What do you think of VR?

What do you think of VR?

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i think it great

u shood try it

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does good affordable vr even exist yet
and i dont mean those shitty cardboard things i mean something thats actually quality and doesnt cost $600

No good games.

fnaf vr is spookiest game I've played
jet island is game with best movement system
skyrim vr is vr game with most content, I never played skyrim before so that worked out great
pavlov is best multiplayer game
I'm happy with my vive

>does good affordable vr even exist yet
there is desktop VR for less than 200us

I think I want the fucking index NOW

a fad that is already: over

Look for the lenovo or acer wmr ones, they are cheap as fuck.

I got the acer One for $150 and works great.

every time i play it i get more tired of it

Still no VR anime porn/datingsim that doesn't take an ungodly amount of effort to set up.

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VR is a gimmicky fad.

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Pretty good but it's not the second coming of christ.

It's going to be as divisive as console x pc gaming. Some people will absolutely hate it and others will only play it (or primarily play it).

It's funny how the really simple stuff is the most addictive part. Beat Saber and Pavlov are extremely popular but very low effort titles.

>People still trying to say it's a fad or dead despite it actually growing

It's because VR is somewhat removed from traditional vidya, you drop your pretensions and go full phone game retard at the drop of a hat
You were always one of them, just wait til VR gets gacha

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I've tried it and i want in.

I'm on the wait list for the valve index and i wanna give them my money, but i'm still waiting for an email to be allowed to buy it!!!

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Get to the back of the line nigger, me first

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I had a Rift for about six months.

Honestly I miss it. Used it for vr porn, and Bigscreen. Those two alone made it worth it. Bigscreen could be hilariously fun.

One time had an Iraqi war vet telling me about how his platoon found a Arab fucking a goat and his partner wanted to report it and save the goat but he was like no man that's not our mission just leave it alone.

Had me rolling.

Also miss the porn. But bigscreen, even when using it by yourself is soo worth it.

Thats what they said about the first video games.

dumb gimmick with laughable 20 minute games

I love it. It's my favorite upcoming tech.

My Lenovo Explorer gets more use than any other piece of hardware I own

They also said that about 3DTVs.

*renders the Rift S irrelevant*

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>very limited space to store limited number of games

>Goat fucker
>Had me rolling

You should go to Alabama. You'd find that place hilarious.

The Cosmos is a PC headset. What do you think you are talking about

I can play ping pong in real life, pong is retarded video games are a meme

i've never heard of this. Is that like Android's sequel to HTC vive?

While Valve is doing index?

It's basically the Rift S of the Vive.

Only this one is actually making a noticably resolution increase among other things

What's best? Index or this?
I was valve all the way, but if the alternative is better i ain't sticking with it

I think it's fucking confusing that's what.
I could search information about how to set it up, what specs i need, which one to buy and where or what i can even do with one of these but when i see in the threads the kind of games i'll be able to play it doesn't look worth the hassle i mean i have obviously better games that i can play right now. None of them are in 3D for sure but gameplay wise they're much more interesting that these VR games about grabbing things or pushing buttons, cranking levers, shooting dudes in an arena and generally flail your hands around going wow so real.
I have better games but really interested in the porn, i've looked that up. Apparently i need to get into virt-a-mate that's the one i want. Anons have said it's a pain in the ass to set up and make animations for, i don't want to fiddle with my fucking files. Is it behind a patreon paywall?

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>fell for the WMR meme
>this god damn terrible tracking

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The cosmos doesn't have a ton of info about it yet, so it's hard to say

More than likely the Index though since that has knuckles and will PROBABLY have a higher resolution.
It's also definitely going to be more expensive though.

Vive has always been the premium VR offering. Not to mention it's by HTC, a proven electronics manufacturer. I wouldn't trust a software company Valve to manufacture shit.

>Have a Lenovo
>Zero problems with the tracking

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While their service is absolute dogshit. That's why Valve actually makes their own headsets now.

>criticizes customer service
>lists that as a pro for valve

are you fucking shitting?

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Unless you value the ease of use a markerless inside-out has over everything else the Index has, go with the index. Also HTC has notoriously shitty support.

The index also doesn't have inside out tracking, which may or may not be your cup of tea

>lists that as a pro for Valve

I never did, though?
All I'm saying is Valve doesn't want to support HTC devices anymore since their service is shit.

>Company known for good customer service

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The lighthouse system is literally inside out.

If you think that's the reason Valve is going into the market you are literally retarded.

It's inside-out tracking, we don't know much else about it because HTC is being mysterious despite this being announced before Index and Rift S. HTC has so far coasted on being Valve's chosen and being notFacebook, they're not a good company and their free ride is over.

You get what you pay for. At least the screens are nice.

Brainlet post

Index seems to be the right steps for VR, the controller are mindblowing still can't believe we have the tech for this to be kind of accessible
also i'm waiting for it to drop to 500$

What? How so? Isn't insid out having the tracking tech within the headset itself, tracking the controllers with no lighthouses?

Oculus Rift S is pretty good mid range VR. Does the same shit and is near the same quality as the expensive shit, It's $400.

It has enough good games that it's worth getting.

