Is this the only game with good space combat?
Is this the only game with good space combat?
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It's either that or EVE for me.
How do spreadsheets make for good combat?
I like being able to specialize into different things and do crazy builds. Kind of like if you'd compare Path of Exile to Diablo 3. ED doesn't offer much variety in that regard, it's either explore or kill stuff with not much vertical progression. You can buy more expensive ships with different kits, but they are not changing the way you play the game. So what ED lacks in depth it's making up with the visceral and immersive combat and exploration. I like both. Sue me.
>System Authority firing on my ship for a 150cr fine for carrying illegals
>Ship dropping out of FSD and clipping my unshielded ass, 20% hull damage and System Authority starts firing at me for unsafe flying
>fucking criminal passengers drop contract because I commit a crime
Once I soup up my Anaconda, you're all gonna pay. Some of you are all right, don't go to Hauser's Reach tomorrow.
Is that Dangerous Elite
>not changing the way you play
Really? I mean there's people souping up PAs for insta one shots, there's people who try to overheat enemy ships, there's super agile strafers, there's gimballed large ships, there's fighters and so on. Spreadsheets are just useless because all the dps and accuracy relies on your dogfighting ability.
Should I get Steam or PS4 version, does it have multiplayer?
No its Deadly Echelon
ED combat is shit desu.
Yeah, I enjoy it, I like space trucking way more though. Got a Python kitted out for VIP Transport, makes me a shit ton of credits.
Yes there's multi-player. You can form squadrons of up to 4 and do wing missions (basically roided missions with roided rewards). Although this does way less damage, you can also get human players to control specific parts of certain ships, like a gimball turret or fly a fighter.
Its easier to aim fixed weapons with a mouse.
I'd go steam if you can run it, and yes, it does have multiplayer although I'd play solo for now until they fix the hacking issue going on right now.
Protip: Everything you've counted up is just varying degrees of DPS. Nothing else. They don't change the gameplay.
What route? I'm doing the Robigo Sothis route with a Conda, getting about 17M a trip and maybe 80M an hour. Although that's with criminal passengers and if the system authority catches me ill be sent 247LY away which is a pain to return.
How to pirate this?
Yes but in ED it's pretty fucking useless to try and calculate it because your accuracy depends on you and your enemy, and there are contextual factors like overheating your enemy, shield cells which gives a preference for instantly overwhelming shields and targeting subsystems. This gives it a much more on your toes, less calculated kind of combat.
Thinking about splerging 1700$ on an Oculus Rift and a decent rig just to play Elite Dangerous. Am I making the biggest financial mistake of my life?
Doesn't look like Freespace to me, so no, you fucking zoomer.
Robigo Mines to Sirius Atmospherics and back. Don't have to worry about scans for criminals but the mines only has medium and small pads.
Yes, it's a nice game, but eventually you're going to play something else and your rig will be virtually useless.
>requires constant application of engine power to maintain velocity
>no vertical and downward thrusters
>basically just fighting in the atmosphere
>implying realistic space combat would be any fun
Seconding this, but adding that you should just wait for Valve Index and you're going to need a lot more VR games on your wishlist before you buy a headset in the first place.
If you cap the speed so there's no ever increasing velocity a la ED and make it sufficiently maneuverable, you get a very good environment for ship battles. The only thing I don't like about ED is how all the weapons are forward facing, you have no side batteries or multiple fighters.
vr is a meme and playing ED with vr turns a space sim into a space horror game
Not that user, but are you really defending ED? Easily the most disappointing space sim ever while also having the shittiest dogfighting in any game ever all the way from WW2 fighters to other space sims.
Half of my retarded friends bought into the hype and it was embarrassing watching them try to cope and make excuses while their hype faded and eventually they all ended up quitting after 10-15 hours of gameplay.
Is the Rogibo mines enough worth it over Hauser's Reach to justify buying the Python? Because I'm reading that you need a G5 FSD to make it worth your while, and with a python it's a shitty middle ground where the FSD is worse than the Conda but the combat is also worse than the FDL.
>slow flight model
>bullet sponge enemies
>broken pvp
Go play Freespace 2, fucking zoomer.
when does the game turn into pic related
Freespace 2
Personally I bought it way after whatever crowdfunding E3 hype happened so I don't know about that, but yes I think frontier did a good job. It's realistic space combat, you have an unfettered 3D plane and three axis thrusting with pitch and yaw all obeying Newtonian physics. Not everyone is going to like it, but this is what it's supposed to be. I'll admit it's not as cool as the kind of shit you can pull in Ace Combat, but if you want a space combat Sim I've never seen any better. They also did a good job with the mechanics of gameplay mechanics so more complex scenarios can arise, so it's not like EVE where everything is a matter of calculated DPS and accuracy.
The best space battles are the cinematics cause no one has nailed the gameplay yet
When you get a souped up FDL or Vulture and learn to fly with flight assist off. Then you can circle your enemies by manually controlling 27 thrusters while firing at them at close range.
This plus all the hacking going on these days really put me off ED.Not even offline pve combat is safe from cheaters
>realistic space combat
you could have at least said you just enjoy slow and boring clicker games, but most people want something a little more engaging
Personally I like the realism, but I understand it's not for everyone
I bought everspace a shitton of time ago, how it is?
Is freespace2 with code project etc fun? Last good space game I played was freelancer.
Too bad combat doesn't pay worth shit. Your best bet for max credits is to go mining for anal beads or penetrate pretty planets in lonesome back alleys for 20 hours.
Come on man.
I don't get this game
trading is hard
enemies all fly so fast and my guns do no damage to them
fuck this shit
Learn to aim or use gimballed
Also don't tell me you're using a class 2 auto cannon to fire at an elite python.
what's the best game if I want to be a space merchant?
you don't
just wait for sales
There's wing commander. But those are all dated.
buddy, there's absolutely nothing realistic about ED or any kind of dogfighting in space. There's no such thing as warp drives. There's no such thing as dogfighting in space.
how thick is your skull?
My point is when comparing the unrealistic game, Elite Dangerous, to any other unrealistic dogfighter, then ED falls way behind in gameplay, depth, difficulty and skill ceiling. That's not even mentioning the non combat related stuff like having barely a few hours worth of content before you start to repeat patterns.
>because your accuracy depends on you and your enemy
It doesn't. If you map pitch to your mouse and yaw to AD then all you have to do is put the mouse cursor over the enemy while you make sure your yaw is 90° to that. There's a reason why the pvp community says that M+KB trivilizes combat and it's because the combat is the same routine over and over of what I mentioned. On top of that if you play in VR, you can use gimbals and rockets that thanks to headtracking have 220° aimbot quality.. You can also target subsystems in EVE, so I don't get the argument at all. Both games are good and have different niches to appeal to, I don't know why it upsets you so much.