Ask a man who just sold his switch to get a PS4 pro in time for FF7 anything. If Nintendo wants me to come back when they release their next console they better step their exclusive games up from just mario, zelda, mario,zelda kirby etc.
Ask a man who just sold his switch to get a PS4 pro in time for FF7 anything...
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Nobody gives a fuck.
How is the hormone replacement therapy going?
I have never understood the point of selling a console that cost $200-300 if there was ever the option of buying it again in the future but weird flex, ok.
>Better step up
>Pretending like Zelda, Mario and Smash aren't already well above every industry standard out there
FF7 remake isnt even exclusive, lmao. Also I'm guessing you're not interested in actual exclusives like DaemonXMachina, Astral Chain, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, Luigi's Mansion, No More Heroes 3, etc?
>sold a console for a multiplat
>Buys console
>Gets rid of console
>Buys console again
Are you fucking retarded?
How poor are you that you need to sell one system just to buy a different one?