumbl and Yea Forums in a reply to a post about his reddit account?
>sunfag with yet another dilated take on what this game will look like
dude people warned of this before WW2...
zez once the game is out you can expect a ton more edits also you could probably make an edit with the add of the dude sniffing butt
>inb4 where do i see this ad
righrt before you get into the car parked at the end of the sex district in the gameplay reveal
why is there a random link there?
Almost as good as this:
Shitskins are the majority of incels in western countries. Especially poos and hapas
u mad
His wife is white.
>Soul crushing
>Taking this cite seriously
Then why are most mass shootings in the u.s. done by white guys who get told that a woman won't fuck them?
It's an interesting link, fake news, but laughter inducing anyway.
>literally has multiple threads about how based he is
Yeah i bet that his soul is really crushed.
>If you critique a system that you live in you are not allowed to survive let alone strive under it.
Fuck off.
>He thinks most of it is jokes
>Reactionary white ally getting mad at videogames instead of talking about policy that actually affects those marginalized people.
This is why the left will never get themselves together.
Because most of the bourgeois United States (the people who actually send their kids to school) is white and black people / hispanics just commit rape and murder within a gang setting instead of holding in all their anger and going for a lone wolf terrorist attack.
Contrary to what incels think the majority of people have no interest sleeping with black people or asians, Asians to the point where their own women actively avid them en masse.
Been here since 2006, this place used to be funny but now it's just all water off the ducks back.
I would 100% trade shitty e-celeb threads for shitty EFG threads though.
I'll just make a general comment to the obvious horde of Marxists in here.
Cyberpunk isn't pro Marxist.
Just because it criticizes corporatism, does not immediately mean it's Marxist.
Generally, the most common themes in cyberpunk are spiritual in nature.
Corporatism is inherently materialistic.
Marxism is by its definition, materialistic.
Anarco-Primitivism would be closer to the themes of cyberpunk than Marxism, by a large margin.
Ted Kaczinsky basically warned against the dystopia of a cyberpunk world.
>captialism has to be government-regulated in order to be good
based SJW slayer
>horde of Marxists in here.
There's really not
>It's spiritual in nature
Most cyberpunk authors are atheists my dude
Oh so you don't want a honest answer, you want something that fits your view of reality.
You should check out tumblr that place looks like something you would enjoy.
>He thinks the only option to unchecked capitalism and money in politics is to make everything government regulated
Want to know how I know you're an American?
That was ironic. You fucking retards.
As much as I like Mike and his intolerance of internet bullshit, you're overstating his importance.
This place can't change how I think because none of the limp wristed soibois on Yea Forums would come up to me and say any of the nonsense they post on this website. Not even as a joke and if they ever did it would probably be while passing in a car at a high speed.
I don't have to change my thinking because I'm not threatened by anything here, they're anonymous shitposts.
>Most cyberpunk authors are atheists my dude
dont you mean all?
Been here since 07' most stuff doesn't bother me - it's only when it's an absurd insane amount of Nigger span or when some /pol/fuck derails a thread Im interested in because his thin skinned white ass gets upset someone posted some chocolate girls
Self-regulated captialism sure worked with game companies!
damn dude you are so brave
Generally speaking, yes, capitalism needs to be reigned in to some extend. Capitalism without any legal framework or limits in exactly how you get 90s Russian oligarchy.
Mass shootings occur because of the degradation of common social skills as a result of the pervasive sense that most people no longer feel like they can trust their neighbors. As well as the negative feedback loop caused by broadening ASD diagnoses. So now we have a contingent of antisocial young white men who feel purposeless and are not bound by objective morality. They see Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold [nihilist-hedonist, philosophically motivated] (and their copycats [attention motivated]) and decide "They're cool, they have it all figured out. "Nothing matters anyway" "I deserve to get back at the world that hates me." This thinking is accompanied by a shallow notion of ideological righteousness, which is misplaced.
Mike's got some pretty sweet shades there.
>crony government-connected megacorporations
That's true, the people confrontational enough to call you a nigger here probably have the balls to move away from a black neighborhood if they're that annoyed.
