Western vs Eastern Black girl design

I'ts hoenstly insulting at this point, what happened to the west and what went so right in Japan when it comes to gaming?

Attached: Jap vs West.png (1256x1068, 1.57M)

Other urls found in this thread:


She's not black.

She's not black she's Indian/Asian

retard alert


she's not black fuck off fucking SJW

>why are apples and oranges so different??

black people so often have long straight blue hair

Overwatch does black women well too...............oh wait shes Mexican

Fuck off with this thread

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How ironic

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nessa is pretty racist considering pokemon's track record of African-American Females having exposed tummies and stereotypical jewelery

japan is hit or miss

But they've been hitting as of late

Attached: download.jpg (637x358, 59K)

>Water type
I ain't paying 3.50 to challenge this bitch to a battle.

that pic is the definition of COPE, who makes these. Also see

>No Afro hair like Lenora
>Thin lips
>Thin nose
>Caucasoid skull shape
>Straight hair
>BLUE eyes

Do niggers honestly believe that they look like Nessa?

Like how blind and retarded can they be?

Nessa is water gym leader. They're all slutty.

esp the men.

Post a single miss.

>it's another white incel who thinks all anime characters are white
Oh boy, here we go again.

>what happened to the west

Nothing? It was always like this.

I guess they never miss

>Squids are now niggers

I knew blacks were animals but still

>definition of cope

Says the nigger who thinks blue eyes and straight hair are traits all niggers have.

Thanks for the laugh

>caucasoid is same as white

Typical nigger

She looks caucasoid as in Indian/Middle eastern

Keep living in denial nigger

Black people have it really shitty with their hair. It's either shave it, shape it into geometry, or have an afro. Imagine straightening that shit every fucking day

I always found it fucking bizarre how Western devs, in their attempt to be anti-racist, end up creating caricatures that are just as racist as 40's era depictions.

Anyone have that Wolfenstein picture where one of the characters looks exactly like little black sambo? With the white dress, red lips, and everything? This was made by a 'woke' company.

yikes, sexualization of women IS a bad thing no matter how you spin it manchild

have sex

She's Asian*
*"Indian" as yanks say

>implying they don't just wear weaves

We've discussed about this off-topic shit for the millionth time, fuck off.

I didn't like Oonga Boonga alt costume for gameplay

Was serviceable for fapping

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Yeah I know, but complaining about black people looking the same because of their hair is kind of ridiculous

post water trainers

Attached: Omega_Ruby_Alpha_Sapphire_Matt.png (317x462, 120K)

It does not matter to me in what form the choco comes, so long as I can have more of it user.

Attached: desk.png (242x240, 38K)

>Says the nigger who thinks blue eyes and straight hair are traits all niggers have.
*stares you down with piercing blue eyes*

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-17 black blue eyes - Sök på Google.png (509x588, 707K)

She's an octopus, user...

Attached: file.png (1402x1841, 3.73M)

Reminder that pajeets are niggers now. They're visually indistinguishable because they're the same race.

Wise words.
Now stop hitting the desk.

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god damn it

Literally every Nessa thread, grow the fuck up

Indians are literally Aryans
Almost every philosophical idea that Germans and French people masturbate over inventing was discovered in India over 2000 years ago
Indian Brahmins have the highest average IQ in the WORLD
You are just jealous, as are all poo in loo memers


Attached: 1546280723788.png (1000x1000, 1.14M)

Literally making shit up
3D is PD, who the fuck cares

Oh yeah, because blue eyes totally are an indian trait. Go worship a cow

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Indians are all balding manlets that reek. No one takes you seriously

They stopped forcing Caucasian-determined "attractive" hair styles on WoCs.
Meanwhile, Ninty took a generic anime girl stencil, and give her WoC coloring.

Isn't the character designer for the new Pokemon a white guy from England?

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>in 2019
>still so insecure getting boner to delicious browns


This Yea Forums. I ain't gonna explain shit.

