So the only reason people don't like xbone is because it doesn't have bloodborne & persona?

So the only reason people don't like xbone is because it doesn't have bloodborne & persona?
>correct controller layout
>backwards compatible for anything that matters
>better blu ray player
>rare replay

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Thinking about buying one. Is the X worth it?

Can only speak for UK, but the 2nd hand market is very good for xbox in general

If you have a PC then no unless you want to be able to play MP games that die fast on PC like CoD.

>Correct controller layout
Objectively false.

Most games use twinstick and the R/L buttons more than the face buttons, and seeing as your hands are symmetrical it's simple logic that means that an asymmetrical stick layout is not superior.
Maybe if you play a LOT of games that use the face buttons as standard over the stick but I doubt it.

Halo 5 is still the best FPS released this gen

I've been on Yea Forums since 2006.

Then, I had just a PS2 and Dreamcast. In 2008, I got a Xbox 360. I used that thing so, so, so, so, so, so, so much (I was in high school and everyone had a 360 + XboxLive). I spent so much time on it. Literally nobody had a PS3. Even the weebs I knew played on 360 because the PS3 was expensive as fuck.

Around 2012, Yea Forums PCpilled me into thinking PC is great etc etc. So I built my own. And don't get me wrong, it is. I have a giant Steam library, have played some tremendous games in beautiful video quality, have a powerful rig, but I've come into truths with myself. It isn't fully for me. There's something greatly different then playing a game on an office chair vs on a comfy couch. I don't know.

Long story short. I bought an Xbox One S the other day and it's arriving tomorrow and I can't wait. I even went ahead and added 2 years of XBL Gold and the $1 Game Pass Ultimate upgrade. I'm ready to just chill out and play vidya and not bitch and whine and complain about the stupidest of shit on Yea Forums.

And yeah OP, if you don't care about JRPGs and the PS4 exclusives, then yeah it might be for you. I don't care much for them, yet I still have a PS4 which I bought because I wanted to try a console again. Needless to say, I wish I just bought a Xbox One instead years ago because I've got nothing to play on here. Plus, more accustomed to Xbox Controller.


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Someone oughta let this nigga know you can play pc from a couch and a table, lmao

>too stupid to move his PC and plug it into his TV

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not since ms killed media center lol

Not the same man. Grew up with consoles. I have a Steam Link, and the lag's very noticeable. Clunky UI, too.

That'd be a pain in the ass.

>house turns
>PC flies out the window


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I didn’t say you needed a Steam Link, user...

>picking something up and moving it is such a pain he'd rather spend $200
How weak are you holy shit you're funny user.

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12 year old detected, nobody cares if you break your mom's gateway laptop lol.

the X is only worth picking up when the next gen starts and the price drops as a BC machine/media center

A PC is not that hard to move, user...

I know nigga, but I'm not gonna run a long ass HDMI cord. With the setup I have, it's just way more convenient for a console. Plus, I have people at work that play on XB1 that I'd like to play with.

Fuck off you know damn well it depends on your situation

it's probably hard for him
I mean, imagine being user and having to pull out all those cables and remember what goes where
it's a fucking nightmare for him

which is best for piracy? in /hbg/ on vg I see only ps4 mentioned and even then it doesn't seem like it has great support

I think the point he's trying to drive home is how much of an annoyance shutting down your PC, unplugging everything, moving it to the TV (in my case, I'd have to move my shit downstairs), then wrapping everything up once that's done is so retarded.

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>>correct controller layout
>backwards compatible for anything that matters
I already own an xbox and a 360
>rare replay
I can emulate too

xbone has no actual games. at least ps4 has bloodborne

If you're a neet lounging around your mom's basement all day sure.

The xbone is only good for backwards compatibility.
Splinter cell chaos theory
Lost odyssey
Radiant silver gun
Shadows of the damned
The darkness
Panzer dragoon orta
Crimson skies
Blue dragon

Why would a NEET want to move his PC to his parents living room?

Because it has no games. There's a reason the PS4 won.

>rare replay
this is the only game on xbone?

so ps4 won as it has 3 games? your fucking retarded

Why would an adult waste his time?

>correct controller layout
but what about muh style switching in DMC

what games are you looking forward to playing on it?