I've gotta disagree with the fad part. Fad implies it even achieved some sort of temporary, ephemeral popularity, which it didn't. It's a complete and utter flop. People actually learned from Kinect, motion controls, 3d, and all the other gimmicks the industry has tried to shove down our throats, and they aren't having this one. All VR headset sales this gen combined still adds up to less than the number of Wii U sold. It's THAT bad.

Valve shills strong in this thread. Also samefag spotted

As someone who owns both, there is Zero reason why you should buy a rift S over a WMR.
The extra inside out cameras don't make a big enough difference to justify spending another 300 bucks. Especially considering you are sacrificing resolution too

>tfw had VR for a few months
>didn't play much because I realize I didn't have a lot of room space
>finally moved furniture around and can play more freely
>still scared to stretch out my arms by fear of hitting something and can't be immersed
Any new decent games recently?

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It's fun, but not quite there yet. Some of the most fun I've ever had with vidya was playing superhot with some friends all night. I don't think I'll ever be all in on vr. Vr seems more limiting than regular vidya. In traditional button vidya you can get much more abstract, with buttons not necessarily relating to human movement or anatomy at all. In vr the games are fundamentally tied to the human body. So this would be great for simulators, fps, rpgs but incompatible with strategy games and some other games with larger scope. One person's point of view is more limiting than a panned out perspective that vidya can offer.

You should offer a counterpoint so that all of us watching from the sideline can get some information on deciding which one is best.


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Have sex.

The headset itself has photosensors that detect the LED flashes and lasers from the Lighhouses and the headset tracks it's position that way. The "camera" is on the headset essentially.

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My Index better arrive on June 28.

So basically your whole argument is based on a "UM ACHUALLY" technicality. If someone refers to inside out tracking, they probably mean not requiring lighthouses. Who fucking cares.

Have you ever owned a VR headset?

How would you know its so bad if youve never done it, no?

You lack imagination, who said VR has to be first person? That's shortsighted what about a spaceship RTS where you move units in 3D space?

but the headset doesn't track the controllers.

Still right tho

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No, but the controllers do the same thing that the headset does.

that's not inside out though

Why are you responding to a retard, do you have in-depth debates about video games with people who played Mario Party one time at a friend's house?

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Shut the fuck up. You remind me of those autists in highschool who desprately feel the need to make sure everybody knows frankenstein is the scientist, not the monster. It's annoying and makes people not like you.

It is, because Outside-in uses cameras that are separate from the headset to track the headset and controllers.

I think it's pretty great, but I wish we'd get some games with a larger scope. I'd kill to play some huge, in-depth RPG with VR mechanics where I get to go on a long adventure with a party of well-designed companions while having to learn how to swing and use weapons directly and doing fuck knows what in order to cast spells.

> How would you know Apple's $999 monitor stand is a scam without buying it? Just try it man, you may like it
Some things are such obvious ripoff one doesn't even need to try them to tell what a joke they are.

the lighthouses are the cameras

Too many solo / indie projects, not enough real shit.

Thinking about getting the Oculus Quest because I'm too shit to get a decent PC and it runs without one

Anyone have any reviews?

>What do you think of VR?
With the amount of AGP and trannies I see on here, I'm shocked there's no VR simulator where you play as a twitch girl, acquiring money before spending it on surgery, your room, PC, etc

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Yes i do i browse Yea Forums daily.

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They are literally just light emitters. There's a reason why you need rift trackers plugged into the computer, but lighthouses just need a power source.

So what's your point?

meme gimmick thats already dead

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Already said it.

This, it's also why they're so inexpensive to make fuck you valve


These are the best VR reviewers on YouTube

its both genius and haunting you've come up with this idea user

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ok and?

I am very disappointed by the extremely low quantity of giantess porn for VR



Be the change you want to be in the world
Rake in those sweet Patreonbux

after spending most the day yesterday playing VR I really do hope we see more software get released. Like it or not fatties, its the future.

Wait a minute... like you would play AS the twitch girl?

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Clocked in 11 hours in H3 this week
Starting to want to purchase a M1 Garand irl

Clearly the killer app for VR isa Monster Girls VR game

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idk. wasn't interested in it but i bought an index kit with market place steambux. just waiting for it to ship.

vrbros, top 3 vr games?

How do people spend so much time playing h3? I always get bored after the first hour and it never feels like there's any significant content

The expense is the mechanical part for moving the lights, precisely. But yeah, way too expensive. And fuck Valve for pricing them so crazy high.


Not him but I live in commiefornia shithole where I can't even get a hold of most those firearms irl so at least I can use them virtually :/

Remember the part where you tag the poster?

Its not for everyone, if the act of shooting and reloading alone isn't enjoyable it's not for you

Pavlov VR
Blade And Sorcery
Skyrim VR
Tilt Brush
Hot Dogs, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades
VRchat for shitposting with friends

Gimmick, PSVR is one of the shittiest VR machines yet it probably has some of the best single player VR games exclusives. There's no market for making big games outside of arcadey/tech demo shit yet

yeah no shit it felt like a gimmick, if you use VR in a console or phone no shit you'll be disappointed

FNAF VR might just be the most horrifying thing I have ever experienced

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It doesn't help that buying used is more risky compared to most consumer electronics. There's a lot that can go wrong with the HMDs, controllers, cables and in the case of HTC, you can't send it anywhere to get fixed if you don't have it under warranty.

do want
expensive as fuck tho

I'd probably give it a shot, but it's no killer app.