>everything with dark skin is black
the desperation

>t.nigger, beta happa or trannie


not black, she's obv oriental

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The principle difference is that Japanese black women tend to either be drawn literally the same as white/asian characters but with dark skin, or otherwise be based upon Northeast Africans such as Ethiopians which have a much more 'white' facial structure, while Western developers tend to model their black women on the full-blown negroids of West Africa where all the slaves came from. Couple that with the Japanese tendency to abstract things for cuteness' sake and the Western tendency to strive for realism and you end up with a pretty stark divide.

that's a Manjula

>Mongrel Sub-saharan black features
>Caucasoid features
Jeez I wonder which is better

Yeah, the alarm just got triggered at the moment you entered the thread

>Post nog with nappy hair, wide nose and negroid skull shape


Niggers are too LOW IQ realize their own hypocrisy

>all dark skinned people must be negroids


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Attached: Nessa.webm (1920x1080, 1.91M)

this but unironically

>western games
>nigs are fugly like they actually are in real life
>eastern games
>nigs given unrealistic non-nig features to make them less fugly

>all these people who think dark skin = black

So you think Connie from Steven Universe is black? If Nessa had African hair or African lips or African nose or ANY African features aside from dark skin maybe you'd have something but as it is you guys are clueless.

And this is speaking as someone who fucking hates Indians.

>Connie from Steven Universe is black?
Some kind of Zoomer show? Well looks black too me

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-17 Connie from Steven Universe is black - Sök på Google.png (1566x390, 369K)

Water type? But blacks cant swim.


why are westerners so fucking disgusting?


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Japan does it to make the character appealing
The West does it for SJW Brownie points

Remember that time Apu married a black chick?

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Anyone else mad about how waifufags are distracting everyone from the fact that Sword and Shield are looking like super bad games?

Jap cares about gameplay and design, west is all about politics.

>A poo
No shit he's not black it's right there in his name

She's definitely based of of Indians, no black looks that good

We are talk about the same people who think they are descendants of Egyptian royalty.

she has dark skin with caucasian face shape

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>shrimp dick genes

Was "delicious brown" a mistake? It's almost entirely being used for fanatics and their unwanted agenda pushing. Cringe.

>caring about race
Stop making these threads


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What's wrong with top right? She looks hot as fuck.

She has an afro so she's "woke" and therefore not /pol/ approved.

>Can swim

There's a difference between delicious brown and full blown negress.

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Connie has a big pajeet nose and her skin is not as dark, bad conparassion

All western pigs are racist. SJW pandering doesn't hide it

Nog nose

How many times do we have to go over this?
The girl from Beyond Good and Evil 2 is actually cute and doesn't deserve to be compared to the other 3

Its fucking pokemon, retard, they're all going to have cookie-cutter anime designs


Indians looks like fucking orcs from lord of the rings. Shit colored skin and tar black noses, lips and eyes.

>what happened to the west

They have a massive realism boner, yet somehow love to get stuck in stereotypes. The job of a character designer is to make a character appealing to the public based on the role it will have in a story, but western designers are incapable of have a little bit of suspension of disbelief when it comes to create a character for a FICTIONAL scenario.

>"Ok, we need now a [role] character, I feel like making a dark/brown skinned one"
>"Let's look at examples for reference"
>"Oh, all of these brown skinned characters have big lips, big afros and have a sassy attitude with a southern accent."
>"I know now what I'll do, I'll make a big lips, big afro sassy brown woman with a southern accent."
>"Aren't I original?"

For god's sake, at least give her straight or short hair I don't even fucking know. Look at the OP pic, the first two even use the same ring earrings.

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You have no fucking idea what delicious brown means, you filthy newfag.

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>westerners portray negreses as ugly as they are IRL
>gooks never met a negress so they think they are cute or something

>make white character
>turn the skin brown
The minute the nose gets bigger, the character gets uglier

This character doesn't exist in reality. Brown skinned people of the world are fucking ugly. Anime remove the nose for a reason

>Can swim

Attached: 34c.jpg (328x281, 27K)

>Southern accent
Is it actually southern or is it just light ebonics you can actually understand?

wite bois btfo

The girl from beyond good and evil is cute

those places don't even exist in Pokemon world

Neither does Africa

Most of the girls in the top look fine. The only ugly one is the one from Wolfenstein II. The problem is why they think black women have one form of hairstyle.

Are you saying they arent black? are you blind nigga?

