Is this an rpg?

Is this an rpg?

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Yes but a shit one

It’s an RPG to end all RPGs.

not anymore

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Still clinging to that shit from 6 years ago. Can you link an article of them saying that all of these classes will be playable?

devs say yes in every interview sometimes unprompted
so its designed this way at least
the daily narrative shitters like can fuck right off
tomorrow it will be a different smear campaign


not implementing mechanics =/= removing mechanics
i sure was looking forward to playing as a guy living and working outside night city in a game about night city for an instance

Lol no

Probably about as much as Human Revolution and Mankind Divided were.

We don't know yet

>not implementing mechanics =/= removing mechanics

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>thinking that not implementing mechanics = removing mechanics

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If they included every fucking thing from the pnp game then the game would never be finished.
Do you also think that every single D&D game adaption also removed mechanics because all the elements from rulebooks are not in?

According to the devs its not an RPG, straight from the horses mouth.

Shills can fuck off

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In the sense that you'll be role-playing in the role that CDProjekt wants you to play, yes.

According to devs it is an RPG.

>Yes, its an RPG
>List stuff that isnt RPG related

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What is an RPG to you?

like what

It’s an RPG for normalfags

*Sips Drink*

>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077


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>character creation
>attribute allocation
>skill point allocation
>skill checks for dialog or environmental interaction
>dialog options for your upbringing choice
>all the gear has stats and bonuses

Role Playing Game. Yes it is. It have leveling system and you can choose face of your avatar.

It's as much of an RPG as witcher

which is to say fuck all

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>you can customize your character so its an RPG
>It has an story so its an RPG
Nobody considered Bioshock an RPG years back and that is what they described, an open world bioschock.

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>Have ridiculous expectations not possible on current hardware unless you want Stone Age graphics
>Get disappointed when a game released in current year has current year capabilities
>Call the company a bunch of hacks over things they never actually said
Kill yourselves. All of you. You behave like children, constantly searching for something to be mad about, so you can whine and complain and bitch and moan. No one’s ever going to hear you.

Zoomers, I swear to fucking God.

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Answer the fucking question, what makes a game an RPG to you? Or can you do nothing expect post the worst Yuru Yuri girl?


More like Deus Ex HR, down to also have kinda lame shooting.

holy shit im so fucking done with you fuckers
you actually fell for RPS bait and just rolled with it. you would belive anything and everything just so that you can stick it up to the man, opressing you by releasing fucking video games
you retards just cants stop raving about every little retarded shit nugget that the media gives you and you just lose your collective marbles over it every time
lets sum up what you retards are bitching about :
1 downgrades that you never saw and were such a fucking non issue for W3 holy fuck
2 some retard claiming that there will be trannies and providing zero (0) proof/ getting no response from CDPR
3 the existance of a fucking shock factor commercial in a cyberpunk dystopia
4 the change of a twitter handle from RPG to action game (action rpgs exist) despite devs claiming that it is a arpg in every sentence of recent interviews
5 no gameplay at E3 despite 40min of fotage existing and devs explaining exactly why they didnt have hands on gameplay. if there was gameplay you would just say that its fake or shit and call it a day anyway
6 having an ACTOR play A ROLE in a videogame because that never happened before
7 bitching about the fact that there is a main character. this one baffles me the most, as in was there ever a video game where you just played as whoever you wanted to play as ? if there is a dialogue choice then you are constrained within it. as always provide one (1) game and you win.
what else ? did i fucking miss something ? did you notice a smear on the shirt one of presenters and got assblasted about politics that they clearly avoid like fire ? do you fuckers have nothing better to do than just bitching about a game that isnt out yet ? did one of the above really fuck you up so bad that you can stop shitposting ?
holy fuck im so goddamn tired of you retards
also feel free to pick one sentence from this post and dismiss everything else based on it, i know you want to

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no doubt this lil fanboy defended the massive witcher 3 downgrade

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>character creation
Call of Duty had that
>attribute allocation
Assassin creed had that
>skill point allocation
Assassin creed had that
>skill checks for dialog or environmental interaction
Wow, choices behind arbitrary numbers? Now thats what I call an RPG!
>dialog options for your upbringing choice
Assassin creed had that
>all the gear has stats and bonuses
Assassin creed had that

Theyre called RPG elements, not an RPG

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No doubt this little faggot didn't play GOTY Witcher 3.