I dunno user, what the fuck do you think you're doing right fucking now?
or you a literal fucking underage retard

But ps4 has the same fucking multiplats, if you had nothing to play there don't expect any different (except worse performance) froma fucking xbox one s.

Cope harder you frail little gimp

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> Suffering the latency of TVs
BASED retard

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If I just want a 4k blu ray player and something to play BC 360 games on should I get an S or X?

Genuinely considering getting one off craigslist or whatever for 100 bucks just for Rare Replay and virtually nothing else as far as I can tell
Someone talk me out of this

The reason people don't like Xbox it's because it doesn't have a single good exclusive, it's one of the worst consoles of all time in that aspect. If you can play all of Microsoft's games elsewhere why would you buy an xbox.

The Ps4 does have actual exclusives you can debate the quality but they are only playable on the Ps4. Xbox shit the bed and now it’s a emulator box

if you still have your 360 don't bother
if you don't have your 360 and want the games to look better than grab an X
look through the lists of Xenhanced games to help you make this decision

>PS4 didn't won

Imagine being this deluded. Xbone was got btfo as hard as the original xbox compared to ps2.

Im in the same boat, it doesn't seem to insane to me. Just sell it a year later

I usually move mine to play split screen on emulators with people not to play quake.

having fun isn't a waste of time :)

I don't have an Xbox because my PC makes it superfluous and there are no exclusives I would want to play.

I do have an xbone controller though, its' bretty gud. Microsoft should get out of consoles and get into peripherals and VR.

Halo 5, Sunset Overdrive (ran like trash on my PC for some raisin), Forza, online cawadooty

It's not about the multiplats for me, it's about the online piece of it. Most people I know play online on Xbawks. Plus, I'm a casualfag who likes achievement points.

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>correct controller layout
See name

MS hasn't ever really recovered from the DRM, always on, price increasing accessory that nobody wanted but was necessary for it to even work BS. Had none of that happened I think it would have been a different story.
Unless you have a 4k t.v no. I'd say get the S.

and most powerful console :)

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the X enhanced games make 360 games look amazing
as close as you'll to playing the game on PC at least

Just because you've used dualshock for two generations, doesn't mean other layouts are not obviously superior

Its completely different experience using pc plugged into TV vs Xbox and you know it, also 2nd hand xbox will be like $200 compared to master race shit

Does X improve performance on 1080 tv for 360/One games?

I've used symmetric and asymmetric stick controllers since they've been around, senpai. Symmetric is superior on account of not having a piece of shit dpad.

Except I posited an argument for why the layout is obviously not ideal and you haven't done anything to refute it. Having your hands rest asymmetrically on the most common of input setups is obviously not ideal because your hands are symmetrical. If you want to argue that face buttons + stick is a more commonly used input method than dual stick resting position with face buttons being a deviation then go ahead but it's not for me and I doubt it is for many people because 3D is big right now and even 2D has veered more towards allowing you to use the second stick for inputs. The genres which use the face button resting position are simply not as popular, with plenty of popular action games utilising the stick now also.
If you're stating that optimal controller resting position for the left hand has your thumb positioned "up", while optimal resting position from your right hand arbitrarily has it facing "down", despite the fact that your hands are chiral then you have to have a reason for difference seeing as there is effectively no difference in your hands when holding a controller.
As I have said the only argument which could prove your claim really is that stick + face buttons are still the gold standard and that might be an argument you can hold out with, but it's not optimal for me anyways based on what I play so I don't care.

Honestly I think you've simply heard Yea Forums praising the layout in the past and are just repeating things without understanding them like a monkey.


What about the blu ray player. Is there any difference there between an S and X?

it's a blu ray player user

i think only x has ultra 4k blu ray support?

I agree, i've played titanfall 2, CoD, battlefield, this gen and none of those games has the variety and diversity of gameplay halo 5 has, it is just really fun

do you have a 4k tv?

Fuck off back to Discord so you can seethe there, Xtranny.

i don't think xchads would use discord

We're all on skype using minutes we farmed off of Bing rewards

I'm the guy who originally asked and yeah I do.
I asked because I heard there were a lot of differences in 4k abilities between the two.