You should ask that same question about Japanese women

Because unless it's time for disco funk they basically only have 3 styles. Weave, shave, afro

Actually! Continents in the Pokeworld are apparently the same and all the regions are based on real cities, states and countries, since RBY mentions that Mew was found in South America. Granted, that surely happened before they new Pokemon would become this popular so they might have dropped it entirely a few generations ago.

On the other side, who fucking cares from where is she other than race-obsessed mutts?

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>All of them either have big noses big lips or Nappy hair (either of these 3)
>Mauritian girl is a fucking Indian
>Morrocan is part Arab and probably looks down on full blooded niggers like yourself

Fucking lol Tyrone

Haven’t you learned your lesson on /vp/? You’re getting really REALLY desperate now

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>Dex entry literally mentions Indian elephants

Keep coping Laqueesha

you mean photo realistic versus anime, nothing to do with region of origin

>The problem is why they think black women have one form of hairstyle.
They don't, it's just the easiest to design and is least likely to trigger the SJWs that cry about cultural appropriation.

>Mauritian girl is a fucking Indian
That girl is obviously mixed race you tard. Probably the result of having ancestors that race mixed with french settlers

America makes black people look like black people

Japan makes black people anime and not black

People want fake black

They tried to give Jacqui Briggs some unique hairstyles ; Her default is OK - I'm not the biggest fan of the hair in her sexier costume , they just couldn't get the model to work out. The concept art was great though.

On an unrelated. Or i guess more related note, It's kind of strange that some of you are really willing to die on this hill of "She's not Black!!!"

unironically have sex

>caucasoid skull shape
Not even true. She has an asian face.

Attached: Pokemon Nessa 2.jpg (1876x1060, 362K)

Drink Pepsi

>caucasoid skull shape

> black fragility




Do afros resonate well with test audiences or something, it seems like any time there's a black woman character she has an afro, never straight hair or locks or anything

>can swim

Attached: gutz.jpg (307x164, 15K)

well they are fruits so technically they are not so different


She's black
Stay mad, loofag

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Paki boy is right though.

But that’s wrong race has never been specified in the Pokémon series so it all pointless and retarded to apply real world genetics in a world of fiction such as Pokémon
Not to mention the laziness of game freak and the aesthetics of anime in general giving less definition in racial traits aside from skin tones

The devs quite literally said the region is based off the UK, assuming Paki matches pretty well. You do have blacks in the Pokemon games that are obviously black but in this case its most likely a Paki or Indian woman.

BGE afro girl is super cute

>black girl
>Western black people
based on reality, most likely human history
>Japanese black people
fantasy race from a different world, no roots in human history

>whenever someone isn't pale white they're always claimed by blacks as black
I thought hispanics outnumbered you guys in the US, what gives? I never see any other race of people do this except when in response to said black people doing it and I don't get why

there's a sizeable black population in UK to rival Indian and Pakistani communities

Are you sure about that?

Attached: are you sure about that.png (555x617, 22K)

Isn't she supposed to be a gypsy, like that girl from the hunchback movie

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western devs do it for diversity points because otherwise, they don't find black women appealing
japanese devs, who make less generic games, are more open minded and some times inspired by western related media, so they can be more creative and make black waifu's even with a certain stereotype or two
name one time a western dev added a black girl because he jacks off to ebony porn and not because of sjw seal of approval

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Here's the problem with this argument. I think both sides this discussion are kind of stupid because there really isn't anything about the character that we can use to logically discern anything about their ethnicity, but both sides of this argument will argue to the death the supposed obvious nature of their interpretation. I don't think that she's black or Indian with enough confidence to say that she is either.

>Thin Nose
Not an argument. Black characters like Lenora, Marshal and Grant all have thin noses. That's how the noses on Pokemon characters are done.
>Caucasoid Skull
Pokemon characters do not have racially specific skull types. Hell anime characters in general don't have them. Compare the white and Asian character's skulls. Same drawing, different IRL skull classifications and obvious visual differences.
>Natural Straight Hair
This is an unverified point.
>Indian Skin Tone
True, but I wouldn't call it an Indian skin tone. It's just a dark brown color. Many ethnic groups can have this tone.
>Indian Jewelry
This I can kinda give you, but the other side of this argument could just point out that hoop earrings tend to be a black signifier as well, and that waist jewelry is popular in Africa as well. The reason I'm giving you this is because those appear to be hip chains and not waist beads. The rest of the jewelry is completely irrelevant or doesn't support your point.
>Can Swim
Nice meme. Although I guess that rates of black swimming ability are lower than that of the other races by anywhere from 10-20 percent.
>Likely to be Indian because UK region
Here's a study from 2011 that shows that Blacks take up 3.0 percentage of the population of the UK while Indians comprise just a little over 2.0. I can see why this can be a point to suggest that she COULD be Indian but it doesn't defeat the opposition's point.