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shit animu bait at least we know its just one guy

go wash the taste of my dick out yo mouth

>skill checks
>character customization
>clothes customization
>cybernetics customization
>branching questlines
>dialogue options
If it's not an rpg then I don't know what is desu. Why is Yea Forums so retarded? That's like saying Deus Ex is not an rpg.

The ability of freely play character I created character in a way I want. Not to be restricted into scripted narrative, character creation, endings, plot or playstyle. That is something Cyberpunk 2077 lacks.

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There's a fuckton of seething ruski retards right now in this thread.

Has there been an RPG that you would actually call an RPG in last decade or so?


Not a single fucking AC lets you put points into attributes, and putting points into generic skill trees is nothing like putting points into what you want like Deus Ex, Vampires Bloodlines, and actual WRPGs. Cyberpunk is already confirmed to have a setup like this

Attached: deusex.png (644x422, 299K)

Deus Ex wasnt an rpg you retarded zoomer. When it came out we called it an action adventure on an FPS with RPG elements.

Its you newfags who have started calling everything with stats or an story an RPG

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New Vegas also had all that. Guess it means it's no longer an rpg. Thanks for clarifying.

I'm sincerely sorry that you can not be part of Trauma Team as a dickgirl loli.

Some obsessed discord tranny is trying to remove all discussion about this game from this site for some reason.

Yep, Vegas was not an true RPG. It was released on consoles after all

So Morrowind is not an rpg? Planescape?
What about Japanese games? Is Dark Souls not an rpg? Final Fantasy?
This has got to be bait.

>ITT: RPGs as a genre do not and have never existed

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Name 10 rpgs

only good post in this thread

Skyrim VR
Skyrim Special Edition
Skyrim Switch
Skyrim Blades
Fallout 4
Fallout 76
Fallout 76
Fallout 76 Nuclear Winter

true dat

bing bing wahooo remember to ignore smug anime poster and dont give him (you)s thats what he wants

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Cyberpunk 2020
Dungeons and dragons 1st edition
Dungeons and dragons 1nd edition
Dungeons and dragons 3rd edition
Dungeons and dragons 3.5th edition
Dungeons and dragons 4th edition
Dungeons and dragons 5th edition
rogue trader 1st edition

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must be delusional to think they will include so many roles in todays triple A game with mordern graphics.
imagine the multiple outcomes/roles you have to deal with; animations, motion capture, outfits, voice acting, system mechanics, programming...etc
reason why Star citizen is still in dev hell and Space station 13 will always be in 2d

>Not to be restricted into scripted narrative, character creation, endings, plot or playstyle.

No game ever made fits that retarded description

what, does her work on the Witcher series not count anymore? do you actually need to go and have sex?

>open world
Why would they waste such a great premise on this garbage "feature"?

Its like RPG as a term is a spook made to sell shit to retards like you.

FFXIII is your favorite video game I bet.

>implying I play shitty weeb games
have sex


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recyled joke from 2005 kys.

>Is this an rpg?
this image is wrong since there are no classes and the system they are using is similar to GURPS/SPECIAL where there are no premade classes to limit you, unless you are one of the retards who would argue that Fallout is not an RPG

>"You can be one of the nomads as a player and you can start there, being part of a family of the Nomads,” Sasko explained. “You could call them a tribe that is living in cars and they’re just driving over Badlands. They’re doing various jobs for fixers, and for people in the city, and doing various deals"
The game has different starting positions

Nothing you ever do will count as sex anymore

Yeah but what if he literally has sex?

user, that's the point they want to bitch, they're doing it on purpose, some of them are gonna buy this shit regardless, some of them don't even give a fuck, but they want attention. They're gonna cling to any minute detail and squeeze the shit out of it, that's literally your Yea Forums now until the game comes out. They keep saying that they're not getting what was somehow promised to them, yet none of these fucks has linked anything substantial that would prove that those promises were, in fact, made.

Sex is defined as penis in vagina, not penis in fleshwound where penis used to be

>your Yea Forums now until the game comes out
And for years after it comes out too. TW3 still mskes people seethe.