>He's never cracked racist jokes with white people before
You're missing out man, that's pretty much all I do around black acquaintances. Racism has made me more friends that not somehow.
They should've included a pair with the collectors edition.
Reminder that these people want to or do fuck kids/animals.
People spamming NIGGER doesn't bother me at all since it's just mindless fun, and I learned to get over the IQ charts, crime statistics, facts about how black people are inferior, etc. because they don't reflect on how I am as an individual. My own successes and failures define me, not the actions of any others, and anyone who has a modicum of intelligence would come to the same conclusion even if they have gripes about my race as a whole.
I've cracked racist jokes with mexicans, haitians, nigerians, pakistani's, indians , guyanese and even arab muslims.
Whites I've never successfully done it without them always getting mad over things like being called Kool Whip and firing back with the chicken and watermelon jokes with a heavy seasoning of welfare comments.
based retard
>no Marxists here
LOL. They swarm over every cyberpunk thread. They claim it as their genre because "muh anti capitalism"
>implying atheists can't be spiritual
Fucking christ you are dense. Atheists aren't inherently anti-spiritual. They may not believe in invisible sky daddies, but this does not make them incapable of spiritual considerations.
"ghost" in ghost in the shell is literally a metaphysical consideration about the nature of being human, and that consideration is inherently spiritual.
Blade runner 2049 literally asks the question: "if a replicant can birth a child, do they have a soul?"
Why are the overarching themes in cyberpunk about these topics if not for their criticism of materialistic ideologies (like capitalism and Marxism)?
fuck off, faggot. im a turbo manlet and constantly see shitposting about height, just dont take it seriously
I'm guessing you don't hang out with whites often then, as you've clearly pointed out.
>be me
>black guy on Yea Forums
>someone calls me aa nigger
>don't care because it never bothered me even before browsing Yea Forums
>remember that the person calling me a nigger is probably a fatty and/or a manlet
>laugh and carry on with my day
>Atheists aren't against spirituality
They are materialists you fucking moron
>Everyone who criticizes capitalism is a Marxist
>Blade Runner 2049 is the peak of cyberpunk
Dude, stop. It's pathetic
*calls you a nigger*
How would/v/ react if we got Goose in this game?
>face mocap just takes a minute
So - a homo. Okay.
No shit, but what if he actually was in the game this whole time?
Based black guy
Hope you got some white women BLACKED too
to piss of /pol/babies
You know that Sherman hated niggers more than the average Confederate did, right blackie?
Just these two posts make me want to punch that thing.
now post a picture of yourself with a timestamp
>A weeb phoneposting cuck fetishist
I can't imagine a worse fate. I'm truly sorry for you
>Dox yourself
You first. I know I look good my dude I don't need some butthurt faggot to confirm it
Not if you are this BASED
someone should reply with the edit
negro please. why would I be triggered by a bunch of white bois typing "nigger" anonymously? say it to my face whitey and see what happens. seriously though, I've been here too long to care.
Based. If every black guy was like you, you'd basically be white people.
I'm on my PC
I just like anime that doesn't mean I'm weeb
I don't even know what does raising another man's child has to do with any of this
Would you have sex with me if I say it to your face?
fuck watermarks
i dont have a twitter account because im not a normalfag but here you go
I'm good-looking, I should start wearing some fancy sunglasses too and make myself look like I come from the future.
Not surprised
wrong one
>say it to my face whitey and see what happens.
I've said it to their faces a lot and it usually just makes them smile. Come to think of it I don't think i have a single relationship with a non-white that doesn't revolve around constant shit talking and or drinking
that's not the edit
I don't have twitter either, but some faggot zoom itt sure will
that isn't the edit either
jesus christ I'm so disappoint in you right now
fucking hell these thumbnails aree fucking with me
being somebody who takes this website seriously is soulcrushing
why do you have so many gifs of the matrix saved on your pc?
Just saying "no" is not an argument.
i'm an avid Yea Forums poster, i have a lot of stuff on my pc
that's because you're a degenerate loser who thinks he's the cool guy at parties but is actually a boring idiot
That was the joke actually, sorta a meta joke I suppose.