Stop talking about this. She's just a brown anime, enjoy her for what she is.

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>Arguing over pointless shit instead of enjoying the delicious brown waifus
Why are wh*toids like this?

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the nigger salt is strong

Isn’t Nessa Desi? Though I’d imagine the difference is that Japs don’t feel any obligation to include minorities for righting some perceived historical wrong, but rather for something exotic that they feel will play well with their fans.

It’s like casting Princess Jasmine vs. some fat chick in a Burka spouting platitudes as a Middle Eastern representative in a cartoon.

Here's the stats. Field was too long so I cut it. ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/census/2011-census/key-statistics-and-quick-statistics-for-local-authorities-in-the-united-kingdom---part-1/rft-ks201uk.xls It's not a study or anything actually.
Polite sage as well.

>Here's a study from 2011 that shows that Blacks take up 3.0 percentage of the population of the UK while Indians comprise just a little over 2.0. I can see why this can be a point to suggest that she COULD be Indian but it doesn't defeat the opposition's point.
I literally just posted the 2011 census of the UK here , it says Indians and Pakis are a bigger population percentage of the UK than the black community.

>only congoids are black

Attached: she's not real black!!!!!!.webm (640x640, 328K)

But, user how else will i stick it to those SJW?!

This is true, but I'm comparing the sum of the black percentage versus just Indians. If you want to include Pakistani people in there then yeah.
You don't. This is a pointless and cringeworthy culture war that I'm pretty sure people are spamming to bait people.

>what happened to the west
>what went so right in Japan when it comes to gaming
They don't care and don't go for """realism""".(read: ugly people in video games so the landwhales don't pop a vein)

Pakistan is literally just Islamic India, im not even kidding. The whole creation of Pakistan was because all the Muslims wanted a Muslim state and broke off of India.


So, blacks?

Stereotypical afros
White girls with dark skin

Nobody does it right.

Attached: yuke.jpg (223x215, 45K)

Everything Japan does is just better

Attached: japanese diversity.jpg (1344x1300, 372K)

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That and mentioning the Moon landing were probably just to let people know that Pokemon takes place in an alternate universe and aren't relevant once people know that.

Or it takes place in the future and present day locations don't exist anymore.


Indian girls look like gypsies

Why do westerns try so hard to do realistic?Im not a fan of JRPGs but they tend to have style better made.

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I bet Yea Forums would call this black too

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That's a mutt tho

It was such a respectful nod to their rich and proud African culture. Americans are so inherently flawed in their political correctness as they see tribal outfits as "racist" and "problematic". A lot of outside of America (and native to America too) are actually really proud of their own culture and the inherent notion that it "looks racist" simply means that the political correct observer looks DOWN on that cultural heritage, simply because its more primitive.

Attached: sheva2.jpg (1280x720, 146K)

No, she's Egyptian. They weren't black.

Attached: 9280221e60da32356cfadc17c35136b4[1].jpg (750x930, 122K)

Now post her feet


>east vs west thread
>literally the same chicks from the same mainstreams every time, because those are the only types of western games that exist

That's Gangouro.
Spray tanned asian women aren't black

And as for all the women with afro's....as a black dude i approve. Black women straightening their hair to mimic European women turn me off. If a black women maintains her hair without damaging it, an afro is the result

Japan and the U.S (or the west in general actually) have different opinions about the purpose of media. We like our media in the west to do some perceived social good, and speak truth to power. it wants to be meaningful. Eastern media tends to be concerned with pleasure and idealism. I'd prefer some mixture of the two (and often times the best games will be) but at the moment its very polarized. Pretty much all media is bound to contain some of the authors political biases and culture no matter how small and insignificant. I kind of miss when western video games were less popular and fucked around more. Not everything needs some deep political reason to exist or not exist.

