Ask a ex-game reviewer anything.
Ask a ex-game reviewer anything
Why ex?
Have you ever reviewed games?
Why didn't you develop your own games? Why is game reviewer considered a legitimate profession now?
Do you hate yourself?
How often do you dilate?
They fired me after they ignored all of my messages for an entire month. I was planning on leaving anyway.
Why are you such a faggot nigger
Something like that, yeah.
Do reptilians harvest our souls after death.
I would actually love to develop my own games, but I’d just be a solo dev and I’d at least like to have 2 other people to work with me on it.
What would an "average" game score?
What is an example of an "average" game, in your opinion?
What was your most controversial review? Why?
Did you ever feel pressured to score a game higher than it deserved?
What was the worst part of your job?
What do you wish would be a bigger focus of reviews, but news sites/viewers don't really give enough of a fuck about it?
I hate myself just enough to try journalism.
A little over a year.
what is your favorite and least favorite game?
what is the most overhyped game of all time thus far?
who is the most disingenuous in the industry, either company, individual ect.?
They did with mine
are you the IGN guy who copied other people's reviews?
Why did I get more money for the job that my coworker while he was working longer than be and had a more important job?
Why do you think we give a shit?
Also, why are people like you seemingly going out of your way to ruin vidya?
Do you beat games before reviewing them?
op did you get fired because you could never meet deadlines?
asking based on how long it's taking you to answer these easy-as-fuck questions
kek. shit thread. put me in the screencap
Big one. Okay, let's take it one at a time.
The "average" score was a 7. Any lower and I had to give the big bosses a big reason as to why.
As long as its not pure dogshit or filled with glitches and bugs, its "average" in the companies eyes.
I don't really have a controversial review, but the game I hated the most was Lego Movie 2 Video Game.
Always feel that pressure, but I always try to grade them fairly. (Side note anything that was from the company itself like an official Nintendo game always got a 9 or 10)
Worst parts were the people, disorganization, and disrespect of smaller companies
Two things. That each game to review is treated fairly instead of prioritizing one that would get the most clicks, and making a way that assigns reviews consistently.
Are you sad you missed the free helicopter rides to 5 start hotels to play shit games from 5-6 years ago?
Any thoughts why they ignored you? Also, who you worked for?
Do you eat shit?
I'm guessing you can't say what site employed you?
Anyway that site seems corrupt as fuck. i'm not surprised, game reviewing is a joke
Favorite: Sushi Striker
Least: Deep Ones or Lego Movie 2 video game
Not sure about "overhyped", but I'd probably go with Starfox since they were ALWAYS talking about it.
Everyone, but probably the 'boss' the most. Couldn't speak or ask a question without him getting upset.
That's a myth. You have to pay for plane and hotel. They only give you a ticket to go in and I never went.
There were a couple, I remember screw-attack talking about how they got a free helicopter ride to a 5 start hotel to play Blops for a weekend, then made sure to mention it had NOTHING to do with their perfect 10/10 review + 4-5 videos talking about how amazing the game was.
I can say what site. It's not like I'm under contract. Nintendo World Report
>Nintendo World Report
inb4 an autist emails the site and tries to dox you
Probably cuz I didn't want to rush my reviews and I wanted to freely express myself and talk about topics like the Mother games which they didn't like. (Also probably got canned because I started drawing a 2fort battle on the excel sheet so they wouldn't keep ignoring me)
No. I was slow for 3 reviews cuz of uni, but that's it. Also, I'm at work so that's why I'm slow.
Impossible with the amount of time they gave me. I wish I could so I didn't have to half-ass the review. -_-
We live in a society
Do they care if the journalists actually know video games or would they hire any journalist even if they had no experience with vidya
Like I said. Didn't sign any contracts. The autists can do whatever they want.
How's life employed in marketing?
Were you offered bribes for giving shitty games a good score?
For a games journo that's not bribes, it's his wage.
'wage'. I was never paid.
Like I said.
Wait, you worked for free?
Your favourite chocolate flavour?
It was voluntary. I had to take start somewhere so I had a profile to go to place that actually paid me.
Was there any company push, official or implied, to focus on socially conscious topics and to praise games with social justice themes and to call out games that were "regressive"?
how many dicks can you fit in your mouth at once? have you stopped putting dicks in your mouth or do you still do it?