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Squids cannot have a human race. You could make the argument that she is meant to signal black I suppose? It's not very compelling though. Anyone saying that she has a human race is just fucking about.

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Please don't think African-Americans are the only black people. They are an insult to the race.

its just a kids game i dont think they give a fuck what color she is

This. Women are not for sex.

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Lol no Pokémon in the West is not for kids. They know EXACTLY what they're doing.

Top right > Everything else

Nobody wants to acknowledge that Japanese games are the only media in gaming not affected in some way by Jewish influence. There is absolutely no jewish presence or influence in Japan, this is why they make things like black females look normal instead of cartoonish western caricatures that all seem to be uniformly identical for some (((mysterious))) reason that totally has nothing to do with racemixing.


This is the only correct answer

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Disgusting face


Attached: Pokemon Nessa 3.jpg (1200x690, 92K)

>a miss
You are out of your fuking mind.

>Showing models
>Models come from everywhere

that advanced suit and the weapons were given by white atlantians who can breathe and underwater and has superhuman strength although I do admit the nigger modified the suit a bit for his personal taste but none the less it was given
so seeth harder you stupid nigger

It's a fucking anime character you god damn retard of course she's gonna have the same looking face
It's why they even put that make up on her, to make her stand out despite using the same old face.
She's black but anime, and that's a ok

Attached: nessa cute.jpg (980x1200, 194K)

>can swim

Attached: 1559466636664.jpg (517x718, 87K)

Looks black to me boss

Attached: D89HBJ3XYAAraAC.jpg (1200x1200, 195K)

>mfw "black girls" in japanese games and anime are actually just tanned okinawans or south-east asians

Attached: 1483035553456.jpg (481x439, 17K)

Nigger wished they're half as attractive as her.

>Terran nationalities in fantasy world
Damn Americans getting everything wrong about fictional geography and history as well.

Egyptian women use waist belts too you fucking tard. And guess what everything else in there fits for them too.

She is a fucking brown/dark skinned pokemon girl that's all that matters. Fucking white people

Eh there are exceptions. But generally, yes.

Attached: raudha-athif2-960x540.jpg (960x540, 39K)

You need to post characters that are actually unambiguously meant to be of Sub-Saharan African descent like Elena and Sheva. Rurina/Nessa doesn't exist in a world where Africa is a thing so its difficult to tell just based on her skin color.

Okinawans don't fucking look that dark. You people are retarded. Pokemon also isn't Japan.

Where the FUCK is Beyond Good and Evil 2. Ahhhhh

Here's a super easy way to tell if a character is black or not, for those struggling.

Is the character cute and or attractive?
Yes = Not black


Attached: Enraged.jpg (700x700, 68K)


The one from Wolfenstein looks like she's from Birth of a Nation or some shit. Every clip I've seen it looks like she's about to snap and go ballistic on everyone else in the room.

Kill yourself whitey

Ignore them.

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I'm not white, I just know ugly when I see it


>anime girl versus human
wow fair comparison

She's clearly mulatto like webm related. Yea Forums is retarded

Attached: Svartpaj ler.webm (480x480, 1.53M)

As if the nips doing the coloring give a shit. Most of their "brown girls" are close to home.

And at best, the darkest ones are indians and middle easterners. Niggers are still ultra rare.

I've legit had complaints about white genocide before when people see me with my mexican wife.

Like jesus, try grounding yourself in reality for once.

Also, Nessa is totally black, but Japanese art is simply better than the west. They don't need realism.

Attached: jeong.gif (245x370, 1023K)

Mexicans are pretty much white.

My mate has a mexican wife, his son is ginger and whiter than him.

She's cute dude, no way she's black

Nessa is clearly not black. She's either mediterranean or indian.

>there are people in this thread who think this is black

any shader darker than virgin snow is black....

Attached: lilo.0.jpg (1200x800, 87K)

In the end, even legitimate "white" people (whatever that means), will fight amongst each other for who is the most white and "aryan". They are the exact and complete opposite of the globalists/kikes/SJWs.

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the buzzword is definition of downvote

But she doesn't have a red dot in her forehead.

I don't know who's more retarded the people calling her black/indian or the people calling her white.

The people.